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Prayer of Innocence (The Innocence Series Book 3) by Riley Knight (11)



It seemed incredible that even as recently as a week ago, Judah had thought that this was impossible. That there was no way he would ever have this, that his desires, his sexual urges, were just not a thing that he was ever going to be able to have. He had shut himself off from the very thought of it, because why torment himself?

Will fell asleep early that night, apparently worn out by the things they had done. Well, so was Judah, but his exhaustion was all physical. Sex had worn him out more than he would have thought, his body, anyway, but it hadn’t done anything to calm his mind.

What was he supposed to do? Did he leave, go to his own house? Would Will mind if he stuck around? There was just so much that he didn’t know. Will was already sprawled out on his back, taking up, well, more than half of the bed which was fair enough because it was his bed.

He should probably go. Just because they had gone on a date, just because Judah had just had his first time with someone else, that didn’t mean that he should take it as an invitation to stay. But the air outside the windows was inky black and deeply uninviting. Lonely.

Still, he should hope that he knew the difference between right and wrong, and when one wasn’t sure, he’d found that it was better to err on the side of caution. So, as much as he was enjoying watching Will, who looked years younger as he breathed quietly on his back and so impossibly beautiful that it made Judah’s heart ache, he sighed and rolled carefully out of bed.

Or that was his intention. In practice, what happened was that Judah made to roll over, already bracing himself for the impact of his feet against the ground, and Will, too, rolled. Will’s strong arm locked around Judah’s waist, and before Judah eve knew what was going on, he was being held, cradled, from behind by a warm, sleeping man, a man who meant far too much to Judah, who could make him feel safe and protected so easily.

It seemed like that was pretty clear. He wasn’t allowed to leave. Maybe in the morning, when he was awake, Will would be upset with Judah, but that was a risk that he was just going to have to take.

Now that Will’s arm was around him, he found that he couldn’t make himself leave. Disentangling himself and walking out into the night was just simply beyond his power, so instead, he let his eyes close and snuggled back into the arms of the only person who had held him through the night before.

Oddly, he would have thought that it would keep him up, someone else’s presence in the bed with him, but in practice, it ended up being the best night’s sleep he could ever remember having.


* * *


There was the sweet, sleepy press of moist, full lips against his neck. Slowly, Judah became aware of this and also became aware of a few other facts. As his eyes drifted slowly open, he saw that it was only just past dawn and that a rosy, golden light was streaming into the bedroom, giving everything such a soft, dreamlike feel that he had to wonder for a moment if he had woken up at all.

And then there was the body behind him, a hand possessively on Judah’s flat stomach, the slight scrape of teeth just lightly over his neck as he slowly came to himself, pulled delightfully from the realm of sleep, of dreams, in the best way possible.

There was something hard and thick pressed against the curve of his ass, he realized. Well, actually, there was something, someone, pressed against the whole length of his body from behind, but that insistent nudge was what really got him going. Judah groaned softly, and even as sleepy as he was, that didn’t stop the heat which was becoming so familiar from rushing through his body, the blood pooling right behind, and through, his cock and balls.

“Good, you’re awake.”

That voice, he would have known it anywhere. Although he had been aware, on some level, at least, that it was Will the whole time, or he would have been a lot less aroused and a lot more alarmed. But the low, soft, smooth purr of that voice in his ear, sleepy and seductive, made blood flow south at a faster rate.

“Good morning,” Judah managed because now that Will knew he was awake, he was being considerably less subtle about what he was doing. He had obviously been holding off, not wanting to molest Judah too much while he was still asleep, but it was also equally obvious that it was a relief that he didn’t have to anymore.

Will’s hand, strong and sure, slid down Judah’s body. It had been resting on his stomach, but it darted down lower, and Judah’s body tensed and he gasped softly as just the very tip of Will’s pinkie finger touched his cock.

Just like that, he was fully hard. He had been going that way before, but the slightest touch of Will’s hand and Judah lost it. He moaned softly, rocking his hips, trying to get more than just that teasing touch, and from the soft chuckle that Will gave him that was exactly what he had been hoping for.

“Keep going. Do you know what you’re doing to my cock?” Will murmured intimately in Judah’s ear, and it was a shock to Judah when he heard the other man say that word, so easily like it was nothing. Somehow, from the science teacher, Judah would have expected a much more proper, scientific name.

Or maybe it was just that he’d never heard that word spoken aloud before, even though he knew what it meant.

Now that Will mentioned it, though, Judah could feel what he was doing to Will. As his hips churned and thrust, it made his ass grind back onto Will, made him rock and shift toward him and then away from him and then against him again. His movements, still slow and sleepy but eager, made Will’s beautiful cock slip between the cheeks of his ass.

Even that was almost enough to make Judah come. That area, no one had ever touched, and he couldn’t have known how sensitive it would be. He clenched and shivered, and his cock leaked all over Will’s hand, which was rewarding him for his gyrating by slipping down and firmly gripping his cock, stroking him slowly.

