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Reckless (An Enemies To Lovers Novel Book 2) by Michelle Horst (4)


Chapter 4




When we’re all back at Rhett’s place, I try to calm myself down. I want to hold her so badly it’s making me feel restless - as if I’ve had too many energy drinks. Rhett’s not letting go of Mia, so I’ll just have to be patient.

Marcus pours us all drinks, and I thankfully take one, needing to get the edge off.

“Tell me everything,” Mia says, her voice now filled with excitement. “How have you all been?”

It’s hard to tear my eyes away from her. She’s fucking beautiful. My memory seriously didn’t do her justice. Hell, she’s lost so much weight, I almost didn’t recognize her. Her hair’s longer, too. She used to be tanned, being out in the sun a lot, but now she looks pale. The top she’s wearing shows every perfect curve of her breasts, which makes my cock stir to live. My eyes burn a hot path over her body, all the way to the sexy boots she’s wearing.

When I bring my eyes back up to her face, she glances at me, but quickly looks away again.

Still the same green eyes I fell in love with.

Still the same smile I would do anything to see every day.

“Not much has changed,” Rhett answers her, yanking me out of my thoughts. “We’ve mostly been working our asses off. The only huge change is Carter recently found out he has a daughter.”

“Seriously?” Mia exclaims. “That must have been a shock.”

“That’s an understatement,” Carter says, but then he smiles.

We all fell in love with Danny the second we met her. She’s clever, beautiful and just the sweetest little girl. I’m happy that Carter and Della are working through their problems.

“She’s perfect,” Carter whispers, his voice filled with awe. “Her name is Danny and she’s three, well almost four.” His smile widens until all you can see is the love he has for his little girl. “She’s amazing, Mia.”

“I hope I’ll get to meet her.”

“You will. We’re just settling in. Her birthday is coming up, and I want to give her a huge party.”

I notice that Mia won’t look at me and it frustrates the hell out of me. Instead, she looks at Jaxson and Marcus. “What about the two of you?”

Marcus swallows the sip he’s just taken and places the glass on the table. “Nothing new on my side. Just working my ass off.” He walks over to where Mia is and presses a kiss to her forehead. “I have a meeting in LA tomorrow and have to catch an early flight. We’ll catch up soon.”

Carter also gets up and hugs Mia. “Yeah, I need to get home.”

While they leave, I glance at Josie. She’s been surprisingly quiet. I frown when I notice how she’s glaring at Rhett. You’d think she’d be happy for Mia.

I walk over to her and smile when she looks at me. She’s Mia’s friend, so I try to be friendly. “How long have you known Mia?”

“We met the first week of college.”

She doesn’t say anything else, and I have to admit, something about her makes me feel uncomfortable. I tell myself she’s just being defensive because she doesn’t know any of us.

“We need to get going, Mia,” Josie says, standing up.

I’m just about to protest when Rhett says, “Mia’s staying here tonight.”

“I can take you home,” Jaxson quickly offers. He hugs Mia goodbye, then looks to Josie.

“I’ll get a cab,” she refuses his offer, then looks at Mia again. “Are you coming or staying?”

“I’m going to stay,” Mia answers. She walks Josie to the door. “I want to catch up with Rhett. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Whatever,” Josie bites out, and without another word, she storms out of the apartment. Damn, she’s cold.

Mia frowns at Josie’s retreating back before she steps aside so Jaxson can leave. I follow Mia back to the couch. She sits down next to Rhett again, and I take the seat across from her.

Now that it’s just the three of us it’s pretty clear that she’s doing her best to avoid looking at me.

“I’m sorry about what happened when you came to New York,” I apologize, hoping it will help smooth things out between us. “You look good, Mia. I wouldn’t have recognized you if you walked by me in the street.” What I really want to say is she looks breathtakingly beautiful, but that would be pushing it with Rhett sitting right next to her.

“It’s okay,” she whispers, and finally she looks at me. I can see that she’s forcing her smile because it doesn’t reach her green eyes.

“Why did you drop out of college?” Rhett asks.

I lean a little forward, placing my elbows on my knees. We need to have this conversation with her.

She tucks some hair behind her ear and carefully looks at Rhett. I hate seeing this side of her, that she feels the need to be cautious around us.

I’m going to find out who has her phone and I’m going to beat the living shit out of that person.

“After the first trip to New York, I was angry and hurt. I thought you’d all cut me off and I didn’t want to use any of the money. I wanted to prove to myself that I could make it on my own so I dropped out and started working.”

“Fuck, Mia,” Rhett growls. He hugs her as if he’s scared she’ll disappear again. “Where do you work? You need to start using the trust fund again. Shit, you’ve lost so much weight. Mom and Dad would kill me if they were around to see this.”

“It’s not your fault,” Mia says.

