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Two Beasts: A Dark Fairytale Menage Romance by Dark Angel, Alexis Angel (221)


Victor spins me around ass soon as we are through the door to his apartment. I barley keep my feet in these impossibly high heels. I wobble before he grabs me by the shoulders.

“What to do with you, now that I have you?” Victor ponders as he looks me up and down.

His frankly appraising look makes my pussy quiver with anticipation. There is something so hot about him looking at me like I am piece of property. Every time Victor has looked at me that way it has ended with the most amazing orgasms. All of the fear and confusion of the auction disappears. Thoughts of depraved possibilities fill my head as he continues to look at me.

Victor takes a slow lap around me. His hand crashes with a satisfying making sound against my ass. I teeter on my heels unbalanced from the blow.

Victor catches me. His hands digging into my breasts as he pulls me tight to his body. I can feel his heat and the heaving of his chest through my back. Immediately my pussy tingles with anticipation.

“Tonight turned out exactly how I wanted it to turnout.”

“You planned to mess up the auction?”

“No, I hoped something would happen that would allow us to be together. That should be obvious, we all knew that Apollo was going to win the bidding and that he was not going to have you, but what no one said was who was going to actually get your virginity. I assumed it would be me and I assumed you wanted it to be me.” Victor had discovered during this explanation that the bra I am wearing does not have actual cups. He was pinching my nipples and pulling them through the thin fabric of the dress as he spoke. “When Apollo sent the text that said he was stuck at the airport I got worried because my prize was in jeopardy.”

Oh God, his prize! The droplets of juice had formed into a little stream that was running down the inside of my left thigh and the thought of being owned by Victor increased their rate of flow. I have no idea why it hadn’t occurred to me to thin of who actually might be the one to take my virginity. I am blaming all of the stuff that had to be done before the auction as distractions that kept me from considering and end-game. Victor does not have time for such mental wanderings right now.

“You know that I have to have you, right?” He asks as one of his left hands leaves my breast and trails down my body to between my legs. “There is no amount of money that I will not pay to possess you.” His fingers curl into me.

“I don’t want anyone else to own me,” I gasp and try to push my pussy into his hand.

“Mmmmm, good girl,” he whispers against my neck before lightly kiss my neck. Shivers rocket throughout my body. “You did learn your place.” Victors teeth pinch my skin in the same spot he had kissed.

My knees buckle from the joy the pain creates in my body. All of may weight rests in his hands. His fingers pinch tightly around my nipple adding even more sweet pain to the moment. I feel the soft fabric of the dress push past the slit in the crotchless panties I am still wearing from the auction. His fingers covered by the dress move around, probing me and smoking in the fluid his words and touch have made.

I tremble even more from the scraping feeling of his teeth reluctantly letting go of my skin as I sink further. I feel like every bone in my body is made of Jell-O.

Victor lets me down slowly. He is bending over me as I collapse onto the floor. My knees finally reach the plush carpet and add some stability as the tremors soften.

I look up, tilting my head backward to find him. He has managed to step around me so all that I can see is charcoal slacks and a belt buckle.

“You remember your training?” Victor asks in a rumbling voice that seems to shake the floor.

I do remember and even if I didn’t there is no way I could miss this signal. I know what he wants next. What he doesn’t know is that I want it even more than he does.

My hands are surgically precise in handling his belt and button. Before this I had fumbled to work the enclosures of his pants but now I am a master. I let the weight of his belt carry his slacks down to the ground but this newfound expertise in removing his pants means that my hands are shoving his underwear to the ground so quickly that I catch up to gravity.

I am still holding his clothing when my mouth finds his cock. I plunge forward and devour his cock. Victor is twelve inches of the only man I ever want. My nose collides with his body. I can feel the pulsing of his shaft in my throat. previously I would have takes as much of him as I could and used my hand to stroke the rest of him, but I am so hungry for this particular cock that I have swallowed it all. I pull back. My lips tightly holding him the entire way. My tongue is press firmly agains the underside of his dick. I let him pop free of my mouth. In one moves i draw in a huge breath and plunge forward. His riding cock fills my mouth and I slide the entire way down him again.

