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Pain Play (Play Series Book 3) by Morticia Knight (5)

Chapter Five



Phil ran a dollop of product through his short hair, using his fingers to work out any areas that appeared uneven or clumpy. He didn’t typically do much to the brown strands, hadn’t even bothered to touch up the silver at his temples, however, he always maintained a neat and professional appearance. But Terry’s request that he wear the royal blue dress shirt that was his boy’s favorite, along with a hint that he should run a comb through his hair, made him more than a bit curious. Terry had been like a nervous chihuahua from the moment Phil had come home from yet another pointless industry meeting.

Wish I knew what he was up to.

Phil angled his body to one side then the other in the mirror, making sure the broadcloth shirt didn’t show even one wrinkle. He needed to behave himself for his sub, do away with his cranky mood. His mouth quirked to one side. Terry had probably gone to a lot of trouble to do something special for his birthday, so bad day or not, he wouldn’t ruin their evening by sulking.

All right, Big-Four-O, here I come.

He took one last glance in the mirror over the dresser then decided he could probably pass inspection for wherever it was Terry had planned to take him for the evening. As he rounded the corner into the living room, he came to a halt when he saw it was empty. He’d been just about to tease Terry over his mysterious demands, however, his lover was nowhere in the main part of the house.

Maybe he’s waiting in the car already?

It seemed odd, although he could’ve misunderstood when Terry had shooed him off to the bedroom. He chuckled to himself. Sometimes Terry would become overly excited about something to the point where he’d forget to convey crucial bits of info. Phil made his way across the open floor plan so he could check outside, but before he’d had the chance to open the door, Terry called out.

“Is that you, Master? I’m in the studio if you’re ready.”

Phil shook his head, thoroughly confused. Terry had obviously needed to take care of some last-minute business. Terry never set foot in his work area once he was off the clock. Since he worked from home for the most part, he’d made a clear distinction between professional and personal space.

“Yes, baby. I’m in the foyer. Will you be a minute still?” He could always shoot off a few more project-feeler emails before they left. No matter how desperate they’re beginning to sound.

“Do you mind coming in here for a sec?”

Phil drew his eyebrows together. “Not at all.”

It wasn’t a problem, just…weird. Phil ducked down the hall by the front door, which led him directly to the kitchen, as well as the entrance to the studio—or what would have been the garage had Terry not renovated it.

As soon as he entered the generous space, he sucked in a sharp breath and froze. A rather attractive young man, perhaps Terry’s age, was adjusting light boxes on the other end of the room that brightly illuminated the photography area. Terry ran up to him with a big grin, gorgeous in a lighter blue dress shirt Phil had never seen on him before.

Was he wearing that when I came home?

He had to admit that he’d been lost in his own head when he’d arrived. If it hadn’t been for Terry’s enthusiasm, he might have barely noticed his sub at all. He frowned to himself. Not okay. Terry had just signed a permanent contract a few days before, something he’d been dreaming that Terry would do ever since he’d begged him to give them another chance, and what was he doing? Worrying about himself. He could use the excuse that it was for Terry’s benefit too, that it was important that he do well financially in order to support him. But the reality was that Terry didn’t care about any of that. He needed Phil’s undivided attention when they were together and nothing less.

Terry halted in front of him, his expression eager, his fingers curling and uncurling in an obvious bid to keep from breaking the touching rule. He tilted his head while furrowing his brow.

“Is something wrong?”

Phil nodded. “Yes. I can’t believe I didn’t comment on the lovely shirt you’re wearing. It’s stunning on you. It’s new, isn’t it?”

Terry’s eyes widened a bit, then he broke into a smile. “Yeah, it is. Bought it especially for tonight so it would complement the one you’re wearing.”

“Oh?” Phil took in the scene around him. “What’s going on?”

One of his tasks as the Dom was to always be in charge and to never be caught off-guard. At least, that’s the way he looked at it. The mystery man continued to fuss with the lights, obviously intent enough in his task that he hadn’t shown any reaction to Phil’s arrival.

Terry leaned in close then whispered next to his ear. “Happy Birthday, Master. I hired a very well-respected fashion photographer to take some couple’s photos of us. Then as soon as he leaves, I’d also like to take some of just you.”

Phil gasped, gathering Terry’s hands in his own. He did this for me? For us? Emotion clogged his throat as he struggled to keep his composure. “Oh, baby.”

