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The Billionaire Bull by Romi Hart (22)


Oh my God Amanda!” Jan laughs. “Did you hear that Nate Jiggur got caught having sex with a news reporter?”

“Eeew!” I reply, giving my best friend a WTF look. “I can’t believe they print that stuff in the newspaper. TMI, dude.”

I rock swivel back around in my chair, chatting with my BFF inside our family owned music store. My specialty is repairing guitars. It seems to be the only thing that gives me peace…makes me forget. Jan is minding the cash register while my brother and father are out of town. I prefer it that way. I like working with my hands using my mind. Talking less. Sometimes I think I have nothing left to say to the world…maybe just to my loyal friend.

“Well, Nate Jiggur sells papers!” Jan said.

“Well, all we Dallas fans care about is that he makes those passes,” I say with a grin. “Who cares what players do off the field.”

“Oh he’s a player all right!” Jan laughs. “And that’s on and off the field.”

“Sounds like you want him,” I say with a giggle. “Does your boyfriend know that, Jan?”

“Oh he knows. And he’s cool with it because he wants our next door neighbor. So if he gets a crush I get a crush.”

“Ick!” I reply. “At least yours sounds like a crush. If he wants the next door neighbor isn’t that a bit…I dunno, concerning?”

“Nah, Tony is good,” she laughs. “I’ve got him trained well. Believe me! He’s no cheater.”


“Now Nate on the other hand,” Jan laughs. “That man is never going to settle down.”

“Must be a sad life”, I say concentrating on my polishing.

“Yeah right,” she says. “That’s every guy’s fantasy, isn’t it? Endless parades of women? I don’t know, don’t you think there’s something very sexy about a confident man. A guy who always wins…don’t you agree?”

"I shrug it off. "I guess all the guys on TV just seem alike to me. You've seen one shirtless muscle-head, you've seen them all."

“And I never see enough!” Jan says. “And hey, even though I’m not single at the moment, you are!”

“I’m not really single. I’m more asexual right now.” I laugh hard. “You know, like those amoebas that just don’t date or mate.”

“So what, you’re going to have a virgin birth?”

"No. I think I'm just going to waste away," I said evenly. "Like a rose at the end of its life. Age gracefully, wither away when autumn comes."

“No way! That’s bullshit. You’re in the prime of your life honey. You’re mid-twenties. Blond, fit and you look great in a pair of jeans and a polka dot shirt. That’s the kind of natural beauty guys spend all their lives looking for.”


“We just got to do something about that soft country accent. It makes guys think…you know…”

"What?" I say curiously, as I look back up from my workstation.

“Well you know! That you’re too innocent.”

"Me innocent?" I lose my smile. "I don't feel innocent at all." Great, now I'm self-conscious about my voice!

"Well believe me, you are," Jan says. "But you're sweet, pretty and talented. Guys would love to date you…if you just stopped being, you know…"

“So innocent?”

“So…inside your own head.”

“Ah,” I say with a quick nod, going back to my guitar. “Thanks for the advice. I’ll keep that in mind when you know, Nate Jiggur gives me a call.”

“Hey, that loser would be HONORED to date you, Amanda.”

Yeah right. With my luck…I probably would meet Nate Jiggur. Because he seems like a jerk. And bad luck just seems to follow me.

"Congratulations!" the man told me as he handed me two tickets to some live event downtown. I was in disbelief the whole time I was standing there, at the mall, in front of a small floor exhibit. The guy was making a commotion saying he was giving away free things. Sure, I'll take some free stuff. Why not?

I was half expecting a scam. I smiled…waiting for the punch line. And that's when he told me…and pretty much ruined my day!

“I mean it. Two free tickets.”

“I won two free tickets?”

“I told you I was giving free stuff away, didn’t I?” the man said.

“Oh cool where at…ohh…the Dallas Cowboys?” I smiled…politely.

“Yes! Two free tickets to see the Dallas Cowboys play! That’s Nate Jiggur’s team, my team!”

“No catch?” I said, raising a brow.

“No ma’am. Sure, I could have given those tickets to some teenage hooligans. But you look like you’re really going to appreciate them.”

“Well yeah…” I said hesitantly. “I do think it’s awesome. I just am not sure who to bring with me.”

“Hey,” the man said with slanting eyes. “Bring a girlfriend. Sometimes Nate Jiggur brings sets of girls backstage for a VIP tour.”

I squint in disbelief. “No that’s cool. I’m going to see the Cowboys in spite of Nate Jiggur.”

