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The Island by Mia Silverton (26)

Chapter 30

Nathan and Philip took Cassie back to her room. Finished cursing her way through every variation of every foul thing she could think up to call the idiot named Brody Miller, she snapped off the shower and opened the frosted door to Nathan holding a towel for her to wrap up in. Since he’d seen her in every single form of dress over the years, Cassie didn’t bat an eyelash.

“That was some performance outside.” Still obviously trying not to laugh, he kept pressing his lips together as small snorts kept escaping.

Cassie muttered some more about idiot men in general and took the second towel to wrap her hair in. One of her favorite dresses, one she had loved for years, lay in a sodden heap on the floor. Dammit. The thing better not be beyond repair.

“I’ll be fine. Thanks for caring. The stupid ass. What the hell?”

“Oh Cassie Bear, I think he’s still very much in love with you, based on all that.”

Incredulous, Cassie rounded on Nathan. “And you drew that conclusion from what? The way he just tried to drown me with that Neanderthal caveman routine?”

“No. That was just an accident — from him being a drunken idiot.” Nathan handed her the body cream and watched while she toweled her hair dry.

Cassie pointed a finger at him on a hiss. “Don’t you dare defend that moron.”

“I’m not. Just looking at the facts. Don’t worry, I might kill him on principle before he gets a chance to apologize for what he did to you, but it’s good to see you mad and fighting for a change.”

Philip called from outside the bathroom, “I have a pot of tea for you to warm up with and some island pastries and fruit.”

“At least there’s one man on this earth worth something,” Cassie muttered, walking out to find something to wear.

She yanked on some clothes then grabbed a blanket to wrap up in since she was still shaking from the adrenaline. Her hand smarted from hitting a man who had a face like a rock. Never in her life had she been so terrified. The dress had wrapped around like a maniacal water demon. Every move just made it tighter and tighter, pulling her down, until strong arms had caught her and Cassie’s heart had almost stopped, knowing Brody had her. That she was safe.

Until air came back into her lungs and she remembered who had tried to kill her in the first place.

The door to the bedroom slammed open when Anna burst inside, chest heaving. “I just heard. I was down on the beach. My God, are you all right? Chase might kill Brody. He’s the maddest I’ve ever seen him.”

“She’ll be fine. Brody, on the other hand, might launch himself off this cliff when he sobers up enough to think about what he did,” Philip said.

“I’ll help push him off,” Anna fumed. “His brothers apparently carted him off after they dragged him out of the pool — still laughing like a loon, my sources say.”

“Calling him a loon is insulting to the bird,” Cassie said low and tight. “He’s a pure idiot.”

A cup of tea appeared in front of her eyes from Nathan. “Chamomile, sweetie, to soothe the nerves. Idiot or no, when Brody realized what was happening, he didn’t hesitate to save you. And before he went all caveman, the look on his face said he was pure happiness to see you again. Granted, it was drunken happiness. I think he just couldn’t figure out why you wouldn’t talk to him.” At Cassie’s furious glare, Nathan added with an indulgent smile. “Cause he was drunk.”

Sitting down next to her, he hugged Cassie tightly. Anna joined them on Cassie’s other side and curled up to pat her arm.

Philip sat across from them. “You two just need to cool down. You can talk later on, or maybe tomorrow.”

Cassie sat there in stony silence, sniffling with it as she sipped her tea and indulged the need for sugar with a bite of the mango pastry Anna put in her hand. “Damn him. I hate that I still care about him. The big stupid idiot.”

Nathan only pulled her in tighter. “It’ll be okay. You guys will figure it out.”

Cassie laid her head on his shoulder and smiled. Her temper was finally easing off enough to find the humor in it all.

One of her favorite things. Sometimes she used to think he didn’t believe her legs worked. The man just loved feeling big and strong and taking care of her. Especially when she was tired and just home from a week of traveling. He would have extra things in place to pamper her, like flowers and dinner to warm up if he was still working late, or Brody himself to cook in person. And because he always took such good care of her, Cassie had never minded accepting those things he needed in return, such as the need to help guard his privacy and protect what they had together from prying eyes.

Sobriety always bought with it a special kind of something on the rare times Brody went too far. This time it brought a splitting headache, an aching jaw, and the humiliation of what he’d done to the woman he loved. What had he been thinking? Tossing Cassie in the pool? All a man could claim was stupidity — amplified by drink.

Cooper handed over an ice pack, which Brody gratefully accepted from where he lay stripped down to his shorts on the couch. He applied the ice pack, wincing at the tenderness from where Cassie had cold cocked him. Who knew she could hit so hard for such a little thing?

Simon and Cooper had dragged him out of the pool as he had been delirious and talking nonsense about slippery redheaded mermaids. Jake had taken his legs, and the three of them had tossed Brody in the shower in his room, still fully clothed. Simon had grabbed the shower wand and turned on the water.


Straight in Brody’s face.

The frigid blast had done what the coffee hadn’t — sobered him up fast.

Simon hadn’t offered an apology, and Brody couldn’t say he was expecting one any time soon.

Jake stood above him, glaring down. “You owe me one for this. Mom and Dad are fit to tan your hide. I got them to go take a walk on the beach and cool off.”

“I owe you, man. Anything. Anytime.” Brody groaned. Shit. His mom and dad would only add to the embarrassment, and God above, he’d like to at least be able to stand up straight when they chewed him out. “You sure Cassie’s all right?”

“She’s fine. Still mad and cursing up a storm, last I heard. I just checked with that honey-colored girl Chase is marrying. She got a sister, cousin, anything?” Simon grinned.

Brody sighed. “No, Anna is one of a kind.” Just like Cassie.

“Hmmm. Damn shame. Anna is, however, and I am directly quoting the bride here, ‘Ready to kill you dead.’ She says not to show your face until you’re clean and sober.”

Chase strode in and blew out a tired breath. “Okay, I have the women and men settled down. Finally. Brody, what the fuck? Nathan is set to take your balls off with manicure scissors.”

Every man in the room visibly cringed.

“Am I going to have to send you the hell home? What was all that?” Chase asked.

“That was our brother demonstrating his fine, albeit very strange, courtship skills,” Cooper said, legs stretched out where he lay on the floor due to the lack of extra chairs. “Just so you know, we’ve decided Cassie is under our protection from here on out. You try anything like that again, and we will defend her honor. Beat the holy hell out of you if we have to. No one here cares when you have to be seen on camera next.”

Grunts and nods came from all present, and Brody closed his eyes. “I’ll be fine. Swear to God, I won’t drink that much again.” He stood, head still spinning like crazy, to face Chase. Brody owed him that much. “I’m sorry. I was out of line, and it won’t happen again. You have my word. But I understand if you don’t want me here to stand next to you. I’ll personally apologize to Anna. Make it right.”

Chase shook his head. “Shit, how could I get married without you here? You’re my best friend.” He took the hand Brody offered and pulled him into a one-armed hug. “I know it’s Cassie and all, but get it pulled together and get things fixed with her.” Taking Brody’s chin, Chase angled his face to see the vivid purple rapidly spreading and grinned. “Maybe let her cool off first though. She’s got a hell of a right hook. Haven’t seen anyone take you down like that since that bar fight in Brooklyn.”

Both of them laughed at the memory, but Brody winced and groaned as pain shot through his jaw. For the time being, it would be better to lay back down with the ice.

Seeing Cassie again had made one thing crystal clear though — Brody was still in love with her. He didn’t know how just yet, but he was going to win his woman back. Just like he’d won Cassie the first time around.