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The Callback (Love Behind the Scenes Book 1) by Brandy L Rivers (8)

Chapter 8



Luke wasn’t anything she would have expected. The age thing wasn’t such an issue either. He proved he was all man.

His hand curled around her waist as his body pressed in.

Her eyes closed as his mouth grazed her neck. “Ready?” It came out as a husky whisper.

She was ready for anything and everything he wanted to offer. There was no reason not to explore her freedom with whomever she chose. No more holding back for silly things.

“Yeah,” she answered.

Luke wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her toward the door. “You blush pretty. And with what you write, I would imagine you never blush at all.”

“Well, I do.” A lot, apparently. And all it took was Luke Chance being close.

Outside, he locked the door and opened the car for her. She buckled herself in while he closed the door and joined her.

One hot as hell movie star made her nervous. Now she was going to be in the presence of three. At least she could fake it until she fell into a comfortable groove.

He broke the silence. “So, Raven is reserved and can be quiet at first. She’s been dealing with a stalker, and she hates the media more than any other celebrity I know. Ryan, he plays most things close to his chest. It might take them a while to open up, but it’s worth it when they do. And don’t ask if they’re together. They’re not, but it’s the assumption everyone makes.”

Leona smiled. “Thank you.”


“The warning. Though, I don’t usually make a lot of assumptions. I promise.”

“You assumed I wouldn’t want you.”

She shrugged. “That’s mostly insecurity talking.”

“Why? You’re successful, sexy, and talented.”

“Thank you.” More blushing.

“Russell didn’t tell you that much, did he?”

“Not in a long time. And sometimes I forget I can be sexy. It’s been years since I really thought about it.”

His hands flexed on the wheel. “You were more than tempting this morning. I wanted to pull you into bed and keep you there. Still do.”

A surprised laugh bubbled up. “You’re insane.”

“I’m not. You have a very sexy girl-next-door-with-a-secret vibe going on.”

She looked away.

“Now, I want to hit the asshole,” he muttered.

Her eyes rounded as she turned toward Luke. “For not giving me a lot of compliments? It wasn’t like he called me ugly. He just stopped paying much attention, and I stopped caring.”

“Well, he’s an asshole who took you for granted.”

She sighed. “For the best. Some things are better left in the past. And Russell is one of those things.”

“You said he keeps calling and texting.”

Leona rolled her eyes. “Got so bad I blocked him last night. He just wants to play the wounded party. He ended things, and I learned the truth. I refuse to waste my time on him now.”

He trailed his fingers over her hand. “Then I won’t. Instead, I’ll focus on you.”

Letting go of the fear, the questions about why he was interested, she decided to enjoy whatever came her way. “I love the sound of that far more than I should.”

“Why?” he asked, that breathy rumble that put all sorts of images in her head.

“You make me nervous in all the best ways.” Not to mention, she had been with one person her whole life, while Luke had probably been with quite a few.

Something she didn’t want to think about.

All she wanted to do was enjoy this time with Luke, and not think too hard about the future.

“So, have you ever spent a day on the ocean?” Luke asked.

“Nope. I’ve spent plenty of time on boats in lakes. But I’m sure this is different.”

“It is, and Ryan’s brother will take the yacht out far enough we won’t have to deal with paparazzi. That’s why Raven likes to go.”

“Honestly, the thought of having my name being splashed around for being with you makes me nervous. Not because of you, but because that’s a loss of privacy I enjoy as an author. I can share as much or as little as I want, and it stays that way for the most part. You have to take privacy where you can get it. It can’t be easy.”

He shrugged. “I learned to live with it. I don’t do anything too stupid in public. I try to keep my wits about me, but yeah, I have been made to look like an ass, and sometimes it’s been my fault, others, not so much. But it doesn’t matter in the long run. People forget soon, and as long as I don’t act like a fool, things go back to normal.”

“Still, that has to suck. Only my biggest fans who’ve tracked me down at signings really know what I look like. I don’t post a lot of pictures of me, so it’s not like I’m everywhere.”

He grinned. “Oh, your picture is out there. I recognized you without anyone telling me who you were. And with the movie, that will change.”

“Yeah, but not yet. And I’m guessing you check my social media.”

He nodded. “I have. Like I said, you intrigue me. I want to know how your head works.”

“I don’t even know. I have a mess of scenes and characters who never go away. Shit, sometimes I like the people in my head better than real ones.”

“But not all the time?” he prompted.

“No, not all the time.”

They fell silent. The trip to a marina outside of LA went by in companionable silence while she watched the scenery roll by.

And instead of thinking of her current project, she was trying to figure out Luke Chance. Out of all the women in Hollywood, he chose her. She seemed so bland compared to the rest of them.

Her phone rang and she picked it up. Mona. “Hey, how’s it going?”

“Good, please tell me you’re spending the day with gorgeous as sin Luke Chance.”

“Yup, and that’s not all. We’re going on a yacht with Ryan King and Raven Star.”

“Seriously?” Mona screamed.

“Shh, Jesus, don’t tell anyone that. No one, you hear me? I’m only telling you because I trust you not to be stupid and spread it everywhere.”

“I won’t say a word, but oh my fucking God, am I jealous.”

Laughing, she shook her head. “This is your fault, you know.”

“Oh, I know, and I expect you to repay me in kind, any way you can.”