When she sits back she smiles proudly. She has a new found self-confidence that shines from her whole body, and it only makes her that much more desirable.

“I’m not starving, Rhett. I’ve been eating healthier and doing exercises. I work at a store close to where I live.” For a spilt second a self-conscious look flashes over her face. I would’ve missed it if I weren’t staring at her. “It isn’t great, but I manage.”

“I’m glad you’re looking after yourself,” Rhett says. “Which store? What do you do there? Where do you live?”

He’s asking her all the questions I would’ve so I’m okay with just listening … for now. But damn, the need to hold her keeps growing, and I seriously hope I get a moment alone with her.

“We’re renting a place in Washington Heights. I got a job as a receiver at Target. I know you won’t approve, but it’s only temporary until I can find something else.” She scrunches her nose and looks cautiously at Rhett, waiting for his reaction.

With a sigh, he wipes a hand over his face.

“I can’t believe this,” he whispers. He looks at me as if I have all the answers for this fuck-up. “We need to find out who has her phone. Who the fuck have we been messaging?”

“We’ll find out. I’ll get on it first thing tomorrow.” I don’t add that I’ll do everything in my power to make that person suffer the way Mia has.

“I can’t believe I let this happen,” Rhett says, clearly taking all the blame.

“We let it happen,” I say, wanting to lessen his guilt, but not backing down from taking responsibility for my own lack of action.

“Guys,” Mia says, “neither of you let anything happen.”

Rhett shakes his head. “You’re my responsibility, Mia. I’m a fucking poor excuse for a brother.”

Her chin starts to tremble, and she takes hold of his hand. “Don’t say that,” she whispers. “You thought you were talking to me. I’m the one who just gave up.”

“Hold on,” I say as I think of something else. “Didn’t you get our emails either?”

“Emails?” she asks, shaking her head.

Tension coils in the back of my neck. This is bad.

“I set up a will for all of us, including one for you, Mia. I emailed yours to you so you could sign it, which you did, or at least I thought you did. I also set up a retirement annuity and life insurance. Did you get those emails?”

 She shakes her head, and I can see she doesn’t understand the severity of it all.

“If you didn’t sign them, then who did?” I ask the question so she’ll understand what I’m getting at. “We need to go to the police.”

“What does it mean?” she asks, her eyes huge with worry.

“It could mean a number of things. Hell, anything from fraud to identity theft. None of it is good.”


While Mia was showering, I quickly talked things over with Rhett. We agreed that Rhett would take Mia to the police station so we can get it all on record, while I talk to the PI we hired. He was making way on finding Mia. We were just lucky enough to run into her tonight. Now he’ll have to help us track down whoever’s doing this to Mia.

I wait for Mia to come out of the guest room, hoping I’ll get a few minutes alone with her.

I pick up all the glasses and take them to the kitchen. When I walk back into the living room, the door to the guest room opens.

When she comes out and notices that it’s just the two of us, she freezes. Damn, that stings. Mia always looked happy to see me. Hell, sometimes it felt like I was closer to her, than I was with Rhett. Now she’s withdrawn.

I’ll just have to win her trust again. I did it once, I can do it again.

“Rhett’s showering,” I say, then point to the couch. “Can we talk?”

“Yeah. Sure.” She bites her bottom lip nervously. I can’t stop myself from smiling. Seeing her nibble on her lip, always made me want to kiss her, just so I could soothe that same lip with my tongue. The urge is much stronger than I remember, as my eyes zero in on her mouth.

She doesn’t sit down, but instead, stands in the open space between the couch and the window.

I used to be the one who was always nervous around her, but not anymore. Wanting to hold her more than anything, I just go for it. I step into her space and wrap my arms around her. At first, she stiffens, but when I don’t let go, she brings her arms slowly up and wraps them around me. When she presses her cheek to my chest, I close my eyes at the intense feelings flooding me. She’s shorter than I remember. She used to be able to rest her chin on my shoulder, but now she fits perfectly under my chin.

She still smells the same, something flowery mixed with a hint of her. I take a deep breath, filling my lungs with her unique scent.

When it feels like she’s going to pull back, I tighten my hold on her. I’m not ready to let go of her yet.

“I’m sorry for what happened when you came to New York. If I had known you were coming things would’ve turned out differently.”

I press a kiss on the top of her head just as Rhett opens the door to his room. His eyes meet mine for a second before I let go of Mia.

Years ago, he sat us all down and told us Mia was off limits. I need to talk to him about it though. We’re not in school anymore, and he should know by now I’d never do anything to hurt her. I want to date her. I want to find out if she still likes the same things. But until I’ve got his blessing I can’t act on my feelings.

“I’m going to head home. I’ll see you at the office,” I say to Rhett.

“Yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow,” Rhett says as he walks to the kitchen.

