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Two Beasts: A Dark Fairytale Menage Romance by Dark Angel, Alexis Angel (22)


My blue dress drags across the white marble tiles of the corridor leading to the pool room. The hallway seems shorter now, though I know it hasn’t changed. I haven't been here since the night my father died. I had to come here tonight. I have to face my mother. I can't let Nathan and Vincent fight a battle that's mine. I'm not going to stand idly by while my mother has them killed so she can have more power.

Over the years I've tried to convince myself that it wasn't true. That I was a child half-awake from my nightmare, and what I’d seen was my imagination. I didn’t want to believe that the mother, who dried my tears at my father's funeral, could have been the cause of his death. For twenty long years I tried to lie to myself. What else could I do? I had no proof; I was a child, but I'm not a child now. I step into the pool room, the white marble glowing blue illuminated only by the underwater light of the pool.

“Isadora,” my mother says, smiling as she steps out of the pool, dripping water on the white tiles. It may as well be blood. “I'm surprised to see you here. I'd think two husbands would keep you more than busy,” she laughs. I just walk toward her until we’re standing face to face.

"I needed to be alone," I say

“Oh they're not fighting, are they?” she asks, turning to pick up a towel and dry her hair. “I’d hoped that marrying you would help them get along,” she says, looking at me over her shoulder.

The lie, the false concern in her voice, causes something in me to snap. “You'd like that wouldn't you?

“What?” my mother questions, feigning innocence. “I'd like what?”

“For my husbands to be fighting, of course.” I let the bitterness I feel creep into my voice.

“What are you talking about, Isadora?” she asks with exasperation.

I can’t believe the audacity, as if I’m not sick of her lies, her schemes, her betrayals; as if I’m not sick to death of her. “You know exactly what I'm talking about,” I say. “I’m sure you hope they're fighting each other right now. I know you hope they're killing each other.”

“Isadora, don't be childish. Why would I want that?”

“It would save you the cost of Alex Richter, if one of them killed the other. I do believe Alex is quite expensive.” I watch my mother's eyes grow cold and her mask of sweetness fall, replaced in an instant by the face I saw twenty years ago.

She steps toward me. “How did you find out about that?”

“That's not important,” I say, “but it's true isn't it?”

“Yes,” she admits. At least she doesn't try to lie. “Isadora, this entire region could be ours. Think what we could do. You're smarter and more compassionate as ruler than the two of them could ever be. A schemer and a warmonger, they’ll tear the nations apart. I only want what's best for everyone.”

“You only want what's best for you!” I spit back. “You and I both know you'd never let me rule.”

“You're not fit to rule, Isadora. To be a ruler takes strength, takes cunning. It takes a killer instinct that you'll never have. You're a silly child, and if you get in my way you'll end up-”

“Like my father,” I interject. I watch as her eyes go wide and fill with a level of hatred I’ve never seen. I wonder if my own eyes look the same way. “Oh, I know.” I feel twenty years of rage unfold. “I remember the way you held him under the water. He was your husband! He was my father! Didn’t you love him?” I’m screaming now, all my anger pouring out of me. “How could you?”

My mother looks at me calmly, coldly. “I didn't marry your father for love. I married him for power, and when he got in the way of that I decided he was disposable.” My mother steps toward me “Just like you.”

My mother’s hands are around my throat in an instant. She squeezes tightly, her nails digging into my neck. I struggle, but her grip is like irons. I can feel my vision going dark. I throw my weight backward, and we both plunge into the pool. My mother’s grip loosens as the cool blue water rushes up around us. I pull away from her and propel myself upward, gasping for air as I break through the surface. I try to pull myself up on the edge but my mother is grabbing my legs, pulling me under again.

I kick free, and this time I manage to grab the ladder and climb up, heaving myself onto the floor my chest collapsing as I gasp for air. I turn to look for my mother and see her head rising just above the edge of the pool, and I struggle to stand.

“Isadora.” She says my name like it’s poison on her tongue, as if she hates the taste of it as much as she hates me. “You're an obstacle just like your father, and you’re going to end up exactly like him.”

She lunges forward, trying to get her hands around my throat again. I push her away with all of my strength, and suddenly everything around me seems to happen in slow motion as she loses her balance and falls back. The base of her skull hits the steel of the ladder with a sickening crack. I watch open mouthed as her lifeless body slips into the pool. I fall to my knees, sobbing with a mixture of relief and regret. It’s over.

“Isadora! Isadora!” I hear, and I look up and see Nathan and Vincent standing in the doorway staring down at me.