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Until We Fall (Trust Duet Book 2) by Edyn Michaels (16)

Chapter Sixteen


“Wow, fancy meeting you here.”

I felt a slight twinge in what I assumed was my stomach when I heard her throaty voice behind me. I knew it wasn’t my heart, because I’d somehow managed to avoid being given one of those. So, it could only be nausea.

I turned around to see her standing closer than I would have expected, arms crossed and leveling a look at me that would have dropped a weaker man to his knees.

But the closer I looked into her mossy eyes, the more I realized that there was a ring of humor that somehow made itself visible, intertwined with mirth and loathing. Fuck my dick, I wanted to possess her.


I used the lower growl that seemed to make all undergarments vanish in thin air. Not to act like a conceited ass or anything, but I had some shit that worked wonders with women.

She raised an eyebrow at me as I took a few slow steps towards her. She was somewhat backed into a corner, which I liked, because it gave her less options for running away.

Let me back up a few seconds, because I totally get how that could sound a little too intense. I would never force a woman. The thought of doing so made my dick limp, and I don’t particularly enjoy having a limp dick. Truth be told, I prefer to walk around with a semi, let them get an idea of the merchandise before they decide to ‘buy’. But, I have a dominant personality, and chicks seem to dig that shit. So, I use it to my benefit. Corner them, not so much that they can’t escape, but to give the impression of it being harder to. Fuck, that usually has their damn panties soaked in seconds.


She crossed her eyes and raised an eyebrow at me, not stepping backwards as I approached her. Instead, she stood her ground with a ‘who the fuck do you think you are’ look on her face.

Strategy one was clearly a fail. I was never one to back down from a challenge, so I stopped my forward movement and just slipped my hands in my back pocket and gave her a very well-practiced half smirk.

“What time does your shift end, Jennifer?”

“Seven thirty.”

I was half surprised that she answered, given the way things had been going. I wasn’t going to say my confidence had taken a hit or anything, but damn.

“Great. See you then.”

I turned to walk away, laughing at the sound of her sputtering behind me.

“I didn’t say I’d do anything with you.”

Her claim sounded weak, even to her ears. You could tell by the facial expression she wore briefly.

“You may not have said you would, but your eyes did. You are trying to act like you would cut me down in a heartbeat, but the truth is you want to see if I can make you forget your name. You want to see if you will actually be able to stop breathing from the intensity of the orgasms I will give you. Yes, orgasms, as in more than one. I bet it’s been a long time since a man was strong enough to give you what you need, and I’m fucking determined to be that guy.”

I heard the sharp intake of air that let me know I’d hit my mark. Looking in her eyes, the storm that swirled in the green sea was made up of desire, anger, hate and lust. She looked like she wanted to scratch my eyes out, but at the same time ride me so hard I might need to be admitted to the emergency room afterwards because she broke my shit.

“Are you going to deny it, Princess?”

With lightning speed, she was on me, her hand fisted in my shirt as she pulled me down to her height. The element of surprise was in her favor, because she was able to pull me with little effort.

She just glared at me, a breath away from my lips. I wanted to capture her, to claim her as mine, even if only for a few moments.

“Call me your fucking princess one more time, asshole, and you’ll be mourning the loss of your left nut.”

Rather than push me away, as I expected and deserved, she roughly grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me forward for a punishing kiss. My mouth opened, slightly in shock, and her tongue swept in, as if she had planned an attack and was carrying out an invasion.

No woman had ever taken from me. They had always received, and eagerly so. Never had anyone laid their claim and just taken what they wanted.

Holy hell, I wanted to fuck her so hard that it would leave bruises that would remind her who was the man in this relationship.

Just as quickly as it started, her ‘punishment’ ended, and she shoved me away with force that was unexpected. Damn, this bitch had some strength. My balls clenched thinking of ways that I could use that strength. I’d always gone for the softer chicks, but it seemed I had developed a taste from some backbone.

She walked away, leaving me standing there. A position I’d left countless women in for years. It was as if she had somehow grabbed hold of my playbook, because this was my record she was spinning.

She looked over her shoulder and damn near sneered at me.

“Twenty-One Bay Ave, Hyde Park. Pick me up at eight thirty tonight.”

She disappeared back into the building, and I stood there shaking my head at the fact that I had been told where and when.

Never before had this happened to me, having a chick call the shots.

Never before had I been left without having the last word.

Never before had my cock been so hard.

* * *

At eight thirty-five, I pulled up to the most run-down building in the worst part of town. I double checked the number and sure enough, it was number twenty-one. I won’t lie, I’d inwardly cringed when she told me she lived in Hyde Park. I mean, I was sure that there were probably some nice parts of town, but it didn’t exactly have the best reputation as the safest place to live in Boston.