Once more I pull back letting his cock come out of my mouth. I tilt my my head back and to the left so that I can take his balls, on at a time, into my mouth. I use my tongue to roll each on around feeling the velvety some skin against my rough tongue. I use my tongue to trace the underside of his shaft pressing his cock upward against his rock-hard abs.

As soon a I reach the tip of his cock I pull back just enough to let his head fall into my mouth again. I lean forward using my legs to push me back onto his cock. My nose presses against him again. My throat adjusts to the intrusion once more and I feel my muscles relax. I stay fully impaled on his cock for a moment.

I drag my finger nails up the backs of his legs. Victor shudders and I know goosebumps are raising all over his body. My hands find his ass and I grab handfuls of each of his hard cheeks. My fingers brush lightly across the sensitive flesh of his hole.

I pull my face back about an inch and using my grip on his wonderful ass I push him back into me. his smell filling my nose every time it gets close to his skin. The warm tingling sensation in my nostrils drives me on. The pace picks up and I pull farther off his cock before using the leverage of my grip to push back on him.

Victor groans as my lips lose their seal. The sounds of his pleasure and sloppy sucking mix in the way back of my mind. The pure erotism of those sounds driving me onward as I make him fuck my mouth.

The weigh of Victor’s hand settles on the back of my head. He curls his fingers into my hair and with the curling of his fingers I feel the tingle spread across my scalp as he tugs at my hair. He is not going to be left out of this moment. He takes over control of my head and begins thrusting his hips in time. I squeeze his ass harder for balance and let him have his way with my face.

Victor plows his cock into my mouth for the next few minutes and then, with sudden viciousness, he yanks my head backward so hard that I topple over my knees and land on my ass.

“You have been learning. I don’t have to ask you if that cock tastes good. your slutty slurping sounds tell me everything I need to know.” His words are hard and sharp. His use of the word slutty hits me right in the core. I want to be slutty for him. I want to devour his cock and he can see that want. I love being Victor’s slut.

“I want you,” Victor says kicking out of his shoes and stepping out of the pile of pants and underwear around his ankles. “I want all of you.”

I stay sitting on the floor watching as he stalks toward me. His eyes filled with the cold blue fire of desire. I know I let out a small scream when he drags me to my feet.

Victor is holding my up by my hair. My feet are flaying under me. Victor flings my body forward at the back of the couch. I catch the top of the couch just in time to save myself from vaulting over it.

I am bent over at the waist trying to find my feet and catch my breath when his hand comes crashing down on my ass. The thin, silken material of the dress offering no protection whatsoever against the viciousness of his spank.

Victor gives me just a second to revel in the heat spreading across my skin before smacking the other side of my ass. Victor doesn’t offer me any time to enjoys the stinging pain. He proceeds to rain down spank after spank. My fingernails dig into the leather of his couch as my mind tries to process the assault on my ass. Eventually the heat cannot be contained to just my ass and it spreads across my body. The sensual stinging creeps down my thighs and up my stomach as he continues to slap my skin.

“I love watching that ass shake,” Victor growls between blows. “You have been a bad little bitch and now you are going to pay for it.”

I don’t know where this is coming from, but once again, he has read the situation perfectly. The concept of being his bad little bitch turns me on. I can feel another release rushing toward me just from his spanking me. I move my thighs causing the lips of my pussy to move against each other. The added bit of stimulation primes me just enough so that his next blow sends me careening over the edge into the abyss of another orgasm.

Vibrant colors explode behind my eyes as my body trembles once again. I swear if there is ever time that I have sex with Victor that doesn’t result in at least a half dozen orgasms I will be sorely disappointed. the bar has been set pretty high.

Victor grabs my hips and pulls me away from the couch so that I am full bent over at the waist with my arms stretches all the way out. I let my head fall forward. my hair covering my face.

