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Pain Play (Play Series Book 3) by Morticia Knight (10)

Chapter Nine



Terry cuddled with Marco on one of the long couches in Gerard’s living room. The late January rains had arrived with a vengeance and it made for lazy nights, perfect for relaxing and enjoying time with friends. While Gerard hadn’t opened his home to any of the club members, he and Phil weren’t included in that ban. Gerard had confessed to Phil the day before that they were sorely missed by both him and Marco. Arrangements had been made for them to get together, and Phil had shared with Terry that he’d hinted to Gerard they wanted to discuss something important. After they’d arrived at Gerard and Marco’s place, he and Marco had been instructed to wait in the living room while Phil and Gerard had a private conversation. Even though he’d held Marco alone before, it marked the first time they’d received a blessing from their Masters.

Terry closed his arms tighter around Marco, and he nuzzled Terry’s throat in response. Relief had filled him when he hadn’t been ordered to strip upon arrival. Holding the naked Marco against him was tempting enough—he doubted he’d be able to control himself if they were skin to skin. He furrowed his brow, worry nagging at him despite the conversation he’d had with Phil already and Gerard’s insistence that Terry hold Marco. I want this, Phil wants it. But what do they want? Things would get mighty awkward if they weren’t all on the same page.

“Terry?” Marco peered up at him. “Do you still love me?”

Terry couldn’t explicitly recall telling Marco that he loved him, but the truth was that he did. It wasn’t the same type of love he shared with Phil, not even close. Despite the physical intimacy, it would never be like it was with his Master. Phil had told Terry one time that he was his soulmate and Terry believed the truth of his words more than ever.

“Of course I do, Marco.” He gave him a reassuring smile. “Why do you ask?”

“Because Master said you and Master Phil went to another club.”

“Well, yeah. But that had nothing to do with how I feel about you, or me wanting to play with someone else. We were just trying to give you guys your space while things got worked out…” Terry cleared his throat. “You know, because of your situation.”

“Oh. I see.”

Marco drew his eyebrows together and Terry wanted to smooth out the crease between them. It made him nuts whenever Marco appeared troubled or sad. I’m losing it.

Marco sighed. “I told Master I needed to see you. He understands. Do you?”

His next words needed to be said carefully. He’d already learned through what little conversations they’d had that Marco processed information differently than most people Terry had interacted with in the past.

“I think I do. Because I told my Master the night we went to the club that it didn’t feel right. Even if we didn’t play with anyone else while we were there—nor did we want to—I felt as though I was betraying you guys somehow. I’ll wait and see what our Masters have to say when they come back, but I don’t want to participate in anything like we all did before unless it’s with you and Master Gerard.” Terry’s face heated at what else he was about to reveal, but his instincts told him that Marco felt the same way. “And I don’t want you guys to be with anyone else either.”

Marco offered him his version of a beaming smile. “That’s what I was thinking too. I was scared that you would fall in love with another boy when you went to that club.”

Terry stroked Marco’s curls. “No, that would never be possible. There’s no other sub as special as you.”

Marco shook his head. “Oh no, Terry. That’s not true. You’re the most special one.”

Something in the tone of Marco’s voice told him that his declaration wasn’t simple flattery. For Marco, Terry knew it held a deeper meaning. Marco didn’t toss around idle words. Terry intended to be worthy of Marco’s belief in him.

“We’re both special. How about that?”

Marco didn’t respond, appearing more interested in Terry’s fingers than what they’d just been discussing. Terry had become accustomed to how Marco conversed. It was clear that he’d moved past the subject and was on to the next thing.

“How come you’re not wearing your ring?” Marco tugged on the finger that would someday hold the gold piece of jewelry Phil had given him.

“We’re saving it for our wedding day.” A jolt of emotion hit Terry from saying the words out loud.

“Oh. Will you be angry at me if I don’t come to the wedding? I might go, I’m just not sure yet.”

“That’s all right, Marco. I don’t want you to do anything that makes you uncomfortable. If you decide you can’t go, I’m sure we could work something out with our Masters where we have a private celebration with only the four of us.”

“Yes. Our Masters will know what to do.” It seemed Marco had lost interest in his finger as he closed his eyes and went back to resting against his shoulder.

