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Nemesis (Creation Inc Series Book 6) by BJ Cunningham, Misty Clark (9)

Chapter 11


Reese ghosted back to the compound and locked herself inside her father's office, no, her office and used her magic to replace the wall that goddamn dragon had knocked down. Turning slowly, she put everything back to right, with the exception of the fireplace mantle. That should remain as it was, to mark the loss of a great man. Nodding her satisfaction, Reese felt more centered not that she had a plan of action, and being half lit wasn't hurting either.

Sinking into the leather office chair, she began pulling open drawers and going through each file slowly, entering the information into the computer that Ryker had brought her a few days ago. Ozzy had never been a fan of modern technology unless it could be weaponized. Computer viruses or spyware did not count in that category. Reese did not share that belief and having more information at hers or Rycker's fingertips was too necessary for her to ignore. Lives hung in the balance and their goal was simple. Save as many as possible.

When she finished with the few files in the desk, she moved to the first of the file cabinets that lined the half of the west wall that were not taken by bookshelves full of books. Feeling hungry, she flashed in a sandwich and a coke, taking absent bites and drinks as she typed.

He knew where Reese was the one place that her O.C.D would take her Ozzy's office. Blade ghosted in outside the office and knocked on the door. He knew she was in there. So if she clammed up he'd just use his key and go in. Course she might blow his head off coming through the door, but he had to try.

Reese rubbed her eyes and blinked at the monitor. She didn't know how Ry did this all day, every day. Lifting her bottle of Coke, she sipped and fixed a typo. Maybe there was a way to scan this shit in, instead of typing. She heard the knock and tapped the keyboard, pulling up the live feed from the camera over the door. Blade. She stared at him on the screen for a moment and then rolled the chair back, stood and went to the door to open it. She hated that she felt a little awkward and stepped back to let him in. "Hi," she said softly, tucking her blond hair behind her ear and stretching up to kiss his cheek. "What's up?"

Blade was a little shock at her kiss. He stepped into the office and let her close the door behind them. "I wanted to talk to you about what happened." He said moving out of her way so she could get past him. He looked around the room. Yup just as he thought her O.C.D had gotten to her, but it was nice to see her making it her own.

"Okay," She eyed the chairs facing the fireplace and shuddered slightly, and turned them around so they faced into the room instead, before sitting down. "Is here okay, or should we go somewhere else?"

He took a seat. "Here is just fine." He said leaning forward in the chair putting his elbows on his knees and placing his hands together in front of him. "I wanted to apologize for upsetting you. I was informed I'm basically a waste of life. I'm sorry." He said honestly.

Reese stared at him for a moment and sighed. Leaning back in the chair she pulled her feet up and hugged her legs to her chest. "I think that's a lot harsh, but thank you and I'm sorry for my behavior as well. The more time Ive had to analyze it, the less I think you deserved that." She propped her chin on her knee.

"Well I've been thinking about a lot of things. And there might be some things I need to clarify with you. And I wasn't called a waste of life, but things made me feel as such." He looked at her a moment then looked away. "I get where you were coming from. I really do."

She watched him, wondering where this was going, but her gut sinking at where it could. "Okay. I'm listening."

He thought a moment trying to figure out how to word it right. "I know you think I made you look bad or was trying to. And I wasn't trying to. I know you hadn't done a lot of missions with me when I was with your father, but.." He trailed off a moment. Looking around the room a lot of memories played in his head. "But I spoke to you the way I would him. I should know better, you aren't him. We don't have that relationship built up where I have earned the right to speak my peace. As your second in command I don't feel I'm doing the job well. So, if you want to replace me I get it. No hard feelings. I only said yes to it to be close to you. So I could watch over for you. Not that I'm trying to say you need it, but I can't help I'm male and in love with you. I'm a solider first and for most. And follow commands is what I'm use to. Not giving them and all that. If I do the people I work with normally get where I'm coming from when I do. This whole thing has gotten out of control. You have a lot on your plate. The last thing I want to do is hurt you or add to the bullshit that is happening to you Reese. I know I let you down and made you feel like I was trying to hurt you or play games with you. I swear I am not. I'm not smart enough for games."

Reese listened and rubbed her shins nervously when he finished. "Thank you for that. You're not the only one that did a lot of thinking. And you're right. I'm not my father, but I've been trying to be and it's killing me. It's not that others are putting the pressure on me, I'm doing it to myself. I can't be him and I need to stop trying and learn how to do this my way, or step down for someone who can before more people die. My problem is, I don't know how to stop. I feel like I've been stuck on this hamster wheel for so long that I don't know any different. And then there's you. I've never had what we have and I don't want this job fucking it up. If I have to choose Blade, I want to be selfish and choose us. I'm not going to lie, I'm not sure I can live with myself if a shit load of people die because I drop the ball. Is there a balance? I'm asking you, not the soldier but the male that I don't want to give up, what do I do? Is there any hope for me or us?"

Blade reached for her hand. Taking it gently he rubbed her palm. "There is always hope. And the balance is remember you are not a lone in this. Ozzy is not here anymore to keep making you feel like you are. This is a team effort. It is time for you to do things your way. If you do you'll feel better and more comfortable and confident. There is no one to impress or some unrealistic horse shit to live up to." He stroked her palm a bit more. "And I'd pick you us over the job any day. That's why I took it. I... I left once, because of you. I was tired of Ozzy trying to make me part of his game with you. I love you and I just want you to see what I see when I look at you. A woman that can do anything she puts her mind to. And no one wants you to be Ozzy or be some hard nose drill sergeant. That's not what AP needs and speaking as a solider we don't want it. We want someone who is going to listen to our point of view. Why? Because we want to help. Sometimes we or I just lack the tact to do it right. It's not about busting your chops. If anyone thinks that you can't do the job, then the door is open for them to leave. I'll help them pack. Cause its not about who can do the job or who can't. It's about working at a team. We got your back Reese, just like we know you got ours." He said hoping she didn't misunderstand him this time.

