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Two Beasts: A Dark Fairytale Menage Romance by Dark Angel, Alexis Angel (37)


Holy fucking shit, I’m going to fucking cum.

I groan loudly, my back bracing against my office door and I feel my nuts twist up as electrical impulses shoot from my cock to my brain.

I’m having the familiar tingling sexual seizure as my body freezes up and my muscles involuntarily contract.

Yeah, that’s right, I’m about to fucking cum.

Sure, you may have thought you knew what was going to happen the moment I took Brittney by the hand and began dragging her to my office, but trust me, if you came in at this exact moment somehow, you would be fucking shocked as soon as you saw us.

Once the shock passed, you would probably start getting fucking hot.

And before you knew it, your panties would be fucking soaked, dripping with desire.

I mean, I’m about to cum and just what we’re doing is getting me there halfway. God help the hapless window washer who all of a sudden decides to clean my windows. Poor fucker would probably fall off his platform once he saw what we’re up to.

Brittney’s on the ground on her knees. She didn’t waste any time as soon as we got into my office.

She pushed me against the door as I closed it and sunk down to her knees.

With expert fingers, she unbuckled and unzipped my trousers, letting them fall. She yanked down my boxer briefs and took my already semi-hard cock in one hand, bringing her tongue out of her mouth as she licked the underside of my shaft.

Pleasure went through me like a tingling current, and before I knew it, both her lips were wrapped around the head of my cock as her mouth created a suction.

I mean that was good, but holy shit, with her free hand she just unclasped her bra and threw it across the room.

Fuck, her stroking my cock is so fucking good. Just thinking about this whole experience and telling you about it while she does her thing is too much.

I can’t hold it in any more. I’m going to fucking cumNOW.

That’s when my world almost blacks out as Brittney begins the process of milking my cock.

I spurt.

Let me just tell you that me saying I spurt is a fucking understatement.

I erupt gets close to what's happening. I shoot may even be more appropriate. But still, it pales in comparison to the semen that arcs out of my tip, shooting out toward her.

And as if absolutely ready, Brittney moves her head in such a way and sticks out her tongue that my cum hits her tongue and splatters.

A lot of it lands in her mouth, but enough of it drips down.

I’m still shooting cum out here. There’s a stream that hits her on her forehead. Another that gets her on the cheek.

Thick. White. Milky. Creamy. Hot. Gooey. Sticky.

Five. On her neck.

Six. On her tit. She arches her back backwards and holds out her left tit. As if I have the mental fortitude to fucking aim. I’m basically twitching here as my foot-long cock shoots another volley of cum. But it manages to land on her nipple and she begins cooing in delight at the sight as she takes her hand and smears it around her areola.

Fuck, the whole thing is so fucking dirty. But it's so fucking hot at the same time.

My last few shots go out. One lands on the top of her head. Another sails into her mouth, which she lets drip out in tiny droplets. And the final one lands on her cheek.

Brittney wastes no time as cum starts dribbling out of my cock, bringing her lips back onto the head and sucking out whatever wasn’t shot out.

Fuck, let me just tell you, after an explosive fucking orgasm like that, feeling her lips on my sensitive tip, feeling her tongue on my slit, oh my fucking God.

This woman is a fucking goddess.

I shiver uncontrollably as she gives one final goodbye suck, and then takes her mouth off. But she doesn’t stop there.

With all the meticulousness of a cat cleaning herself, she begins to scoop up my cum off of her body.

First her tits. What she doesn’t smear on her chest, neck or tits, she scoops up with one finger. And brings to her mouth.

Keeping her eyes fixed on mine, she slowly brings her fingers toward her opening mouth.

I watch, transfixed as her tongue darts out and licks her finger clean.

She closes her mouth and swallows.

I swear to fucking God I’ve never been this fucking turned on by the moments after sex before.

This is fucking unreal. Like I can feel my cock start to twitch again.

Which Brittney sees.

She gives me a lascivious smile.

“You’re already for Round Two?” she asks me. “That was pretty fast.”

“I could fuck you all night, babe,” I tell her, sneering down with undisguised lust at her. But there’s something more. Something in her eyes. Something inside of her. She’s not telling me everything.

I mean, I’ve fucked chicks in porn before; whoever thinks I’m playing the chaste CEO of a pornography company is seriously fucking delusional, but this girl is something else.