Terry glanced up at the sound of Phil and Master Gerard’s approaching footsteps. When they rounded the corner of the hall that led from the kitchen, he noted the amused expressions radiating from them both.

Gerard cocked his head as he regarded them. “Has he gone to sleep?”

Marco jerked in his arms then scrambled away until he was kneeling at Gerard’s feet. “Forgive me, Master. I didn’t realize you were back.”

Oh yeah. Right. Terry rushed to kneel before Phil as well. As always, the calming effect of Phil’s palm resting on his head brought him to a state of peace.

“Terry, why didn’t you come with me? I want to speak with you in the kitchen while Gerard and Marco stay here to have their own discussion.”

Terry wobbled as he rose, something he hadn’t done in quite a while. His hands trembled, but it wasn’t from fear. He knew what Phil wanted to talk to him about. They’d revisited the topic of Gerard and Marco on the drive over. Phil had told them that he and Gerard never spoke of their more intimate relationship while on the job, it was an agreement they’d made originally when they’d decided to go into business together. But from the sounds of the invite, they’d surmised that something similar was on Gerard’s mind. By the time he’d made it to the kitchen, he was shaking all over.

“Hey, baby.” Phil gathered him close. “If this is too much, we can go home. Gerard and Marco will understand. That’s one of the main things about engaging in such an unconventional relationship.”

Terry clutched the fabric of Phil’s blue silk shirt. He peered up at him. “So that means that Master Gerard wants to do it? He wants the four of us to be…?” Terry frowned. “What does he want us to be?”

Phil rubbed his back, soothing him. “It’s not what Master Gerard wants, it’s about what we all want. And that’s the condition right there. We either all want it—not agree to it—but want it, or the whole thing is off.”

“Cool. But could you explain to me what ‘it’ is, exactly?”

Phil gave a light chuckle. “That’s why I brought you in here. We agreed that we should discuss this with our boys privately so that no one feels under any pressure.”

“Wow. We’re actually considering this.”

Phil’s eyes danced as he gazed down at him. “I thought you wanted to know what ‘this’ is?”

Terry was tempted to pinch Phil, but didn’t think it would be helpful to his cause. “Okay, Master. Carry on.”

“Don’t mind if I do.” Phil shook his head, sighing. “You keep me on my toes.” Phil brought their mouths together and slipped his tongue between Terry’s lips. He tasted him, licking inside, exploring deeper with each pass until they both could barely breathe. Phil withdrew, but kept Terry wrapped in his arms. “Love you, baby. That’s the main thing. That will always be the main thing. Gerard was clear on that in regards to Marco as well.”

Terry still held onto Phil, still needed his Master to keep him anchored.

“Apparently, Gerard and Marco already had a similar conversation as the one we did.” Phil threaded his fingers through Terry’s hair. “It came about once Marco discovered that we’d gone to a public club to play.”

“Yeah, Marco asked me if I still loved him. He seemed worried that I’d find another sub and not care about him anymore.”

Phil nodded, smiling. “Gerard told me that too. He had a difficult time calming Marco down that night.”

Terry’s stomach clenched. He could never be a Master. Taking on the responsibility of caring for another man went way beyond his emotional capabilities.

“So, this is what we discussed. Since the feelings we share between the four of us go beyond mere friendship, yet we don’t wish to swap or share our boys either during play—or if we were to try and blend our lives as four—we think we’ve come up with a solution. Gerard and I got off watching you and Marco kiss, and we’re all on board with voyeurism and exhibitionism, but Marco seems to crave more physical contact with you.”

“Oh. So…”

“Let me finish, then we’ll go over any questions or concerns. That includes you saying no to everything at any time regardless, got it?”

“Got it.”

“What me and Gerard are proposing to you and Marco, is that only when the four of us are together will you be allowed to touch each other. That includes kissing, hugging and sexual contact.”

Terry’s eyes widened, but he managed to keep his mouth shut.

