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The Callback (Love Behind the Scenes Book 1) by Brandy L Rivers (19)

Chapter 19



Ten minutes after Leona left, Luke got a phone call.

Sam, his agent. Either good or bad news, and he was betting bad.

“Hey, Sam. What’s up?”

“How serious is it with Leona Shay?” His tone was strangely focused.

Luke pushed his fingers through his hair. “Shit, how do you know? How much?”

“This is more than a fling, isn’t it?”

He rubbed at his hair. “Yes, at least I hope so. How bad is it?”

Sam let out a short laugh. “Oh, you know, tabloid websites speculating you’re getting with her for a part, or this is to get the movie made. And the hotel she’s staying at is crawling with paparazzi.”

“Damn it.” He slammed his hand on the counter. “She went back to have lunch with her friend. She doesn’t want all that, and I’m trying to get her to admit there’s something between us.”

“Luke, her divorce was final a week ago. That’s fast.”

“She doesn’t want him back,” Luke insisted.

“She was with him more than half her life. No matter what, it’s affecting her. She may not be ready to jump into something serious,” Sam warned.

“Yeah, well, I can be patient. And filming starts in a couple weeks, which means she’s going back to her life and I need to find a way to make sure she doesn’t forget about us.”

“Holy fuck, Luke. When did this start?”

“A few nights ago. Look, that doesn’t matter. Can we get them off her back?”

“That, I don’t know. We can try. But that means don’t go out in public with her. Which I don’t imagine you’ll stop.”

“I’ve been careful.” Leaning against the counter, he stared out the window.

“In this business, careful isn’t enough. I’ll see if there is anything I can do. Maybe spin it that she’s hanging out with you to inspire a project.”

Luke grinned. “Let me make sure she won’t take offense to that first. I’m not sure it’s worth fighting the media too hard. I mean, if we do get serious, which I’m hoping we do, she’s going to have to get used to it eventually. It’s not like we can avoid it forever.”

“Very true. Good luck. Remember, love doesn’t always work for celebrities.”

Luke rolled his eyes. “Thanks for the warning.”

Moving to the living room, he sat down and dialed his mother. It was close enough to noon he suspected she would answer. With the media involved, he wasn’t totally sure they would be able to help.

It barely rang before Mom came on the line with a squeal. “Lucas Chance Broderick, you are all over all those websites you hate with the author of those books you had me read.”

He took a slow breath. “That a problem?”

“No, of course not. But why didn’t you tell me?”

“We only met a few days ago.”

“Oh, oh, wow…okay. And isn’t she older than you?”

A smile spread on his face. “By eleven years. Problem?”

“No.” She laughed. “Not at all. She really has your interest, doesn’t she?”

“Yes, she does. I can’t think of anything else since I ran into a door when I saw her.”

Mom giggled again. “Why did you run into a door?”

He shrugged. “She was stressed out and beautiful. I couldn’t help wanting to take it all away and put a smile on her face.”

“Aww, my sweet boy.”

Needing ideas, he redirected the conversation. “I have a problem, though. She’s just out of a long relationship that soured. She’s divorced. She doesn’t believe I can be half as serious as I am.”

“How long were they married?”

“They were high school sweethearts. He didn’t like what she wrote. Then he cheated on her and filed for divorce. She doesn’t want him back, but she doesn’t believe I will want her when I finish filming.”

“That’s fast. I’m not sure I’d believe you,” she admitted.

He rubbed a hand through his hair. “Didn’t you and Dad fall in love in a few days?”

“Yeah, but neither of us were just out of a relationship. We were young, and it was like a lightning strike.”

“Right, but she isn’t like anyone else, Mom. I’m not saying it’s love, or it will last forever, but damn it, I think it can. I leave in two weeks for three months of filming. What do I do to stay connected? Help me figure this out, because I’m falling, and she is too. She may not be ready to admit it, but I’m not letting her slip away.”

Excitement filled her tone, “I want to meet her.”

Luke held back the laugh. “That’s fast, Mom. And you’re in Greece.”

“Yeah, and you definitely don’t want to scare her off, so make sure you really listen to her when she opens up. And when you do go away for filming, make sure you call her every day. Even if you’re dead tired, call her. Proclamations aren’t going to work right now. You need action. And send her things she’ll like, thoughtful things, not expensive, but things that show you’ve paid attention.”

He grinned. Such a simple but perfect suggestion. “This is why I called you.”