He didn’t give a shit about the unknown man within ten feet of them, he leaned down to capture Terry’s mouth in a heated kiss. With one final lick across his boy’s bottom lip, he straightened. “I’ll agree to the solo shots as long as he takes some of you before he leaves.”

Terry squeezed his hands then gave him a kiss on the cheek. “It’s a deal. Come on, let me introduce you to the photographer then we can do your makeup.”


Terry clutched his stomach as he fell into peals of laughter. “Oh my God, you look like I asked you to eat worms.”

Phil wrinkled his brow, bringing his voice to a more reasonable volume. “Makeup? Seriously, why?”

Terry twined their fingers together and tugged him toward the work area. “And you’re a film producer? Surely you’ve heard of actors wearing makeup before.”

Phil smirked. “This is why I’m a producer and not in front of the camera.”

“Well, you’re gonna be now.”

Phil quirked on eyebrow. “My, my. Aren’t we the bossy one tonight?”

Terry flushed. “Uh, actually Master, to better answer your question, it’s because we need to keep an even tone on your skin and make sure there’s no shine reflected from the lights.”

“Uh-huh. Not sure that was a save, but I’ll deal with it later since I’m assuming your associate is on the clock.” Phil stopped Terry’s forward motion and he stumbled back. “Wait. Who’s going to be…?” Phil huffed. He was out of his element, and he hated that. “Are you going to handle the cosmetic aspect of this?” He didn’t want a stranger getting that intimate with him.

Terry leaned in. “Hell, yeah I’m handling it. I’m not letting anyone else pet your skin.”

Phil snorted. “Hadn’t thought of it like that, but I see what you mean. And watch the language? You’re only adding to your list of transgressions.”

Terry pressed his lips together. “Work environment.”

Phil blinked several times. “Excuse me?”

“I may or may not use colorful language in my work environment.” Terry’s eyes rounded at what Phil knew was the stern expression he was radiating at his sub. “Not with clients, that’s not what I meant. I mean on my own, or when working with assistants, you know, when its casual. I keep it professional otherwise.”

“Hmm.” Phil didn’t like it when subs cursed, but by the same token, he didn’t want a robot as a partner. “I believe you. I know your character, know you’re smart enough to recognize when it’s appropriate and when it’s not.” He whispered next to this ear. “But not in our home or unless it’s part of a scene.”

Terry inclined his head. “Hold up. Why would I be cursing in a scene?”

Phil noted the sideways glance of the photographer who seemed to be spending an awful long time fiddling with the same light stand. He brought his voice even lower.

“A few reasons, but let me just leave you with this. What if my bad boy needed me to spank or flog him very hard because of what a filthy mouth he has?”

Terry groaned. “Great. Now I’m getting hard. I’ll need a sec before I introduce you to Van.”

Phil stole a quick peek at the newly-revealed Van then regarded his sub. He trusted Terry implicitly, but he didn’t want this Van character to get any ideas the way Anson had. Anson had hurt Terry in more than one way, had put him in danger and he wasn’t about to put up with any more shit from men who wanted to get their hooks into his beautiful sub.

“So, does Van have a boyfriend, or…?”

Terry gave him a knowing smile. “That was subtle. I can reassure you that Van is happily married to his high school sweetheart, Rebecca. They have two adorable, and quite precocious, daughters. Has pics in his wallet. Would you like to see them?” Terry arched his eyebrows.

Phil sighed. He would’ve reprimanded Terry over his tone had he not been being such an ass himself. Maybe I am getting too sensitive about our age difference. Overall, Phil held a positive opinion of himself physically. He stayed in shape, was careful not to eat or drink too much, had good grooming and was considered attractive. It’s just that Terry is so damn stunning, so sweet and loving. Anyone with half a brain would want him.

“Sorry. But keep an eye on the snark factor the next time. I might be salivating over the long list of punishments I have in mind for you, but I’m not sure you’ll feel the same once I administer them.”

Terry flushed. “Okay. I’m sorry too.”

He tipped his head back as if silently begging for another kiss. How can I refuse? Phil smiled before giving Terry what he’d asked for. He broke the connection, but not before dragging his teeth slowly along Terry’s plump bottom lip as he released it. That should make the photo even more delightful.

Terry regarded him from under hooded eyes, his cheeks filled with a touch of pink. “That was very, very bad. But in a totally good way.”

Phil chuckled. “Should you introduce me to your friend? He’s probably wondering by now if he should give us some privacy.”