"Will you help me remember all of that?" She let one side of her mouth curl up and squeezed his hand. "I've been told I can be a little hard headed and stubborn." She stepped out of the chair and slid into Blade's with him. "There's something else that has been eating me alive that I haven't told anyone, but I feel like it's festering in there and if I don't let it out, it's going to get worse." She coughed a laugh. "Now that I've made it sound all appealing, wanna hear it?"

Hugging her tight and kissing her cheek. "I'll help you just remember no weapons in response. I'd love to hear it. As long as its not skinning me alive."

"No weapons?" Reese pouted and covered his arms with hers, leaning back to nuzzle him. "Okay, but only because it's you, Fluffy." She grinned and leaned her head against his chest. "The other thing," she took a deep breath and felt the tears bite at the back of her yes. "I don't know how much you saw the day Ozzy went down. I think you came in after the shot was fired. What I haven't told anyone else is that the demon, he was stronger than I was and her forced my arm away from him and pointed it at Dad, My finger was on the trigger and he covered it and squeezed. I killed Ozzy. It was my finger on the trigger, my weapon." She closed her eyes and cleared her throat. "I can still hear it and see his face."

Blade purred as she nuzzled him. He was glad she still wanted him in her life and didn't totally hate him or open fire on him when he came to the door. The happiness he felt was short lived as the words she said about Ozzy's death sunk it. His heart hit his stomach. He didn't say anything he just hugged her tighter. "You know it's not really your fault right. I know what you're going to say, but it isn't. I'm sorry doesn't seem to cut it, but it explains a lot. If I had known the whole story I wouldn't of killed that motherfucker I'd of brought him back here and let you torture him slowly. Gods Toots I don't know what to say that doesn't sound cheesey or stupid."

She shook her head and held his arms around her tighter. "My head knows. My heart? Not so much. You don't have to say anything, I just needed to get it out. Thank you for letting me."

He kisses her cheek and put his head against hers. "That's what I'm here for Toots. We're in this together. I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you from what happened. I love you."

"I love you too and as I remember it, you had your hands full at the time." She snuggled into him. "I'm glad you're in this with me, Fluffy. Sometimes you're the only thing that keeps me sane."

"Ditto. So, may I ask what you were doing in here when I came? Other than playing musical chairs and things?" Blade asked stretching his legs out in front of himself so she could put hers over his comfortably.

Reese grinned and moved a little, but not much, because she liked being against him. "I was beginning to do things my way and entering Ozzy's files into the database. Dad hated computers, thought they were a fad. Some things, he was right about, but I don't think that was one of them." She leaned her head back to look up at him, purring softly.

He smiled at her. "Yes he did hate computers. Do you need any help? Can't Ry just Mr. Wizard all the information in there for you? Unless you like that kind of thing." He asked wondering how much she'd really have to put in by hand.


"I was just thinking that when you arrived. I was mostly doing it to keep me busy while I worried that I'd screwed the pooch with us." She stopped and made a face, "That sounded better in my head. But it gave me time to think and I've decided that I need to stop trying to be everywhere and handle everything. That's what we have COs for. We should go back to the weekly debriefing unless there's an emergency and then it's all hands on deck. Micromanaging is going to drive us all batshit."

He nodded. "I totally agree with you on that one Toots. Does Ozzy have a scanner in here?" He looked around the room. "If you get one of those its a lot easier. Maybe we can hire someone to handle all this. I know there are people out there that live for this shit. Uber nerds." He said.

She laughed. "Ry has one that you pile the pages in and it beeps when it's ready for more, maybe he can pick someone that won't drive him nuts to help." She turned in his lap to kiss him. "Can you think of anything else that would help all of this run smoother? As a soldier, what makes your job easier? Yes, I'm asking for your input." She grinned and nipped his lip.

He growled and nipped her back. "At the moment no I can't, other than we need more vehicles. With everything turning to shit so fast we lost a lot of them the last time out. The demons either set fire to them or crushed them. Mostly we need better communication."

"Vehicles, check. Coms, Ry has his thumb on the tech side, you should talk to him about what we need and use both your skills t make it optimal, if you're good with that?" She purred and nuzzled his neck. "And on a personal note, I find it utterly annoying trying to pretend that we're just buds around here. I want you to be my second in the chain of command, because I trust you to make decisions when I can't or on the fly. But that won't work in our personal life. There I need you to be my equal. Now that work and home is under the same roof, that could get tricky. Does that make sense?"

"It makes sense." He made a personal note to speak with Ry. Because the headsets they had now well Ozzy's old team had are dinosaurs an didn't work in all conditions. After the third time his zipped him cause it got wet not from water, but blood spatter he took it off. He would of trashed it, but protocol.

"If you two come up with something and agree, then it's already green lighted. I don't want our guys without it any longer than necessary. Tell Ry he has a blank check, he does his best work that way," she grinned. "I think this can work."

"I don't see us disagreeing on new sets, just field testing them is gonna be interesting."

Reese laughed. "Why am I imagining that Galliger guy smashing watermelons?"

He chuckled. "Cause if I get my way it will be tested in all conditions. I might offer myself as the guinea pig for it."

"You are really getting into this," she smirked. "Just make sure there's a mute setting, in case someone forgets they have theirs on at an inopportune moment. You don't want to know the things I've had to overhear before they herd us all cracking jokes."

His brow arched. "Well I will do my best. Last thing we need is to listen to someone take a dump for two hours again. Don't ask Toots. It was horrifing. We thought someone was being murdered."

Reese blinked at him and then laughed until she snorted.

Blade hugged her an smiled. "What is that we can do for you Boss Lady Sir Ma'am?" He said teasing her.

"Can we decide today is over, grab some food from the kitchen and go to bed?" She grinned up at him. "we can get the ball rolling on everything in the am. Right now, I want to curl up with my favorite panther and do us time. The world will still be ending tomorrow, if I understand the Fenrir-Odin connection right."

He nodded. "Yes it will still be there in the morning. Lead the way." He liked the idea of us time. "Wait favorite panther do I know them?" Blade teased her.

"I don't know, he's a little surly at time and loves tacos," Reese grinned and stood, leaning over him before he could stand and kissing him like she wanted to. Groaning she pulled away. "I think I heard something about a pig roast in the back yard earlier. What do you think the chances are that there are left overs?"

