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Player by T.N King, Roxie Odell (8)



Chapter Seven



He drove twenty miles out. The address was a mansion he’d found out online. He could not find out who owned it however. That made him feel even better. It meant it was as private as private gets. He had shaved off his goatee. Yes, it would help in not being recognized, as his goatee had been a trademark. That wasn’t the only reason he’d gone baby face, his role would have him in a different stages of scruff next week. Clean shaven at the start, then shades of midnight as he lost everything then to a full beard towards his ultimate fall. Well, towards the character’s fall. So they would have to dress his face at certain stages anyway. Then he decided to thicken his accent. Allow himself to speak like he used to.

Jacob rolled his eyes. Three thousand dollars of speech lessons to get rid of the Manchester brogue. Only to use it now to disguise his famous voice that only had a very small lilt of Brit. Then, he had used temporary dye in his hair, so it lightened it up to almost a dusky brown blonde. His famous dark hair gone. Then as for his eyes…Contacts. He had hazel eyes now.

Shit. He huffed as he turned up the long drive to the mansion. What he went through just to get a damn date. He should have tried it in public. He just never thought to be so desperate in doing so. This way, he was sure the female he might end up with would never even know. Better insurance.

The lot to the side of the huge home was entirely full. Limousines. Luxury cars. Rolls, Mercedes, sports cars. He wondered if they had…yes, there was the valet. He reached to the seat and grabbed his mask. Better don it now. He didn’t want even the valet to know who he was. Gee. Paranoid much, there Jacob?

He handed the man his keys and this time, no threat. He assumed they only employed the best here. Striding toward the front, he could see this would be a hoot as they called it. Huge wide formal, old style steps. Servants standing at either side of the doors in the old style butler tails.

Walking up them, he smiled lightly at the butlers.

They gave a nod of their heads but stepped in front of him.

He looked at one then the other.

The larger one asked, “The word, sir?”

The word? He felt confused for a second. OH! He fought the smile from showing on his lips. “Flamingo,” he uttered in a serious tone.

The two men stepped to the side.

Jacob wanted to laugh. He’d always been an old film buff. This reminded him of an old James Bond film. Like Gold Finger or maybe it was more like Pink Panther and he was…

“Good evening!” someone called from his right as he came in and stared up at maybe the largest chandelier he had ever seen and this was saying something since he came from the country of damn chandeliers. He then swung his now light spotted eyes to the location of the voice “Yes, it is,” he replied to the older woman dressed in a bright blue, full old southern belle type gown.

She smiled and hid her face behind a fully expanded old fashioned fan. “My, are you…well, you are…” Her voice faded away.

He nodded his head. I am anything you say, just do not say I am Jacob Fucking Cooper. He smiled. “Sam,” he said.

She batted her eyes. “I love your costume. Well, it isn’t one really but… You sure fill it out.”

Was this woman who could be as old as his mother hitting on him? He smiled and took a little step back. “So… I have never attended before. Where do I start?” Damn! Do not feed the animals Jacob. That sounded like a come-on line.

Her eyes widened and she giggled. “Oh, I bet you taste good!”

Oh, shit. She took it like that too.

The woman stepped forward and grabbed his crotch—right through his tuxedo pants.

Jacob jumped back.

The woman then lunged for him and he side stepped her.

“Oh! There you are!” a woman’s voice interjected.

Jacob swung his startled gaze over. Okay…hold that thought. He placed his hands out in defense even as his attention was on the woman heading toward them. Blonde, glittery evening gown with a bustier type push up on a fabulous pair of breasts. The dress hugged her in all the right places and was red no less.

She walked up and grabbed his arm, tugging him away from old belle that he could swear he heard drooling from behind her fan. “I was waiting for you!” She then pulled him forward into the huge foyer.

Miss Red Dress didn’t have to tug really—he would have run away screaming in about sixty seconds anyway.

The blonde in the mask and semi Cher dress laughed as she kept pulling him along.

Okay, where are we going? He smiled. But really, who the hell cares! He watched her sweet ass jiggle in that dress. And her laugh made his skin tingle all over. The scent of her light perfume filled his nostrils as he wondered what the hell was happening.

She got him to a huge set of ornate double doors and stopped. “Sorry. I saw you there and she is…” She waved her hand toward the area they had just come from as she stared at him. “Well, she has jumped three men already.”

His eyes rounded. “So you saved me?”

She nodded. “You looked lost and like…” She cleared her throat and let go of his arm. “Anyway, here is the party.” She motioned her hand at the crowd in the huge ballroom.

Jacob heard a southern accent of some type cradling her voice. He’d never met anyone from the south. “Yes, I imagine I looked like I was a newbie. Well, I am.” He made sure his accent sounded thick.

She smiled. “Yeah, you did. I am too. My first time. I kind of felt too—well, I haven’t gone in and mingled. So I have seen people arriving and that woman? I mean she is harmless I’m sure.”

Jacob kicked a leg out and shook it a bit. “Harmless?” He grinned. “I thought I was going to lose a body part soon.”

Her green eyes widened at him as she stared. “She grabbed you?”

He nodded. “Full on, no mercy grip.”

She bit at her lip beneath the gold glittery mask. “Maybe I will leave. I mean I didn’t think the party would be like this. You know? A meat market thing.”

His grin faded from his lips. “Leave?”

She nodded. “Maybe I made a mistake. Excuse me?” She then took off toward the foyer.

Jacob shook his head. He then peeked into the huge ballroom. Most of the people there were the same age as Southern belle batshit crazy at the door. He thought maybe Miss Red Dress was right. He turned and ran after her.

Finally, he got out to the front and spotted her getting her keys from the valet. “Wait!” he called out. Fuck Jacob, make a fool of yourself already!

She grabbed her keys and turned to face him.

He made his way over and felt grateful she didn’t bolt. “Listen. I came here…” He gave the valet who stood there listening a stern look.

The kid moved away.

“I came here to…” The truth! Use the truth! Fuck, never tried it really. “I have had many failings in the dating arena. I mean with the American culture. The clubs? I guess you might say I got desperate, then a friend arranged for me to come here. I too, think it was a huge mistake. Except for one thing.”

Her eyes grew round in her face as she listened. “One thing?”

He nodded. “You.”

She looked a bit taken aback.

“I mean. You came and recued me. It was brave. Courageous even and anyone that would do that for a total stranger and one in a mask too? Well, they have to be pretty special.” He mentally rolled his eyes at himself. Laying it on a bit thick Jacob, she might just get smothered.

Stilling, she stared at him for a long minute then she laughed.

He stared back at her with his eyes wide now.

She kept laughing like he’d told the greatest joke on the face of the earth.

Well, total failure there. He let out a sigh and turned to the valet stand. So much for truth. “Keys?”

Her laughter slowed as he walked away. “Wait!” she called.

Jacob turned around.

“I’m sorry I laughed.” She stepped up close. “Just that ya’ll sounded like it was some kind of line from a movie or somethin’.”

He thought for a second. Shit! Was it? It could have been. Damn it. Couldn’t he say anything original?

“Look.” She gazed all around. “How about we take a stroll through the gardens?”

He looked around. “Where are they?”

“Out back of this monstrosity. The flowers are really pretty. Then we can talk?”

He stared at her.

She grinned under the lip of her mask. “I mean we got all dressed up? You in a tux and me in my Cher get up.”

He laughed. “Yes, that was my very first guess. Except for the blonde wig.”

“Yes, well I don’t look good in black hair.” She looped her arm in his and again, tugged him away.

Jacob knew she wouldn’t have to tug him much this time either.