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The Callback (Love Behind the Scenes Book 1) by Brandy L Rivers (25)

Chapter 25



Finally landing, Leona shoved her phone in her pocket and pretended like hell Holly and the lady across the aisle weren’t still talking about her. That was a hell of a lot harder to do than she imagined, but she managed.

She walked off the plane, letting the music fill her ears, and made her way to the baggage claim as she dialed Mona, who answered immediately.

“Leona, you off the plane?”

“Yup, making my way to baggage claim.”

“You sound stressed.”

A laugh bubbled up. “Yeah, I’ll tell you in the car. What number are my bags going to?”

“Twelve. See you soon.” She hung up and Leona sent a quick text to Luke.

Leona - Headed to baggage claim. My flight was safe. Hope to hear from you when you land.

As she stepped off the escalator on the baggage claim floor, she ran into a solid body and looked up as he grabbed her arms. Russell leaned down like he was going to kiss her.

She jerked out of his grasp. “Oh, we are not doing this.” She went to walk past and he grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

“We need to talk,” he insisted.

“Nope, now let me go.”

“You really want to give up?”

“You’re the one who served me the divorce papers and immediately moved in with another woman. Then I found out about your affair with her. You burned that bridge.”

She slipped past him and found Mona.

Leona’s brow arched as she jerked her head back toward asswipe and mouthed, No warning?

Shaking her head, Mona crossed her arms over her chest. “Not even sure how he knew to find you here today.”

“I’m afraid to ask.”

Russell walked toward them, and Leona slipped past Mona to grab the first security guard. “My ex is following me. Can you get him to leave the airport, please?”


She turned and pointed at Russell, who immediately went for the door. The security guard took off as the bags started down the ramp.

Shaking off that nonsense, she walked back to Mona.

“I swear, I didn’t know he was here,” Mona insisted.

“Yeah, well, this might be my fault.” She let out a breath and leaned closer. “Luke and I were kissing at the airport, and apparently there are some crazy stories floating around about Russell and I still being married or something.”

“Only the worst of the tabloids are spreading that. I wouldn’t worry about it.”

“Yeah.” Leona spotted her bags and grabbed them. “We ready? Seems Russell ran off.”

“Want to stay at my place?”

“Please. I’m not ready to go home. I want to sell that house and find my own.”

Mona nodded. “You can stay as long as you want. That goes without saying,”

“Thank you. I can’t believe he came here.”

Shrugging, Mona looked in her direction. “Mindy kicked him out.”

“And he wants me back because I have more money. What an asshole.”

Holly rushed up to her as they headed to the parking garage. “I’m sorry. If that was your ex back there, he’s a major douchebag.”

“Yeah, he is. It was nice meeting you.”

“Until I wouldn’t shut up,” Holly added.

“It’s okay.”

“Think you could sign my copy of the book?” She held out her own pen with it.

“Sure.” She scribbled, Never stop dreaming, and her name. “Have a good trip home.”

Holly nodded and ran back to the baggage claim.

“She hassled you?” Mona asked.

“Not so much her as the person across from her. It was fine. I ignored them both most of the flight.”

She took Leona’s arm and led her to the car in silence. Mona popped the trunk and Leona placed her bags in the back before climbing in the front.

“So, where did he go to film?”

“Italy. At least they’re starting there. I believe they are going to France and he thinks somewhere else. Not sure where yet.”

“Why didn’t you go with him?”

“Didn’t want to distract him,” Leona muttered. “Besides, I do have things here I need to do. Luke and I can figure out what happens when he comes for me.”

“You finally started to have faith in him?”

“He makes it hard not to.”

“You and Luke make me believe in love again.”

Leona turned her head and closed her eyes. She could see Luke staring into her eyes as he held her close that morning. A fantasy of their future had played through her head.

That was the future she wanted.

Out of hope, she formed a secret, totally flexible plan. Step one, sell the house. Step two, rent a lake house. And when Luke showed up, see if they still fit together. Either way, she wasn’t tied to a house she might not keep and she wouldn’t be stuck in the one full of bad memories.

“Talk to me, Leona.”

“What’s there to say? We’re driving to your place.”

“Stopping for dinner first. I don’t know about you, but I’m hungry.”

“Sure. I could use a meal, but I’m waiting until we get to your place before I drink anything. I don’t want to say the wrong thing if anyone comes up to me.”

“About what?”

“Oh, God, the flight…” She told Mona everything.

“Maybe we should pick up food so you can have that drink.”

“Nah, may as well adjust. This may be my new normal if he shows up on my doorstep.”

“You’re being reasonable. I was sure you’d be in so much denial you would convince yourself it was over.”

“He destroyed that possibility when he told me he loved me, and it felt more real than anything that ever came out of Russell’s mouth.” She looked back and ran her hand through her hair. “Why was I stupid for so long?”

“To be fair, Russell and you were good for a long time.”

“Sure, but that fell apart years ago. And we were just kids when it started, so was it ever real?”

“It was real, but like you said, it fell apart.” She reached over and squeezed Leona’s hand. “So, Luke loves you?”

“The last two weeks were perfect. And I almost broke down and told him I’d go with him to Italy. But I need a little time. I need to process. And that doesn’t mean I’ll push him away. I won’t. Not sure I could let him go now. Man, I don’t want to think about that.”

“I’ll be here for you.”

“Hey, what’s going on with you and Roach?”

“We’re talking still. I’m glad I gave him another chance.”

“Think it will go anywhere?”

She lifted a shoulder. “Neither of us is looking for something permanent. Not yet. We’ll see where things go.”

Ready for any other subject, Leona asked, “Where are we eating?”

“Your favorite, and it’s close.”