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The Callback (Love Behind the Scenes Book 1) by Brandy L Rivers (35)

Chapter 36



A month of being with Leona in her space, watching her approach to life and work, and Luke knew he wanted her with him, no matter where that was. In his off time, they could go where she wanted, and when he worked, he hoped she would come along.

“Why so quiet?” Leona asked as the plane started the descent.

He smiled in her direction. “You know, I haven’t introduced my parents to a woman since high school. At least not my woman. They’ve met Raven.”

“I’m nervous,” she whispered.

“Don’t be. I swear, you have nothing to worry about.”

“Hope you’re right.”

“Hey, they support me and my choices. They’ll love you. I guarantee it.”

“Tell me we aren’t staying at your parents’ while they’re there. Thinking back to what we did all over that house—”

He kissed her to stop the nervous rambling. It was adorable, but this time, he wanted her to relax. When he leaned back, he ran his thumb over her cheek. “They’ll never know. And I wouldn’t bring you if I wasn’t positive they would love you. Just like your parents love me.”

“True. They do. A lot. Even Naydene.”

He chuckled. “I knew I could win your sister over.”

“Maybe because you took us all out to pizza, and five of Allana’s closest friends.”

“And we had a blast.”

“That wound up in the tabloids.” She gulped. “And thankfully, our Instablast has mostly calmed down. Mostly.”

“There are always a few people who make things crazy. They don’t go away. And you have a few of your own.”

Shaking her head, Leona lifted a shoulder. “Not the same. I don’t have anyone offering themselves to be my sex slave.”

“If I ever mess up publicly, I bet you have a dozen crop up, at least.”

“Don’t need a slave. I only need one man.” She jolted on the rough landing and blew out a breath.

“Me?” he whispered against her ear, wrapping his hand around her thigh.

“Definitely you.” She leaned her head against his shoulder, relaxing finally.

“Why so stressed about a flight?”

“Flying makes me nervous. Used to have nightmares about planes. Probably watched too many horror movies when I was a kid.”

“You still watch them and love them.”

She laughed. “I do, and I may write a horror book at some point, but we’ll see. Right now, I’m all about the romance.”

His head tipped slightly. “You were writing romance while married, and you admit it was falling apart for a long time.”

“Because it was easier to imagine another couple’s love story than mine. I guess I lost myself in how good it could be, instead of focusing on my own problems. God, that’s depressing now that I think of it.”

“If we start having issues, talk to me. I don’t want to lose you because we’re both too caught up in things to see what’s between us.”

She rubbed her face and stood up after the plane came to a stop. “I will, but you have to listen. Because that’s where the problem was. He didn’t listen. We grew distant. And maybe we were always more distant than I wanted to believe. But as they say, live and learn.”

“Not going to ignore what you have to say, not ever.”

They made their way off the plane and went to the baggage claim. “Think they’re here already?”

“Yeah, Mom never likes being late. She was always early everywhere. They’ve probably been waiting at least half an hour. Probably closer to an hour.”

Leona smiled. “I tend to be like that.”

“Probably why it never bothers me when you’re in a rush to go when we have a ton of time.”

“Are you usually fashionably late?”

He shook his head. “No, more like right on time. I don’t like being late, but I don’t like sitting, doing nothing.”

“I’ve noticed. But I’m the same way. Unless you’re involved.”

“Yeah, I can stay curled up with you forever and be the happiest man on earth.”

Cameras flashed at the baggage claim and Luke pulled her closer, putting his head down and pulling the cap low. Leona steadied her breath and continued walking, ignoring everyone around them.

He spotted his mother and prayed none of what was about to happen would scare Leona away.


* * * *


The flashing lights hurt Leona’s eyes. It was like an army of photographers had a mission to blind everyone.

She stumbled and arms wrapped around her from the front and back.

Before she could shove the other person off her, a very excited female squealed, “It’s so good to meet you, Leona. My son has told me everything.”

Leona’s face flushed hot. She was sure she might ignite at the thought of Luke spilling everything to his mother.