“The definition of sexual contact would be stroking, caressing and rubbing, up to and including climaxes. No penetration, no oral. Gerard doesn’t get you off, and I don’t get Marco off. For now, any physical contact between me and Gerard will be limited to affectionate touches and possibly kissing. We’re leaving that open as a possibility, but our main concern is not leaving you and Marco feeling vulnerable or disregarded. What I think is more important than anything we discussed, however, is that if go ahead with this, they are no longer going to invite others to play, and neither will we. We’ll be signing a contract between the four of us to that effect. We’d be a committed foursome of play partners.”

A couple of ‘holy shits’ ran through Terry’s mind, but he kept them to himself. “Committed? But what about their parties? And doesn’t Marty still live here?”

“Yes, committed. Exclusive. If they decide to hold their parties again, they’ll remain true to the contract. As far as Marty is concerned, he moved out last week, but even if he were still here, that wouldn’t change anything.” Phil pressed a kiss to his temple. “It’s a big step. I should add that as separate couples we’ll continue to maintain our own residences and lead our lives, for the most part, in the same manner we always have. We’ll still be getting married, you’ll be taking care of our home like you’ve wanted, we’ll continue our journey as Master and sub—none of that changes. The main difference is that, on occasion, Marco and Gerard would be included.”

Terry blinked a few times as he tried to wrap his brain around everything Phil had unloaded on him. “Wow. So, I was holding these back, but I’m willing to face the punishment so at least one can be set free. Holy shit.”

Phil gave him a sharp pinch on his ass. “That’s the punishment. You got off light, so don’t push me.” Terry had an angry retort ready, but Phil deflated it with a wink. “I can embrace the need for at least one ‘holy shit’ under the circumstances.”

Terry rolled his eyes in acknowledgment. “That’s for sure.”

Phil pressed their lips together briefly, then patted his butt. “Wait here while I check in with Gerard. If Marco doesn’t want to go through with this, then we’ll call it a night to give them their space.”

Please don’t let that happen. “Sure.” Terry nodded with little conviction. A part of him wanted to insist that he tag along. The suspense would kill him otherwise.

“Don’t worry.” Phil regarded him knowingly. “I doubt it’s going to be an issue. This also gives you a chance to practice your patience.”

Terry narrowed his eyes. “I’ve been getting much better.”

Phil gave him a quick squeeze. “Yes you have, baby. But there’s always room for improvement.”

Terry declined to respond. He was more interested in Phil getting on with it already.

“Try not to get yourself worked up. I have a feeling you’re going to get your wish, so let me verify everything with Gerard.” Phil gave him an appreciative leer. “Trust me, I’m feeling a bit impatient myself.”

Terry nodded, crossing his arms and leaning against the center island. He chewed on his lower lip as he imagined in his head the conversation that was going on in the other room, as well as what Marco was thinking. Practice my patience, practice my patience.

Phil appeared in the doorway. “Follow me. High protocol.”

Terry froze. This is it. One part of him wanted to race into the other room, the other part was afraid to move.

“Do I have to spank you in front of our friends or are you going to obey me?”

Phil’s sharp tone broke his trance. “Sorry, Master. I’ll obey.”

Terry snapped into action, lowering his eyes while keeping his posture and gait perfect as he followed two steps behind Phil. Even without nakedness, it would be clear to all how hard he was. Just because Phil hadn’t verbally clarified what had gone on between him and Gerard, it didn’t mean he wasn’t about to get his wish. His continuous desire to have everything explained to him in vivid detail was one of his biggest challenges as a sub. And the current circumstances were even more challenging than usual.

When they reached the living room, it took every ounce of determination he possessed not to glance up to search out Marco’s gaze.

“Gerard? It seems my boy is wearing too many clothes. As a matter of fact, I wish him to be naked. Would you permit your boy to undress him?”

“Why yes. Marco, love? Remove Terry’s clothing. Once he’s completely nude, fold the items then place them on the chair.”

The trembling had returned, and Terry struggled to remain still. The desire to help Marco along was difficult to control. His heart picked up a rapid beat from Marco’s featherlight touches as he slowly unbuttoned Terry’s shirt, sweeping the open garment off his shoulders. Then, Marco loosened the buckle of his pants and drew down the zipper, Marco’s knuckles brushing against Terry’s leaking cock. His breathing accelerated as sweat formed at his brow. Marco’s sweet scent, his smell that was so different from Phil’s—yet enticing in its own unique way—left him aching to taste Marco’s lush lips.

