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Pain Play (Play Series Book 3) by Morticia Knight (8)

Chapter Eight



Terry dried off the last dish from the drainer and put it in its proper space in the cupboard. Ever since Phil and Gerard had started working together, things had shifted back to how they’d been when he and Phil had begun the new incarnation of their relationship. It was odd how comforting a feeling it was. The middle of January was approaching, and the angel and demon series would be beckoning him soon. He’d signed a contract with them, which he wouldn’t dream of breaking, but a thought had been rattling through his brain lately and he figured it was about time to bring it up to his Master for discussion.

With him so busy again, it would only make sense.

Terry checked on his baked potatoes, squinching up his face at the blast of heat when he opened the oven door. After poking each of the large russets a few times, he decided they could use another ten or fifteen minutes. Once they were done, he would scoop out the insides to mash, then fill the potatoes with a ground meat mixture that was from a recipe he’d gotten from his mom. Then he would top them with the mashed potato middles before returning them to the oven. The final touch would be to sprinkle them with cheese about five minutes before it was time to remove them from the heat. He set out the large skillet, then got to work preparing the filling of ground lamb, sauce, onions and green peas.

The reality was that he no longer needed—nor did he have much of an interest in— working on location or at the studios. When he’d originally come to Hollywood, his only intention had been in pursuing portrait work. Doing headshots had been a way of achieving a name for himself. The only reason he’d ever begun doing set photography at all was because Phil had recommended him. Then, he’d kept on accepting the jobs to combat the loneliness and melancholy after Phil had left for Toronto.

But now everything had changed. They didn’t need the money and he could have a fulfilling career, the career he’d dreamed of all along, by going back to working on portraits and portfolio shots only. So I can be more available to take care of the house and my Master. Just thinking about it filled him with excitement. I’ll bring it up to him tonight.

Terry continued with the preparations for their meal while also practicing in his head the best way to broach the subject regarding his desired career adjustment. He doubted it would be an issue. But part of their dynamic was that they discussed everything together before making any final decisions.

A frantic knock surprised him out of his reverie. He frowned, wondering if Phil had forgotten his keys. He highly doubted that would be the case coming from such a meticulously organized man. The banging became more insistent. Not knowing what to expect, Terry turned off the oven and stove top, moving the meat mixture to a cool burner and covering it with a lid. He wiped his hands on a towel, untied his apron, tossing it on the back of one of the kitchen chairs as he hurried to answer the door, the knocking increasing in desperation.

Right as he was about to grab the knob, he paused. His hand shook, and he swallowed hard. A flash of opening the studio door to a serial killer and rapist came to life in his mind and he fought against the panic that shot through him from the memory. After the attack, he and Phil had purchased a stronger door to the studio which included a peephole.

“Please, Terry. Please can you let me in?”

Marco? What the fuck.

All hesitation was gone as he flung the door wide. He gasped as Marco hurled himself into his arms, the action so sudden that Terry had to steady himself to keep from stumbling back and falling.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Terry fought against the awkwardness of holding Marco without their Masters around, but he needed to get to the bottom of what was going on with the clearly terrified sub.

Marco tensed, clutching him tighter, his voice muffled as he buried his face in Terry’s chest. “Shut it! Shut the door before he comes!”

Marco’s pleas jolted him into action. He shoved Marco behind him in an almost simultaneous motion as he slammed the door closed, smacking the brass latch-guard into place. Sweat gathered on Terry’s upper lip, his breath coming in short pants.

Is it him? Did Master Joe or his partner escape somehow?

Marco tugged on his hand, yanking him from his terrible thoughts. “Come on, Terry. Can I sit with you until we find my Master?” His voice was as soft as ever, but the lilting Spanish accent was tinged with fear. “I need you right now, I don’t want them to take me away.”

Terry regarded Marco’s tear-streaked face, his heavily-lashed brown eyes staring up at him as if Terry could miraculously protect him somehow. I already proved how hopeless I am at that. He frowned. But I won’t let what those assholes did to me leave me cowering every time the fucking doorbell rings or someone knocks on the door.