"Oh that guy he's an asshole." Blade laughed. He perked up at the mention of pig roast. "I hope so. Hell I'd eat its butthole right now I'm so hungry."

"Let's check for the other parts first, what do you say, Fluffy?" She led him through the house to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator smiling wide at the big pan that Maggie had written 'For Reese and Mr Blade. If you're not them, hands off or get a nasty surprise for breakfast'. "I love that woman," she grinned and pulled it out for Blade to see.

He grinned when he saw the pan. "We need to get her flowers or a car. Something for this." He said taking the pan from Reese. "Now where to eat it?" He asked thinking about her us time comment.

Reese nodded her agreement and groaned when she pealed back the aluminum foil to see inside. Her stomach growled as the scent of roasted meat, glazed veggies filled the air. “We can take it to our room, or eat it here. I don’t really care as long as I’m with you.” She grinned and set the pan in his hands to get silverware from a drawer in the marble island.

Blade thought a moment. "Let's go to our room so we don't have to worry about eating this with table manners. I'd hate for Ms. Maggie to see me eating like the animal I am." He joked looking at Reese. "Toots you forgot beer." He said holding out his fingers under the pan. "Remember all in one trip. The bus stops for no one." He smirked at her thinking about their first date. Well it wasn't really a date, more like their first encounter in years.

"Right!" She ducked back inside the fridge and grabbed the last two bottles, turning to slide the necks between his fingers. "I think I saw cheesecake in the back." Leaning in, she pulled out the domed Tupperware container and lifted the lid to peak inside. "You're right. A car, because flowers don't seem like enough of a thank you." She grinned and thought about plates, but decided against it.

Blade squeezed his fingers around the bottle necks. "Car it is. One of those fancy ones that back up for you and stuff. Hell I think we need that in some of the vehicles. Like if we are pinned an can't drive someone can drive it for us or some shit. Would come in handy!" He said looking around to see if they missed anything. "I think we got it all."

She nodded her agreement. "Or even one of those back up cameras, so you can operate it from the cover of the dash," she grinned. "We need to think about updating the equipment that is from the stone ages. The world had changed, we need to evolve with it." She stretched up and kissed his cheek before leading him up to their room and sliding her hand over the sensor to open the door. "Anywhere that looks comfortable, Fluffy."

"An update is well over do." He said as he followed her to their room. "Oh right I forgot they makes those." He said stepping into the room. He put the food down on the coffee table in there little sitting area. Then sat the beer down next to the pan of food. "They need to make meat scented candles."

Reese laughed. "I can see Syn chewing on one in the corner now," Shaking her head, she ignored the chairs and parked her ass on the floor, holding out a fork to him and rolling back the aluminum foil with the other, setting it aside. Her stomach growled as she stabbed a piece of the pork with her own and took a bite out of the hunk of meat.

Blade shook his head laughing a little at the thought of that. "It is sad he probably wouldn't be the only one trying to eat them?" He asked as he picked up a fork and joined in her in testing out what Ms. Maggie made them.

She groaned her appreciation of Maggie's cooking and laughed as she imagined the trips to the clinic caused my meat scented candles. "I don't know about sad, but entertaining," she grinned and opened her beer to take a sip. "So what are you feeling after we take care of the food need? Tonight is Panther's choice."

Blade nodded in agreement with her on entertaining. He fork some meat into his mouth and purred. The pork was perfectly seasoned and tender as could be. He wondered how Maggie did it. Once his mouth was empty he looked at Reese. "Honestly Toots I have no idea. I should change out of my fatigues and wash the desert and death out of my ass crack." He said stabbing his fork into some carrots. "You know I never been a fan of these things." He eyed the thing on his fork. It smelled great, but it didn't mean the texture of the thing would be good.

"So that's where you keep that?" She teased and leaned closer to check out his ass. "I don't know if it helps, but Maggie steams them, so their not mushy." She picked one up with her fingers and followed it with a sliver of a fingerling potato. "I could wash and rub your back," she wiggled her brows and grinned.

Blade stuck his tongue at her before trying the carrots. They weren't half bad. "Not bad, but still they are a horrid vegetable." He forked some potatoes into his mouth and smiled. "You'd do that for me Toots?" He asked moving the potatoes to one side of his mouth so he could still talk without food flying out of his mouth. Putting his fork on the side of the pan he picked up his beer and opened it. Taking a slow drink of it he closed his eyes enjoying the taste of the beer. "I gotta hand it to humans they know how to do a few things right, and beer well the right brand is one of them."

"Couldn't agree more," she raised her own bottle and sipped from it, eyeing him thoughtfully. "You know what? I would do that, for you, Fluffy. But like I said, it's panther's choice, so tonight you can give the orders and your wish is my command." She arched a daring brow and popped another chunk of meat into her mouth, grinning as she chewed.

He smirked at her as thoughts came to mind, he sat his beer down. "Is that so? Well I guess I'll need to think up a plan of attack. Toots, I didn't have one I just wanted to make sure you didn't reach down my throat grab me by my balls and turn me wrong side out. After that it was a blank." He said honestly eating some more meat. "How about a shower and movie. I would like to watch one that isn't a training video." He cocked his head a moment. "One that you like. So we can both enjoy it. I'm man enough to watch chick movies."

She shook her head and laughed. "Hate to break it to you, Blade, but turning you inside out, has never been on my to-do list. Shower and a movie sound good," she nodded and got up to find a towel to wipe her fingers on. She was just the picture of sophistication, she had a fork, but here she was, eating with her fingers. The poor panther was getting a raw deal when in came to her. She smirked and dropped the towel on the table beside the pan. "Are you sure? I mean, I'm not sure I'm man enough for a chick flick," she teased.

"Toughing up Toots. It's time to embrace chick flicks. You are one you know. I mean if you can't handle something like that. Then we'll have to watch horror movies or maybe some musical. How do you feel about The Sound of Music?" He asked teasing her.

