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Spark (Homecoming Hearts Book 2) by HJ Welch (33)


Epilogue – Six Months Later


Gabe was amazed he’d been able to find a spot for his car this close to the park. It was a positive omen for what he hoped would be a good day.

The spring sunshine was beaming down overhead, making even the grumpiest of New Yorkers smile. Despite it being a Saturday, the drive down from Greenwich had been bearable thanks to such lovely weather spurring him on. Gabe twirled his keys before dropping them into his pocket and pulling out his phone.

Joey had given him specific instructions on where to meet him. He only had so long for a lunch break and wasn’t really supposed to slip out of the studio in costume, but since the show hadn’t aired yet, Joey argued that people would be less likely to recognize him.

Gabe was glad. He would be fine to do this by himself, but he would rather share it with Joey.

Joey waved from the subway entrance as Gabe approached. It still made his breath catch sometimes, to see the happy man Joey had transformed into from that troubled guy he’d met last fall. Joey was so full of optimism and light these days.

Gabe had to admit his outfit wasn’t immediately recognizable as being from the eighties. It still brought a smile to his face, thinking how much Joey screamed the house down when he found out he’d got the part on Beat It. Gabe had helped him read through the scripts as he’d got them, and he knew with absolute certainty it was going to be a huge hit once it aired on Netflix.

When he reached Joey, he greeted him with a kiss and a hug. “You ready?” he asked.

“Oh hell yeah,” Joey replied, green eyes sparkling.

They walked hand in hand. Gabe always felt a bit nervous doing that, but today he wanted to be bold. People might have stared or sneered. He didn’t notice. All that mattered was Joey by his side as they entered the park.

Unlike last time, Gabe felt like he had the upper hand as he approached Lewis and his beloved Max waiting on a bench. Lewis had screwed him over, but it hadn’t mattered in the end. Joey had stepped up and saved the day, and that was all that Gabe cared about.

Sure enough, Lewis looked sheepish as they approached, his eyes darting back and forth between Gabe and Joey. “Hi,” he said.

“Hi,” Gabe replied to be polite. Joey didn’t say anything, just raised an eyebrow. Gabe did his best not to chuckle.

“So, um, thanks for this,” said Lewis.

He handed over Max’s leash.

It turned out that Lewis loved the idea of having Max a lot more than the reality. When Gabe found out the poor dog was being cooped up in Lewis’s apartment for most of the day and only being walked a couple of times a week, he’d lost his shit. That wasn’t the agreement they’d made, and if Lewis couldn’t keep up Max’s care, then he needed to give him back to Gabe.

A year ago, he wouldn’t have made such a demand. But Joey had taught him it was okay to put himself first from time to time. In fact, Gabe had cut back on several of his weekly activities since Joey had moved in. He’d taken a good, long look at what really made him content after that nasty business with Debbie Slater. Gabe had come to realize that a lot of what he’d done had been to make other people happy, telling himself that made him happy.

To a certain extent, that was still true. For example, he still volunteered at the homeless shelter. Joey even came with him when he could. That work was important and Gabe loved seeing the people they helped getting back on their feet.

But some of the library groups he was only doing because he’d told himself there was no one else to step in if he didn’t give his time. That might have convinced him when he was with Lewis, but he wasn’t going to leave Joey neglected for the sake of people that Gabe now knew might not always appreciate him.

He had to look after his own heart as well as those around him.

Joey had made it so much easier for Gabe to love and care for him since moving in. Once he’d got the part in New York, Gabe had taken a risk and suggested Joey not get his own place. He could commute from Gabe’s house and they could continue building their relationship together. Building their home.

He’d been stunned when Joey had agreed immediately. Gabe obviously wasn’t the only one learning how to care for himself better. Joey had opened his heart and trusted him.

As Gabe smiled at Lewis and took the leash, he said a silent thanks that they had broken things off when they had. Gabe now knew they hadn’t been in love. It had all been very nice for a while, but love was what he had with Joey.