“Your dad can give you more suggestions.”

“Yeah, I figured I could talk to him next.”

“So, tell me about her. How you met. What you’ve done.”

He started at the beginning and took them through that morning, minus the sex. Though he left it clear they had been intimate.

“Yeah, you’re falling hard. I’m glad, but don’t push too hard. Don’t let her slip away, but she just had her world flipped over. She needs to find some balance, so be part of her new reality.”

He scrubbed a hand through his hair. “Sound advice. I just hope she doesn’t push me away.”

“If she does, when you get done filming, go after her.”

“Yeah. I think I’m going to have to.”

Dad came on. “Been listening in. She’s the one?”

“Think so.”

“After three days?” Dad sounded more amused than skeptical.


Dad chuckled. “That’s how it works. It hits you out of left field, when you don’t expect it. And you just know. But with what she just went through, don’t get frustrated if she holds you back. Wait it out. It will be worth it.”

“Thanks, Dad.”

“And we’ll both help you find new ways to remind her you’re there. Just prove you’re better than what she had.”

“I have two weeks with her. My plan is to do everything I can to make sure she’s thinking about me. Then do what Mom said and call every day. Everything we do, everything I learn, I’ll make sure to remember every last detail and prove that to her.”

Dad spoke up, “And when you convince her it’s real, we want to meet her.”

“Of course. I should go. I want to make tonight special, especially if she’s being harassed by the paparazzi. Maybe I can convince her to stay with me for the rest of her trip.”

“When is she going home?” Mom asked. Apparently, he was on speaker and he had to smile at that.

“I convinced her to stay until I have to leave for filming.”

“Where?” Mom asked.

“France, then Italy.” Luke sat forward. “Doubt I’ll have enough time off to get away for a couple days. I’d surprise her if I did.”

“So, surprise her after filming wraps.”

“I have every intention of it. Thank God her best friend is on my side. I think she’ll help me even if Leona is stubborn.”

“Good luck, Luke,” Mom murmured.

“Yeah, good luck. We should go,” Dad answered.

“Have fun. Oh, I brought her to the house, with her friend and Roach.”

Mom said, “You can take her back there again if it will help to keep the cameras off your back.”

“Wouldn’t mind us taking over for a couple weeks?” Luke asked. “You know I’ll take care of the house.”

“We aren’t worried. Go for it,” Mom offered.

“Thanks. Love you both.”

“You too, son.” Dad hung up.

Luke lay back on the couch and sent a text to Leona, asking her to stay with him for the rest of the trip. Then he added a couple more, hoping to convince her.

Even if that meant going to his parents’. And dinner should be quiet. They were going to an exclusive, invite-only restaurant.


* * * *


Mona hugged Leona and walked out the door. Leona pulled her phone out of her pocket and finally checked the messages. Three texts from Luke.

Luke - Sorry about the press. Stay with me for the rest of the trip, and I’ll make sure we avoid the cameras as much as possible.

She couldn’t help smiling. Why not make the most of the trip?

Second one was better.

Luke - I’ll take you back to my parents’. No one will bother us out there. First, I’m taking you to dinner as promised, somewhere we won’t find photogs.

She almost responded, but read the last.

Luke - I know you’re hanging out with Mona, but please answer soon. I want to make sure I have everything ready for the trip after dinner.

Admittedly, he had a great plan.

Leona - Sorry. Didn’t mean to keep you waiting. Yes, I’ll stay with you at your parents’, in your home, wherever. I told you, you have me until you leave. That’s when I go home.

Luke - Check out of the hotel, bring everything.

Leona - I’ll be leaving in 30 minutes, but my dress is at your house. Do I have time to get ready there?

Luke - Yeah, you do. See you soon.

She sat down with her phone and checked her Instablast page. Yup, a billion questions about Luke, some downright filthy. Shutting off her phone, she shoved it in her purse, packed up the rest of her stuff, and headed down to check out.

To hell with the people there to ask questions. As long as she could drive away without too much trouble, she could get through it. And maybe, just maybe, Russell would take the hint that it was truly over and done between them if he saw her splashed all over the tabloids with Luke.

Did that make her a user?

No. She saw the silver lining in an unwanted situation. That was totally different.

Besides, if Luke was right and they somehow did manage to make it more than just a couple weeks, then she would have to eventually get used to everything that came with being with Luke.

God, was she really considering them lasting more than this two weeks? Yes, she was, against her better judgment. Three months was a long time apart at the beginning of a relationship.

