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She Was Mine: An Incapable Novella by Marie Skye (19)


Would you like milk with your tea, dear?”

I smiled at the elderly lady named Opal who sat a tray in front of me. “That would be lovely, thanks.”

She nodded as she retreated back into the kitchen. While everyone assumed I was being some grieving wife, sad over her marriage, I was researching instead. I recalled that day Claudia came into my office. She had a lapel pin on the coat of her collar. The only reason it stuck with me was because it was the only hint of color on her all-white pea coat.

I found the video of Claudia giving her press conference online, and she had that same purple lapel pin. Claudia’s resume said she went to Yale. Last I checked, Yale didn’t have purple colors. So, here I am in a small town called Ogden, right outside Manhattan, Kansas. This town is so small, it doesn’t have a stop light. It seems to be more of a passing ground for people going to the military base, or actually heading into Manhattan.

Opal returned with the milk, and I poured a little bit in my cup. “It’s so great to meet some of Claudia’s friends.” I cringed at the word friends. “She never had any come visit her, when she was here.”

I sat my cup down. “Did Claudia live here long?”

“Oh yes. She had to. Her parents died when she was seven. After that, she went to live with a few of her aunts and uncles, but none of them could get a handle on her. She was often disrespectful and a ruckus every chance she got.” She paused as she sipped her tea. “But she eventually came around, especially during her final years of high school.” Opal smiled as she leaned forward, as if she was going to tell a secret, even though we were the only ones here. “That’s when she got herself a boyfriend.”

I raised my brows. “Wow, that must’ve been nice. Did he visit her often?”

Opal waved her hand. “No, he never came. She said he was always busy, but she had lots of pictures of him.”

“How did they meet?”

Opal thought for a moment. “I’m not sure. She never told me. She just went on and on, about how great he was and how when she was done with school, they were going to be together.”

I nodded. “And then she went to Yale, right?”

Opal looked taken aback. “Yale? Oh goodness no, that girl couldn’t get into Yale if she paid them. She didn’t have the grades, so she went here to Kansas State, and after she graduated she left. I’ll occasionally get a birthday or Christmas card, but other than that, I never hear from her.”

“I’m sorry, that must be hard to deal with. Especially after all you’ve done.”

Opal nodded and sighed. “I just hope she’s alright and doing good. I’m glad she has people like you to take care of her.”

I cringed again. Not even close. Opal yawned, and I knew that was my cue to leave. I stood up, a little disappointed that I hadn’t really gotten much information.

“Would you mind taking some of her things back to her? I’m sure she’ll love them.”

I gave her a small smile. “Sure. Lead the way.”

We didn’t have to go far, because we were in a single wide trailer. “Here’s her room. Let me grab a box.” Opal walked away, and I tentatively opened the door. My eyes grew wide at everything around me. I jumped at Opal’s voice behind me.

“That’s the boyfriend, handsome lad isn’t he.”

I slowly nodded, still staring at the room in shock. “Yeah…he is.” I turned to face Opal. “When was the last time you received a card from Claudia?”

She frowned for a moment before raising her hand and leaving the room. She came back just as quickly. “Just this past Christmas, and one not too long ago. She must be doing well with that boyfriend of hers.” She handed me the Christmas card that also held a picture of Claudia and her boyfriend. It was a great picture of her boyfriend…Grayson. And the person he was standing next to was Claudia. Only it was her head photoshopped on my body.

Opal handed me another picture. “I would like to see her soon, especially my new grand baby.” I stared at the picture. It was me and Grayson again, along with Emersyn. All I could do was nod. Opal walked past me, as she contemplated which pictures of Grayson to take down from the wall. While she did that, I discreetly took pictures of what I could.

I left, feeling a sense of accomplishment. This was what I needed. Claudia was an obsessed stalker. I really needed to talk to Grayson about the women he attracts.

I drove two hours back to the airport, but wasn’t able to get a flight out until the next day. I hesitantly turned my phone on. The notifications were ridiculous. 87. That’s how many times Grayson called. My mailbox was full and was no longer taking messages. I scrolled through the texts and stopped when I got to Isabella’s.

Isabella: He knows something’s up. His hearing is tomorrow at 5. Please call him before he blows up the entire city!!!

I sighed, disabled the tracking on my phone, and sent a message to Grayson.

Emmalin: I’m fine. Have a good night.

Yeah, I know it was a shitty text, but it was the safest. Before I turned my phone back off, I placed another call to Grayson’s friend Jack and told him everything I had. Jack knew where I was. We’d been planning this the moment we found out Claudia was pregnant. I set my alarm, got in bed, and prayed that this would work.