“Okay, let’s sit on the couch together while you fill me in on what’s happening. Should I call nine-one-one?”

Marco squeezed his hand tighter, shaking his head. “No, they won’t help. They never do. But you’ll hold me, right? I need someone to hold me and Master isn’t here and I don’t trust or like anyone else except you.”

Terry arched his eyebrows. “Uh, of course I want to do that, but what about Master Gerard? Will he be angry with me?” Will Phil?

“I won’t kiss you, I promise.” Marco tugged harder.

“A-all right.” So out of my element here. He offered Marco a smile. “We’ll figure this out together. I’m sure everything will be fine.”

Marco smiled back in his unique way. Teeth were never involved, nor a wide grin or the crinkling of his eyes. For Marco, his smiles would encompass a brightening of his typically calm and somewhat blank features accompanied by a slight pull at the corners of his mouth.

“Thank you, Terry. I knew you would help.”

Help? I have no fucking idea what’s going on.

Terry allowed himself to be led to the living room, marveling at how comfortable Marco seemed in a house he’d never been to before. Marco reached the long sofa and landed on it before yanking Terry’s hand with both of his until he’d plopped down onto it to join him. Right as Terry sucked in a breath to speak, Marco crawled into his lap and snuggled up to him. Terry snapped his jaw shut.

Oh boy. He tentatively wrapped his arms around Marco, not sure if he was doing the right thing after all. I need to get hold of Phil immediately.

“Uh, Marco, how did you get here?” He remembered overhearing Gerard tell Phil at one point that Marco didn’t drive.

“I called the limo service my Master always uses. I don’t like riding with strangers, but the one driver we use the most often was available.” Marco shuddered. “I don’t know what I would’ve done if he hadn’t been on duty.”

Terry rubbed Marco’s trembling back. “But he was, and that’s what matters. Can you tell me why you’re so afraid?”

Marco buried his face in Terry’s neck, the shaking increasing as hot tears splashed against Terry’s skin. “He’s so bad, so bad. He lies when he talks about love, not like Master. I need my Master.”

“Shh, it’s okay, we’ll find Master Gerard and he’ll fix everything.”

Marco peered up at him. “Oh, thank you, Terry. I knew I should come here.”

Speaking of Master Gerard… “Marco, how come you weren’t able to get hold of him?”

“I had to break my phone. The moment I knew it was him, I had to destroy it so he couldn’t… so they wouldn’t find me.” Marco blinked away more tears, but his voice no longer shook. “They have locaters inside the phones, you know. They can find you from your cell. But maybe he already knew I was there at the house, had already found me and was trying to keep me on the line so he could snatch me away while my Master wasn’t home.” Marco buried his face again and clutched at Terry’s shirt. “We have to find Master, right now.”

Terry swallowed hard. Jesus. Maybe Marco had issues they weren’t aware of, was delusional. Nothing he was saying made any sense.

“Yeah, excellent plan. Let’s find Master Gerard.” Terry licked his lips, his throat dry from his recent panic. “Uh, can you let me up so I can grab my phone? I left it on the kitchen table.”

Marco tensed in his embrace. “Don’t let me go.”

“No, no. Of course not. However, I’m pretty sure my Master and your Master are out together working. The kitchen is close, just behind us. All I have to do is run there, grab my cell, then run right back. Then we can call them, and everything will be fine.”

Marco gave him another soft smile and Terry released some of the tension he only just realized he’d been holding.

“Okay. I trust you. But very fast, okay?”

“Very fast. I promise.”

Come on, Master Gerard. Please be with Phil. After he’d disentangled himself from Marco, careful to keep his movements gentle, he rushed to the kitchen. When he’d reached his phone, he snatched it up, then paused. He chewed on his bottom lip, wondering whether he should let Marco overhear the conversation or keep his promise that he’d return to the living room immediately, almost groaning aloud from the stress of having to make the decision. He shoved aside the thought that being mastered was what he’d needed all along. Oh great and powerful Master Phil, right again. Terry rolled his eyes and decided to go with keeping his promise.