This is how I am going to lose my virginity, bent over in the middle of Victor’s apartment. This is so fucking hot. I want him to take me like a whore. I want my first time to be the ultimate in depraved pleasure for this wonderfully sexy man.

His cock passes between my legs. He doesn’t enter me. Instead his dick slides through the wetness of my pussy. His fingers dig into the rounded flesh of my hips and he pulls his cock back through my juices.

“I said I want it all and I will have all of you,” Victor says at the same time I feel the broad tip of his cock press against my asshole.

This not the moment I am going to lose my virginity, but this is certainly a hell of a replacement.

Victor’s fingers tense as he pulls back at my hips and his cock opens my backdoor. I suck in a startled breath as he plunges his full length into my ass. My body does not object. Mentally and physically there is nothing in the universe I want more that to be connected sexually to this man. I will take his cock any way I can get it.

Victor is not in the mood for mercy and the way he pounds my ass is proof. In and out like a jack hammer. I lock my elbows to keep from being thrown over the couch. My parent used to refer to having sex as moving furniture. I always thought that was a euphemism but watching the couch slide across the carpet a couple of inches each time he slams into me I am reevaluating my understanding of the phrase.

Victor pounding my ass is great but it is just not enough. I release one of my hands from the couch. His force is quite a bit for one arm to take but he is not the only one that gets to have fun, damn it. I reach past the hem of my dress and between my legs. The opening in the crotchless panties is useless because he has moved the thong to the side so he can have full access to my ass. Luckily this has bunched the rest of the panties to the side as well. I find my clit with the same laser-like accuracy that I had experienced earlier. I immediately press my own button. Just pressing in on my clit with only the shaking of my body from Victor’s fucking to change the angel feels amazing. Little jolts of fire erupt through my body starting at my pussy and randomly shooting through my body. Sometimes down my leg and other up through my body and out my nipples. I know this should be all about Victor’s pleasure but I don’t see why we can’t both enjoy this moment.

The bolts of flame continues to race across random parts of my body in rapid succession as victor pile-drives is cock into my as until everything combines inside of me and the lights go out. My eyes clamp shut, my back bows and I lose all track of time and space. I feel like I am floating through space, a little ball of energy snapping and crackling as I float, disconnected from everything but myself.

“Fuck, your ass want’s my cock,” Victor’s voice is again very far away, but getting closer. “You little hole grips my shaft so fucking tight when you cum.” his voice is close now. I must be coming back to reality.

His cock is suddenly gone from my body and cool air entering me snaps my senses back into focus. Victor’s hand is pulling at my hair. I stand straight up. The heat of his body radiates through my back. He changes his grip to my breasts. Thank the gods he is not gentle. he is alternating between trying to crush my entire boob and pulling my nipple so that my tits are perfect cones in from of me. The burning sting of his rough attention sharpens my focus. I press my ass back toward him. His rock hard cock slipping between my legs. He fills that small gap between my thighs and pussy perfectly. His tugging at my tits moves my entire body and his cock sliding between my legs and rubbing against my pussy reminds me what is going to happen tonight.

Victor can be mean on so many different levels. He knows what passing his cock between my legs symbolizes and yet he keep sliding back and forth. He even lets the flare of his cock head move through eh lips of cunt. It is so deliciously close and frustratingly far away.

“Let’s go,” his words an ice-cold order. Knowing that the time is finally here sends my body into overdrive. Victor switches his grip on me so that one of his strong arms is draped over my shoulder and his hand continues to clutch my tit, which is pleasantly numb from all of the tugging.

He guides me into the bedroom. I manage to stay on my heels with only the tiniest bit of stumbling along the way.

Once we are in the bedroom Victor marches me to the end of the bed and with his grip on breast he spins me around and flings backward at the bed. My nipple snaps free from his fingers like a rubber band shot across the room. I can’t get enough of the pain he causes me. That snapping radiates through my body as I fly through the air.

I bounce on the mattress. My legs flail apart as my body succumbs to gravity and settles against the bed. While I was flying through the air Victor, always so quick when we are fucking, has found a towel and is giving his raging hard-on a quick wipe.