And that's what brings me here today, surprising my longtime friend (without benefits!) Scott with the good news.

“Oh my God! You got free tickets? This is the hottest ticket in town!”

I smile, always amused at how excitable Scott gets. We’ve been friends so long, ever since we were children. He may be the LAST guy I really can talk to…since I know we’re platonic friends and have never been attracted to each other. Thank God, it’s not always about sex.

“Amanda this is great…but…are you sure you want to take me? You could take Jan…”

“No, no. Jan’s not a real fan. I mean she is, but she just likes Nate Jiggur. That womanizing guy?”

“Ohhh, I gotcha. And you’re more a fan of the team!” Scott laughs.

“Exactly. So will you come? I really don’t want to go alone. And I want to bring a guy friend that’s not…you know a guy.”

“Ohhh damn!” Scott says, shaking off my inadvertent insult.

“Ohh noo! I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean it that way.”

“Owwch, dude,” Scott said.

“I’m sorry!” I laugh and blush at my blunder. “That was so rude. It came out wrong.”

I really didn't mean anything by it. Scott is adorable. He's thin and good looking, brown hair and late twenties. Yeah, but he's SWEET. He doesn't look like a muscle-bound goon. He doesn't trash talk like all the alpha males who need attention. He’s cute. He has a big heart. I love his dorky glasses. I love his intelligence and his conversation. But

“I just meant…you know, not attracted to you. Just like you’re not attracted to me. We’re friends.”

“Right,” Scott says with a sneer. “Don’t worry, you’re not my type, kiddo. You’re more like a sister to me.”

“Exactly. So will you come? I don’t want to take a date. And I know if I take Jan, she’s just going to try to make me hook up with somebody.”

“Yeah sure, I’d love to go. I love the Cowboys. And yes, I agree Nate Jiggur is a total jerk. I just love their defense this year.”


What does an unavailable woman wear to a game—a place where stink, beer, hot dogs and sweat fill the air? I chose to dress a bit conservatively. As usual, I wear my blue jeans, which Jan assures me, are mom jeans and definitely "biker-bait" in her own words. I also wore a pink Dallas Cowboys tammy lace-up top, just to show team spirit.

Poor Scott! He had to walk around all evening and keep his head down while guys shamelessly hit on me. That’s the price of a free ticket!

It was a great game

But since Scott assured me the team already won and the last down is just a formality, I figured let’s go…and hopefully get out of the massive traffic jam early.

I wait by the exit, eager to leave and get home.

“I’ll be back,” Scott says right before going to the nearby men’s room.

Oh no…alone and unsupervised, waiting in a huge auditorium. This is the absolute worst time to be alone. The last thing I want right now is some cocky sports nut, coming up to me all drunk and horny. Maybe it's better if I wait outside for Scott. Yeah, I think I'll do that…I slowly head towards the exit and open the door.

A man stands before me. No shirt, muscles bulging, barely wearing torn jeans as shorts. Freshly showered and deep blue eyes.

I temporarily forget where I am and stare into his…pecks. His tight abdomen. His body is immaculate. My eyes start to sink lower…instinctively wondering if I can see past his jeans.

I clear my throat and gain control of myself. “Sorry. I was just leaving,” I say shyly.

“Why so early?” he says with a smirk. He opens the door for me and signals for me to walk ahead.

"Oh thank you. Actually, I'm waiting for a friend. But you know, I don't like to be alone at a football game."

The man grins. His naked, hulking body is making me a little nervous. I can barely meet his face, but I suppose it’s the polite thing to do. At least he seems like a half-naked gentleman. Come to think of it, WHY is he naked in a place like this…?

I look him in the eye…I smile. Then I frown. Wait a minute. I know this face. Isn’t that

“Nate Jiggur,” he says coyly. “You just caught me leaving the showers. The game’s already won and our second QB seems to have things handled. So now you know my secret. I like to leave early too.”

“Oh my God,” I say with a laugh. “This is so weird. I was just talking about you.”

“Oh? Good things I hope.”


“What’s your name, sweetheart?”


“Who’s your daddy? Is he rich like me? Sorry, old joke.”

I laugh cautiously. “Amanda. Amanda Shannon.”

“Nice to meet you, Amanda.” He suddenly turns his face passed me. “Hey…and that’s my limo.”

“Oh wow. Okay…” I say, zoning out. I can’t believe I ran into Nate Jiggur the same week I was talking about him. Scott and Jan are never going to believe me.

He turns on his legendary Nate smile—charming, genteel and deceptively non-threatening. “Hey. Come on for a ride with me.”