As Terry entered the living room, his gut clenched at the sight of Marco on the sofa, his legs drawn up with his arms wrapped around them, his face hidden with his forehead pressed against his knees. He didn’t seem to be crying, but it was clear how frightened he was from whatever was happening. Or he thinks is happening. Terry’s two main goals at the moment were to comfort Marco the best he could and find Master Gerard so he could take over.

“I’m back!” Terry kept his tone cheery as if nothing unusual was going on. He dropped onto the couch, making sure he was close to Marco but not infringing on his personal space. His phone almost flew out of his grip as Marco launched himself at him and crawled back into his lap. Terry held his breath as Marco shifted around until he seemed to find a comfortable spot. Marco remained curled up with his head resting against Terry’s shoulder, then let out a heavy sigh.

“Thank you, Terry. I’m so tired, but I’m afraid to fall asleep. I hope Master comes to get me soon.”

“Yeah, me too.” Terry woke up his phone and tapped the icon to Phil’s number.

“Do you want to get rid of me?”

Terry paused right as he was about to make the call. “What?” He drew his eyebrows together. “Why would I want to get rid of you?”

Marco peered up at him, tears filling his eyes. “It’s just… Well, I thought you liked me.”

Oh God. Terry set the phone on the cushion next to him and embraced Marco. “No, that’s not what I meant. All I was trying to say is that I’m a sub too, that I need my Master here to help figure this out. I wish I could make things better for you all on my own because I do like you a lot, but hey…” Terry gave Marco a squeeze. “You know how that goes with us subs, right?”

Terry grinned at Marco, and Marco’s features lightened. Phew. The lock in the door clicked then stopped short as it was opened, banging against the brass latch that held it fast. Terry tensed instinctively, Marco flinging his arms around Terry’s neck as he crushed his face against his shoulder.

“Terry?” Phil peeked through the crack in the door then frowned. “What’s going on?”

Oh shit. He attempted to pry Marco off his neck, but the terrified sub clung to him with an iron grip.

“Long story.” He chuckled shakily. “Uh, how about I come let you in then you can take over.”

Phil made a choking sound. “Take over what?”

Yeah. This probably appears highly questionable. “Figuring out where Master Gerard is and alerting him that he should come here immediately.” Marco nodded against his skin.

Phil sighed. “He’s parking his car, so he’ll be here any minute. I’m sure he’ll be curious over what’s going on too.”

Marco went from clinging to struggling. “Master is here? Terry! Let go!”

Terry gladly gave Marco his wish, following him to the door so he could let his own Master in. Once he’d undone the latch, Phil crossed the threshold as Marco darted past him. Terry fell to his knees, his customary greeting when Phil arrived home, but instead of the usual calming touch of Phil’s palm on his head he received a different response.

“Why don’t we do a check in before moving on to regular protocol?”

Terry swallowed past the lump in his throat. Mentally, he knew he’d done nothing wrong. But he’d also discovered that the routines he maintained with Phil were a vital part of the dynamic they shared, as well as being a comfort.

“Yes, Master.” He rose to his feet, keeping his movements as graceful as he could. Along with keeping his eyes lowered, he could at the very least convey his submission in other ways. “I had no idea Marco was going to be here, he showed up out of nowhere. When I answered the door he was freaking out, begging to come in, so I didn’t know what else to do.”

Phil cupped his cheek. “Look at me, please.”

Terry lifted his gaze. He’d never been so relieved to see a fond expression from Phil. “You’re not mad, are you? Because seriously, I’m just as confused as you are right now.”

Phil chuckled, rasping his thumb over Terry’s late day stubble. “I can see that. Shall we find out what has Marco so upset?”

Terry let out a groan of relief. Awesome. Master back in control. “Yes please. As long as you’re the one in charge.”