Marco completed his task then resumed the position with his hands clasped behind his back and his gaze lowered. They hadn’t met each other’s eyes during the entire exchange, which had made the pulsing in his dick throb even more. The sensation of precum trailing down his erect shaft would be obvious to both his Master and Gerard. He closed his eyes. Knowing he was bared to their gaze, his clear need to be on display apparent, was more arousing than he would’ve thought possible.

Whispers were shared between Phil and Gerard, but Terry couldn’t make out the words. If something didn’t happen soon, he was going to shoot his load before he was even touched. The anticipation was making him crazy.

“Marco, take the cock ring that Master Phil is holding and put it on Terry.”

“Yes, Master.”

Terry squeezed his own fingers that were clasped behind his back. He gasped at Marco’s first touch on his straining erection. He curled his toes, struggling to keep his balance and to hold on to his impending orgasm. Once the leather restraint was wrapped securely around his junk, he exhaled.

“Master? May I?”

Marco’s voice remained soft even though his query held an edge of desperation. Terry’s head remained lowered, yet he couldn’t help but sneak a glance as he waited to hear Gerard’s response over what Marco wanted. His brow furrowed at the sight of Marco holding up a hand.

“Yes, Marco. You may.”

May what?

A whimper escaped Terry when Marco pushed two fingers into his mouth, moaning as he sucked on them. My precum. Marco removed the digits with one last lick before repeating the move with his thumb.

“Terry.” Phil’s bark made him jump. “I never gave you permission to raise your eyes.”

“I apologize, Master.” Terry dropped his gaze. However, that meant that he was staring down at his scarlet-tipped, leaking cock instead.

“Marco, love. I believe you missed some. You should take care of that, make sure you complete your task.”

Oh God. He should’ve made this thing tighter.

Terry hissed as Marco repeatedly swirled a finger around the head of his prick while continuing to taste him. His thighs trembled as he fought against climaxing.

“You may stop, Marco.” Gerard’s tone was firm, but his voice remained calm. “I don’t want you to get too full. We have much more to do tonight. But Master Phil and I want you to kiss Terry. Let him taste himself.”

Marco pressed against him and wrapped his fingers around Terry’s upper arms. There rigid cocks aligned almost perfectly, Marco’s silken heat sliding easily against Terry’s spit-slickened hard flesh. Terry inhaled a puff of Marco’s breath before he dipped his tongue into Terry’s mouth. Terry latched onto Marco’s tongue, drawing it in before sucking it hard. He could indeed detect the flavor of his own seed, but more importantly, he tasted Marco. Since he wasn’t clear on the rule of when it was permissible to touch Marco, he kept his hands behind his back.

Phil’s groan reached his ears from where he stood behind him. “That’s enough, Terry. I want you to use those lips on my cock.”

As they broke away from each other, Terry had to see if he could catch Marco’s eyes. More than anything, he needed to know that his friend was enjoying himself. The hint of a smile ghosted across Marco’s mouth, his cheeks flushed and cock dripping, and Terry let out a sigh. Joy surged through him now that he knew they all wanted to be together the way they were.

“Kneel and open your mouth,” Phil commanded. “Keep your hands behind your back and get ready to take me down your throat.”

His cock jerked, the mad urge to spend becoming an overpowering need, but he hurried to do his Master’s will. As he got into position, he was vaguely aware of Marco receiving similar instructions from Gerard, but that wasn’t his focus. All he desired was the feel of Phil’s rigid shaft sliding repeatedly across his tongue and pummeling his throat raw.

Phil grabbed his head, holding it tightly between his hands before thrusting into Terry’s mouth. The first several plunges only hinted at the onslaught Terry knew was next. Phil’s prick fucked his willing mouth in short stabs as if allowing him a moment to adjust to being filled with the thick meat.

‘Take a breath’ was the only warning Terry received before Phil slammed his big cock down his throat. The first intrusion made him choke so Phil pulled away, pausing when the tip of Phil’s dick rested on the tip of his tongue.