“Pardon?” I say, widening my eyes.

“Come on. If we’re going to beat the crowds we should go now. I really don’t want to be swarmed with women while I’m just wearing my torn jeans, anyway.”

“But…where are you going?”

“Where do you want to go? Dinner?”

“Umm no. But thanks.”

I watch suspiciously as his smile only seems to swell—it’s like the word NO electrifies him.

“Come on. I might even get dressed. I’m in a good mood!” he sings. I want to go out and see the city. I want some company. The only one who’s with me is my driver and my old agent. They’re dreadfully boring. Come on, you’ll be doing me a favor.”

“No, I don’t think so,” I snap back with a half-smile. “But thank you.”

He puts his hands on his hips, flexing his muscles and stewing over the rejection. Maybe the first rejection he’s EVER received?

“Come on, I’ll drop you off at home. Believe me, I can afford cab fare.”

“I don’t want to go with you,” I say.

"Ah, you're scared. Strange guy. Celebrity douchebag. Best quarterback in the history of the NFL—and hey! The NFL is made up of criminals, drug addicts, dog fighting drunks and liberals who won't stand for the national anthem, right?" Yeah, I've heard it all before, but like I always say…"

“Mister Jiggur?” I say shyly at first, until I look him in the eye and give him a firm answer. “I’m not afraid of you. I trust you…you know, sort of. I know if I got in your limo you would be a gentleman. I’m sure it would be a fun time. But I am NOT interested.”

“Ohhhh I see how it is,” he says his voice changing…his whole manner of speaking and gesturing changing before my eyes. Suddenly he launches into the defensive, the Nate Jiggur from television we all know and loathe.

“So you’re afraid of me. Has it really been that long since you’ve been laid, Little Miss Soccer Mom?”

“Excuse me?” I say, not smiling this time.

“Oh yeah judging by that look, I’d say YEARS. Damn, I’m so sorry about that. Just to let you know though, when you take Nate Jiggur home for the night, I don’t quit early. You know what I’m saying?”

I scoff and listen to him, nodding in disbelief. What an asshole. I can’t believe I almost fell for his nice guy act.

“No, I DON’T know what you’re saying. Now if you’ll excuse me…”

“No EXCUSE me, princess,” Nate says, wagging his head like he’s suddenly in the end zone doing a dance. “The invitation is withdrawn! I’m pulling out. And it’s a good thing too, because when I get a woman into bed, I NEVER pull out. She takes every last bit of Nate Jiggur, swallow down that pride, motherfucker—just like the Patriots, just like the Falcons, just like the Steelers and the 49ers. They all got to drink it down – losing to Nate Jiggur is an honor.”


“And as far as I’m concerned, you owe me two dinners. That’s right, two dinners! For disrespecting the Great One. And we’re not on speaking terms till I get what I’m owed.”

“What?” I say lowering my eyes. I can’t believe the audacity of this man-child! “I am not treating you to dinner.”

“All right,” he finally says with a calmer smile, letting go of his manic energy and wild gestures. “It was nice meeting you. You know all that trash talk’s just an act, right?”

“An act? You mean you’re not really an asshole?”

“Well that depends…” he says peacefully. “On the game we’re playing.”

“The game?”

“Life is all a game, don’t you know.”

“Well I’m not a player.”

“Duly noted. Now if you’ll excuse me, I got to go put some clothes on and get drunk. So long Amanda Shannon. And you owe me two dinners.”

I watch him long enough for him to leave the arena and hop into a waiting limo. I finally laugh after taking a moment to process what just happened. I rebuffed a millionaire egomaniac…he laughed it off and accused me of being sexually repressed. Now he claims I owe him two dinners.

Oh my God, what a weirdo. I am so going to tell Jan about this. I wish I could have recorded it!

Just as I’m calming down after pacing around outside the building, Scott finds me and nods. “You okay? Why are you out here?”

“Nate Jiggur just hit on me!” I say right before a big belly laugh.

“What? Nate was here?”

“Yes. He totally just asked me to come with him in his limo.”

“Oh my God!” Scott replies, pacing around himself. “Nate? Really? Oh hell, I can’t believe a piss cost me the chance to meet a Dallas Cowboy quarterback!”

“I know! And Jan and I were just talking about him.”

“Wow. I mean…” Scott shakes his head. “That’s so weird, right? But I guess…wow, you really turned him down, huh? Most girls would have jumped at the chance to nail a celebrity. That means you have honor. You have standards. That’s good.” Scott nods at me.

I smile back at him. “I’m not a party type of girl.’




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