When I looked at the building where she lived, I was surprised that it hadn’t fallen down in the last rainstorm we had. The concrete foundation was visibly crumbled in several places, and I could see the wood rot in the siding of the building. I could only imagine that there was probably black mold scattered throughout, and my heart sank thinking that not only did the latest object of my lust live here, but also countless children, if the number of toys scattered on the walkway and front lawn area were any indication.


It was like staring my childhood in the face and wanting to run the hell away.

I walked up and found Jennifer’s name on the intercom pad. Not exactly great as far as safety is concerned, when the first and last names are clearly listed. Then again, this isn’t exactly the part of town you would come to in order to mug someone. That’s what Beacon Hill was for.

I jammed my finger on the button, probably holding it down longer than was necessary, but I’d lived in a place like this more than once in my life. There was a good chance the system didn’t work that great.

The intercom crackled to life, barely, and although I wasn’t sure what was said, I had been to this rodeo enough to know the plan. Stand. Wait. She’d come to me.

So, I stood.

And waited.

I should have checked my watch, because in hind sight I would love to know how long she’d made me wait out there.

If you want to experience a melting pot of society, don’t stand on its most affluent streets. Find an area that could legitimately be considered the ‘hood’. Fortunately, I could be intimidating if I wanted to be, so no one fucked with me. I hadn’t brought any weapons with me, so it wasn’t like I could exactly defend myself except in a fist fight. I knew full well and good that around here, a fist fight wasn’t exactly fought with gentleman’s terms. No, they were fought to be won, even if that meant pulling out a switchblade and doing some permanent damage.

It was better that I just stand here and look like a mother fucker you didn’t want to mess with.

I realized that this was some sort of a test or power struggle with Jennifer. I wasn’t sure she was worth it, but I’d already put in too much time and effort with her to walk away now. I was going to feel her walls milk me dry as she clawed my back if it killed me.

She finally emerged, and I damn near groaned at the sight of her.

Her legs were thin, but extremely toned, and she was showing them off in a pair of cut-off jeans that were so short the pockets stuck out past the bottom. The hint of ass was teasing me, and I wanted nothing more than to reach under and see if she had anything on under those shorts.

She jutted one hip out, looking bored while I completed my slow appraisal of her. I didn’t give a fuck that I’d been caught ogling her. She knew that wearing a pair of shorts like that would be like waiving a red flag in front of this bull, so I was going to give her exactly what she expected.

“Like what you see?”

“Fucking love it.”

I growled out the words, unable to stop the desire from thickening my voice. She rolled her eyes, but I caught the hint of smile before she turned her eyes towards my Harley.

“Nice. Where’s my helmet?”

I was slightly surprised that there was no hesitation, but I wasn’t shocked. She looked like someone who knew how to handle some serious power between her thighs.

My eyes did widen when I saw her take the driver position on the bike.


Her little hand was out, palm up, waiting.

“The fuck? No one drives my bike, and I sure as hell never ride bitch.”

She shrugged her shoulders, dismounted, and started to walk back to the entrance of the apartments.

“Where the hell are you going?”

“You don’t ride bitch on that, you won’t be riding this bitch. Fair trade.”

She cocked her head, staring me down, daring me to say no.

Jesus, this was more effort than I’ve had to put into getting laid since I was thirteen. And that time it was only hard because it was my best friend’s mom. I wore her ass down, but never since then have I had to work for it. I could easily wave goodbye, hop on my Harley and go to the closest bar and find someone to empty my nuts into.

But I wanted this one. I wanted her.

“Fuck. Fine. Here.”

I hurled the keys at her, and her hand shot up instantly, grabbing them from the air with ease.

She grinned at me, the first time I’d ever seen an honest and open smile on her face and my heart nearly stopped. I was briefly transported mentally to a warm summer day and my beautiful Aly looking at me with that same look, her long blonde hair blowing gently. I shook that unwanted memory away, and was brought back to the present.

A goddess with spiky purple hair and an obsession with ink was ready for me. I slipped behind her on my bike, and purposefully ground my rock-hard erection into her back. If I was going to be uncomfortable as hell riding behind her, I would brand her backside with my cock. I wished I could see her facial expression, but based on the way her body stiffened I imagined she was wearing that damned annoyed facial expression. Either that, or she was pissed at herself for her reaction to me.

I smirked behind her, an idea forming in the back of my mind which was probably stupid as hell, but might be worth the possible wreck that could happen as a result. Princess wanted to drive, she’d better hold on for dear life, because this was going to be one hell of a ride.

She expertly pulled smoothly away from the curb, and my hands found their way around her tight waist automatically, although I didn’t need to hold on for dear life as I was afraid I would have to. Rather, she rode evenly, not taking the turns like a maniac. She moved with the bike as if she was a natural extension of the saddle.