"Chick flick it is," she made a face and shuddered at the idea of sitting through two hours of Julie Andrews singing and dancing around a swiss mountain side. "Where do we find those?" She snorted, "I mean, I'm sure Gaylen has some in his room. You know, hidden under his mattress like bad porn." She grinned as she made fun of her brother.

Blade barked out a laugh. "I don't know why, but I thought you might have some hidden away. We can always google some. Or you just tell me one of your favorite movies. Please don't let it be a foreign film with subtitles."


She blushed and got up and opened the top drawer of her dresser to pull out the Fried Green Tomatoes DVD and handed it to him. "If asked I'll deny all involvement, " she nodded toward the movie in his hands. "What can I say? I like the scene where Kathy Bates destroys the bimbo's car." She grinned

He laughed. "I don't think I've ever seen this movie before." He said honestly. "If you looked in my google play account and went to the movies I own. I have one worse than this one. I have Beaches." He admitted watching the look on her face.


"They're storming them, right?" she asked hopefully, but could tell by his expression that wasn't the plot. "Okay, I'll get the tissues," she sighed and then grinned at him. "I like stepping outside my comfort zone with you, Fluffy."

"It's one of those movies that make you laugh,but it guts you at the same time. I don't think you're ready for Beaches, but we'll watch the tomato movie. Is it about cooking? Do you cook Toots? I forget." He teased her, before forking more meat into his mouth. "Car and some kind of fancy jewelry." He said out loud making a list of things for Ms. Maggie.

"Not about cooking. It has two parallel stories. One's about tow friends living in the deep south when people were not kind to those with a darker skin. The other is about a lady, learning to embrace who she is, because of the old lady telling her the first story. I mean they cook in it." Reese shrugged and blushed a little. "Sounds similar to the one you have. Funny parts, but tears are gonna fall. And yes, I cook. Maggie taught me. She insisted that if I could fire a weapon there was no excuse that I couldn't feed myself too." She grinned. "She was also the one who pointed out that Baking was a lot like making a bomb. With the right combination of ingredients in the proper amounts will have any man begging for mercy."

Blade listened to her tell him about the movie and smiled. "Sounds good Toots." And he roared with laughter at the bomb comment. "Or you can kill them with food poisoning so either way it's win, win right?"

"True," Reese laughed, "But I could never tarnish Maggie's good name like that. I"m actually pretty good at it. Sometimes I do it when I need to think." She blushed a little darker. "Sorry, Fluffy. Not sure why I'm dropping all of my weirdness on you like that."

He smiled. "Don't be I want to know the real you." He said moving back from the coffee table and undoing his vest. He put it on the floor and pushed it under the table so no one tripped on it. Then he started undoing his boot laces one at a time. Pulling them off he groaned as his feet were free'ed. He watch some sand and other stuff fall out of his boots. "I thought I had a rock or something in there." He said making a face.

Reese snorted. "you say that now. Be careful what you wish for," she teased and watched him finally start to shed the day, in the form of clothes. "Poor, Fluffy. We need to complain to management to take it easier on you."

He chuckled. "Management didn't do this to me. It was Mac. I lost paper rock scissors to him. So I got to have the fun of pushing the vehicle out of quick sand. Couldn't ghost it out oh on. We had to make sure nothing happened to what was inside the damn thing. Which it got crushed by a damn demon anyways." He said with a growl. He ghosted away the mess he had made and took a drink of his beer.

She ducked to hide her laugh behind her hand. "He got me with that one last year. Meanwhile, he's sitting behind the wheel eating his damned lunch. the griffin has a mean streak a mile wide."

"We need to get him back Toots. Bengay or icyhot in the shorts. He must pay!" Blade said with a nod. "He can't get away with this shit anymore." He said laughing.

“Yes, we do. I was thinking something a little less subtle and a lot more annoying. Like one of Rycker’s special glitter grenades. Ozzy never did figure out who did that and he was complaining about the places he found silver and pink for almost a month.” She grinned and picked at the meat, eating for pleasure instead of because she was hungry. “So, we gonna get you naked and wet, or what?” She smirked. “I’m subtle as a brick a brick to the face. I know.”

He laughed hard. "A glitter what? Oh, right shower. That needs to happen before I clean myself the old fashion way." He said feeling gross all of a sudden.

"A glitter grenade. Like a regular one, but instead of shrapnel, glitter." She grinned. "I wasn't complaining. I love how you smell. I was just trying to get you naked."

He shook his head laughing and got up. He started for the shower. Peeling off his clothes as he went. He forgot about his shoulder till he got into the bathroom and saw the patch job Ana did in the mirror.

She watched him go and sighed. "Offer to wash your back, still stands, Fluffy." she called after him.

He heard her call him. "I'm waiting!" He yelled pulling his eyes from the mirror and running on the water.

Smiling wide she hopped to her feet and followed him in, arching a brow at the bandage on his shoulder. Purring, she stood behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist, pressing her lips to his back. Her lips curled up when she remembered their first attempt at bathing in the same room. This was better.

He smiled as he felt her wrap her arms around his waist. "Okay I warn you my showers are hot. So, if it’s too much for let me know." He said that removing her hands and stepping into the shower. He took one of her hands to help her into it. The spray felt good on his skin he put his achy shoulder under it. It strung at first, but then the hot water started to help it.

"Roger that," Reese let him help her inside and swung the glass door closed behind them, purring at the water that overshot his shoulder and hit her skin as she leaned her head back to wet her hair in the second shower head, behind her. "God that feels good," she sighed, picking up a bar of soap and sniffing it.

"Yes, it does." He said turning to he was facing the front of the shower trying to find some soap. Not seeing any he decided to put his head under the spray moving so hit wet his hair first then his neck. The muscles in his neck started to relax. Rolling his head back and forth there was a loud pop. "Jesus." He said shocked his head didn't come off.

She cracked an eye when Blade's body made a popping noise. "You okay there, Panther?" She blinked as the water ran over her face and stepped closer to the middle so she didn't feel like she was being waterboarded or some shit. Reese rolled the bar of soap in her hands, building a lather, and watching him. She loved to watch him move. Maybe it was his inner cat, but the way his muscles flowed and contracted and the fact that he was completely unaware of how sexy he was, reminded her of a wild animal. Calm and at ease, but he could turn deadly in a heartbeat.