“Come on, my beautiful cocksucker. I know you can do better than that. Show me what an obedient little slut you are, take it deep.”

Terry inhaled and relaxed his throat before Phil shoved his prick in Terry’s mouth again. This time, he accepted it without gagging the way Phil had taught him the first time they’d been a couple. He instinctively swallowed with each pass, Phil pumping his hips, pausing every third or fourth stroke with his cock buried deep so Terry could squeeze the muscles of his throat around Phil’s dick. Phil curled his fingers in Terry’s hair, yanking on it hard enough to bring tears to his eyes.

“Get ready.” Phil’s voice cracked, his prick swelling even more on Terry’s tongue. “Big breath.”

Phil slammed down Terry’s throat, then froze, warm cum pulsing from his Master’s slit that he swallowed like a good boy. Right as Terry became dizzy and was preparing to pinch Phil’s hip, his safeword when he couldn’t speak, Phil jerked his softening shaft from Terry’s mouth. Phil dragged him to his feet before cradling him to his chest and peppering his face with kisses. Terry drew in large gulps of air until he was able to slow down his frantic breathing. All the while, Phil murmured to him what a great job he’d done, how beautiful and obedient he was and that he made him so proud.

When Terry became aware of his surroundings again, Phil was directing him to the couch that faced the one where Gerard held Marco on his lap.

Oh yeah. Forgot about them. He wondered how much they’d witnessed of what he and Phil had just done.

Once Phil had taken a seat with his pants still open, he settled Terry on his lap and kissed him, the exchange languid and loving. Phil broke away, but continued to caress him. He kept the touches light, but the feel of Phil’s strong fingers dancing across his skin reminded him of how much he still needed to come. A soft moan drew his attention, and he angled his head to see what Gerard was doing to Marco.

Marco writhed under Gerard’s caresses, a wanton thing that Terry wished he could touch. He pumped his hips one time before he could stop. Phil chuckled and nibbled his ear.

“Gerard, I don’t know if you’re allowing your boy to come tonight, but mine has pleased me so much I feel he deserves a reward.”

“My boy has done well too.” Gerard idly plucked at a whimpering Marco’s nipples. “I think we should help them out.” Gerard leaned to the side, holding Marco with one arm while reaching to a side table with the other. He grabbed a tube of slick then tossed it in Phil’s direction. Phil grabbed it in midair. “I might not be ready to get it up again yet,” Gerard smirked. “But my boy loves being penetrated.”

Say yes, Phil. Say yes.

“Thanks.” Phil held up the container of lube. “So does mine.” Phil gave his neck a gentle squeeze. “Don’t you, baby? Tell Master Gerard and Marco how much you love it when I stretch your hole wide open and fill your ass.”

Heat bloomed under Terry’s skin. He struggled to get the words out, wanting nothing more than to obey his Master, but despite the truth of Phil’s words, he’d never admitted to anything like that out loud to someone other than a lover. He glanced at Marco. A flush had bloomed high on his cheeks and he was biting his lip. I guess I would consider Marco a lover now too. But he still couldn’t get his mouth to move.

“Baby? I believe I gave you an order. Only good boys who tell the truth get to come.” Phil cupped Terry’s swollen balls. “Perhaps you’d like to show rather than tell?”

“Uh…” Terry almost choked on his spit. “Whatever you wish, Master.”

“Hmm. That’s a tough choice. Gerard? What are your thoughts?”

Gerard teased a wriggling Marco’s dick. “I’m not sure. Marco, love, which would you prefer?”

Marco thrust into the tunnel of Gerard’s fist. “I want to see.”

“You heard Marco’s request, Terry. Retrieve the dildo from my overnight bag in the foyer.”

Shit. When did he put that in there? He should’ve spoken up when he’d still had the chance.

Terry sucked in a breath then climbed off Phil’s lap. No one had to tell him to keep his gaze lowered, he couldn’t meet anyone’s eyes anyway. As nervous as he was about what he might have to do in front of Gerard and Marco, his fear had done nothing to dampen his arousal. He was still on the edge of a massive orgasm. When he reached Phil’s tote and unzipped the black designer bag, he groaned at the sight of the one Phil had brought. It had only been used on him one time, and he’d needed a lot of prep first.

