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Accidentally Yours: A MC Novel (Vicious Snakes MC Book 1) by Mallory Funk (12)

Chapter Fourteen



One month later

I’m thirty-five weeks pregnant, and I feel like I am the size of a whale. It has been a crazy few months to say the least, but this last month has been brutal. I didn’t know how bored I would get in the clubhouse. I lost count of how many books I have read. I’m pretty sure I’m at the point where I read a book a day.  The more I read, the more I seem to buy. I have so many books unread in my library, yet I don’t feel like reading any of them. I am officially in a book funk. I don’t know what I feel like reading: drama, funny, sweet, or dark.

I wish I could get out of this clubhouse and do something, but with only five more weeks to my due date, it’s closer to the time that Demon said he was coming for me. I don’t know if he plans to try right after the baby is born, or wait for us to get comfortable with our new life so that we are caught off guard. I try not think about it too much, but it’s hard when all we really do is hang out in the common area and talk to everyone else that is in here. I am glad that sexual activities have been banned from the common area until further notice. I think that’s mostly because of the old ladies and kids in the clubhouse. You wouldn’t want one of them to walk in on something like that.

I have gotten to the point that I wish the end of the pregnancy would come. Not because I’m in a hurry to get kidnapped, or have any danger come my way, but because I’m so fucking uncomfortable that I cannot relax properly. It has made me irritable to the point where I have snapped at the brothers, Damien, and my dad on separate occasions. When I watch their eyes go wide in shock, it makes me want to snap at them again. I am a grown woman and I’m able to yell and swear at anyone I choose. Maybe they should stop telling me when I should eat, or sleep, or do anything on my own. I swear that I hear more walking in the main hallway when I’m in the bathroom than there usually is. It’s like they think that I’m going to fall off the toilet. If anything, I’m more than likely going to get stuck because it is honestly getting harder and harder to get up off the stupid thing.

The only time I have left the clubhouse was to go to doctor’s appointments, and then I usually have four brothers come with me, including Damien. I would like to say that they are just being over protective, but I know deep down that they aren’t.

As far as I know, there aren’t any more attacks, but I don’t think they would tell me if there were.

I’ve also spent more time kissing Damien. That’s all we have done, and I’m okay with that. I don’t exactly feel sexy having my belly the size of a huge beach ball. Usually, we are both lying on our sides kissing. Oh, but I still feel the passion and heat behind those kisses. I can always tell how much Damien wants me when he kisses me. Also by the way he looks at me, I feel like I’m the most beautiful woman in the world, like he only has eyes for me.

We have spent lots of days and nights in his bed watching movies, or I will read while he watches a movie. When he’s not doing club business, he is with me.

Stacey also has been arguing non-stop with Torch. I can tell that they both have the hots for each other. There is no shortage of sexual tension when those two are in a room together. Although she has told me that he holds her down while they sleep so that she doesn’t beat the shit out of him in her sleep, the blush on her cheeks tells me that she doesn’t mind at all. I then told her not to tell me anything else because he’s my brother.

Today we are going to see the doctor for another ultrasound. It’s our last one to see how the baby is growing. I honestly feel like the baby is twenty pounds, but that’s just my opinion.

Everyone is in church, and I’m waiting in the common room for it to be over so that I can get this appointment over with. I really just want to go to bed. I’m already tired since I get up five times a night to pee. Thank god Damien has a bathroom in his room so that I just have to roll out of bed every time that I have to go. Yes, I said “roll” because I’m getting very good at that these days.

Damien tries to get me to relax by rubbing my feet almost every night, but that usually only works until our son sits on my bladder, and I have to run to the bathroom.

We also spend nights arguing over baby names. That doesn’t stop anyone from giving suggestions since it’s the Prez’s first grandchild. I don’t know why we can’t agree on a name, but we better figure it out soon or he’s going to be born without a name.

I am sitting on the couch bullshitting with Stacey when the men all come from their meeting. They all are wearing frowns until they see us, so I know that they don’t want to worry us. Damien comes over to me as soon as he sees me, and a smile comes over his face.

“You ready, baby?” he asks me softly.

“I have been ready for an hour. Any longer, and I would need a nap. I’m exhausted,” I tell him honestly.

“Well, once we are done you can come back and have a nap, okay?” he asks me as he puts a hand out to help me up. I glare at him ignoring his hand, and try to get up off the couch. After three tries, I know that everyone around me is trying to hold in their laughter, but I focus on Damien.