“Hi, Ms.—”

“Nope, nope, nope, call me Jillian. And this is Lucas.” Jillian let her go and another big set of arms engulfed her, lifting her off her feet.

“God, Dad, put her down,” Luke insisted. “She probably can’t see yet, thanks to the welcome we got walking in.”

Blinking, Leona smiled. “Pleasure to meet you.”

Lucas looked like a shorter, less buff, and slightly grayer version of his son. Jillian looked like she was born and raised in California with the beachy blond hair and deep tan. She had a warm personality.

“As soon as we have your bags, we’ll get going,” Lucas stated, glancing around. “Then we can get you away from all of the camera hounds who need a life.”

Leona dipped her head. “Thank you.”

Jillian nudged Leona. “Least we can do for the woman our boy loves.”

She glanced at Luke again, who nodded. “If given the chance, I don’t stop talking about you. To anyone.”

She spotted her bag and stepped forward, but Luke beat her to it, then snagged his with a grin. “Let me, please.”

“Sure,” she answered.

Only Lucas took her suitcase.

Luke took her hand with a grin. “Or Dad can help.”

“Really, I can carry it,” Leona offered.

Lucas shook his head. “Don’t be silly. I have no problem carrying a bag for a pretty woman. However, the media frenzy is going to get disruptive if we don’t get a move on it.”

Nodding, she squeezed his hand, continuing to ignore the cameras, which were ten times worse with him than without. It still made her nuts that people seemed to want to know more about her and her life. Before, people didn’t care. Now, as his fans started to read her books, more people were asking questions they had no right to ask.

Lucas and Jillian ushered Luke and Leona to the garage and to the car. As soon as they were in the sedan, they were on the way.

Luke took her hand. “You okay?”

“Yeah, why?” Leona asked.

“Lots of cameras, and you stumbled.”

“Couldn’t see. After the last month, I didn’t expect it to be like that, but I’m fine. Promise.”

Nodding, he squeezed her hand. And he had a feeling now that it was out that they were together, LA would be a crazier place for them both. He’d seen it happen with most of his peers, at least the ones who had found someone to be with, unless they found a way to work it where one always stayed out of the spotlight.

But if the movie took off and became a series, there was always the chance that more movies would be made and she would be sucked into the spotlight more often.

And if SASS News got wind they were in town, things could get ugly. They had a habit of testing celebrities and their relationships further than even the regular paparazzi.

“So, Luke won’t tell me the last book he read by you. Gets real secretive,” Jillian murmured. “Any chance you’ll tell me? I’m probably your second biggest fan, next to Luke, of course.”

Leona licked her lips and glanced over at Luke. “I gave him a preview of something that will be announced in two days, and I’ll leave it at that.”

Looking over the back of the seat, Jillian pouted. “Really?”

Leona’s brow scrunched. “Aw, don’t do that. It’s not fair. I’m not announcing until Monday. Just know it’s different than what I usually write, and that your son may have inspired a little of it, which might make it all weird.”

“Inspired, but trust me, it’s not us,” Luke added quickly.

Lucas shook his head. “I’m sure I don’t want to know at all.”

Blushing, Leona glanced out the window.

Luke moved closer, putting his arm around her. “You hungry? I believe my parents planned to take us to lunch at Minae’s. My sister Carrie will be there too. She’s excited to meet you.”

Jillian nodded, looking over once again.

“Sounds good.” Leona touched Jillian’s shoulder. “Thank you, for picking us up.”

Jillian squeezed her hand. “Anytime. I’d do anything for my son. And it sounds like your family is the same way.” Jillian faced forward again.

“He told you about my family?” Leona asked.

Luke nodded. “I did. Told them our families would mesh well.”

And her heart tripped out, speeding up. That wasn’t what she expected him to say. Though, he may have a point.

He had no problem throwing around the concept of forever, and as much as she wanted this to work, she could still think of a hundred reasons why everything could get out of hand and fall apart.

He let out a sigh and squeezed her hand. “At least there won’t be any cameras at the restaurant.”

And once again he knew exactly what to say to set her at ease.