"I think so my head didn't come off." He laughed putting his hands on the wall in front of him. Letting the water work on the muscles. "I'm not taking up too much room, am I?" He asked his eyes closed as water dripped from his hair on to his face. Pushing it back with his right hand he tried to shake it wet mass of hair out of his face.

She shook her head no, "I'm just watching the show until I'm needed, she teased and offered him the soap in her hands.

He turned his head to look at her and got an ear full of water. Seeing the soap, he took some from her hand. "Thanks Toots. Is there shampoo back there?" He asked rubbing the soap all over himself.

She reached behind her and grabbed the bottle of Biolage, pressed the cap to open it and held it out. "Don't judge," she laughed.

He took it rinsed off the soap and took the shampoo. "Don't hate me cause my hair is better than yours Toots." He said squeezing some into his hand and lathering his hair up. He closed his eyes turning so he was facing her. He washed his hair and hoping all the sand and other gross shit in his hair came out. As his finger worked on his scalp he felt a chunk of something in his hair. "Fuck?" He asked pulling it from his hair. He opened to look at it. It was a piece of demon skin. He made a disgusted noise with his throat.

She took the shampoo back and did the same, working her hair into a lather and groaning as her nails massaged her skull before turning again to rinse and bumping him playfully with her chest. "You might have better hair, but I didn't get any on me," she smirked and closed her eyes.

"Har har Toots!" He said flipping his hair dramatically. "Like it’s never happened to you!" He said laughing.

She laughed and flicked water at him. "Not this time it didn't. Conditioner?" she asked as she squeezed some into her hand. Her hands were itching to touch him, but she was trying to behave.

"Yes please." He said holding out his hand to her. "How ya feeling Toots?" He asked hoping she was feeling okay.

She held it out to him and pulled her hand away when he reached for it. Laughing, she reached up and pulled him down for a kiss before she let him take the bottle. "Better now. What about you. Fluffy? Seriously, what can I do to help?"

He took the conditioner and squeezed some out. He worked it in his hair and thought a moment. "At the moment nothing other than I'm ready to get out of here are you? I think my bandage is coming off." Blade said pushing hair out of his face. "I think I might need to start pulling my hair back or get it cut off. What do you think Toots? Can I rock the bald look?"

She rinsed the conditioner from her hair and wrung the water form it, nodding. "I think I'm as clean as I'm going to get," she agreed and moved closer to the door and eyed his shoulder. The tape was peeling away from his skin. "We need to dress that again," she slid her fingers down his back. "Do you have a lumpy skull under that hair?" she teased and stepped out, reaching for a towel.

"Lumpy no maybe dented." He said turning off the hair and squeezing his hair out. He let her get out first once she had her towel he got out too. Taking a towel, he wrapped it around his waist. He moved so she had room to dry off. Admiring the view of her. She was stunning.

Towel drying her hair she worked down her body and felt his eyes on her. Her skin goose bumped a little as she looked up. "Dented you could pull off. Face it, you're going to look good, no matter how you have your hair." She shook her head and cursed as she stepped closer to him and braced her hands on her hips. "It's a curse."

He chuckled. "Thank you Toots. I think I'll keep the hair though." He reached out and wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her close to him. Her warm skin felt good against him. He purred softly kissing her forehead. "I'm glad you think I got that skill."

She groaned as she leaned into him, "Just one of many," she purred and looped her arms around his waist, stroking his back with the tips of her fingers. "Girl confession. I don't think anything can get close enough to so much as muss my hair, when you hold me like this." She groaned, blushed and hid her face against his chest.

He gently lifted her chin so he could lean down and kiss her. "I love you Reese. I know I'm an asshole, but I do love you more than my own life." He said honestly and looked into her eyes so she knew it wasn't bluffing.

She searched his eyes for a moment and felt her chest tighten. "I know," she nodded, cupping his face. "I love you, Blade. You're the only one I've ever wanted. I'm sorry I make it so hard."

He kisses and ignored the last part of her statement. "Let’s dry off and get your tomato movie watched. Plus, if you wouldn't mind fixing my bandage. Think of the fun of ripping it off of me. I wonder if it’s how chicks feel being waxed?!"

She laughed and leaned in to nip his chest. "Sounds perfect, all except for the waxing part.'

He chuckled and moved away from her drying off and putting his towel over the shower door. He ghosted on some sweats and looked at the bandage in the mirror. "I guess I should be glad I still have an arm." He said remembering the demon could have ripped him limb from limb. Like a paper doll.

She hung up her wet towel and ghosted on a pair of pajama shorts and a black tank top before standing behind him and eyeing the bandage. Reaching up, she carefully pulled off the soggy gauze and inspected it. The stitches were holding and even. Carefully she dabbed at his skin with a clean towel, drying it before she opened a drawer and pulling out a tube of A&D ointment to smear over the wound before she covered it with a fresh dressing. "I don't like the idea of you losing any of your parts."

"Me either Toots." He said once she was done. "Thank you!" Taking her hand after she washed the A&D off them he took her back in the front room to watch the movie. "I can't wait to see this." He said grinning at her. Waiting for her to get it set up. He sat on the large sofa.

Sliding the DVD into the machine, she changed the import setting and dropped onto the sofa beside him, pulling her legs up and leaning against him. "Shit. i forgot the tissues."

He laughed. "For you or for me?" He asked as the movie started.

"Me, there's a spot or two that get me every time, " she admitted. "We should make the time to do this as often as possible. Not the chick flicks, but the us time, away from work." She looked up at him and patted his chest.

He nodded. "Yes, we should. Thank god I didn't reapply my makeup." He joked and put his arm again her.

She laughed and snuggled in against him tighter, sighing happily when she heard his heartbeat. Her brow arched when she realized that this was the closest to right that she'd felt in a long time.

Watching the movie, she was right. It was a good movie that made you ride a roller coaster of emotions. He did his best not to tear up. "You were right about this movie Toots."

