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Seal's Professor: A Military Roommate Romance by Piper Sullivan (14)


1 year later

“You need to do it harder,” Laney grunted at me, her face slicked with sweat with small strands of hair stuck to her chest and neck.

“Babe if I do it any harder you’re gonna end up hurt.”

She glared at me but I saw the way her lips twitched. “You said it like that on purpose,” she accused with a glint in her eyes.

“Said what?” I gave her my best innocent look and she burst out laughing, swiping a forearm across her face.

She pitched her voice lower and said, “If I do it any harder you’re gonna end up hurt.” Posture straight, she arched a brow at me. “Fine I’ll clarify, you need to pound it harder so that it will go deeper.”

Shit, I had to use some effort swallow around her husky words, adjust my cock in my pants since we weren’t in the position to do anything about it.

“Hey woman, there are children around,” I nodded to where a group of young boys kicked around a soccer ball.

She snorted. “They are at least fifty feet from us.”

“Still, Dr. Watson we can’t have you corrupting young minds, can we superstar?” She rolled her eyes again at the reference, hating to be reminded that she was a national heroine. Famous and influential in her own right, becoming an advocate for more girls and women in science. “Are you sure you’re ready to head home?”

“I am,” she nodded, looking around wistfully at the rustic cabin we’d called home for the past six months. We spent the time working on a cheaper, more effective water filtration system in parts of South America, getting deep into the rural areas to help the locals while testing out the equipment. “The results are better than predicted and I am more than ready to complete our research.”

That’s right, she said our research. She’d convinced Commander Mahoney that my role should be as Department of Defense liaison to Elemental Labs, her new research company. “And what do you plan to do with it?”

“I would like to donate one hundred thousand units to places that they are most needed in the world before I make a decision.” Because only when she was sure her invention had met the need that inspired it, would she even consider selling it. “Maybe two hundred.”

“You sure you don’t want to keep this one?”

“I am sure. I think. I’ll let you know.” She looked down and scribbled more notes before tucking her notebook away. “We did good work here Bennett, don’t you think?”

“Yeah, but I also can’t wait to get home. Sleep in our bed. Make love to you in our bed.”

Her skin flushed pink because no matter how passionate and adventuresome we got in the bedroom, Laney could not talk about it without blushing.

“That does sound nice.” With her face turned toward the sky she looked so beautiful. So content. “We have dinner tonight with everyone. I told Modie they didn’t have to do this but she insisted. Stubborn woman.”

“They love you Laney. You gave them a way to maintain their way of life without dying, that’s a pretty big gift.” My woman was amazing. She had a big heart, she was kind and generous and she didn’t even realize how special those things were about her.

“Well they’ve been cooking all day and those smells are delicious, so of course we’re going. I just meant they didn’t need to feel obligated to go through such a hassle for us.”

It was all for her but she felt better including me. My engineering skills helped build the pump, but this was all Laney and I didn’t mind. Her brilliance astounds me, awes me and I’m proud to say she’s mine.

“A big party is the perfect way to say goodbye to this place.”

“Yes. It’s time.”

I couldn’t agree more. We were headed back to Virginia but I had an important stop to make first.




“Why are we stopping over in Paris when we could have gotten a direct flight?” She’d asked the question at least ten times from the time the plane landed until we got to our hotel.

“Because we’ve worked hard for the past six months with the barest of necessities and I wanted to give you a weekend in Paris before we went home. Is that okay with you?”

She froze, eyebrows crinkled adorably in confusion. “Of course it’s all right, I just didn’t know.”

I couldn’t help but chuckle at my little genius. Even though she’d worked hard to talk like a regular person, sometimes sarcasm flew by her. “That’s why it’s called a surprise, sweetheart.”

“Okay. How long will we be here, or is that a surprise as well?”

“We can stay as long as you want, but I’ve booked us for a midnight flight Sunday. We have a three hour appointment tomorrow and after that we can do whatever you want.”

She flashed a grin. “I accept that. Now how about a shower and a nap?” She yawned the question, exhausted from the long drive to the airport in South America, the lengthy flight to Paris and the monstrous traffic we’d been stuck in until she forced us to abandon the cab in favor of the train.

“That’s sounds like just what we both need.”

“Mostly,” she agreed with a coy smile. “Maybe we need a little more than that, to aid with sleeping.”

“Of course,” I agreed and kissed her long and hard. In fact, I didn’t stop kissing her until we were showered, sated and half asleep.

We woke up early the following morning and walked around the city before we stopped at a small Parisian street where we ate crusty bread, pate, eggs and fruit.