“Not one word,” I grumble, and take Damien’s hand when he offers it to me again. I can see the laughter in his eyes that he’s desperately trying to hold in, but I can’t focus on that right now or I might just kick him in the balls. I know that they are part of the reason I am in this mess even though it wasn’t Damien’s fault, and I did literally pay for this. I will still find a way to blame him for this when the baby comes, I just know it. I just need to think of some way that I can pin this all on him.

Damien helps me up, and Torch, Steal, and Bear follow us outside. I can hear them chuckling, but I’m going to let it slide this time.

I grumble about them being assholes the whole way to my SUV. Damien had it brought over so that we could have something to drive me around in. He said if we need another vehicle, we will buy one, but he thinks that my SUV and his bike are fine for right now, and I’m not going to argue with him.

Bear and Torch stay outside in the parking lot, while Steal, Damien, and I head inside the clinic for the ultrasound. Steal is going to stay in the waiting room until we are done.

We sit for half an hour in the waiting room before my name is called. I can feel the excitement coming off of Damien. I know that he loved seeing the baby last time we came, but he doesn’t seem nervous this time.

This time doesn’t take as long, and the technician quickly finishes what she has to do and the pictures she has to take before she shows us the baby. He seems to be moving around a lot, and it brings a smile to my face when I see him on the screen.

The technician points to the screen saying, “here is your boy. He is growing at a healthy rate. Five more weeks and you will be parents.” The technician then smiles at us. I smile back, and look at Damien. He has a huge smile on his face. You can see the look of a proud and anxious father in his eyes. I know that he didn’t expect to be a father when he got the phone call about me, but I’m sure glad that he was the man that I got in the mix up with. I could have ended up with a real asshole.  

I didn’t realize that I was looking at him smiling until he looks at me with a huge smile on his face. He then leans down to kiss me, and we share this moment together. Five more weeks until we will be parents to a healthy baby boy. I didn’t think that it was possible to be this happy, especially considering the way my life had turned out so far, but then Damien came into my life. I wasn’t sure how it would work out considering that he was a biker, and I had never in my life been around a biker. Not only was I unsure about getting to know a biker, but I also had to figure out how to share a baby with him. Besides the threat of Demon playing a part in all of this, it really couldn’t have turned out better having this biker as a father for my child.

I’m on cloud nine the whole ride back to the clubhouse. I know by the smile plastered on Damien’s face that he could not have been happier. I just hope nothing will ruin this. Ruin us.



These last few months with Ella have been eye opening. An old lady and a child were never part of my plan. I know that I will do everything to make sure they’re safe. That includes dealing with Demon. The men try to show easy going faces in front of the women and children, but I don’t think that they are fooled. Hell, they all know they are on lockdown for some reason.

Demon has been in hiding for the last month. Since the bodies of Nikki and Sam showed up in our driveway, there has been no sight of Demon. We have seen some Devil’s Souls MC members around town, and they seem to be watching our every move. Every time I spot one, they give me a mischievous smile that I wish I could fucking wipe off their faces. They know that they have claimed war by making threats towards our Princess. Demon, that fucking coward, is staying in hiding until she has the baby.

We get back to the clubhouse, and Ella doesn’t waste any time showing everyone pictures of the baby. All I can do is shake my head. I know that she was tired before we left for the appointment, and she has to be even more tired now.

“Come on, baby. Let’s go rest. You can talk to everyone after.” I grab her by the hand, and start dragging her to the hallway. Before I can get into the hallway, Prez stops me.

“Damien, I need to see you in my office for a moment.” The look he sends me tells me that it’s serious, and I think Ella knows it too since I can feel her tense up.

“Alright,” I say, and then turn to Ella. “Go lay down, baby, I will be right there.” I give her a quick peck on the lips, and she sends me a worried look before nodding her head. Fuck, I hope that this has nothing to do with Demon, but I have a feeling it does.

I follow Prez into his office, and Torch, Steal, and Bear are already in there. They look as confused as I am, so I know that they also have no idea what’s going on.

Prez sits down, and picks up an envelope off his desk. This was found at our gates this morning.

“Who was on watch?” I ask as Prez hands the envelope to me.

“Kid,” Prez answers me as I look inside the envelope, and there are pictures of Ella going to her doctor’s appointments. There are also pictures of who I’m assuming is her mom. Everyone is right. She looks just like her, fuck, the resemblance is fucking freaky. The pictures of her mom shows her pregnant with Ella. Some are when she was with us, and then some come from what I’m assuming is the Devil’s Souls MC clubhouse. There are some pictures of her tied down and naked. There are also some with some cuts on her body like someone has a sick fetish for blood, or cutting women. The last thing in the envelope is a flash drive.

“Have you looked at this?” I ask, and Prez shakes his head.