I splayed my hands out across her abdomen, enjoying the fact that my hands almost touched each other. I could feel the definition of her ab muscles as they flexed under my fingertips. I wasn’t sure if she was aware that she was flinching under my touch, but the quiver of her muscles had me diving a little lower.

The roar of the engine and sound of the wind whipping past my helmet wiped out the ability for me to gage her reaction. If she laid the bike down, I figured that would be a pretty resolute ‘no’.

When we got to a stretch of a flat road, I leaned forward a little, so I could reach around the edge of her shorts, teasing the skin just underneath on the top of her legs. She stiffened so much that if we were to take a turn right this moment we would absolutely wipe out.

“Relax, Princess.”

I whispered the words, knowing that she couldn’t hear me. Fuck, if she’d heard me, the last thing she would do is relax, considering the term of endearment that was used. She must have lost whatever battle was waging inside of her because she slowly relaxed back into me, and her legs opened just slightly, allowing me easier access.

I ran my fingers towards her center, and slipped my fingers beneath the material between her legs. I was thrilled to find out that she was completely bare. Nothing but smooth skin and softness to the touch. No hair was guarding the entrance to her Heaven. I looked up quickly, to make sure we weren’t in an area that was going to require much maneuvering, and grinned when I saw we still had a bit of straight road.

I teased the sensitive skin of her lips for just a moment before plunging my index and middle fingers into her wet warmth.

She was unable to hide her reaction from me, tipping her head back and moaning so deeply in the back of her throat that I could feel the vibration on my dick through her body. Dear fucking lord, that sound should be outlawed as indecent.

I pushed my fingers in as deeply as I was able to, given the position we were in, and pulled out slowly before reentering her. I couldn’t help but wish it was my painfully hard dick pressing into her, feeling her clenching around me as she fought off her orgasm.

I couldn’t help but wonder when the last time was she had been touched. She was damn near coming undone in my hands. Then again, she had the vibration of the bike and my fingers adding dual stimulation.

I changed my fingers’ position, and gently rubbed her clit, and was rewarded with a yelp of surprise. I could feel that she was trying to press into my hand, trying to increase the pressure there to find her release faster.

I stopped, not giving her what she wanted, and I swore I heard her growl. She knew this game. She had started this game, this odd little power struggle between the two of us. I knew she wouldn’t beg. She wasn’t the begging type and I couldn’t help but be the one who made her lose her mind.

She moved her hips slightly, silently asking me for more. She pressed them forward against my fingers that still rested at her entrance.

I waited just a heartbeat longer before pumping my fingers in and out of her in as frantic a pace as I could manage sitting behind her on a motorcycle. I mean, I wanted to make her cum, but I didn’t exactly want to die in the process. I needed to come, too, and bad. The slight rub of the zipper of my fly wasn’t exactly helping matters, I was about to blow my load like a twelve-year-old rubbing one of to the bra section of the department store catalogue.

She was rocking her hips slightly against my hand, keeping control somehow while grinding towards her release. Suddenly, her cunt started spasming against my fingers, and her entire body went stiff. She almost hit my head with how quickly her head snapped back as she screamed her release.

Jesus Christ, the sound of that woman having an orgasm was so fucking erotic, that I damn near nutted on the bike. I needed to get inside of her as quickly as possible.

I tapped on her shoulder and indicated that she should pull over. She did, and hopped off the bike almost immediately, pacing the length of sidewalk alongside the bike.

“What the fuck, Jamison? I could have wrecked us with that irresponsible little stunt you just pulled. Were you trying to get us killed?”

I scooped her in my arm and pulled her hard against my body, ensure that her still sensitive clit hit my erection that was straining against my jeans so hard I was amazed that the zipper hadn’t been split in two from the pressure.

I seized her mouth, tangling my tongue with hers, and biting on her lower lip with a little bit of pressure as I pulled back.

“But you didn’t. You came hard on my fingers, and now I’m getting you to my place so that we can finish what we’ve started. Although I’m not sure how long I’m going to be able to last with the first round, you’ve been a walking wet dream since the first time I laid eyes on you, so I’m going to have to go for hard, fast and rough the first time. Hop on.”

I got into the drivers position on the still running bike, groaning with the vibration of the engine on my balls. Fuck, if I wasn’t careful, that first time was going to end up in my jeans. She slid behind me and rested her hands on my waist. I laid my right arm across my mid-section to hold her in place so that she didn’t get any ideas of reciprocation. We were only about five minutes to my place, so I only had to put up with this torture for a short time more.

When we parked in front of my building, I grabbed her hand, entwining our fingers without thinking about it. I never held hands, that was what people did when they were in ridiculous relationships, and I was not a relationship type of person. But with her, it was second nature.

I just needed to drag her upstairs as fast as possible so that I could satisfy the throb between my legs. Yes, that was the only reason I was holding her hand like a teenager who was hoping to cop a feel at the movie theater. At this point, I would have happily thrown her ass over my shoulder and taken the stairs two at a time to avoid having to wait for the elevator that would bring me to my apartment.