Why was she even thinking about the future? She wanted to focus on the present.

Except, she was heading back to his house in a few minutes. And staying with him was the same as admitting she wanted them to be together. That they had hope.

She took a peek out the window. There were still too many people with cameras outside the hotel. All to find out if she really was with Luke. Wasn’t there something more interesting to cover?

Leona made her way to the front desk and handed the hostess the key and her credit card.

The woman smiled. “Luke Chance has already covered your bill. He called a few minutes ago.”

Her heart dropped to the pit of her stomach. “Oh. All right.” She slid her credit card back into her purse.

“He also requested we send security with you to the car, to make sure no one hassles you.”

She managed a tense smile. “Thank you.”

“It’s really sweet of him,” the woman offered.

“Yeah, it is.” Didn’t make her feel more comfortable with the situation. Why would he pay for her room? What did he think this was? Her head was full of questions, none of which she wanted to analyze.

The manager and two security guards joined them. “Let’s get you to the car, Ms. Shay.”

Smiling, she led them out to the SUV and the manager took over, putting her things in the back. She climbed into her seat and inserted the key while the security worked on convincing the photogs to back up.

Then she was on the road. Thankfully.

No one followed. At least no one she saw.

Luke stood in the garage door as she pulled up. He motioned her in, and she parked.

He opened the driver door and took her hand as she stepped out. “You okay?”

Her head tipped slightly. “You shouldn’t have paid for the hotel.”

He lifted a shoulder. “Figured it would get you out of there with less hassle. I’ll give you the bill. If you feel better paying for it, just write me a check. But honestly, let me do this for you.”

Chewing her lip, she watched him, trying to figure him out.

Luke placed a hand on her neck, pulling her closer. “I called the front desk to find out how bad the situation was. I know how persistent they can be. Figured if the management helped you get out without incident, you were more likely to come back to me.”

She drew a breath now and let it out slowly. “Why do you want to pay for my stay?”

He closed the door with a press of a button then took her into his arms. “Because I’m selfish and unwilling to let you slip away. I wanted you to get here without incident. And I like doing things for you, like breakfast this morning.”

The amount of money that room cost for a week was a lot more than breakfast, but when put in that way, with sincerity staring back, she was able to relax.

She slid her hands into his back pockets. “All right. If it makes you happy, fine. This time.”

“Thank you, Leona. As for your things, let’s leave those in the Jeep for now. We’ll figure out who’s driving later.”

“I’m paying for the rental.”

He lifted his hands in surrender. “I didn’t take care of the bill to take over. Like I said, I was trying to help get you here faster.”

“Thank you.”

“Go on back, get ready. I have my suit in the guest room. I’ll get ready there.”

“Not with me?”

A low, sexy sound rumbled. “Leona, if we’re getting naked for any reason, I’m keeping you that way. First, I want to take you out, like promised. A real date.”

Her heart fluttered. “Okay.”

His fingers caressed a path to her neck and into her hair as he brought his lips to hers. As usual, her knees went wobbly as he deepened the kiss.

His mouth trailed to her ear. “Thank you for coming here and not leaving.”

“I told you two weeks. I meant it. The cameras won’t mess that up. But tonight, I may need help figuring out what to do about my Instablast page.”

“Yeah, I saw the questions. There are a few things you can do. You can delete them, turn off comments and posts. Or you can delete the bad ones and let me post on there.”

“Shit, Luke, won’t you answering them somehow lead the public on? I mean, what if we don’t make it past these two weeks?”

“Then we can tell them it didn’t work. Look, at some point, someone you’re close to is going to ask, and you’re going to have to answer them. I’d rather know you’re claiming me while we’re together, even if you don’t elaborate or offer details. Just say we’re together. Tell me you want that.”

She took a slow breath and backed away. “I do. But it’s too soon to be planning a future.”

“Well, I’m not a cheater. If I’m with you, I’m not with anyone else and won’t be. I would end things first. I’ve been on that side of cheating, and I know how much it hurts. Even when it’s not working out, it’s a major betrayal. It’s easier to end things first.”

“I believe you. Scares the hell out of me, but I do.” She moved to the door. “Let me think about it. I mean, it’s not like we can hide what’s already out there.”

“Go, get dressed. I promise you, where we’re going, you aren’t going to have to deal with any photographers.”

“Thank you.” She slipped through the door and headed back to his room to get ready.





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