"I warned you," she grinned up at him and wiped at her eyes.

"Yes, you did." Blade said sniffing a little bit. He kisses her cheek and purred.

She ghosted in a box of tissues and set them beside them, just in case and rubbed t her eyes. They felt like they had a pound of grit in them. "You gonna make it, Fluffy?" her teasing turned to a groan when she realized that the Ruth dying scene was beginning. "Okay, prepare to cry like a baby," she groaned.

He took some tissues. "Oh goodie." He said getting tissues ready. "I think I'll make it. But if I ugly cry I'm gonna be pissed."

She looked up and laughed until she could convince herself that it was causing the tears streaming down her face, instead of the movie.

And she was right when Ruth died he was crying hard. "So unfair." He said sniffling and blowing his nose.

"I know, right?" she pulled out a tissue and wiped at her face. "I'm not sure what's worse, dying like that or watching it happen to someone you love."

"I don't know Toots, but I'd pick watching someone you love dying." He said knowing it was hell. He'd had to do it himself. He wiped his eyes and smiled. "What else you got to torture me with?" He asked.

"That's it for movies. All I got left is me." She agreed with him. She knew from experience that when you hit that moment of knowing you were going to die that there was a calm acceptance that came with it. The people left behind didn't get that luxury.

He sighed teasing her. "Well if that's all you got. I'll take it." He hugged her to him and purred. "Do you want to clean up the food and then maybe go for a walk? We could have a pillow fight?"

"You're calling the shots tonight, remember?" She nuzzled him as he pulled him closer. "Your wish. My command, and all that. What do you want to do? Gods honest, as long as I'm doing it with you, I'm a happy cat."

He chuckled and got up to start cleaning up. "Well I'd like to see the dragon. Ask him why he's here and all that." He hoped she didn't get upset.

She picked up the aluminum foil and the flatware. "Then, we're going to make friends with a dragon." She grinned and held up the cheesecake. "Think he'll like it?" She eyed the container, not sure if Dragons ate desserts or not.

"I don't know, but we can try it. I got some shiny coins we could use also." He laughed. Once they cleaned up he took her hand. "Lead the way Toots."

"I think we should approach from the outside and knock." She led Blade out onto the lawn and followed the side of the building until they stood in front of the massive doors. Stepping forward, she rapped her knuckles against the metal and stepped back to Blade's side.

Blade waited as the doors came open. He was actually excited. Like a kid on Christmas. A real live dragon. What's next fairies? He thought.

Cecil tapped a claw against the button and dropped his jaw to the ground to see who was outside. He sighed when he saw the two pairs of legs and recognized one of their scents. Waiting until the door rattled to a stop above them he lifted his massive red scaled head. "You are not the Syn Thing. What does the Fitz want now? Not moving. I've already unpacked." He leaned against his elbows and drummed his fingers on the concrete floor.

Reese forced herself to smile and hold up the container with the cheesecake inside. "We don't want you to leave. We came to welcome you to the neighborhood. This is Blade." She nodded toward the panther as she removed the lid and held it out for him to see. "I don't know if you like cheese cake, but I brought you some of the best ever made."

Cecil sniffed at the thing in her hand and lifted a hand to dip a claw into the thing she held and taste it. His eyes rolled closed and he purred. It was delicious. Reaching out through the opening, he took it from the Fitz carefully and set it on the shelf Syn had built for him to store his thing on. "I can stay?" he arched doubtful brow at them both.

"Nice to meet you. What's your name again?" Blade ask shocked the dragon could talk. "How did you get here?" He stared up at the dragon in wonder. "Yes, you can stay. I mean if we keep Syn around why not you."

"Cecil, is what I'm called," he narrowed his eyes at the male, wondering what trickery he was up to. The Syn Thing had told him that his first impression was wrong, that he was evicted because of the location he'd made his lair, not because of what he was. Experience was a harsh teacher and if anyone but his new friend had told him, he'd know it to be a lie. After he'd moved in here, no one had bothered him and the Fitz had enough manners to knock this time. Sighing he shifted into his smaller human form, willing the red scales to cover him in the clothing of this time and place. He waved them in and went to a barrel with a fire burning inside to warm his hands.

Reese blinked in disbelief as the dragon morphed into a tall male with striking amber eyes and little more than stubble for hair. She glanced at Blade and shrugged before following the dragon inside.

Cecil watched them as he let the flames lick at his skin. "How I got here, I do not know. We were flying into war, and I dove into a cloud bank to dodge a lance and When I came out of the clouds I was here." He spread his hands and sighed.

Blade nodded. "Nice to meet you Cecil." He said holding out his hand to the dragon. "I wonder if the weirdness is what did it to him?" He said to Reese.

Cecil pulled his hand from the flames, letting his skin cool, before he grasped Blade's forearm, as was his custom when in this form. "Thank you," he searched his short tern memory for the name and smiled. "Blade."

"It could be," Reese agreed and looked around the huge space. She winced at how empty it was, although she supposed it didn't seem that way when he was in form. "Do you need anything to make you more comfortable, Cecil? A bed, chair, maybe a television?"

"Weirdness?" He asked. "Here is weird indeed and what is television?"

Blade mimicked Cecil's hand shake. "Yes there has been a lot of odd things happening around here. You never seen a television before?" Blade asked wondering what century the dragon was from. Blade realized he had left their room in only sweats. He ghosted himself dressed and fished his phone from his pocket. Pulling up youtube on his phone he selected a video on dragons and showed it to Cecil. "This is some what like television or TV as we call it. This is smaller version of it." He said watching the male's face.

Cecil stared at the sorcery in Blade's hand. Reaching out, he poked it, surprised that his finger did not sink into the dimension and suck him in after it. The picture froze and he gasped, turning his eyes to Blade's face. "Time is frozen?" He breathed his relief when he saw the panther blink, proving that it was only where ever the tiny box showed.

Reese looked over Blade's shoulder and shook her head. "No. when you touched the screen you paused it. Not time, just what you're watching. If you touch it again it will start."

