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Two Beasts: A Dark Fairytale Menage Romance by Dark Angel, Alexis Angel (112)


I feel Carter’s hand squeeze my ass through the thin material of my skirt. He soon just loses patience and lifts it up. I whimper and bite my lip to stay quiet. If anyone caught us, it would be another scandal. And say what you will, hun, but I’m done with political scandals after the last one that almost took us all down last year.

Although, to be quite honest, ever since we had that scandal, a lot has changed.

Like what, you’re probably wondering, huh?

“Oh, yes,” Carter moans as my hand travels inside of his pants and grabs his cock. His trousers are unbuckled and I’m jerking him as quietly as I can. I wonder briefly if anyone can hear us, but the roar of the crowd on the other side of the curtain is too loud. My hand uses his own precum to lube his cock, and I wonder if I’m going to make him cum or not. It might be kind of a mess if I got Carter Andrews to cum right now. There’s not really a bathroom in sight, and he’d have a giant wet spot when he gushed out a gallon of his semen onto his pants.

But then he sticks a finger inside of my pussy and I forget everything. I close my eyes as Carter starts kissing my neck and working his finger in a come hither motion against my G-spot. This is so good. Just the perfect pick me up that I needed this morning.

So, you know about stuff changing; this is one of them, by the way. Carter is now a lot more comfortable getting frisky in public. He’s often the one suggesting it. I mean, Carter being Carter is never going to actually come out and say it. But the way he touches me. Or the way his eyes smolder I know what he wants.

And who would blame him? One year since the deal that Liam, Carter, and I put through the job of being Governor has become infinitely easier. A few amendments to the environmental legislation that Liam and Carter and I worked out mean that factories and industries don’t just shut down anymore. Businesses are no longer discouraged from investing in the state.

No, rather, they receive tax credits that allow them to upgrade and refit their factories to be less polluting. The businesses aren’t saddled with huge costs, in fact they’re saddled with no costs. The environmentalists are happy because with more people using them the technology gets cheaper and cheaper. And the jobs—the jobs keep pouring in. Not just the assembly line, factory, and manufacturing jobs, but the industries that have sprung up virtually overnight that specialize in retooling and refitting these factories.

It’s hard to believe, but the state is going through something of an economic rebirth. It’s got politicians across both sides of the aisle talking about copying what’s going on here.

But probably more important than anything else, it’s got both sides talking. The era of hopelessness, where people couldn’t get past the arguments of the other side seems to be declining. People are realizing the power of the American spirit that by working together and standing together we can be more united.

Sure, we still have problems. They go on and on. But we’re making progress finally. And it’s infectious.

And to think, all it needed was a threesome.

Speaking of threesome, where is

That’s when I feel another pair of hands reach over and pull down my thong as Carter takes his fingers out. Before I can respond, I feel the tip of a cock pulsing against my ass cheeks. I grimace in pleasure as I feel it pressing against me. Into me.

I bend over slightly onto Carter to give Liam an angle. And I feel his cock, parting my pussy lips. I’m already wet; that’s not a problem. In one swift stroke, he fills me up.

“Ungh,” I grunt, and bite my lip again.

The state and the nation was a lot more accepting of whatever Carter, Liam, and I got up to once we proved to them that we could bring back jobs and save their environment—something that because of special interests not many politicians were able to do.

And the fact of the matter is…I’m in love. With two men. A strong and silent alpha who I look up to, as well as a bad boy who drives me crazy with desire. Both men have something unique that I couldn’t ever find ever find in just one man. I guess that’s why I never settled down. I was always looking.

But I can stop now.

The roar of the crowd continues and I know we can’t keep doing this forever. This can’t be like the five-hour sex sessions that we’ve had in the past, where each man takes turns fucking me before both of them please me simultaneously.

It’s true, hun. I really am the center of both their relationships. They pleasure me and throw me into an orbit that I’ve never been in.

I turn to Carter, jerking him harder. I pull his cock out and spit onto it, a fierce urgency in my eyes. He grunts. I can tell he’s close.

Liam can sense the urgency in my body too, and he increases his thrusts. This is going to be

Oh, my. I feel Liam’s cock throb inside of me and all of a sudden, with Carter’s hands twisting my nipples, I feel weightless.

I close my eyes. They roll back into my head. I’m losing my grip on reality. Every sense is feeling sharp bursts of pleasure amid a slow boil that’s getting hotter.

“Fuck,” Liam breathes out harshly and I can feel his cock spasm inside me.

That’s enough to push me over the edge. With their two hard bodies pushed against me, I bite my lip from crying out as an orgasm washes over me.

I shudder, moaning into Carter’s neck as I feel his cock start to spasm. Liam’s slid my thong down to my legs and I’d stepped out of it and I feel Carter’s cum hit my pussy lips. Through my wracking shudders of orgasm, I feel the interior of my pussy contract around Liam’s cock, and he lets out a grunt and within moments I can feel him spurt.

Pleasure clouds my sense of time. All I can feel is Liam squirting inside of me. All I can feel is Carter shooting onto me.

Eventually, after I don’t know how long, my eyes adjust to my surroundings. I hear the crowd again. They’re still cheering.

My breathing is ragged, and my heart is racing, but I bend over as Liam pulls out and put my thong back on.

Carter uses his finger to smear some of his own juices on my pussy.

Good, I want them both inside me when I go on stage.

It’ll be something only the three of us know. And you too, babe. But you’ve been with us from the beginning, so you’re like a sister to me in a way. We can have a drink and laugh about it later. How Liam and Carter’s semen are mingling inside of me, dripping down my legs as I stand and gave a speech to 15,000 people.

We sort of got lucky when this section of the backstage area was uninhabited. A quick word to my staff and they made sure no one came in or out or bothered the three of us until it was time to go on stage. They’re good like that—giving us privacy.

By now, Carter and Liam have put their cocks back in their pants and we’re trying to get as cleaned up as possible. There’s a mirror next to us (why didn’t we use that?) and I make sure my hair is okay.

Listen, I know Alexis told you at the beginning to suspend your disbelief so you’re just going with it watching us have sex at this rally, but let me just tell you there is almost nothing like knowing your about to cum with this many people around you.

Or knowing that you’ve been filled up with obscene amounts of another man’s spunk and then talking to people and they have no idea. As the two men stand by, looking innocent.

Okay, there is no way they look innocent of anything. But no one would believe what we did.

That’s my life. That’s our life. A happy life, I’ll be the first to admit. One where we support and help each other. Where we love each other. We take care of each other.

A family unit—unconventional—but nevertheless a beautiful one.

Something worth fighting for. Something that gives me hope.

At long last, Joyce and Ida, my campaign manager and press secretary, walk back stage.

Joyce sniffs the air a bit. I bite my lip. Does it smell like sex?

But if that’s what she thinks, then she keeps it to herself. “They’re ready for you, Senator,” Joyce says.

I nod and follow her to the edge of the curtain. I can hear myself be introduced.

Yes, it’s been a good year. All of our political careers are on the rise. Liam is going to run for Governor next year. Carter is going to run for my Senate seat. And I’m

Oh wait…they just announced me. I walk out on stage and take the podium.

The cameras flash. But this time to capture history. The people look up with attention, but this time with love.

“Thank you all,” I say into the microphone and pause. Thank God I met Liam. And Carter. “Ladies and gentlemen of Iowa, I am here today to formally announce my candidacy for President of the United States.”

Like I said. It’s been a great year.