He watched Lewis’s gaze linger just a bit too long on Joey. Gabe didn’t care if he still thought they’d been fooling around while he and Lewis were still together. Lewis’s opinions no longer mattered to him. Especially after he’d failed to look after Max properly for all these months.

Gabe crouched down. “Come here, boy!” he cried.

Max had been playing with another dog, but at Gabe’s voice he charged over and threw himself into his arms. He and Joey laughed. Lewis sighed.

“Well,” he said, his voice strained. “Good luck.”

With that, he shoved his hands into his pockets and marched off.

Gabe shrugged. He got the feeling Lewis would get over it. He’d never been the most caring man in hindsight.

“Joey,” Gabe said, looking up at his gorgeous boyfriend. “I’d like to introduce you to the other man in my life.”

“Oh no,” said Joey in mock horror. He dropped to his knees and buried his face in Max’s soft, golden fur. “I don’t stand a chance!”

Gabe chuckled and kissed his cheek, stroking an excitable Max as he wriggled about.

“What do you say, buddy?” he asked. “Do you want to come home?” Gabe was a little worried what Duchess might make of him. She was doing so much better these days, often coming to him and Joey for petting and sleeping in their room or on the end of the bed. Hopefully, she and Max would be the best of friends.

Max barked and wagged his tail. Gabe’s heart ached. He was so happy to have him back he almost couldn’t stand it.

Joey sighed as they both stood. “I’ll come home as soon as I can,” he said, glancing back towards the subway station.

Gabe hugged him close and placed a sweet kiss on his lips. “Your family will be waiting for you when you do,” he promised.

Joey got a strange look in his eye as he looked between Gabe and Max. “Family,” he said.

Gabe knew he was still getting used to the idea. His mom’s divorce was almost finalized, much to his dad’s fury. But Tess had her own apartment across town now and saw Joey and Gabe all the time. Joey’s brother was still being an ass about letting either of them see baby Michael, but maybe with time things would get better.

Joey had been on his own for so long, it made Gabe’s heart soar to see their little family growing. For now, that was just giving loving homes and second chances to their cat and dog. But perhaps one day

“Yeah, family,” he said, giving Joey’s shoulders a squeeze. “You’re a great dad.”

Joey rolled his eyes. “It’ll be a bit different with actual kids,” he said. He then paused. Gabe loved it when he accidentally blurted out what was really on his mind. Especially when it was something so wonderful.

“We can start with pets,” Gabe said. “Work up to babies.”

Joey looked at him, his eyes wide. And…Gabe spotted a mischievous glint there too.

“Well, I am a traditional boy at heart,” he said, a smile creeping on to his face. “You’d have to marry me first.”

Gabe wrapped his arms around Joey. Max ran around them both, his tail wagging so hard it was smacking their legs. “Is that so?”

Joey swallowed. “Yeah.”

Gabe licked his lips. He already thought this was where they were headed, but he’d imagined planning some great romantic gesture a year or two down the line. But why wait? He knew he loved Joey more than anything else in this whole world.

“Okay then. Would you, Joey Sullivan, marry me?”

Half of Central Park probably heard Joey’s scream as he leaped into Gabe’s arms, throwing his legs around Gabe’s waist. Max barked and hopped around like a maniac.

“Are you sure?” Joey asked between kisses, tears in his eyes.

He’d never been more sure of anything. “Yes,” Gabe said. “We can wait and make it official with a ring if you like-”

“No, no,” said Joey. He shook his head, the tears spilling down his face. “I don’t need a ring. I don’t need things. I just need you.”

Gabe let out a sob and clutched him so tightly he was probably leaving bruises. “You make me so happy,” he said. “I love you so much.”

“I love you too,” Joey said.

They kissed until Gabe couldn’t hold him up any longer. He didn’t want to let him go, but Joey had to get to back to work.

It was okay though, because they had the rest of their lives to spend together. Despite what Joey said, when Gabe got back to Greenwich he was going to fetch his grandfather’s ring from the attic and prepare the most romantic dinner he could.

Because Joey deserved the very best. And they were going to have a lifetime of happiness together.