I turn my back to Rhett and let my arm slip around Mia’s waist. I pull her closer, and placing a finger under her chin, I nudge her face up. When our eyes meet, a blush creeps over her cheeks. That’s new. I take it as a good sign, and leaning down, I press a kiss to her forehead. I keep my lips to her skin, as I hug her to me again. Damn, I missed her.

She stands on her toes so she can bury her face in the crook of my neck. Her arms wrap tightly around me as I hear her take a deep breath.

“I missed you,” she whispers.

That’s all it takes. Three words to break down the barrier of the last three years.

I pull back, letting my eyes feast on her gorgeous face, one last time.

“Smile for me,” I whisper so Rhett won’t hear.

Her lips curve, lighting her face like a million stars.

“Still the most beautiful smile in the world.” The blush on her cheeks deepens at my words. I love knowing that I have an effect on her.

“I’ll be in touch.” I press one last kiss to her forehead, and walk to the front door before I lose all control and kiss her the way I really want to.


It’s been four days since we found Mia. Between all the new business ideas Carter has in play, and setting up a new will for him that now includes Danny, Della, and Jamie, I’ve only gotten the new forms for Mia to sign in order today.

I was surprised when I saw that Rhett is still the beneficiary should something happen to Mia. Part of me was hoping that whoever’s been fucking with her had changed the beneficiary to themselves, but I suppose it would make things too easy.

I dial Mia’s number, excited that I have an excuse to see her.


“You haven’t changed our numbers yet, have you?” I say. “It’s Logan.”

“Uhm … I forgot to get them from Rhett, and he’s been busy, so I didn’t want to bother him. I would’ve gotten them whenever I met up with you guys again.”

I can hear as she walks into a building, the music coming clearly over the line.

“Where are you?” I ask, more out of curiosity than anything else.

“At my gym. I take … uhm … zumba and yoga classes. Hold on for me quickly.” I listen to her greet someone in the background. “Hey, Beth. Which room can I use?”

“Grab number four. The others are already occupied. Oh, work on your posture tonight. I’m starting the next level with you tomorrow.”

“Thank you.” I hear a door close. “Logan?”

“Yeah, I’m here.”

“Sorry about that. Did you need something?”

Oh yes, the reason for my call.

“I’ve got new documents for you to sign. When can we meet?”

“How about after gym? I have an hour before I have to be at work.”

“Which gym? I’ll meet you there.”

“Sultry Dance Studio,” she rattles off. I have to admit it doesn’t sound like any gym I’ve ever been to.

“Great, I’ll meet you there.”

When we end the call, I grin excitedly. Grabbing the folder with Mia’s documents in, I leave the office and drive over to where the studio is.

I have to drive a block over before I find an open spot. I leave the folder in the car and walk the short distance.

When I go inside, I rethink my idea of coming. It’s clearly not the average gym.

“Can I help you?” A petite blonde smiles at me from reception.

“No, I’m just here to pick up a friend. Where would I find the rooms?” I sound like a complete idiot, but luckily she takes pity on me.

“You might want to check upstairs, that’s where the classes are.”


When I get upstairs, I’m a bit confused until I see that the doors are numbered. I walk to number four and softly open it, just in case it’s the wrong room. The last thing I want is to face an entire room full of pissed off females because I walked in on something no man wants to see.

I’m relieved to find the room empty, well mostly. There are poles throughout the room, and a familiar song is playing. I see Mia in the corner right by the mirrors which span over most of the wall.

She’s sitting on the floor with her knees pulled up and as the song counts off one-two-three, her body pulses with the beat.

Instantly, I’m hypnotized by Mia. I close the door and lean against it, hoping she doesn’t notice me standing here like a creep.

When the chorus starts to Chandelier she pulls herself up on the pole, and it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. Her hair is wild around her while she has one leg wrapped around the pole, and the other is stretched out. The rest of her is curled in towards the leg that’s wrapped around the pole. The move looks intense, as if it’s loaded with every emotion the song wants you to feel.

Her movements are so graceful that I don’t actually take in that Mia is pole dancing. I’ve been in a strip club before and what I saw there is nothing like this.

When the time comes for the chorus again, I feel a sweet aching in my chest, knowing what’s coming. She pulls herself up against the pole and I lose my breath.

I loved Mia Daniels when she was eighteen. Watching the woman in front of me it’s very clear that my feelings haven’t gone away over the years, but have only grown into a raging fire. I’ve tried to date other women but none of them ever held up next to Mia.

I have to talk to Rhett, and I can only hope he’ll understand and give his blessing, because I’ve never wanted anything the way I want Mia.

It has nothing to do with the weight she’s lost. I love everything about her, but it’s her smile and eyes that made me fall for her. I’ll admit she looks fucking hot in those boots and sexy as hell outfit.

As my eyes follow her, I wish I could go back in time so I could tell her I loved her the first and only time I kissed her.