“Call Tech in here, and we will see what we are dealing with,” I tell Steal who doesn’t waste anytime grabbing Tech. While he is gone, everyone is looking over the pictures, and I can feel the rage in the room.

“What’ya need, boss?” Tech says putting his lap top down. Good, Steal probably told him to bring it.

“We need to know what’s on this. This doesn’t leave this room until we know what we are dealing with,” Prez says, and Tech quickly nods his head. Usually things are discussed between the officers of the club before we bring it to church to discuss it with the rest of the brothers.

“Fuck,” I hear Steal mutter, and I know that he now has seen the pictures too.

“There’s a video on here,” Tech says, and looks to everyone for confirmation to play it.

We all stand behind him, so that we can all see it when he presses play.

“Why are you here?” Demon asks.

“Because we are no longer part of Vicious Snakes, we want to belong to a club,” Nikki says with Sam beside her.

“Why would I want Vicious Snakes left overs?” Demon says in a calm tone.

A couple of men come up behind the girls who are sitting in what is probably Demon’s office. When they get close, I see the girls panic.

“No, please. They didn’t want us after that long, lost daughter came back who belongs to the President,” Sam says on a whimper.

Demon stills. After a second he comes closer, and grabs Sam roughly by the chin.

“What did you just say?” he asks in a cold voice.

“The President’s daughter came back. She’s having Damien’s baby. Apparently, her mom was someone named Bianca,” she says desperately. Fuck, he hasn’t even tortured her for information, and she’s already caving to tell him everything. That’s how they knew about Ella.

The rest of the video shows clips of both girls beings repeatedly fucked by the Devil’s Souls. The girls eventually try to beg them to stop when they have had enough, but they don’t stop. They just use them as fucking holes to fill; like they aren’t even humans, like they are their own personal sex slaves. They take turns fucking each hole, and the girls are kept in a basement for weeks it seems like. Fuck, they probably went straight to their club house which means they had to have had them for a couple months. The video plays clips up until Demon carved Ella’s name into their bodies, and let them bleed.

This video is sick as fuck. I can’t believe they recorded everything they did. They used those women for their own enjoyment and saw them as nothing but a hole to fill because they were our club whores… or do they always treat women that way? I have a feeling that’s how they treat their women. If Ella’s mother tied up and naked shows us anything, it shows us that.

This is a warning. I know it is. This is what they are going to do to Ella when they try and get their hands on her. Fuck, I can’t let anything like this happen to her. She will never recover from that shit.

I know I’m not the only one who put the clues together from this warning. I look up at everyone, and sure enough, there is nothing but anger and disgust coming off everyone’s faces.

“Fuck!” Prez yells loudly. This is his long lost daughter. I can’t imagine how he feels thinking that something could happen to her, but also to see three women who have belonged to the club treated that way.

“We make sure someone is always on Ella. If she is in your room, someone is outside the door at all times. We cannot leave her alone. We will double security when she goes into labour. Make sure that no one comes in or out of her room. Tech, you go and work on trying to find this fucker. This coward is hiding in the shadows threatening our Princess. We will do everything and anything to bring these fuckers down. We need to come up with a plan of attack. No more waiting around. We will be looking for him. We need to make a move, tonight. Call church, and meet me in there,” Prez says, and sits at his desk running a hand over his face.

We all get up, and tell the brothers that we have church. We tell the few prospects we have to watch the doors, and make sure that no one gets in or out of the club. I set one outside of my bedroom. “Guard her with your life. Patching in may count on how well you watch over our princess,” I tell him in a growl. I’m so fucking angry right now. It’s taking everything in me not to lash out. I know that I will need to settle the fuck down as soon as I see Ella. I don’t need her stressing out, and harming her or the baby.

We spend a couple hours in church discussing everything that was on the tape with the brothers. I knew that I would see all the anger in everyone’s eyes. No one fucks with Vicious Snakes. These fuckers are going down.

We make a plan to attack late in the night. That gives me a few hours with Ella before we need to head out. As we are ending our meeting, we hear gun shots throughout the clubhouse. Everyone gets up and runs to the door to see what the fuck is going on.

Fuck, there is someone shooting through the windows in front of the club. Everyone is down on the floor with panic on their faces. The brothers don’t waste any time getting out their guns and shooting back. When a thought hits me that this might be a distraction, I make a run for the bedrooms to check on Ella. No, fuck, no. My window of my bedroom faces the front of the clubhouse. When I make it to my room, the door is open all of the way. The prospect I had watching Ella is standing in front of a closed bathroom door where I assume Ella must be. He has his own gun pointed across the room, and when I look, I see one of the Devil’s Souls members standing there with a grin on his face. He has his own gun in his hand, and I can tell by the look on his face that he is ready to shoot. He hasn’t seen me yet, so I don’t waste any time pulling my gun on him and shooting him myself. I end up shooting him in the leg. We can torture this motherfucker for information.