Phil let out a snort. “As if that would ever be in question.”

“Yeah, I kinda figured you’d say that.”

Phil arched an eyebrow. “Are you disappointed that you might not get punished for all this?”

“Who me? I’ve been on my best behavior. I’m even making mom’s shepherd’s pie baked potatoes.”

Phil pulled him in for a hug. “In that case, I’ll give you a snark hall pass.”

Terry ran his palms up Phil’s back, the charcoal gray suit coat smooth beneath his hands. He inhaled Phil’s masculine scent, then let out a sigh. “Thank you, Master.”

All he wanted in that moment was for Marco to feel safe again and for him and Phil to enjoy the rest of their night alone.


Phil sipped some coffee from the doorway of the kitchen while observing Terry and Marco playing cards in the living room. He hadn’t even known there was a deck in the house, but Terry had dug around in the desk until he’d found a set that he’d been given after finishing work on a film. The cards all featured the actors from the cast and were probably a collector’s item. As far as Phil was concerned, they were being put to a better use instead of just languishing in a drawer.

He tried not to be anxious for Gerard to finish making some calls so he could find out what the hell had Marco so terrified. He’d offered Gerard some privacy by showing him to their guest room, but he’d been in there for almost thirty minutes and Phil was about ready to jump out of his skin. He may have learned a lot of patience during the time Eric had trained him as a Master, but his natural curiosity and desire to be kept informed of everything in his sphere made the wait almost torture to endure.

At the sound of the guestroom door opening, Phil set down his coffee cup on the counter so hard, that some of the liquid sloshed out of the cup. Gerard gave him a quick dip of is chin as he headed his way, stopping briefly as he passed Marco to bend down and give him a kiss. He whispered something into his sub’s ear, then continued to the kitchen.

The pained expression that passed over Gerard’s features tugged at Phil’s gut. They’d become even closer friends now that they’d begun working together, and he hated to see him so visibly upset.

“Is there anything I can do to help?” Phil kept his voice low.

Gerard indicated toward the dinette set on the other side of the kitchen, undoubtedly to keep their conversation from drifting to the living room. Once they’d both taken a seat, Gerard leaned in, folding his hands on the table.

“There’s something I want to tell you, so you can better understand Marco. I typically don’t feel the need to explain him to people because I fiercely guard his privacy, as you may have noticed.” Gerard gave him a tight smile. “But I believe we all share a special connection, which is why I think now is the appropriate time to open up. To be honest, Marco has been asking me to discuss some of his challenges with both you and Terry. He feels our connection too and doesn’t want either of you to make incorrect assumptions about him or his behavior.”

“Whatever makes you or him more comfortable. I cherish the relationship we all share, and I think I can speak for Terry too when I say that we both want what’s best for him.”

A smile spread across Gerard’s features. “I sensed that. And I want you to know how much I appreciate it.” Gerard averted his gaze, then scrubbed his face with one hand before turning back to Phil. “Marco is on the autism spectrum. In his case, he expresses his emotions very well, but only with a select few. Without complete trust, he remains locked inside himself.”

Phil drew his eyebrows together. “He’s always seemed quite sociable to me. He did an excellent job of showing me and Terry around on our first visit to your home.”

Gerard nodded. “He’s learned to mimic socially acceptable behavior in order to adapt to his surroundings. When I first began working with him, he wasn’t my lover. His first request of me as a Dom was written on a piece of paper. It simply said, ‘please teach me how to be a regular person’.” Gerard let out a long sigh. “It was a long road, but as our relationship deepened and trust grew, I discovered what a special man he is. Then he revealed his biggest secret.”

“I imagine that secret pertains to whatever it was that happened to him today.”

Gerard’s features twisted in anguish. “That’s correct. Marco’s upbringing is a tragic story. I won’t go into all the details, that’s only part of what we’re dealing with right now. In essence, Marco’s uncle is after him in the hopes he can have him institutionalized.”

