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Profit & Lace: A Dark MMF Romance by Abby Angel, Alexis Angel (33)

Good Day, USA


Hello, and welcome to Good Day USA. I'm Kim Lubbers.


And I'm Megan Wright, your co-host. We're diving right into the news today because quite frankly, there is too much of it and we're going to have to go fast if we want to get it all in before we go to commercial.


Because they won't let us stay on the air without going to commercial.


So let's start with the major news of the day. Wanda Seymour has been formally arrested by the NYPD and taken into custody where she is now being held without bail on the charges of extortion, blackmail, and sexual coercion.


The sexual coercion charge was a surprise to some until Mandy Johnson, the now infamous intern from the Derek Stackford office sex tape video charged that she was being forced by Wanda to act in the role and seduce Derek in the hopes of putting him in a compromising situation. But authorities were stunned when she made the declaration that Wanda Seymour herself had had a sexual encounter with Mandy Johnson, which was being surreptitiously recorded. Apparently the elder Ms. Seymour then threatened to disclose the tapes to the general public, destroying Ms. Johnson's credibility and integrity amongst her family and friends if she did not immediately attempt to secure a job working for Derek Stackford where she would be in a place to seduce him.


If convicted, Wanda Seymour could face up to 50 years in prison, which would effectively be a life sentence for her. Observers believe that had the revelations from Mandy Johnson not come out, Wanda Seymour could have perhaps negotiated a 10-year reduced sentence. But the revelations from Mandy Johnson established a woman who was bitter to the core, looking to get revenge on not just her ex-stepdaughter, but her ex-husband as well.


Sources also confirm that Eliza Seymour and her two now openly disclosed lovers were seen at dinner last night. A media circus ensued, but it was one that was welcomed by the trio, who presented a much more relieved, happy, and engaged group. When asked to comment, both Carter Blake and Derek Stackford commented that they were happy that they were at last able to have a normal relationship with the other two members.


It seems that Eliza has finally gotten her happily ever after with both of these two alpha males. I bet every woman in the city is burning with jealousy.


I know I am.


Me too. Have you seen these guys with their shirts off? Oh. My. God.


Although it looks like Eliza has grown up too, you know?


It's like the two men have finally shown her what love is.


That's all we can really hope for, at the end of the day.


To be wealthy, with two men with large, uhm, members, who love us and take us to paradise? Yes, that's totally what we can hope for.


Well here's to hoping. Anyways, New York, we're officially ending Operation Eliza Watch as of this moment. We thank you for joining us. Who knows, we might have a new update in at some point in the future. You never know where we might pop up, maybe buried between some books in the back. But right now as we switch to commercial, we thank you for watching. And gossiping.


Stay sexy New York!