“I’ll think of something, but it won’t likely have to do with a celebrity. And do me a favor, if douchebag contacts you, tell him I blocked his ass, and I have no intention of changing that.”

“I will. Sorry I sent the picture. I should have kept my snappy finger to myself, but damn, you two looked good together, and after Russell fucked around with Mindy, I figured he should have a taste of his own medicine.”

“No, because we’re over and done with. Whoever I dance with, or anything else, is not his concern.”

Mona sighed. “I know. I couldn’t resist, but it won’t happen again. Now go enjoy your movie star, while I enjoy the bouncer.”

“Have fun,” Leona sing-songed and hung up.

Luke chuckled. “I get why she sent the picture to Russell. I don’t see her as the sort to send pictures to tabloids.”

“She’s not.” Leona climbed out the same time he did.

Shaking his head, he smirked. “I would have got that.”

She lifted a shoulder. “Don’t need to.”

“I want to.”

She bit her lip, then smiled. “Next time.”

He led her through the docks to a yacht that was smaller than she expected, but nice nevertheless.

Luke murmured, “He only ever takes friends out. A few at a time. He doesn’t bring a chef or anything, but there is food, and there will be music. His brother is driving the boat, and he’s cool.”

Raven came down the stairs and paused, her head cocking. “Wait, you’re Leona Shay.”

Nodding, Leona glanced at Luke.

Raven filled her in. “We share an agent. And I convinced him to look into the book when I heard that a studio wanted to buy the rights. We’ve both read your books.”

“All of them. We both read all of them,” Luke corrected. “Raven has come with me to the bookstore a few times.”

Raven smirked. “He went through them faster than me, and not because I didn’t enjoy them.”

“No, because she was busy filming still,” Luke finished.

“I don’t know what to say,” Leona answered.

“Don’t. I get it.” Raven smiled. “So, how did you two meet?”

Luke chuckled. “I got her to dance at Da Vogue last night. Then she took off when a mistake came to try to steal me away. Leona’s friend helped me get a second chance.”

“You can be such a sweetheart when you want, Luke.” She turned to Leona. “You didn’t think it was real, did you?”

Gulping, Leona glanced at Luke and back. “Look at him, then look at me. I don’t get it.”

Leona finally noticed Ryan standing there.

He took a good, long, lingering look, letting his eyes travel down and back up with a smile. “I get it. Why wouldn’t he be interested?”

Blinking, Leona opened her mouth to say something but snapped it shut.

Raven smirked. “Take that as a true compliment. He doesn’t say that about just anyone.”

Ryan shrugged. “My taste has improved with age.”

Leona couldn’t help laughing. He was only twenty-seven, eight years younger than her. A few years older than Luke, though.

“She spent too long with someone who didn’t tell her she was beautiful nearly enough,” Luke explained.

Leona looked up at the sky and shook her head. “That can stay in the past.”

“A woman who doesn’t dwell. I like you already,” Ryan crooned.

Luke shot him a playful glare. “I found her first. You stay back.”

Laughing, Ryan held up his hands. “Oh, I’m not making a move. No need to get your panties in a wad. Only pointing out we’ll get along fine.”

“Good, make her feel welcome.”

Raven took Leona’s arm. “Come, sit on the deck with me, while the guys act like guys.”

Leona followed Raven upstairs to the deck. The sight was gorgeous. The boat was something she’d never imagined being on.

“Pick a seat,” Raven murmured, turning to study the marina, like she was looking for someone.

And Leona couldn’t resist. “How do you deal with the paparazzi and media?”

“As little as possible, but when I’m stuck, I ignore them as much as I’m able.”

“Sorry. I can’t imagine. I don’t see why people don’t just let celebrities live their lives without prying where they don’t belong. Everyone else gets privacy. You should too.”

“Thank you.”

Leona tipped her head as she pulled out the sunblock. “For?”

“You’re not going to be one of those people who ask a million questions about everything.”

Shaking her head, she smiled. “No, not unless I’m working on a book idea, and then only if I know you’re cool with that kind of questioning.” Leona started to apply the lotion.

“That would be okay, I think. As long as it’s generalities and not prying into personal stuff.”

“Never personal. No, you can offer freely, but I won’t ask. I like my privacy and respect yours.”

“You know, spending time with Luke, you’re not going to have much privacy.”

Leona gulped. “I’m not ready to think about that.”

“I’m just pointing out that the first time a photographer catches you two together, your name is going to be out there. And considering you wrote a book that’s becoming a movie, you’re going to read shitty things about you.”

That made her laugh. “Already have people who say shitty things about the books. I can handle that. As for Luke and me, I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it. But what if this is a passing attraction?”

Raven looked toward the stairs. “Luke isn’t the type of guy to bring a random woman to hang out with Ryan and me. He’s definitely interested in you.”

“That’s still so strange to me.”

“My piece of advice, see where it goes. You are unattached, right?”

“Recently. Or, I guess it became official recently. It fell apart long ago.” Leona sighed. “Divorce has been final two weeks. This is the first time I’ve noticed someone interested in me in years. And Luke, he’s younger by eleven years. My head doesn’t wrap around this.”

Ryan nudged Luke as they came up the stairs. Leona’s gaze locked on Luke and he grinned. “I’ll help with that.” He crossed the distance and took the lotion.