I keep my mouth shut as he prowls around the bed. He finds the wrist cuff in the nightstand and grabs my arm. He is lightening quick in attaching the cuff to my wrist and then to the rope with a clip that is tied to the headboard. He is like a panther stalking its prey as he slowly moves around the bed. His icy stare always on me.

In no time at all my other hand is cuffed and tied. Victor resumes his slow circuit of the bed stopping at the center of the footboard. I watch him through my splayed knees. Victor bends over and grabs my hips. He drags my body toward him stretching my arms out.

Dropping me back onto the mattress he slowly paces around the bed back to the nightstand from which he retrieves the ball-gag.

“This is going to hurt,” his steely voice echoes in my ears as I lift my head to accept the gag. “I don’t care. I am going to destroy your innocence. I don’t want to hear your little moans and whines. You are mine now and if I want to rip open your pussy, which I do, then I am going to do it.” He finished buckling the strap at the same time his sentence ends.

Again this idea of him owning me is mind-bending. I know that it is going to hurt when he breaks through my virginity but my body responds viscerally to the concept that I am his property. Knowing that he is going to use me for his own desires speaks to me in a way that nothing ever has. I have a base urge, no, need to satisfy him in any way he wants.

I prepare myself. taking deep breaths through my nose. I keep my eyes pinned on him as he slowly mounts the bed and positions himself between my knees. He is still to far away from me to push his cock into me when he pauses. I keep breathing and watching as he lowers he head and drags his tongue through the folds of my pussy.

“Mmmmm, fresh pussy. Your cunt is never going to taste like this again. There is something so unique about unbroken pussy. Too bad this is the last time you will ever test like this.” He plunges down for another lick. I can’t stop my hips from writhing around. I am searching for his tongue. I am trying to get more of his attention centered on the spots of folds that need to licked. I feel him chuckle through the lips of my pussy as I search for just the right touch. He is entertained by my need.

Victor lifts his head and crawls closer to be before lifting his body. The effect is that my knees are instantly draped over his shoulders. His hand take hold of my hips and his fingers dig into my flesh. The stinging sensation just enough to keep my senses keen. Victor flexes his back and his arms so that I am lifted off the bed. My arms instantly ache as my weight is suspended on my shoulders and wrists. All those time sitting at the bar with him and our fries did I suspect that Victor would be this sadistic in bed and not once did it ever occur to me that I may like sadism in a man, but I can’t find anything but pleasure in the pain he causes me. I am ready.

“You are a dirty little whore, aren’t you?” Victor’s question seems rhetorical so I don’t respond. “Only dirty little whores are willing to sell their bodies and that is what you tried to do tonight, isn’t it?” Again, I think he his being rhetorical. “Answer me, bitch or you will stay a virgin. A virgin whore that can’t give away her first time.”

I nod my head vigorously and try to speak an answer. I want to agree. I want to be a whore. A whore for Victor. If he wants a dirty little slut I want that dirty little slut to be me. I hear the sounds coming out of me around the ball-gag, “Hurumph ming lattugh,” I respond desperately hoping he understands the garbled pleas.

“You can be anything you want to the world but you will always know, deep in your heart, that you are a filthy dirty little whore, but you take pride in the fact that you are my dirty little whore.”

I have no idea where this line of bedroom talk is coming from. Frankly, I don’t give a damn. Victor knows me so well. Somehow without any type of discussion he know exactly what I want of him in the bedroom and when we are fucking he pulls out every stop to show me he is perfectly in tune with my inner needs.

Being suspended like this with my legs open I can feel my thighs cooling as my own cum dries on my skin. Everything is so new and exciting I don’t how I am taking it all in. Victor’s naughty words the air on my skin, the ache of my body. My mind is an overload of stimuli.