“Yeah. At this point, the wood won’t be going away anytime soon, so what the hell—I mean heck.” Terry winced. After clearing his throat loudly enough to draw Van’s attention, he led them closer to the photographer. “Van, I want you to meet my Master and the love of my life, Phil Watts.”

Phil tried not to choke on his own spit at Terry’s surprise introduction and to Van’s credit, he kept his reaction confined to one brow twitch. Van held out his hand and Phil took it.

“Nice to meet you, Van. Terry tells me you’re a top fashion photographer, so I’m looking forward to the shoot.”

The smile Van radiated at him appeared genuine. “He’s very kind. I take it that posing for photos is something new for you?”

Phil chuckled. “Very new and uncomfortably so. I’ll need a lot of guidance, I’m afraid.”

Terry beamed up at him. “All you need to do is be yourself, you’re amazing just as you are.”

To Phil’s mortification, his cheeks heated. Blushing wasn’t his thing, but Terry’s praise had just changed that. “Uh, so, what was this I heard about makeup?”


The alluring woodsy, citrus scent of Phil’s Hugo Boss cologne distracted the shit out of Terry as he tried to concentrate on the digital images displayed on the computer screen. Terry sat next to Van as they scrolled through the shots with Phil leaning over his shoulder, occasionally pointing to one he really liked so Van could mark it down as a keeper.

“What do you think of this one, Terry?”

He focused his attention back on what he was supposed to be doing, only a tad annoyed that Phil had used his given name instead of ‘baby’. Work in progress. Phil had reminded him of that plenty of times. They’d discussed various ways of handling their public selves when they’d gone over the contract a few days earlier, but putting it in practice was a different matter.

I hope he’s not upset that I introduced him as my Master.

“Baby? What are your thoughts?”

He grinned. That’s better. Everything between them had become so sharp and present since they’d agreed on being fulltime. Terry had found it difficult to stop analyzing every moment and every interaction they shared.

Once he’d absorbed how exquisite the shot was that Phil had pointed out, he let a soft ‘wow’, fall from his lips. Our love is so clear, so alive. “Yeah. That one. It’s…” He shook his head, his emotions so high it was difficult to express his feelings. “You can see how much we belong together.”

Phil kissed the side of his neck. “Yes, we do. Definitely that one, along with a few others I’d like to keep.”

Terry rubbed his cheek against Phil’s since the contact had already been made. “We can keep all of them on a thumb drive, but I want this one to frame.”

Phil squeezed his shoulder as he straightened. “Call me an old goat, but I also want hard copies of a few different poses as well.”

Terry tried to hold in an exasperated sigh. He hated it when Phil would make disparaging remarks about his age.  “I would like that too. Master.”

Phil’s grip became tighter in a silent warning. “And the same goes for the ones I chose of you.”

Before he’d had the chance to say anything when the shoot was over, Phil had announced they’d be viewing Terry’s solo shots first, mumbling about how he wanted to put off seeing his own face for a long as possible. It wasn’t that he didn’t understand how being photographed was uncomfortable for some people—he’d dealt with that issue many times over the years—it was how Phil couldn’t stop from making subtle digs at himself. Considering how irritated it made Phil when Terry did the same thing, his attitude struck Terry as odd.

Another issue to discuss. It was time to thank Van, then send him on his way. He’d been excited all day about finally having the chance to photograph his man and they needed to have a little chat first. A thoroughly respectful and non-snippy one.

After finishing up with Van and thanking him again, they were left alone. Terry contemplated his next move. He could dive right into the session the way he’d originally planned, or sit down with Phil beforehand and have a potentially birthday-destroying conversation.

Phil approached him, reaching up to cup his cheek. “Why the lip-chewing?” He chuckled. “Change your mind on the solo shots of me? If you have, it’s fine. I’m not exactly—what?” Phil’s brow creased. “You look angry.”

Terry crossed his arms as Phil lowered his hand.

Yeah, I’m angry. But I don’t want to ruin…” Fuck. “Look, this shoot means a lot to me. A lot. I’ve wanted to photograph you from the beginning, never dreamed I’d get another chance after you left. And…” Terry lowered his eyes, desperate to make Phil understand. Then he fixed him with his gaze. “Do you have any idea how fucking hot I think you are? And don’t you dare correct me on the swearing right now, because I’m fed up with the way you’re always talking shit about yourself. Also, I don’t give a damn about the difference in our ages. I only care about you and all the things that make up who you are. Do you think I’d allow myself to be so vulnerable to you otherwise? That I’d let someone I was unsure of take control of my life the way I have? Seriously, do you think I’m a complete idiot?”

