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Troublemaker by Bladon, Deborah (20)





Being back in this house is a mind fuck. Seeing Adley in the foyer brought up a clusterfuck of emotions. My memories of this place aren't bad. They're not especially good either. Neutral is how I'd call it.

I splashed in the ocean with my siblings when I was a kid. My mom taught me how to drive a boat when I was fourteen. I hosted a party or two out here when I was in college but none of that has ever stay seared into my memory like the vision of Ad in her pure white dress with the ocean as a backdrop will.

If I could have stopped time for a beat, I would have just to take that in.

"What did Bill say that you're supposed to remember?" I ask as I pick up her bags.

She shoulders her large white purse. "He said to use my time here wisely."

She will. I'll make certain of that. "Time stands still out here. Before you know it, we'll be back on the road on Monday."

"You're going somewhere on Tuesday?" She looks down at the dark hardwood floor. "Is it back to Vegas?"

If Lucia had her way it would be. She wants an in person meeting now that she's pushing for full control of Veil West after my rebuff. I didn't peg her for a woman who would want to avenge a missed fuck, but her actions say otherwise. If the price is right, I'll take her offer, but until now, she's tossing crumbs my way and I'm not biting.

"Boston," I respond quickly to ease her mind. "We've been scouting for a new Matiz location there. I have a tip on what might be a suitable space, so I'm heading there for a few hours to check it out."
For someone who regrets kissing me the other night, she's visibly relieved by my answer.

"Come with me." I inch a shoulder forward. "I'll show you to your sleeping quarters."

A laugh bubbles out of her at my lame attempt to do an English accent. "It's just a bedroom, right?"

She has no idea. "This way, Ad. Come see for yourself."



I left Adley in the master suite alone after I gave her the grand tour. The space is larger than her entire apartment. That was my mom's doing. She decided to have the house transformed from a six bedroom to a five to afford her more closet space and a bathroom that is ten times as big as it needs to be.

The only reason I readied that room for Adley is because it offers the best views of the ocean. I know she's never seen it in person. Ellie told me when I stopped by her place to drop off the bag of pretzels for Jonas.

I could see all the questions dancing in Ellie's eyes, but she didn't ask any. Instead, she said she was glad I was taking Adley out of the city for a few days. She sees the same cloud hanging over Ad that I have. Something has been brewing inside of her. Part of that may be attributed to what happened between us at my apartment, but she's been carrying a burden for a long time. I'm hopeful that this weekend, she'll open up and share.

"Are there any other people here?" Adley's voice catches me by surprise. I've been standing in the main room looking out the window as day's light gives way to darkness.

I turn to look at her. She's showered and changed her clothes. The long black halter dress she has on suits her as does the style of her hair. Loose waves surround her face. "The caretaker was here when you arrived. I called him earlier this week to open the house back up."

Everything had been covered with heavy drop cloths until two days ago. When I got here this morning, there was still a lot to be done. Duncan, the caretaker, did his fair share but I took on the tasks of going to the market to get food, flowers and several bottles of red wine.

"The door was unlocked when we got here, so I was wondering if you were here alone." She looks me over. "I don't have to tell you how beautiful this house is."

It's a house. Beauty is subjective when your family has enough money to buy anything. I've never been impressed with my parents' wealth. I didn’t understand when I was a kid that summers in a place like this weren't commonplace. I began to see the difference when I finally left private school when I was fifteen-years-old to go to public school.

That was a hard fought battle with my folks but I came out the victor. I'm glad. If not for that, I never would have met Nolan or Adley, for that matter.

"I'm glad you agreed to come, Ad." I rake a hand through my hair. "I want you to make yourself at home. In the morning I'll show you the private boardwalk to the beach."

Her gaze darts to the descending darkness outside. "I'm looking forward to putting my feet in the ocean."

I want to push her to talk about what's going on between us, but I won't. I know she'll pitch the idea that we stay just friends but that's a road I can't go back down after tasting her lips and touching her skin. I'm fucking starving for more. She has to know that, even if she won't acknowledge it.

"Are you hungry?" I ask as I stare at her profile. "I can make us something to eat."

She smiles wryly when she turns back to me. "I'm famished. What's for dinner?"