A blowjob is just a blowjob, but she’s made it something that I can’t really forget. I don’t actually know how Brittney made it about more than sex.

But whatever she’s doing, whether it's the slow and languid way she’s got her hand wrapped around my cock again, gently massaging me back to life, or the way she’s looking up at me with those wide, large doe-like eyes in a totally submissive look.

“Why don’t you start by fucking me all afternoon?” she asks me, giving me a leer that makes my knees fucking buckle it's sizzling with so much lust.

“I guess you’re not wanting to wait,” I tell her with a grin. “But don't worry. After I’m done with my cock, you’ll barely be able to walk—let alone think.”

Brittney gives me a quick kiss on my tip, and my cock starts flaring back to life.

“Oh please,” she tells me with a sexy pout. “Once you’ve tasted my pussy, you won’t care where you are, you’ll want it again.”

“I want to fuck it now,” I tell her flatly. I’m not looking to play games. I’m open and upfront about who I want to fuck.

“You think your cock can handle it?” she asks me. “You ever seen my videos? I leave guys broken…”

I laugh. She’s never met me then.

And if you’re wondering, which I know you are because your mind's just as filthy as mine—yes, I’ve watched all her videos. The moment she gave me the lap dance I had Cheryl pull everything Brittney has ever worked on.

All the stepmom shit. The neighbor next door scenes. The getting picked up by two guys in a van scene that went viral on the Internet back in the day. I watched it all.

But I didn’t jerk off to it.

Because why waste all that cum?

No, I saved it. To spray it onto her face just now.

“Babe,” I tell her and bend over to pick her up, and bring her to her feet. “I’m just going to fucking defile you like you’ve never been before. I’m going to do ungodly fucking things to your body and you’re going to cry out for more.”

I think this gets her attention, and I run my hands over her body as I continue. “By the time I’m done with you, you’ll be lucky if you remember your name,” I tell her, looking her directly in the eyes. “But I guarantee you, you’ll be screaming mine.”

She’s excited.

I can tell. I see the spark in her eyes. It’s a mixture of fear, excitement, apprehension, and lust. Lots and lots of fucking lust.

I bare my teeth and reach over, cupping her ass cheek and bringing her closer.

She comes willingly.

And that’s when the fucking intercom goes off.

“Ethan, are you there?” the speakerphone blares. It’s Cheryl.

God fucking dammit.

Not now.

Not now, of all times.

“Ethan, we need you in the product launch timeline signoff. We’ve been planning this meeting for months and the bankers are here,” Cheryl says, a touch of urgency in her voice.

Cheryl is never fucking urgent. She’s always got everything so fucking organized and so on point that if I hear urgency in Cheryl’s voice—and I think I’ve only heard it five times—I know it’s fucking important.

But even then, Brittney is right fucking here. Her fucking luscious ass. Those big, giant titties. That beautiful face. Those fucking eyes.

“Ethan? Ethan are you there?” Cheryl asks again.

She must know I’m in here. She must know what I’m doing. That’s why she hasn’t gotten off the phone.


Fucking fuck.

“It’s okay,” Brittney says, looking into my eyes and placing a hand on my chest. “We can do this later, maybe?” she asks smiling at me. Not just with wanton lust anymore.

But with warmth.

Fuck, and with compassion?

“Go, do your job, Ethan,” she tells me. “I’m just going to freshen up and tidy up a bit in here before I head out.”

I let out a long fucking sigh and my body literally quivers in disappointment, but I know she's right.

I nod to her, and pull up my boxer briefs and pants as I walk to my desk.

I clean my cock with a towel nearby as I push the speakerphone button on my phone.

“On my way, Cheryl,” I tell her and hang up as I zip up my trousers.

Brittney turns and smiles to me as she walks over to where she threw her bra.

“You’re going to be okay?” I ask her.

She nods and smiles. “I’m just going to clean up a little bit,” she says with a smile. “Get less sticky before I go out into the world, you know?”

She laughs a small laugh and I smile before I walk to the door.

Five minutes later I’m sitting next to Cheryl in the conference room still thinking of Brittney.


That’s five minutes longer that I’ve ever thought of a girl after sex.

There’s something going on with her here.