He eyed the Fitz, not sure that he trusted her, but jabbed his finger at the box again and smiled as the dragon soared and glided through the sky.

"Pretty cool huh? We could get you a big one for you room or living room. So you watch whatever you like." Blade said wondering what else Cecil didn't know anything about. "Cecil did the place look like that you came from? I mean was it modern?" If it didn't have TV probably not. Blade smiled as the video ended and another started.

"Yes, and modern?" Cecil's brow wrinkled as he word out what was meant. "We had no boxes with moving pictures or buttons that opened doors. Is that what you mean?" He asked distractedly as he watched a new time and place on the tiny box.

Wow, Reese thought. The poor guy must be terrified and they were shutting him up in a garage. She rubbed her face and looked up at the dragon. "You don't have to stay out here in the garage." She put her hands up when he glared at her. "I mean, if you want to, you're welcome to and we'll bring you whatever you need to be more comfortable. What I'm saying is that if you can hold this form and you want to you are welcome to move inside and have rooms with furniture, bath tubs, televisions and there's a kitchen where you can eat anything you wish. The kitchen is open either way. You don't HAVE to stay out here alone if you don't WANT to. We can even get you your own 'tiny box' that you can talk to Syn on, whenever you want to." She glanced up at Blade, hoping she wasn't making a mistake.

Cecil's eyes lit up. "I can have the Syn Thing in a box?"

Reese rubbed her face and sighed, looking to Blade for help. "Not exactly."

Blade chuckled as Cecil's question. "Here let me show you." He took the phone back from Cecil and closed the video. He opened his contacts and dialed Syn's number putting the phone on speaker he waited for Syn to answer the phone.

"What up?" Syn answered, praying that they weren't getting called out on another mission. He needed a shower, bad. hell, even he was starting to think he stunk.

Cecil gasped, "Syn Thing?"

The wolverine grinned. The dragon was a cool shit. "S'up Cese? Did you eat Blade?"

Cecil took the phone and turned it over in his hands carefully as he shook his head no.

"Hey Syn. We're here with Cecil and trying to tell him that he's welcome to move inside if he wants, just not Dad's office. He's a little weirded out by the tech."

"isn't he a little big for the main house, Nermal?"

"Not since he shrank," She rolled her eyes but smiled at the dragon.

Blade smiled at the fact Cecil seemed to like the phone. "See Cecil with one of those you can call and speak to Syn when you want. And if you move into the house and get a room you can see him more. Would you like to take a tour of one of the rooms? So we can show you everything in it." He asked the dragon who was still looking for the phone.

"It's a good deal, Cese. We have it pretty good here," Syn backed Blade up.

"If you don't like it, you can come back here. You have my word." Reese offered, not sure why she cared but she did.

Cecil nodded. "I'd like to see and I want a box, like that."

"Wonderful. Hanging up now Syn." Blade said taking the phone from Cecil. He hit end call and put the phone away. "We can get you a phone tomorrow. Unless Ry has some extra's laying around. Follow us and we'll show you around." Blade said to Cecil. He had so many questions he wanted to ask Cecil about where he came from. Maybe Cecil could help them with Ragnarok thing.

Cecil nodded and followed them out into the night. "Only the small form in the manse?" he asked as he looked at the lights in the many windows of the AP compound. He couldn't hide his excitement at being welcomed inside. The last time had not gone well.

Reese had to think about what he meant. "Yes, please. The bigger form anywhere on the grounds outside, if you don't mind."

Cecil's head bobbed enthusiastically when she pulled the door open and waited for he and Blade to step inside. Slowly he took it all in, his eyes drawn the the shiny things that reflected the light. A smile curled his lips.

Blade went in first and moved out of the way so Cecil could come inside all the way. Blade watched Cecil as he took it all in. "Did you live outside where you come?" Blade asked wondering if the dragon lived in cage or just in some forest area. He wonder if his thoughts were racist. His brow arched at his own thought he hoped not. "Toots do you want to be the tour guide?" Blade asked Reese.

"I had a cave until the wars came. Then they tried to put us in chains," Cecil answered absently.

Reese nodded and touched Cecil's arm gently to get his attention. "Lets start with the important stuff first. I'll show you where we keep the food," She led him down the hall, explaining the common areas as they passed through them until they were in the kitchen where she opened up the cabinets, pantry and refrigerator. "If there's something you want and we don't have it, you press this button on the refrigerator," She pointed to it. "Say what you want, let go and it will be added to the list."

Cecil arched a brow and pressed it. "Vegans." He grinned and stepped back.

"Yeah, okay. See? You've got it," she shot Blade a look before hiding her smile and leading hm up the stair case to the second floor and placed her palm over the sensor, unlocking the door. Swinging it open, she stepped inside and turned on the lights. "If you like it, this would be your space. We'll make it so that the door only opens for you, so you feel safe and so are your things." She tried to explain the things that he probably didn't know as she went, but there was so much. She stopped beside the thermostat. "If you're cold, you can make it warm by pushing the up arrow. If it's too warm, press the down. You'll figure out where you like it. Fires are okay in the fireplace, but only there. For everyone's safety, Okay?"

Cecil nodded as his eyes darted around at everything and sank onto the bed, moaning softly at how soft it was.

Blade followed them around and watched Cecil. The dragon seemed like a kid on Christmas. When they got to the bed and Cecil sat on it Blade laughed at the moan. "Nice right. We can get you more blankets if you like or a bigger bed if you want." Looking around the room he saw the cabinet an went to it. Opening the doors of it to show Cecil the television inside it. "Here is your television." Blade found the remote and went to Cecil and showed him the power button. As the TV came on it was on a news channel. "We bring you live to the scene of attack that happened moments ago." A news woman said as the camera panned out to show the devastation behind her. Flames came from a building that was barely still standing. "Sources say terrorists attacked this building using some kind of droid that they dressed as a demon one civilian said. Can you believe that Tom? Demons!?" The news woman laughed. Something flew through the flames straight for the camera person and the news woman. One moment they were standing on the streets of NOLA an the next they were some place else. From what the TV show it looked like London in the 1800. There was a scream an the camera went black. "Kathy?" A man asked Blade assumed was Tom. "We seem to have lost Kathy and Chet's live feed." Blade looked at Reese then at Cecil. "Holy shit!" The panther said in shock.

