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Profit & Lace: A Dark MMF Romance by Abby Angel, Alexis Angel (151)


I run out of the Four Seasons and onto Park Avenue not knowing where else to go. I just know that I need to get out.

Get out of there. Get out of that toxic situation.

I'm breathing hard. I'm panting.

My heart is racing. My eyes are seeing spots. I see stars, and not the good kind you see during sex, but the kind that makes me think I'm having a stroke.

My head is spinning and it feels like my entire stomach has fallen to the ground.

How could Mason just turn around and betray me like this?

Like it was no big deal? Like it was just a business decision.

Didn't he know that I was falling in love with him?

I mean, you noticed the signs, didn't you? When I talked about him, you could tell that I was falling in love with the guy, right?

Please tell me that I wasn't just feeling that in my head and actually driving him away or something. Please tell me that I didn't do something inadvertent to make this happen.


Actually, no. Don't tell me anything.

I don't want to talk about that bastard for another second.

I can't believe him. That fucker!

I should have known to stay away from him from the first afternoon where I saw Mom leaving his apartment. You remember that night I tried to seduce him? Calling him Daddy? I bet he was laughing at me.

God, I bet he's just laughing at me right now, isn't he? I bet he and Lorna are just chuckling over how I'm nothing more than a stupid little girl who thought she was indulging a crush on her stepdad. It wouldn't surprise me if the Lorna knew this whole time and was just going along with the whole thing and laughing behind the scenes.

No, don't shake your head. After what Mason just pulled in there, anything is possible, you know.

I know you want to give him the benefit of the doubt and everything, especially since I'm pregnant with his baby. But trust me, he doesn't deserve it. He's an asshole who doesn't deserve to have the benefit of anything. I seriously hope that--

The skies open up above me and the first flash of lightning and crack of thunder goes through just as I'm angrily crossing the median divider of Park Avenue as I head west.

I notice that the skies have darkened. They're a whole lot darker now than they were just five minutes ago when I stormed out of the Four Seasons.

There's another flash and crack.

And within seconds, just as I get to the sidewalk, the first heavy drops of rain start to fall from the sky.

I don't have an umbrella, unlike everyone around me who seems to pull theirs out.

So I'm just walking down Park Avenue as the rain starts coming down.

I'm getting drenched. But you know what?

Fuck it.

I'm pregnant. Lonely.

The woman I thought was my mother actually has no relation to me. The only connection I truly have with her is that she caused my biological father to kill himself years ago.

The man that I thought of as my stepfather and who I thought I was falling in love with happens to have betrayed me worse than I've ever thought possible—trading in love and happiness for the chance to save his company by joining forces with the Devil.

Oh, and I'm also carrying his baby.

And if Mason is out of my life, then it's probably a good bet that I'm out of a job. I mean, either Lorna will come for me, or he will.

My "mother" has already kicked me out of her house. She could very easily require Mason to force me out of a job.

Which means that I wouldn't have enough money to even afford the walk-up apartment I have on the Lower East Side without a job.

Do you remember earlier on when you first met me I told you that I never really grew up knowing poverty or want?

I know I may have come across as a bit of a brat, basically saying oh I've been well off.

Well, guess what, hun. I'm broke, single, lonely, betrayed, pregnant, and drenched to the bone as I walk down New York City right about now.

I think if anything this whole experience has me humbled. A lot.

What? You don't believe me?

I mean, hun, I've lost everything I have. I've pretty much had everything either taken or stolen away from me since you met me.

Seriously, there is no way for a happily ever after from here.

There's only one thing that I can do, if I'm looking to survive right now.

I start to run downtown toward the Kane Price offices. I take off my shoes and run barefoot. What the fuck do I care at this point? I'm already soaked to the core in this downpour.

I make it to the 52nd Street and Park Avenue headquarters of Kane Price a few minutes later. The sidewalks have cleared out because of the rain and even the traffic is a lot slower. But I don't pay any attention to that, going into the building.

I can tell the few people in the lobby look at me in a mixture of puzzlement and curiosity but I seriously have no more fucks left to give as I find my ID badge and buzz myself past the security turnstiles and toward the elevator banks.

The security desk can't do anything to stop me if I'm wet as long as I have my security badge that gives me access.

The elevator takes me up to my floor. It's evening and a lot of people have left for the day so not too many people stare at me as I walk to my computer.

Water is literally dripping from my hair, face, and clothes. I'm definitely leaving a trail, but I don't care.

I go to my desk and turn on my computer.

It takes five minutes to copy everything I have on Red Lion Aviation and put all of the information on a secure USB that I plug into the computer. Once all the information has been transferred, I take the USB and put it in the driest corner of my purse.

The next thing I do is open up my email.

I compose a letter to my direct manager, deciding to copy Mason as well.

My manager is going to freak the fuck out, that's for sure. A lowly 21-year old intern is copying the billionaire CEO on her resignation letter.

"Dear Jonathan,

It is with great regret that I must tender my resignation from Kane Price effective immediately due to personal circumstances. I apologize for the lack of notice as well as the cryptic nature of my message.


Rebecca Lowell"

As long as I resign first, then Mother can't come out and get Mason to fire me. Which means that at least I have a chance to restart my career on Wall Street.

Although, who am I kidding? If Mason is really sticking his cock inside Lorna and doing her bidding, I don't know if any place in the world will be safe for me.

A part of me is ready to cry. But the greater part of me is still in shock.

I idly wonder for a moment how Mason could be so evil. Something doesn't quite add up.

I mean, he held me in his arms. I remember looking into his eyes.

They were full of care. He was always concerned about me.

I don't understand. Was he lying the whole time? Was it just a game to him?

Or does he really care about me and maybe he really was starting to fall in love with me but he was willing to sell the whole thing just to make sure that Lorna wasn't going to take his company away from him.

In which case, he's chosen what is most important to him.

And I need to do what is most important to me.

Sorry, this isn't much of the romance story that you thought, is it, hun?

I mean, again, I'm pretty sure there's no HEA with him and me, here. Ever.

I look around. I thought all the knick knacks I had on my desk were important. Pictures with my mother. A giant finger from Yankee Stadium that Mason had got for me when we went to go watch the Yankees. A stress ball. Some inspirational pictures. Some gifts from co-workers.

No, none of it matters anymore.

What I need to do more than anything else is to get home.

I leave my computer on and walk to the door that will take me to the elevator banks. Outside the rain continues.

But I no longer care about rain or getting wet.

I mean, what's a few ruined clothes to a person who's dealing with a ruined heart, you know?

Oh well.