Was this what it was like? When two men were together, would it feel like this? Could it happen like this, with both of them on their sides, Will holding Judah as they pushed and thrust against each other? Of course, Will wasn’t inside of him, but Judah still felt like he had some sort of idea how it would feel.

And he liked it. He liked hearing Will’s little moans, feeling the sweat form between Will’s chest and Judah’s back. And then, he and Judah both moved in the exact right way, and Judah’s whole body stiffened up with surprise.

Will’s thick, wet, blunt cockhead caught and then lodged against the tight, untouched entrance to Judah’s body.

All of a sudden, Judah couldn’t breathe. He had thought about this before, had jerked himself to quite a few stunning orgasms with the thought of someone inside of him, but he hadn’t actually thought it could happen. Now, Will was right on the brink of taking him, and he didn’t know what to do.

“Fuck. Judah, I’m sorry,” Will apologized, and then his body was gone, and Judah relaxed. Still, he couldn’t help but wonder what it would have been like if Will had just kept going. Was he relieved, or disappointed, that Will had pulled away. “I think I just got carried away.”

Judah rolled over so that he was facing Will, who had shifted onto his back. Part of him wanted to tell him that it was okay, and almost half of him wanted to ask Will to roll back over and pick up where they had left off. But nerves stole the words from him, so he just slid over the smooth, snowy white sheets and then on top of Will’s slender, toned body.

Maybe he wasn’t brave enough, not quite yet, anyway, to have Will inside of him, but there were other things that they could do. Being naked with another man was still such a novelty, and it seemed to him like they had barely scratched the surface the previous night.

Besides, who knew if he would get the chance to do this again? If he did, he had the idea that he was going to end up giving himself fully, in every way, to Will, and the thought filled him with a sort of itch, a nagging, persistent longing, which had him straddling Will’s hips and rocking against him and groaning as he kissed Will demandingly.

It was a strange dynamic, because they were still both a little bit heavy, weighted with sleep. But the desire which had flared between them from almost the first moment that they had met was still there, and Judah found himself impatient with how slowly his body was moving.

“Judah. Babe,” Will murmured, and Judah’s heart clenched a little at the unfamiliar sound of hearing someone say his name so intimately, and with an affectionate pet name, too, “It’s okay. We have all morning. It’s Saturday.”

That helped. Judah moaned softly against Will’s lips, but he was able to slow down. His body was going crazy, but a lot of him, most of him, really wanted to take his time and enjoy this, learn everything that he could from this. But after so long denying himself, it was a little bit difficult to have any sort of control, and Will had definitely helped with that.

The frenzied pumping of Judah’s hips slowed, and his tongue plunged more seductively into Will’s mouth. Sweat and heat built between them, and Judah’s body was aching, but he had some sort of rational thought left.

For the moment, anyway.

He should take advantage of it. It was time to put into play some of the things which his excellent teacher had already shown him, so he gave Will one last kiss, and then he started to move down. Slowly, inch by inch, he worshiped Will’s gorgeous body, suckled at his nipples, licked and sucked and kissed the smooth skin as he worked his way down the slender, tight muscles of this amazing man’s lovely body.

Carefully but curiously, Judah ended up kneeling between Will’s legs, which had been flung wide open, and gazing down at the length of his cock. Even here, Will was beautiful. Maybe even especially here, hard and swollen a deep red, almost purple, the head glistening in the morning light.

Leaning in, Judah breathed in deeply, catching a hint of a scent that he found intoxicating. Thick, musky, deeply masculine and very clean, it made his mouth water and made it easy for him to lean down and swipe the flat of his tongue over the swollen head. He wanted to know if Will tasted like he smelled, and he soon had his answer.

No. Will tasted so, so much better, and Judah groaned as he suddenly clamped his mouth on Will, flattening out his tongue to try to take as much of him into his mouth as he could.

“Judah, fuck. Don’t stop,” Will murmured, his hands slipping down into the short strands of Judah’s hair, gripping at his head, but sweetly, gently. Guiding, rather than forcing. There was no way that Judah would have stopped, not for anything in the world.

Will had made Judah explode, made him come so hard that he couldn’t breathe, just with his mouth. And now, Judah was going to do the same thing to Will, if he had any say in the matter. So he explored him as he sucked, cupping his heavy balls and marveling at the way they felt in his hands, stroking over his upper thighs, all the while bobbing his head and taking more of Will inside his mouth, greedy mouth as he did.

“Touch me,” Will suddenly demanded, spreading his legs even wider. That was one thing about Will that he was coming to learn, the man was not shy about asking for what he wanted in bed, which, given Judah’s inexperience, was probably for the best.

With that invitation, Judah gazed up into Will’s warm, shining brown eyes, and he nodded slightly. Carefully, deliberately, Judah pressed his fingers between the cheeks of Will’s ass, spread nicely open for him, and rubbed lightly at his hole.