He pressed his lips together then retrieved the fake phallus. Might as well get this over with. On his way back into the living room, Terry noted a small stack of towels at the end of both couches. Man, they were both expecting this to happen. When he reached Phil, he presented the obscene toy to him.

Phil patted his ass in acknowledgment. “That’s my good baby. I bet you can’t wait to be stuffed, can’t wait to show our friends what a big cock you can take.”

Terry swallowed hard. “Yes, Master.”

“Excellent.” Phil gestured to the cushion next to him. “Have a seat. Now scoot your butt to the edge then pull your knees back so you can give them a nice view of that pretty hole.”

Fuck me. He supposed in a sense he was. But the show he was about to put on for Gerard and Marco went beyond what he’d done the last time they’d all been together.

Once he’d spread his legs wide, holding his thighs open to expose himself, he screwed his eyes shut. He wouldn’t look unless Phil ordered him to.

“Oh no, that won’t do. You need to watch them while they watch you.”

Dammit. He obeyed Phil’s command, trying to ignore the flush of heat under his skin.

“Very good. Now we can continue.”

He met Marco’s gaze and it not only eased some of his embarrassment, but made him happy to see how much his friend appeared to be enjoying himself. I’m pleasing my Master and pleasing Marco. The shame dissipated and began to transform into arousal.

Phil squeezed a generous amount of slick on his fingers before adding more to Terry’s exposed asshole. He teased the wrinkled skin guarding his entrance with the liquid then dipped two fingers past his rim, fucking his passage with short thrusts. He gradually pressed deeper, in and out, farther, until he nudged Terry’s gland.

Terry gripped the backs of his thighs as Phil massaged the nub inside him. His need to be filled grew the more Phil taunted him with his skilled fingers. Phil removed the two digits he’d already breached him with then added a third. Terry threw back his head as he arched, the burn so good, so satisfying. Phil twisted his hand as he plunged into him repeatedly, opening his fingers as wide as Terry’s rim would allow.

“Give me your hand, Terry. The one opposite from me.”

Terry did as he was told, and Phil added some lube to Terry’s first two fingers.

“Slide them in next to mine.”

An ‘are you fucking kidding me’ almost flew from his mouth, but he bit it back. Instead, he reached between his legs, doing his best not to jostle his aching balls, then prodded at his heated rim that was stretched so tightly around Phil’s thick fingers.

“Uh, Master? I don’t think I can…” He frowned, uncertain over what it was he wanted to say or do.

“You need to be specific. There is no ‘can’t’. You either obey or safeword.”

Right. He knew that. But it took on a different sheen when he was doing it in front of others, especially ones he cared about. That’s what it is. I don’t want to be a failure in front of them. He almost laughed out loud at the realization. I want them to be proud of me too.

“Master, may I please have some more lube?”

“Yes, you may.”

Phil added more liquid on his fingers, then squeezed additional lube onto his hole. Terry took his time, determined to succeed while still being careful not to hurt himself. He wouldn’t force it, but he was fairly sure he could do it. He started with just one digit by nestling it between two of Phil’s fingers that were already stuffed inside him. As Phil pumped them in and out of his passage, he was able to gradually breach the ring of muscle until it slipped inside him with all of Phil’s fingers.

Terry sucked in a strangled cry, the combination of their fingers fucking him in tandem teetering him on the edge of what little control he had left. A ball of tingling energy gathered low in his spine, and as if Phil knew what was about to happen, he gripped the base of Terry’s shaft, squeezing hard. Phil stopped moving and trapped Terry’s finger to keep him still.

“Breathe through it, baby. Just rest for a moment.”

Sweat trickled down Terry’s neck as he fought against his impending orgasm. After a couple minutes, he felt as though he’d averted his crisis.

“Are you ready to continue?”

Terry nodded shakily. “Yeah. I mean, yes Master. I’m ready.”

Phil loosened his grip on Terry’s cock then added more lube to Terry’s stretched hole. “I want you to insert the other one. Just for a few strokes, then we’ll take them out. After that, we’re all going to sit and watch you fuck yourself with that big dildo until you come.”

If he keeps talking like that, it won’t be a very long show.