“So where are we going today for my surprise?”

“You are aware the nature of a surprise is that you don’t know what it is ahead of time?” Her gaze narrowed in my direction but I wasn’t at all concerned. The woman hated surprises and it was my absolutely favorite thing in the world to do for her. She hated them up until the very moment it happened and her face in that moment, the most stunning view I’ve ever seen.

So we finished breakfast and took a boat ride on the Seine watching as the city came alive in front of us. “There are many sights I would enjoy taking a closer look at in this city. Some of the architecture is stunning.”

“We have the time to see whatever you like.”

“I know but I really am eager to finish writing up our findings,” she rubbed her hands together with a wide smile. “Let’s see how we feel on Sunday, after my surprise.”

We were on our way to the surprise right now, only she didn’t know it. Not yet, anyway. “What’s the number one thing you want to see in Paris?”

“Obviously the Eiffel Tower because it is-,”

“Pure mechanical and engineering magnificence?” I asked, repeating her favorite words when it came to the tower.

Laney paused mid-smile and smiled even broader, “Yes.”

“But also the catacombs, I can’t imagine the horror imagery it induces to be in a small enclosed space with thousands of skulls and skeletal remains.”

“Wow babe, that just took a really dark turn.” I wrapped my hand around hers as we strolled through the grassy patch leading to the Eiffel Tower.

“Well I didn’t put them down there!” She stopped and looked up. “Your appointment is at the Eiffel Tower? With whom?”

“With you. I planned a private tour for us.”

With a smile she pulled me along until we stood outside the small room of elevators. “Well come on!”

She practically vibrated with energy, bouncing from one foot to the other in front of the elevators while we waited for our tour guide. I couldn’t help but laugh at her childish excitement. When the guide finally showed up Laney hardly heard a word the woman said because she was so busy looking through the glass walls at the inner workings of the masterpiece.

“Is there a way to pause it so we can see the machines working?”

“No Mademoiselle, there isn’t.”

“Oh well. That would have been amazing if it were possible.” She flashed a grin and the guide relaxed, probably prepared for her to make a scene. That’s not how Laney rolled. She was easygoing about all things but her work. “This thing is even more magnificent up close,” she said when we reached the top to look out over the city as the sun began to set.

“I definitely get what the big deal is,” I told her as I wrapped my arms around her waist and rested my chin on her shoulder. “This feels magical, being here with you.”

“It feels perfect to me. I love you, Sailor.”

“I love you too. And I think we should have champagne to toast our accomplishments.” I bought two overpriced glasses and held one out to her. “To clean water, beautiful scientists and the men who love them.”

“I’ll drink to that.” She tapped her glass to mine and we tipped our glasses back, drinking down the cool bubbles. “This was great! I guess that means we can see the catacombs tomorrow?”

“Sure but first there’s something I wanted to talk to you about.”

“Sounds serious.”

Hell yeah it was serious. The most serious thing I’d ever done. Ever considered. “In a way, it is. You know how much I love you Laney and how much this last year with you has meant to me.”

“Of course, and I feel the same way,” she smiled, but it wobbled at the uncertainty of what I had to say.

I couldn’t worry about that because she would see how unnecessary her concern was in a moment. “Good. Because I want you to be my wife. I want to marry you and make babies and spend the rest of our lives making this world a better place for them.”

“I want that too. More than anything.”

“Dr. Delaney Watson, beautiful genius inventor extraordinaire, will you marry me?”

“Of course, Sailor. I’ll marry you anytime, anyplace.”

I slid the emerald engagement ring on her finger, knowing she would refuse a diamond unless I could trace the mine it came from as well as the miner who pulled it from the earth. “I can wait until we get back home to make you my wife.”

“I’m already yours in every way that counts.” She smiled gently and pulled me closer to wrap her arms around my neck. Her lips slanted over mine and we kissed at the top of the Eiffel Tower for what felt like days, before she pulled back with a devilish grin. “Promise me one thing?”

“Name it.” Because I would do anything for this woman, just as she’d proven time and again she would do for me.

“Let’s get married before the baby gets here.”

The baby. Our baby. “The baby?”

“The baby.”

Now life was perfect.


The End.

Dear Reader, hope you enjoyed Laney & Bennett’s story. If you’d like another sexy glimpse into their world, I’ve included an extra Bonus Scene which didn’t make it into the final cut at the end of this book. This scene takes place outdoors ;P. This scene doesn't add anymore to the development of the story's arc, but it's certainly steamy!

Feel free to use the Table of Contents to help you find it.


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