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Two Beasts: A Dark Fairytale Menage Romance by Dark Angel, Alexis Angel (15)


I arrive in the tea room a few minutes early for my meeting with Queen Ileana. I always arrive early for any engagement. I casually stroll the perimeter of the room. To all appearances I'm simply taking in the decor, perhaps considering if it suits my tastes. Actually, I'm checking for surveillance equipment. One turn around the room satisfies that there aren't any cameras or listening devices within sight.

Rather than comforting, I find the lack of surveillance equipment strange. A palace that hosts royalty and diplomats on a regular basis without a surveillance system in the main areas? It's unusual to say the least, and it could be dangerous. I take a seat in one of the high-back leather armchairs and wait for Queen Ileana.

I look down at my watch. The queen has exactly two and a half minutes before she’s late for our meeting. The click of heels on the floor tells me that a woman is approaching, but the steps are much too hurried to belong to Queen Ileana.

I stand just as Queen Ileana’s secretary, Theresa I believe her name is, comes rushing in, looking flustered, apologetic, and very nervous.

“Hello, Theresa.”

“Good morning. Prince Nathan, Queen Ileana sends her apologies, but she's unable to have tea with you this afternoon. She asked me to reschedule, at your convenience, of course.”

“Of course,” I say. “Tell me, Theresa, is Ileana not feeling well?”.

“No. I mean, yes. I mean, Ilea—her Highness is not sick.” Theresa’s voice trembles slightly. I suspect that Ileana isn’t a particularly kind person to work for.

“If the queen isn’t ill then why has she cancelled our meeting?” I ask as kindly as possible. I’m worried the poor girl might faint from anxiety, and I need information.

“She had a scheduling conflict. It’s all my fault, really,” Theresa stammers.

“Really?” I smile at her and she relaxes just a little. “I’m sure you’re not entirely to blame.”

“Well, I scheduled the tea, but… But I didn’t know Queen Ileana had another meeting scheduled.”

“You didn’t?” I raise an eyebrow and step closer. “But aren’t you her scheduling secretary?”

“Yes, but . . .” She trails off, hesitating.

“But?” I push.

“The queen scheduled this meeting herself.”

“I see.” Now I’m certain the queen is up to something.

“I didn’t know about it until today, you see, and I didn’t want to disturb you this morning.” Theresa blushes.

“Understandable, and no real harm done. It’s still early, I’m sure I’ll find something to amuse me.”

Theresa breathes a visible sigh of relief. “If you don’t require anything of me, I’ll just be going now,” she says, edging toward the door.

“No, I don’t need anything else. I’ll have my secretary call you to reschedule.”

“Yes, your highness,” she says, turning to leave.

“Oh, Theresa, one more thing?”

Yes, sir?”

“Who is the queen meeting?”

“I'm afraid that's confidential,” she says, shifting nervously.

Is it?”

“I’m sorry, but I don’t know anything about this meeting, not even who it’s with, sir.” She looks me directly in the eye, and honestly she’s too nervous to be anything close to a good liar.

“That’s all then, Theresa.”

“Thank you, sir.” She scampers away.

We'll see how confidential Ileana’s meeting really is after I speak with my staff. This confirms my suspicions. Ileana is definitely planning something, and I need to know what. I leave the tea room and head toward the garden; perhaps Isadora is still there. I'm surprised I've resisted the temptation to seek her out for this long.

Last night is still fresh in my mind, and the truth is I really would rather be buried inside Isadora's sweet body than buried in intrigue with the queen. I'm sure Isadora would prefer it, too. She's nothing like what I expected based on what sources told me. I hardly expected to find a woman whose appetite for passion could match my own, yet Isadora's does. More than that she's witty, intelligent, and capable. She's everything I could have asked for in a wife. I step out into the lush green gardens of the palace. I have to admit there is something calming about it, the quiet and the greenery.

A garden so vast you could easily lose yourself for hours. I wonder how many days Isadora kept herself hidden here. Though if her last garden visit was any indication I doubt I'll find her alone. I turn down the winding garden paths until I hear one of Isadora's breathless cries. The tone is unmistakably one of pleasure. I feel my cock stir. Such is Isadora’s hold on me that just hearing her in throes of pleasure arouses me. I walk further down the path and hear Vincent's voice added to Isadora's own. I turn a corner, and what I see is certainly much more pleasant than tea with the queen. I step back just inside the shadow of the leafy archway.

Isadora is naked astride Vincent. Her eyes are closed, head thrown back, and her beautiful body is on display. Her gorgeous full breasts, their nipples hardened with desire, bounce as she moves up and down riding Vincent’s cock. His hands are in her hair, and his mouth is on her neck. I feel my cock harden almost instantly. I’m tempted to unzip my pants and truly enjoy the show, but I decide to wait. Not that I worry about being seen. There aren't any cameras in the gardens, either. That's something I'll have to change for my own benefit if nothing else.

I could never get tired of seeing Isadora taken over by pleasure, completely lost to her physical desires. I press my palm against my rock hard cock. Isadora's eyes opens, and she looks directly at me. I see a wicked smile creep across her lips as she crashes her mouth into Vincent's, grinding her hips against his, fucking him that much harder because she knows I'm watching. It sends a sharp jolt of desire straight to my cock.

God, I want to fuck her until she’s completely spent, I want to wring every drop of pleasure from her body. She breaks her kiss with Vincent and her lips move beside his ear, no doubt making him aware of my presence. He looks over his shoulder, and they both look directly at me as they come.

I give them a moment to dress before I saunter over to them. Helping Isadora up from the grass, I kiss her lips.

“I thought you were having tea with Ileana?” Vincent says.

“She had a unexpected scheduling conflict.”

“I see.” He gives me a knowing nod.

“A scheduling mix up; that’s not like Theresa,” Isadora says.

“Well, I think it’s worked for the best.” I reply. “Don’t you?”

“Did you enjoy the show?” Isadora asks.

“Of course.”

Vincent laughs. “Who wouldn’t enjoy watching?” he says, dropping a kiss on her cheek as we start to stroll up the path toward the palace.”

“I think I’ll go back to our chambers. Will you be coming?” Vincent asks.

“No, I think I’m in the mood for some music,” Isadora says with a sly smile.

“Well, enjoy,” Vincent says, turning onto the path that will take him to our wing of the palace.

“Oh she will,” I say.