Terry concentrated on the task at hand. They moved their fingers together again, but this time, Terry used his middle one to tease his opening that already seemed to have been stretched as far as it would go. He used the same move as he had before by nestling it with the others as they pulled out. He let out a cry as his second finger plunged in with the rest, his rim stinging as it loosened up even more to make room to accommodate his and Phil’s fingers.

Phil remained true to his word and after no more than three or four thrusts, he pulled all the way out. Terry did the same, his body mourning the loss of being filled. Before he left his side, Phil kissed him, a silent reassurance that he was doing well. It gave him the strength to keep going.

“Master, may I please rest my legs before I continue?”

“You may.” Phil set the dildo down next to him. “You can get this ready in the meantime.”

Terry’s hand shook as he picked up the toy Phil had laid on the cushion before he joined their friends on the sofa. The container of lube was next to it and Terry didn’t hesitate to add plenty of slick to the silicone object. Phil had made his way to the other couch and taken a seat next to Gerard.

Phil stared at him, gazing into Terry’s eyes before he switched his attention to the large phallus Terry held in his hand. Phil glanced back up, licking his lips. “Continue. Don’t hold back. Show us everything, how much your body begs for it. Let us hear what being fucked by that big fake dick does to you.”

“Yes, Master. Whatever makes you happy.” Terry’s voice had barely been above a whisper.

He pulled his legs back up and out as he’d done before, his hole still wet and ready to accept the large intrusion. God, I can’t believe it, but I want this. I want to make Phil happy, want to get Marco and Gerard hot, but I want it too.

Terry placed the rounded head of the toy against his rim, teasing the opening a few times before bearing down on it until the first inch had breached his hole. Terry’s eyes rounded as he exhaled on a sigh. He pushed deeper, gasping at the sensation. Full. So damn full. He wanted more.

Terry experimented, circling his hips while still pumping the dildo in and out of his channel. He took it deeper and harder. Soon he was lost in the decadence of the act, moaning and whimpering freely as he alternated between fucking himself and holding it still while impaling himself on the thick object.

Lusty sounds drifted to his ears and he lifted his gaze, searching for the reaction his perverted show was causing. Marco faced him, his eyes hooded as he bounced on Gerard’s cock. Phil held his own swollen prick in one hand, his arm across the back of the couch behind Gerard. Terry wondered if his Master was touching him. He found that the thought excited him instead of making him jealous. He might be off-limits to Gerard and Marco might be off-limits to Phil, but watching Phil and Gerard together was something he might be on board with in the future.

Phil launched himself from the couch right as Gerard and Marco’s pace quickened and their noises became more urgent. When Phil reached him, he grabbed Terry’s wrist to halt his movements. He then pulled the toy free, tossing it onto one of the towels. Phil shoved his dick into Terry, folding him in half with the force of his thrusts, their skin slapping together loudly from Phil’s frantic rutting.

“Gonna…” Large drops of Phil’s sweat fell on Terry’s chest, his Master’s breathing coming in quick gasps. “Have to…” He sucked in more air. “As soon as I take the ring off.”

Phil reached between them, his arm bumping the sensitive tip of Terry’s leaking shaft as he fumbled to undo the cock ring that imprisoned Terry’s balls and prick. Phil had barely freed him when Terry cried out his release. He came so hard he nearly pushed Phil from his body, but Phil yanked him by the waist, holding him fast as he pumped his seed into Terry’s passage.

Phil collapsed on him, both of them panting as they came down from their incredible shared high. Terry found Phil’s mouth with his lips, not caring whether he’d been given permission. He needed the connection. Instead of being reprimanded, Phil let him in and kissed him back with the same urgency. While they shared multiple kisses—tilting their heads at different angles as if they could get closer—Phil helped Terry ease his legs down, massaging his hips.

Phil drew back. “Are you all right? Not just physically, but in every way.” He’d spoken low, keeping the exchange between them private.

Terry nodded the best he could with Phil still on top of him. “Yeah, I really am. This was amazing. And you? Was this okay for you?”

Phil grinned. “I’m going to have to agree with you on amazing. Should we check in with our friends?”

Terry stole another kiss. “I think that’s a good idea.”