Will was slick here still from the night before, from the lube that they’d used, and Judah’s finger slipped just a tiny bit inside of him. He was rewarded with a surge of fresh precome against his tongue, and he gazed up at Will, utterly rapt, focused entirely on him.

There had been a spot, an angle, that Will had deliberately taken him at. Judah had noticed, and he was going to find it, he decided. His finger delved deeper, and he crooked it, finding something deep inside of Will that felt different from the rest of him.

Experimentally, Judah pressed on it, and Will cried out, and his cock actually twitched in Judah’s mouth. By now, Judah was getting pretty good at reading the signs that Will’s body gave him, and he pressed another finger inside of him and used them both to rub at that magic spot.

“Oh fuck,” Will groaned, his voice almost calm, at least on the surface of it. But beneath that surface, there was a raging tempest, Judah could sense. Pleasure gripped Will’s body, and it was pleasure, Judah knew, that he had given this man. Even as relatively experienced as Will was, at least compared to Judah, Judah could still make him feel good.

Could still make him come.

As Judah kept fucking him slowly with those two fingers, Will twitched and moaned and writhed on the bed, and no matter how serious he usually was, Judah had him now. He had Will going crazy for him, and then he felt the hot gush of come flooding into his mouth, which he swallowed down by instinct.

Only when Will pushed him away did Judah stop and pull his fingers free of Will’s clenching body. The smile that they exchanged then was strangely almost shy, and Judah lay down beside Will, an arm draped over his stomach, his head on Will’s chest as the man slowly recovered.

“Was that okay?” Judah asked, and Will gave a soft, disbelieving little laugh, one that made Judah worry, at first. He was so new to this. What if he’d done it wrong?

“You were unbelievable,” Will answered, and Judah smiled and buried his face in Will’s chest, breathing in the scent of him, feeling the heat radiating off of him. He was so hard himself, but he had barely noticed, as wrapped up in Will as he had been.

Will shifted slightly on the bed, and his hip brushed against Judah’s aching dick, though, drawing his attention sharply back to it. Will obviously noticed, since he chuckled softly and wrapped his arms more firmly around Judah, pulling him on top of himself.

“Inside me,” he whispered, and Judah felt delicious little shivers shimmy through his skin, dance along his nerves, heat his blood once more. The way that Will said those two words were almost enough to bring him over the edge, as worked up as he was, and he settled between Will’s legs, having to breathe as slowly as he could make himself just to keep from spilling all over him.

“Is it safe?” he asked, honestly sort of shocked that he remembered at all. But the night before, they’d used protection. Judah, of course, couldn’t possibly have anything, since the only person he had been intimate with at all was Will, but he knew that he should make sure because he couldn’t help but be curious about what it would be like to be buried deep inside of him without the condom. With no barrier, skin to skin, bare and open to each other.

“I’m safe. I’ve been tested since the last time I was with anyone, and it’s been years,” Will said, and Judah nodded slowly. He slipped down between the tight, slick cheeks of Will’s ass.

He trusted this man. If Will said he was clean, he was clean. Will was ethical and honest, and he would have told Judah of any concerns long before they got to this point. Maybe they had met very recently, but Judah knew all of this, knew it deep in his heart.

It was trust, yes, but it was more than that. It was love. Judah knew it beyond a shadow of a doubt at that moment, though he’d had his suspicions before. Certainly, he never could have loved anyone that he didn’t trust.

At that moment, he almost opened his mouth and said the words. I love you. But what would Will say? He would probably make fun of Judah, maybe gently because he really did seem to be fond of him, but it was too soon to be in love, and logical Will would almost certainly tell him that.

So, instead, he leaned down and sealed off the words by kissing Will. But it meant everything to him as he positioned himself, as he slowly drove in, as he felt the intimate caress of Will’s body around his cock, bare and open to each other for the first time.

Kissing, moaning, gazing into each other’s eyes, it was so easy for Judah to pretend that Will loved him, too. So easy to lose himself in their movements, which were, finally, smooth and slow and unhurried. Judah didn’t want to rush this, and he could tell from the almost languorous way in which Will rolled his hips, the grasp of his arms around Judah, his hands on Judah’s back, that Will felt the same.

There was a link here, the way that sex was supposed to be. From the things that Judah had heard, from the things that his congregation had told him before, he had the idea that it wasn’t always, or even usually the case, and he couldn’t help but consider himself incredibly lucky to have experienced this.

And then Will’s hips stuttered sharply upward, his body gripping at Judah so tightly that it was almost painful. Judah cried out, and they both shook for each other as, at the same time, they came. Judah filled Will up, and he had always known that it would feel good to come inside of someone, but he hadn’t expected the rest of it.

The love. The sense of claiming. All of it was so dangerous and so utterly irresistible. Just like Will himself.




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