Phil’s skin had reddened to the point of being scarlet. He sucked in a deep breath as if he were about to burst out with his own rant, but instead, his eyes widened and he snapped his mouth shut. Tension radiated from his expression and after a moment where he couldn’t meet Terry’s eyes, he scrubbed his face with both hands. Terry held in a groan. So much for the makeup.

Phil slowly nodded then glanced up at Terry, his features twisted in a grimace, his eyes glistening. “You’re right. I was just about to correct you for talking down about yourself, yet what have I been doing? I’m not being a good example, am I?” Phil let out a long sigh. “Eric would tan my hide over such childish behavior.”

Terry huffed. “He’d better not.”

Phil arched his eyebrows. “You don’t think I deserve it?”

“I didn’t say that. He just doesn’t get to put his hands on my Master.”

Phil took a tentative step forward, a smile tugging at one corner of his mouth. “Does this mean I’m forgiven, baby?”

As if I wouldn’t forgive the one person I can’t live without. That’s hilarious.

Terry moved toward Phil until they were so close they were breathing the same air. Terry nudged Phil’s nose with his own, rules be damned. “Of course, I forgive you. I love you no matter what. That’s the part I need you to fully grasp.”

Phil wrapped him in an embrace, running his hands up Terry’s back, bringing their bodies together until their chests touched. Terry had always felt secure in Phil’s arms and it was even sweeter after a squabble. His Master never skimped on the affection.

“Can I hug you back?”

It was only Wednesday, and even though they’d needed to be free to express themselves during the shoot with Van, they were back to being alone in their D/s dynamic.

Phil angled his head so he could gaze down at him. “Yes, you can. I think I might even need it more than you do. I’m so sorry, Terry. I really am.”

They held each other in silence for several minutes, Terry with his cheek resting on Phil’s shoulder and Phil resting his cheek on Terry’s head. At last, Phil spoke.

“I’d still like to do the photos, that is, if you do. Otherwise, we can save it for another time if you feel the mood’s been ruined. That’s what you meant, right? When you said you didn’t want things to be ruined?”

Terry loosened his hold to make sure Phil could see the truth in his expression. “That’s not what I meant at all. I was worried my frustration with you would mess up your birthday. My timing could’ve been better.”

To Terry’s surprise, Phil snorted out a laugh. “And my actions as your Master could’ve been a helluva lot better.” He stepped back, laughing harder as he held up his palm to Terry. “Statement of fact, not putting myself down, I swear.”

Terry narrowed his eyes. “Well, I guess I can’t argue with that. All right, truce?”

Phil answered him with a deep, heated kiss. The unrestricted touching on their getaway weekend to Ojai had been glorious and he lost himself as he allowed his hand to drift down the back of Phil’s pants, searching with his fingers until he found the waistband of his briefs. Phil grabbed his wrist as he broke their lip-lock.

“Now, now. That’s a tad more involved than a hug.”

Terry groaned. We made an agreement. What’s the point of any of this if it’s not adhered to? “You’re right.” He reluctantly removed his hand. “But I want to take you up on your offer.”

“Oh?” Phil cocked his head. “Which one would that be?”

“The one where you said you’d still like me to photograph you.”

“Ah.” Phil regarded him with fondness. “That one.”

“I’ll have to redo your make up first anyway, so I was thinking, I have this incredible gray-blue background. If you changed into a white shirt and undid the top two buttons, maybe popped the collar, I could get some incredible shots of you staring into the camera with your piercing Dom gaze. The white shirt would focus all the attention on your incredibly masculine and handsome features.”

Terry waited for Phil’s typical response to such praise.

He chuckled instead. “I have a piercing Dom gaze?”

Holding back a grin was impossible. He took me seriously. “It’s amazing. I get a chubby every time.”

Phil snorted out a laugh. “Well, I’ll have to use my Dom superpowers on you more often, then.”

“Oh yes, you certainly should, Master.” Master. All is right with the world again. “Happy Birthday.”

Phil’s gaze softened. “Thank you, baby, for everything. Even the reprimand.”

Right as Terry was about to say it was okay, Phil pressed their lips together, prodding at Terry’s mouth with his tongue. He opened up to accept the kiss and relaxed into Phil’s hold. Even though a fight had been the furthest thing from Terry’s mind when he’d pictured Phil’s birthday celebration, in reality, it had turned out for the best. Once again, they’d proven how important they were to each other and how vital it was they communicate their needs within their scary—yet thrilling—life together.




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