"Yeah, like we said, weird things have been happening," she tried to minimize it, worried that the dragon might freak out. "There are lots of channels for you to choose from."

Cecil's eyes were locked on Blade. Something was happening and he didn't know what it was. He decided to ask the Syn Thing later. He had always answered his questions in a way Cecil understood.

"Oh! And the best part, next to the bed?" Reese opened a door and flipped on the light to show him the bathroom. She touched the knobs on the sink as Cecil's eyes followed her but he didn't seem to want to leave the comfort of the bed. "This side is always hot water," she turned the faucet so he could see how it worked. "The other is always cold. You can use both at the same time to get the perfect temperature. The thing with the clear walls is a shower. If you stand inside and turn the faucets, like I showed you, it makes it rain hard enough to bathe in. If you prefer to soak, there is a bathtub with a lever that plugs it so it will fill. And the toilet," she blinked at it and then smiled at Blade. "I'll let the panther explain how that works."

"Gee thanks Toots." Blade laughed. "We use it for doing to the bathroom. Um.." He paused thinking about it. "Instead of going outdoors you use this. Flip the lid up for anything that comes out the front of your body and put the lid down for anything that comes out the back end. When your totally done put the top lid down and push the lever on the side here." As Blade talked he showed Cecil what he meant. "It'll suck it all down the hole water and all." He looked at the toilet paper. "And this stuff is your best friend. You use it clean off your back end. Also you can use it for face like to blow your nose and etc." He said looking around seeing if Reese forgot anything in the bathroom.

"Well done, Fluffy." she grinned and patted his arm. "So what do you think, Cecil? If you want it, it's yours."

Cecil tried to take it all in. "And if I want to leave?" He eyed them suspiciously.

"You're not a prisoner here. You come and go as you please." She didn't know why it surprised her that he was suspicious. She pulled her earpiece from her pocket and sat on the bed beside him to show it to him. "It will take some time to get used to, if you decide to stay with us, so until I can get your phone, the tiny box, set up for you, this will work if you need anything, you press this button and someone will answer. If something won't work for you or you get locked out, the people on the other end can help. But they can only hear you when you push the button, and to hear them you put it in your ear." She grinned at his frown, "Or if you prefer you pick up any of the telephones, that black thing beside Blade, and press 0. It does the same thing and you only hold it op to your ear."

Cecil handed her back the earpiece, wanting no part of it. "If what you say is true, I would like this to be my den." He got up and went into the bathroom and tried all of the knobs and buttons until he felt like he understood their functionality..

"Thank you!" Blade said laughing. "Welcome to the Alpha Pride family Cecil." Blade said watching the dragon in the bathroom. "Also if you need anything and forgot how to use all buttons and stuff just mindlink one of us and we'll be happy to help you out." Blade said moving to stand with Reese taking her hand.

Reese grinned and leaned her head against Blade's shoulder. "Maggie makes breakfast lunch and dinner everyday. You're welcome to join us and whoever is around." She watched him and caught his distracted nod. "Would you like us to go away now, Cecil?"

"Yes, please," He answered as he touched the mirror and then touched his face before poking the glass like he had Blade's phone.

"Alright then," she laughed. "Sweet dreams and happy exploring."

Blade lead Reese out of the room and once the door was closed behind them he laughed. "I shouldn't laugh I probably be more scared than he is if I was in his shoes. All that new stuff and what we saw on TV. Toots do you think those people got sucked into another dimension?" He asked trying to figure things out. "I mean if Cecil just appeared here it could happen right?"

"I think we did a good thing for the dragon, once he settles in, and yes," She sighed, raking a hand through her hair. "I think that's exactly what happened but have no idea what do do about it. I feel like we're missing something, like it's right there and i don't know what it is."

He took her hand and started back for their room. "I think you're right, but it's hard to really pin point what it is." Blade wondered if Ry had any luck with the weather patterns and stuff. "It'll be pretty cool to have a dragon on the team if he decided to help us out."

"We need to talk to him about it, tell him what happened to Cecil, but not until morning. I have a feeling Ry is going to be fielding a lot of calls tonight." She grinned as they walked. "I hope he does decide to join the team, but I think if any there's pressure, he'll bolt. He's waiting for the catch, I can feel it." We'll hit it all fresh in the morning and hopefully something will click. Congratulations, Fluffy. It's a dragon." she teased.

"And I didn't even fuck up my girlish figure." He said spinning for her. Once they got to their room he opened the door for her. "So, Toots we've both had a long day. Are you tired?" He asked as she walked inside. He came in behind her and closed their door. Today had been such a roller coaster. He knew if he laid down on the bed he'd probably pass out cold.

"Exhausted," she admitted, turning and dropping her head against his chest. "How about you?" She glanced up at him, running her fingers up and down his sides.

"Ditto. We should get some sleep and decide how to handle all this tomorrow. I wonder if Cecil will even sleep." He said looking down at her. A yawn started to creep out of his mouth. He covered his mouth with his hand. "Shit." He said yawning. "Sorry that snuck up on me." He said as another started to come on.

She laughed and had images of the dragon flushing the toilet all night in her head. "Come on, Fluffy. I'll tuck you in if you let me join you." She took his hand and tugged him toward the bedroom, flashing away both of their clothes as she bulled back the blankets. "I had fun with you tonight, Blade. Thank you." She kissed him before giving his a soft shove onto the bed.

Blade fell on to the bed. "I did too and you're welcome." He said as he yawned again.He got comfortable and waited for her to join him. His shoulder itched a little as he laid on it. He wiggled a little trying to itch it.


Reese crawled over him, stopping halfway to kiss him and slid under the blankets, moaning as the memory foam fit itself to her. She grinned at him and rubbed her face, her eyes already growling heavy. "Love you, Blade."

Blade told her he loved her to as he drifted off happy that they had patched things up. Even more glad she hadn't open fire on him when she knew he was the one at her office door.