Phil gasped. “How can that be possible? He’s an adult man who chooses to live with the man he loves in luxurious surroundings—his uncle doesn’t have a leg to stand on.”

“I’m afraid he could.” Gerard fixed him with an intense stare. “Because Marco was raised with his uncle after his parents died, he never received the proper care or support he needed as a special needs child. His way of dealing with the loss of his mother and father—on top of not having any previous relationship with an uncle who clearly only cared about Marco’s inheritance—was to lash out with anger and violence.” Gerard’s eyes filled with tears. “Unfortunately, his uncle was able to have him committed on several occasions. I believe he hoped that it would become a permanent situation. That way, he could snatch Marco's inheritance out from under him.”

The entire story made Phil sick to his stomach. His only impression of Marco had always been that he was the sweetest and kindest man he’d ever met. “What a disgusting excuse for a human being. If there’s anything, anything me and Terry can do, don’t hesitate to ask.”

“I wish there was, but I appreciate the offer.” A smile tugged at the corner of Gerard’s mouth. “I sensed we would all become good friends.” He sighed. “But for now, we have our attorneys giving us advice. You see, when Marco reached eighteen, he was released. Knowing that his uncle would try to get his clutches in him again, Marco convinced the one close friend he’d made on the ward to stay in his room and pretend he was him. There was a shift change, and Marco checked out with the nurse who was leaving, while his friend hid under the covers and told the nurse coming on shift that he wanted to remain in his room until his uncle arrived to get him.” Gerard sniffed then let out a chuckle. “His ruse gave him an almost two-hour start, plenty of time to disappear. Eventually, I obtained legal help so he could receive his inheritance. When we fell in love and I moved him into my home, I had assumed he was penniless.”

“Wow.” Phil eased back in his chair, shaking his head. “Sounds like he’s a true survivor.”

“He is. I’m very proud of my boy.” Gerard gritted his teeth. “We’ve had to move in the past to elude his uncle, but I’m tired of running and so is Marco. Previously, when we would attend a regular club, we’d always be discovered. I bought the house we’re in right now under an old corporation that I no longer use. That’s how we ended up hosting the nights there. It was so much safer for us.”

“Except now it’s not.”

“Exactly. He somehow figured out where we are and Marco’s terrified that his uncle might kidnap him and tell the courts either that he’s still dangerous, or that I’m abusing him because of our lifestyle.”

“Jesus. This is insane.”

“Yes. But it’s his uncle who’s the truly insane one, and I refuse to let him intimidate us anymore.”

A thought entered Phil’s mind. “If nothing else, perhaps me and Terry could help by making statements regarding both Marco’s behavior, as well as his living environment.”

Gerard furrowed his brow, nodding. “I might just take you up on that. Thank you.”

Phil offered him a smile. “Anything we can do to help, I mean it.”

Terry appeared in the doorway. “I apologize for interrupting, but Marco really needs Master Gerard right now. I thought, under the circumstances…”

“You thought correctly. Thank you for alerting me, Terry.” Gerard rose from his chair and regarded Phil. “If you’ll excuse me, I think I need to get my boy home. He’s going to need a lot of attention and care tonight.”

“My God, of course. If he’s doing better later this week, and you feel it’s safe to take him out, we’d love it if you would both join us for dinner. “

Terry let out a small snort. “Yeah, and we can have a rematch on that game of fish. He annihilated me.”

Gerard burst out in laughter. “He got you too? He does that to everyone. No one can touch Marco when it comes to games that require a good memory and strategy. I wouldn’t even try, he’ll get you every time.”

As Gerard and Marco made their goodbyes, Phil perceived Marco in a new light. He found himself not only grateful that Marco had Terry to turn to, but was surprised to discover how protective he’d become over the young sub as well. Anger welled in him at the thought of what horrors Marco must have endured as a child at the hands of his uncle.

That asshole better stay away from him. Phil mused that Marco’s uncle should hope they never met in a dark alley.