When the shot hits him, he falls to the ground on his knees. I waste no time charging him and taking him down. I get a few hits in, knocking him out cold. When I see that he’s not moving, I get up and motion for the prospect to watch him while I go and check on Ella.

He nods his head at me in understanding. “I got to her as soon as I heard the gunshots. I knew that there was no window in your bathroom, so I moved her in there before he came through the window. They knew which room was yours.”

I nod my head at him and try the door, but it’s locked. I knock. “Ella, baby, it’s Damien. Open up,” I say loud enough for her to hear me.

It takes a couple seconds, but the door is pulled open to reveal a red, puffy faced Ella. She must have been in there scared shitless and crying, not knowing what was going on or what was happening. The second her eyes land on me, she runs into my arms. I know that she is squeezing as tight as she can. I can feel her body shaking.

“Baby, are you hurt? Let me take a look,” I tell her calmly.

She loosens her grip so that I am able to get a good look at her. Her eyes are frightened, and I fucking hate that look right now. I move my gaze all over her body, but I don’t see any gunshot wounds. Thank fuck. She just seems to be scared. I will take that over her being shot any day.

“What happened?” she asks quietly. I have to strain to hear her.

“I don’t know yet, baby. All I know is that the Devil’s Souls started shooting up the place while we were in church. I’m so fucking glad you are alright, baby.”

“Did anyone get hurt?” she looks at me with unshed tears in her eyes. There is worry in her gaze.

“I don’t know. Let’s go check it out while we figure out what to do,” I tell her as I grab onto her hand and lace our fingers together.

“Okay,” she says, and the prospect is still standing in the room. I had forgotten that he was still in here.

I call for a couple brothers to help the prospect with the soon to be dead fucker at my feet.

Prez, Torch, and Steal all coming running in, probably to make sure nothing happened to Ella.

“Who the fuck is this?” Prez asks as he enters the room. We all can see the logo for the Devil’s Souls MC on the back of his cut.

“This fucker was trying to take Ella. They used the gun shots as a distraction so they could come in here and take her. The prospect heard the gunshots, and came running in here locking Ella in the bathroom, and guarding it with his fucking life while the asshole on the floor held a gun on him.” I see a bunch of respect in my brother’s faces for the prospect. If he hadn’t of taken his role in protecting Ella so seriously then the chances of the Devil’s Souls MC having Ella right now would have been very high.

“Let’s get this fucker to the shed. We need to ask him some questions,” Prez says with a cold look in his eyes.

Steal and Torch grab the guy and drag him out of my room. Prez then looks at Ella. “Are you okay, baby girl?” he asks in a soft tone that wasn’t there a few minutes ago.

“Yeah, dad, I’m fine. Just shaken up. Is anyone hurt?” she asks with worry in her voice. I don’t know how she can be threatened to be taken, and still worry about other people. That is a sign of a strong woman.

“One of the prospects was shot. They are checking him over now, so we don’t know the full damage, or if he will survive since he was at the front of the house when the gunshots started. Trix and Cara were also shot, but I’m not sure on their status yet either. I haven’t had a chance to check on everyone. I needed to make sure that you’re okay, and that Lily was okay. Then I will check on everyone else in the club.” Prez tells us. We need to head to the common area, and see if anyone needs any urgent care. I hope that Doc is already out there helping out with whatever he can.

“Prospect, guard the window, and we will come have someone fix it. Make sure that no one gets in, you understand?” I tell him, and he nods his head at me turning his attention to the window.

Prez, Ella, and I all walk into the common area. Fuck, this isn’t a pretty sight. Everyone is shaken up with terror on their faces. Most of the club whores are crying hysterically. I know that old ladies are tough and strong, but this brings it to a whole new light. You can tell that they are scared and fearful of what could have happened, but they aren’t sitting together crying hysterically. They are in control, and trying to help. This almost makes me want to laugh if the situation didn’t piss me off so much. Most of the club whores want to be old ladies, but they don’t seem to handle a tough situation like an old lady.

I check on all of the kids making sure that none of them are hurt. After I check and make sure all the kids are accounted for, I breathe a sigh of relief that none of them were shot.

Ella left to check on more people in the common area while I was looking at the kids. When I find her, she is kneeling beside some one. I look and see that it’s Sasha, Bear’s old lady. I don’t waste any time going to her.