I locked the door behind me, and pulled her in for a searing kiss. I shocked myself with the amount of passion and need I felt expressed in just that kiss. What the hell was going on with me?

I pulled back and quickly tried to bring myself right for a few seconds before I lost course.

“Listen, Jennifer, I need to make sure we are on the same page here. I don’t want you to get any ideas of bringing me home to meet your parents, long walks on the beach or picking out fucking china patterns together. I’m not someone you should think will be anything more than a few good times before we move on. Don’t get attached, because I’m not worth it.”

She raised an eyebrow at me, as if amused by my words.

“Are you done? Can we get back to business now? I mean, that was lovely, truly, but I don’t want to hear the same practiced bullshit that you spew off to every chick you bring back here to play with. I’m a big girl, and I will take what I want and let you know when I don’t want it anymore.”

With that she pulled me down for another bruising kiss, all while unbuttoning the top button on my jeans and easing the zipper down my engorged cock.

I hissed as she slowly released my dick from its cage, the blood surging until it was straight at attention, practically glowing in its readiness to complete its mission.

She licked her lips hungrily while staring at it, and I was wondering for a moment if she would get on her knees and take me between her swollen lips. She reached down and gently cupped my balls, giving a gentle squeeze as if she was trying to get my attention.

I adjusted my stance so that my legs were slightly spread, giving her easier access to lower her sweet lips on the head of my cock.

She just smiled at me and pulled off her top and shimmied out of those damned cut off shorts.

I couldn’t breathe.

No air.

The intricate artwork that surrounded her body accentuated her curves and muscular form, blending together until canvas and art were one. Her tits were on the small side, but they were perfection on her frame. Her naked pussy cried to me, the dampness on her lips the only remaining evidence of what happened on the bike on the ride over here.

She lifted up onto my counter, and spread her legs, serving herself to me on my breakfast bar.

I stood between her legs, laying my hardness against her opening, however, not pressing in because I still had to pull on a damned condom. Wasn’t making that mistake again.

She shook her head ‘no’ and placed one of her small hands on top of my head and pressed downward, indicating that she wanted me to go face first.

“Sorry, babe, I don’t do that. I can make you sing in other ways, but there’s only one chick I ever tasted, and hers is the only flavor that I’ll have on my lips.”

She looked a little shocked, and maybe slightly hurt, until a look of awareness came on her face.

“Oh, so she’s the one who made you an alpha asshole?”

“Excuse me?”

“The lame-ass one-night stand speech? The ‘don’t get attached’ bullshit? That’s all because someone broke your heart? You struck me as tougher than that.”

“First thing, you have to have a heart in order to have it broken. Second, quit with the psycho bullshit. Do you want to feel me inside your tight pussy? Less psychologist.”

“If you want to feel my tight pussy milking all that hot as fuck cum out of your tight balls, then you’d better hit your knees and get working on orgasm number two.”

My jaw opened.

She had just ordered me to suck her clit.

She had put her hand on the top of my head and pressed me downward again, a move that men had been using for centuries to navigate their woman to the right spot. I felt like I had lost control over a situation that I’d always orchestrated in the past.

I looked at her, splayed out, a finger lazily drawing circles around the red bud that peeked out at me, beckoning me to come in for a taste. I don’t know how I got over there, but apparently my legs had a mind of their own, because the next then I knew, I had replaced that infernal teasing finger with my mouth, sucking deeply on her clit, causing her hips to come off the cool granite of my counter.

I nipped her sensitive skin, knowing that while I was causing pain, the pleasure that followed would be worth it. I reached around, one hand on each hip and pulled her sharply forward, then slid my tongue deep into her while my nose pressed firmly into her clit. The aroma of her sweet musk had me reaching for my hardness, absently stroking myself up and down while I continued my assault on the tender flesh between her legs.

She made an odd mewling noise as she gyrated her hips against my lips, her hand firmly locked on the back of my head, ensuring that I didn’t stop for a second. She went still before my mouth was filled with her sweet cum. I easily cleaned her with my tongue, completely surprised with how much I enjoyed the taste of her in my mouth.

She leaned forward, smiled at me, and then claimed my mouth. She licked my lips clean, removing all traces of her release from me, and then sat back, licking her lips with satisfaction.


I stepped between her legs on the counter, and pulled her forward, forcing her to wrap her legs around me to keep from falling when I started walking her back to my bedroom. Another ‘never’ in my life. I never brought women to my bedroom. I always took them against surfaces in my living room, never let them in all the way so that they got to my private areas of the house.

I just found myself walking that direction with this goth pixie wrapped around me and didn’t think twice about it.

Besides, that’s where the case of condoms was kept.