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Together in ruins (The Scars series Book 4) by Rachael Tonks (29)


Pushing out the stand, I race over to the door, banging my clenched fist against it.

“Open the fucking door,” I demand, my eyes glancing over to my men who are just pulling in behind me.

Hunter is here, and knowing that I have his backing on this is really fucking reassuring.

Until I hear the sound of a gun discharging.

“FUCK,” I roar, raising my leg and kicking the fucking door as hard as I can.

“Stand back.” Hunter gestures with his hand, gun pointed at the lock. He steadies his aim before pulling the trigger. The door swings open.

“No!” Hunter yells, racing toward her. “How could you, Dad? She’s your daughter. You stupid piece of shit.”

Tara cries out, her hands immediately go to the wound, blood pouring from where the gun has hit her.

In her stomach.

My whole body shakes but I race over to her, Brewer turning the gun on Hunter. They stand only inches apart, guns pointing directly at one another. I lift her from the floor, her mother's hysterical cries pierce my ears.

“Nate, oh God… oh God, help her, Nate.”

“I’m okay,” she whispers as her eyes flicker, her arms wrapping around my neck.

She’s not okay. She needs to get to the hospital, now. “Someone call an ambulance.”

What the fuck do I do?

“What the fuck?” Brax exclaims, his eye wide with shock as he focuses on Tara. Pulling out his gun, he releases the safety and points toward Brewer. Pulling the trigger, the shot rings out and Brewer falls to the floor.

Hunter turns away from the gruesome sight, unable to look as blood and brain splatter covers the wall and floor.

“Brax, man, please… please help me get her to the hospital. She’s hit and bleeding badly.” I can see the color from Tara has drained and she’s not really saying much. “I think she’s in shock.”

“My car. Now,” he says, instructing over to his black SUV.

“Shouldn’t we wait for the ambulance?” Roach asks, following behind me as I carry Tara out of the house and over to Brax’s SUV.

“There’s no time. We need to go. Now,” Brax exclaims. “I’ll call ahead. They’ll be expecting us.”

My men look at me helplessly as they gather around. “Take care of Tara’s mom. If she needs medical attention, take her to the hospital. And take care of the mess.”

“Yes, Prez.” Zane looks at me with sad eyes. “She gonna make it?” His voice barely audible.

“She has to.”

Brax opens the rear door and I lift her in, resting her against the back seat. “Here, take this. Stem the bleeding.”

Pushing a blanket against my chest, I take it, holding it to the right side of her abdomen. Her head drops back and her eyes are closed.

“What about the baby, Nate?”

“Everything will be fine. Don’t worry, baby.”

“But the bullet… I’m hit here.” She looks down at her hands covered in blood. Replacing her hands with the blanket, I apply as much pressure as I can. The door behind me closes and Brax appears in the driver's seat. She holds her hands in front of her face, gawking at the blood dripping from her hands.

“I’m coming with you.” Hunter appears in the front passenger seat, glancing between the seats at me clutching onto Tara with everything I have.

“I’m so fucking sorry. This is all my fault.”

“There’s only one person to blame here and that’s Brewer,” I’m quick to reply.

“You shouldn’t have said anything to him about him being my father,” Tara croaks. “I’m scared Mom is hurt. Who’s taking care of her?” She stretches her neck as if trying to find her mom. I place my hand on the side of her head, drawing her back against my chest.

“Shhh…” I soothe. “She’s fine. My men are taking care of her.”

All I can do is hold her and pray that she’ll be okay.

The baby too.