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The Callback (Love Behind the Scenes Book 1) by Brandy L Rivers (5)

Chapter 5



Worst fucking timing ever.

Sure, he flustered Leona, but Luke wanted to do a whole lot more to her. And yeah, he fucked up with his question about her ex. He pushed too far, but before he could get them back on track and erase any doubts that the eleven-year age gap didn’t matter to him in the slightest and she should get over it, Tara showed up.

Damn his stupidity and libido. He should have paid attention to Ryan that night, but no. And now he was paying for that mistake.

He’d managed to avoid her for a week. Of course, Tara had to show up when he was doing his damnedest to pull himself out of the hole he dug with Leona. The differences between the two were incredible. Leona didn’t want any of the mess Tara did.

Leona slipped away and Luke turned to Tara. “I’m busy with someone.”

A smirk twisted her pretty red mouth as her gaze turned toward the entrance. “Seems your little bird flew away.”


He managed a tight smile. “Look, we had fun, but I told you I wasn’t looking for anything more.”

“So, what’s with the old lady you were dancing with?”

“Old?” He eyes narrowed. “I don’t even want to know what your definition of old is.”

“We had fun. Can’t we have more?”

“Wasn’t all that fun,” he muttered and moved past her, looking for the friend.

The woman headed toward the entrance, glancing at her phone.

Luke caught up and gently grabbed her arm. “Hey, where did Leona go?”

The woman looked up and her mouth popped open. “Luke Chance? Leona was dancing with Luke Chance?”

Attempting to hide the annoyance, he nodded. “Yeah, and if someone hadn’t interrupted, I was going to keep her on the floor as long as she allowed.”

“Leona’s going to kill me. Shit.” She glanced away. “I shouldn’t have sent Russell that picture.”

Luke’s brow arched. “What picture?”

She pulled out her phone and showed him the picture of Leona in Luke’s arms, his mouth next to her ear. They looked as intimate as he wanted them to be.

And he couldn’t resist asking. “Don’t like the ex much?”

“He wasn’t always an asshole. He just wants to be the big fish in the house, and he had some stupid ideas in his head about what her books meant to her.”


She sighed. “The jerk was jealous her success came from sexy stories. He decided her head was full of fantasies she wanted to act on. She didn’t. He cheated. Now they’re over. Very, very over.”

“You sent the picture to prove he’s missing out?” Luke couldn’t resist a laugh. “Think he’ll cause her trouble?”

“Once upon a time, I could have said no with confidence. But after the divorce fiasco, who knows.”

“Well, think you could help me out? I put my foot in my mouth, and before I had a chance to extract it, someone interrupted.”

Now her brow pinched. “Why?”

He rubbed a hand over his face. “Made a mistake a week ago. Took the wrong woman home. She’s only interested in the spotlight that comes with being at my side.”

Her brow arched. “No, why do you care what Leona thinks?”

“I’m intrigued, and I want another chance,” Luke admitted.

“And if you don’t mesh?” she countered.

A smirk lifted one side of his mouth. “Oh, I’m sure we could.”

Mona held up her hand. “Stop the cocky bullshit. Tell me what you want or I won’t help you.”

He dropped his head and held out his hand. Maybe a proper introduction would put them back to square one. “I’m Luke, you are?”

“Mona.” She shook his offered hand and grinned. “So, Luke, what’s your goal here?”

“I fucked up, pushed too hard, and upset her with my questions. She’s not real open with people, is she?”

“Not with strangers. But I can tell you she thinks you’re hot.”

“Good, maybe she can get over the age difference.”

Mona tipped her head from side to side. “She can. Right now, she’s just out of a relationship that started strong but fell apart. Now she’s not sure what she wants, or where she’s going. And FYI, if you hurt her, I’ll make your life hell.”

He liked Mona. She was a good friend. “Don’t want to hurt her. Just hope you sending that picture doesn’t push her away before I get a chance to talk to her.”

Mona rubbed her arm and chewed her lip. “Busy tomorrow morning?”

He shook his head, willing to play this her way. “How long have you known Leona?”

“Since we were ten. Twenty-five years. Shit, aren’t you like twenty-two? I’ve known her longer than you’ve been alive.”

“Twenty-four. Eleven years isn’t that much of an age gap.”

“How do you know how old she is?”

“I’m a fan. I read Midnight Daughter: Origins because a friend suggested it. I read the rest of her books over the last few months. Then I may have stalked her social media.”