Phil slid to the carpet, bringing Terry with him until he was cradled on his lap. He plucked another of the towels from the pile at the end of the couch then helped clean them both up. Terry took a moment to observe Gerard and Marco together while Phil attended to him.

There are so sweet together. There’s no way me and Phil could ever get between that any more than they could get between us. What the four of us have is completely different.

Peace enveloped him at his realization. He hoped that Gerard and Marco still wanted to go through with the contract after what they’d all just experienced. Gerard glanced up once he’d finished kissing and caressing Marco. Terry couldn’t be sure, but it seemed as if Marco had drifted off to sleep.

Gerard regarded them, a smile tugging at his lips. He turned to Phil. “Well, what’s the final verdict? Do you still think this’ll work?”

Phil chuckled. “I was about to ask you the same thing. But to answer your question, we both do, very much.”

“Wonderful.” Gerard laughed. “I was hoping you’d say so I wouldn’t have to beg you to reconsider. That was the hottest group play I’ve ever experienced and I believe in what we have together. That’s because there’s love between us.” Gerard shrugged with one shoulder. “Call me a sap, but that’s my opinion.”

Phil tightened his embrace around Terry. “I imagine that makes me a sap too.”

The two men shared a smile, then Gerard gave Terry a wink. He let out a satisfied sigh. “It would seem we’ve worn Marco out.” Gerard looked at Phil. “Have you decided whether you’d like to stay over?”

Phil gazed down at Terry. “Only if you’re comfortable with that.”

“Totally comfortable. I sort of assumed… I mean, I know I shouldn’t do that, but I guessed as much when you packed a bag.”

Gerard cleared his throat. “As long as your boy is agreeable to spending the night, I’d like to suggest something else. It would be wonderful if in the morning we can enjoy a leisurely breakfast before we go over our contract. But I also feel compelled to take this one step further than what we’ve already discussed.”

“Oh?” Terry noted that Phil had arched his eyebrows. “Now you have me intrigued. What else were you thinking?”

“Instead of you using the guest room like I’d originally offered, I was hoping that you and Terry would sleep with us instead. Terry and Marco would be in between us, of course.”

Hot damn.

Marco’s head shot up and he angled his body until he was facing Terry. “Tell your Master yes, Terry. Please?”

Terry grinned at his sweet friend. “I’d already planned on it.”

His response seemed to satisfy Marco, so without another word, he closed his eyes and curled up against Gerard as if he’d never moved in the first place.

Phil gazed down at him again. “Is that true? This is what you want?”

“It feels right after what we just shared. I think I’d feel empty and sad if we just went home. But I’m also not ready to end the night with us separated into two bedrooms. This has been intense for me. Real. I’d never do this with anyone else other than Gerard and Marco. So, I think that warrants us sharing in the afterglow as well.”

“Your boy articulated that better than I ever could have, Phil.”

Phil locked eyes with Terry as he spoke. “Gerard, he’s better at expressing his feelings than any man I’ve ever met. He’s my soul.”

Terry broke protocol for approximately the third time that night. He’d lost count, but that’s not what mattered. All he cared about for the moment was kissing his Master with all the love he possessed.

Because he’s my soul too—and always will be.




Watch for more installments in the Play Series coming soon!

If you liked Pain Play, you might also enjoy the Kiss of Leather series:


Find out how it all began:

Also by Morticia Knight:

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About the Author:

         Author Bio

Bestselling and award-winning author Morticia Knight spends most of her nights writing about men loving men forever after. If there happens to be some friendly bondage or floggings involved, she doesn’t begrudge her characters whatever their filthy little heart’s desire. Even though she’s been crafting her naughty tales for more years than she’d like to share – her adventures as a published author began in 2011. Once upon a time she was the lead singer in an indie rock band that toured the West Coast and charted on U.S. college radio. She currently resides on the northern Oregon coast and when she’s not fantasizing about hot men she takes walks along the ocean and annoys the local Karaoke bar patrons.


With over 40 gay/bisexual romance books and stories published with Knight Ever After Publishing, Pride Publishing and Dreamspinner Press, Morticia is bound to have something for your sexy HEA reading pleasure!


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