“Now I get what is mine,” Victor’s steely voice echoes through my ears and I feel him enter me. His cock pierces my virginity and there is pain. A tearing, searing pain that envelops my mind. My head flops back as I try to comprehend what is happening to me. Tears run down my cheeks as my body rocks back and forth. Victor means it when he says he doesn’t care about my pain. I am consumed by this new pain because it is not the kind of pain I had come to enjoy from Victor. This is serious pain that isGone?!?

I was trying to focus on what was happening to me and now it is not there. Just a fading echo of a memory of what might have been pain. How can this happen? What the hell is going on. I am certain that Victor was tearing me in two. That I was experiencing something other than pleasure from this man and then nothing. This man is a fucking GOD!

My knees flex to secure my hold on his shoulders as he rocks back and forth pulling his cock out of me and pushing it back into me. His cock fills me completely. He is touching my inside all at the same time. His skin against mine, building a need inside me that is growing rapidly and I know that I will not deny it when it finally reaches full strength.

“That fucking pussy is so amazing. God you are so fucking tight. I would have paid full price or double for this tiny cunt.”

He is pleased. I am pleasing him!!

One more time my body erupts. It is like my mind shatters and reassembles the little pieces in a flash. The mental show was disorienting of its own right but adding in my physical reaction and i am on a totally different cosmic plain.

Mid-orgasm and Victor pushes me away from him flinging my body onto the bed. My body bounces and i miss him being inside me already. My arms, on the other hand, are grateful for the rest. I don’t have time to recover my bearing before Victor is rolling me over. The slack in the ropes holding my wrists allow the two cords to cross over each other. Still dazed i don’t resist when he grabs my hips and lifts me onto my knees.

Victor’s fingers dig into my hips seeming to find the same place he has been gripping. The outsides of his knees knock against the insides of my knees and my legs spread. My body is still quivering from my floating orgasm when he slams his cock deep into my pussy. His return is wonderful. The empty void that had been left by his exit was nagging to be filled. the notion of not having him in me was threatening to take over the majority of my thoughts, but he is filling me again.

I feel my moan hit the rubber ball in my mouth. it is like the sound is clogging my mouth. Vibration straining to be released like water against a dam.

Victor must be in his own zone because his cock bottoms out hitting the back wall of my pussy just briefly before he is pulling out. When he had been fucking me in mid-aid his strokes had been short and rapid but now he is pulling nearly all twelve inches out slowly before slamming back into me. the lurching of my body is making me dizzy.

“You are almost fully a woman,” he growls as I feel him pause long enough to gather a handful of my hair. He is not clutching near the scalp this time. Instead he has found the ends and I feel his hand twist getting a solid hold of me.

I try to yell in pure pleasure again when he yanks back on my hair and his cock plunges into me once again. But the sound stalls against the gag.

Victor picks up the pace. Still pulling the majority of his length out of me and then cramming it back into but there is no slow retreat. He is pulling back as fast as he is pushing forward.

The sounds trying to leave my blocked mouth are piling up behind the ball-gag as each of his thrusts cause me to gasp, scream or moan. This feels so fucking amazing. One part of me is wondering why I waited so long to be fucked like this and another part of me is arguing that if I had waited I would not have experiences something so amazing.

Victor is not letting up, in fact, his pace and fierceness is increasing. His grunts are primal and quick. I know he is getting close.

My mind takes a quick self-inventory and I realize that I am also getting close. I wish I had kept count but when you are experiencing this kind of joy mental activities like counting or remembering your own name are extremely difficult.

I am just a second behind Victor. I feel the shaft of his cock pulse and I realize that he is cuming. He is filling me with his seed and my body responds with yet another orgasm. My elbows lock as I push hard against him. Victor is holding my body pinned to his as he unloads. My head flops back and I try to unleash a scream just as Victor yells. his cock pulses again. My back bows and my head tilts back. Another pulse. Victor releases my hair and grabs my other hip. One more pulse. I feel the semen travel through his shaft and then I feel full.

Victor shoves me forward and I collapse in a heap on the bed. I feel his weight hit the mattress.

My eyes flutter shut and blissful oblivion falls over me like a warm blanket.




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