“Wow, okay. You know she’s nervous about the movie, right?”

“I’m aware. I can see why the movie may be nerve wracking.”

“Yeah, that’s Leona. Okay, so I’ll convince her to meet me for breakfast. We’re staying at the Vander Hollywood hotel. There’s a restaurant. You’ll take my place for however long she lets you.”

He tipped his head. “Not much faith in me, I see.”

Mona shrugged. “She can be stubborn, and if she’s too pissed at me, she might play hardball, with us both. If I can calm her down, she may play nice. If you don’t fuck up your chance, I’d say you could sway her. Just please, don’t hurt my best friend. I’d really hate to have to hate you on principle.”

He chuckled. “I’ll do everything I can to stay in your good graces and convince her I want to get to know her.”

“Because you like her books?” Mona prompted.

“More than that. Yes, the books grabbed my attention, but she has me captivated. I want to learn more.”

“Okay, bigshot. Tomorrow morning, eight at the restaurant in the hotel. You can call or text to let me know you’ll be on time.” She handed him a card.

“I’ll be there.”


* * * *


In the elevator, on her way to her room, Leona scrolled through the texts from Russell.

Waste of time – Are you in LA?

Waste of time – Someone is really going to make a movie of one of your books?

Waste of time – I’m so proud of you.

Waste of time – But who the hell are you dancing with?

Waste of time – Who is this loser?

Waste of time – Seriously, who is he?

Waste of time – Come on, talk to me, Leona

Waste of time – Why didn’t you tell me you were going to LA?

Waste of time – You always hide shit from me.

They kept going. Leona blocked Russell and turned off her phone before dropping it in her purse. She flopped back on the bed. Mona had made the whole night worse by goading Russell on.

And as much as she loved to know Russell was jealous after being such an ass, he gave her a headache. Her phone rang nonstop from the time she slid into a cab. Then the messages flooded in.

She closed her eyes and threw her arms back.

The hotel room phone rang and Leona rolled over to pick it up, hoping Russell hadn’t grown a brain and figured out where she was. Shit, she really hoped he had no clue where she was.

“Hello?” she snapped.

“Why’d you leave in such a hurry?” Mona prompted.

“Because Luke fucking Chance was being hit on by a supermodel or some shit. And as flattering as a dance was, there’s no way in hell he’d pick me.” She huffed.

Jealousy roared through her the entire trip to the hotel. So damned ridiculous. He wasn’t hers, was never going to be hers, and now she was jealous over some totally stunning lingerie model or something. Or maybe she was just hot, who knew. But Leona didn’t want to think about that come-fuck-me stare she gave Luke.

“He wasn’t interested in her. He hunted me down to find out where you went. And I’m guessing he’s the one who invited you back to the VIP. And had you gone, you would have had him all to yourself.”

“He’s a baby, Mona. I have notebooks older than him. Shit.”

Mona laughed. “Twenty-four is not that young. He’s old enough and experienced enough to rock your world. Men date older women all the time. You’re not old. You’re still young, and he thinks you’re gorgeous. So, what’s the problem? You aren’t robbing the cradle.”

“There is no way in hell that anything could ever work between me and a celebrity. I mean, really.”

Damn, thinking about how close he’d been sent a shiver through her. So amazingly sexy with his breath on her skin, his baritone in her ear.

Mona laughed. “Oh, I think there’s a very good chance he wants a piece of you.”

“Yeah, a piece. A bite. A taste. Nothing worth the trouble. Seriously. And what was with sending jackass the picture of me with Luke? I mean, like that will ever happen again. I’m never going to see him, unless he does manage to land a role and then he’d have some total knockout on his arm at the opening. Fuck, this is so stupid. I’m taking a bath before opening a bottle of tequila and my laptop.” She wanted to drown out the full range of emotions that rocked through her. Everything from her stupidity, self-doubt, jealousy, anger, and rejection.

Luke Chance read her books. He could discuss her characters. Holy shit, that was hot. And so ridiculously stupid because he was only interested in her books for a part in a movie.

But he read the rest of the books.

She wanted to tell that little voice of hope to shove it.

“Are you listening?” Mona demanded.

“About?” She totally wasn’t, too busy letting her mind wander.

“Meet me at breakfast tomorrow, please. Downstairs, in the restaurant. You, me, at eight. We’ll talk. Okay?”

“Fine. Now let me unwind. It’s been a long-damned day, and I just want to empty my mind.” Exactly why writing was so relaxing.

“See you in the morning.”