“Was she shot? Is she okay?” I ask with concern.

“Yeah, she was shot, but only on her arm. She doesn’t seem to have any serious damage.” She moves so that I can look at Sasha’s arm myself. Ella did a good job of making sure that she did whatever she could to stop the bleeding.

When I look up at Sasha, her eyes are open, and all I can see is pain in them.

“Are you okay?” I ask her.

“I’m fine, VP. Your old lady is taking good care of me,” she says trying to get me to leave. I know that she’s worried about everyone else. Bear comes running when he sees us kneeling beside her.

“Sasha, baby, are you okay?” he asks in a panic.

“Honey, don’t worry. I’m fine. I was shot in the arm. It could have been worse,” she says trying to reassure him, but I know that he’s like me and someone hurt his woman, so he’s pissed as fuck.

“You were fucking shot? Those fuckers are dead, you hear me. No one shoots my woman,” Bear says on a growl.

Sasha doesn’t say anything, but I see her roll her eyes. I think she knows better than to argue with Bear. When I look at Ella, I see her lips twitch in amusement. Shaking my head, I help Ella up, and then check on everyone else. The prospect, Trix, and Cara have been rushed to the hospital since their wounds are more serious. I check on Doc when I see him looking everyone over.

“Hey, anymore damage to anyone?” I ask

“None here. Just those three that I know of so far. They are off to the hospital, and I’m not able to fix them since it’s pretty serious,” he says looking around.

“You want to go check on Sasha before Bear loses his shit? She was shot in the arm, and says it’s not that bad. Maybe it’s just a graze, but I didn’t want to look until I found you. You will know better if we need to rush her to the hospital,” I tell him, and his eyes automatically find Sasha. He nods his head at me, and runs over to her with his supplies in hand. We are so fucking lucky that Doc wanted to be patched in. He was a doctor in the emergency room until he lost his wife. After that, he drank himself stupid, and got himself in trouble picking fights with anyone and everyone. One night, he picked on the wrong fucker, Bear. When we had seen that he wasn’t a threat, but just a man who lost his family, we did everything we could to sober him up, and offered him to prospect in the club. Once he had seen how things worked out with us, and that we weren’t as bad as everyone makes out MCs to be, he agreed, and has been a loyal brother ever since. We ended up putting his skills to use when we needed a doctor. It’s easier on us if we don’t have to go to the emergency room since the doctors like to ask questions that we sure as fuck don’t want to answer.

No one else was injured, and some of the brothers started fixing up the windows, starting with mine. The day is spent fixing everything. The old ladies are cleaning the common room, and any other rooms that were on the front side of the house that had been shot at. We sent the club whores to their rooms since they were pretty much fucking useless. I think that it might be time to get new girls in the club because this is just fucking pathetic.

We decide to go after them tomorrow since they will be expecting us tonight. They were probably hoping that we would be going to their clubhouse in a blind rage while they come to take Ella.

Those fuckers are wrong.

Ella is our Princess. No one fucks with what’s ours.

What they don’t fucking know is that we had our own plan of attack in motion. This doesn’t change a fucking thing. We already have a tracker on Demon.

After everything is cleaned up and fixed up with the help of the brothers and old ladies, we end up ordering everyone pizza. No one has fucking energy to do shit right now.

I expected Ella’s nightmares to come back, or maybe something about the shooting that night, but nothing comes from her all night. I had spent half the night worried as fuck about her. I know the asshole is just playing with us, and I won’t be able to relax until I know that Ella is safe. The thought that keeps coming to my mind all night is why had he come to try and take her now? I thought he wanted the baby out of her before he came to take her? Unless he said that to catch us off guard.

The next day. I wake up and take Ella into the kitchen at breakfast. Cook starts making something for her while I go and see about any updates on the prospect and the club whores who were shot.

I see Doc sitting at the bar, and I think that he might know about how everything went last night.

“Hey, brother. Hear anything about the prospect, Trix, and Cara?” I ask as I take a seat beside him.

“Yeah, the prospect is asleep right now. The bullet didn’t hit any internal organs. The bullet fucking missed everything. How fucking lucky is that shit? They said that we got him there just in time, or he would have lost too much blood. He should be at the hospital a while though so that he can recover,” he tells me, and then takes a sip of his coffee.

“And what about Trix and Cara?” I ask with concern in my voice. They may be club whores, but they were under our protection when they were shot.

“Trix didn’t make it. She lost too much blood, and the bullet went through one of her lungs. Cara is in a coma right now, so we don’t know the damage yet, but it’s not looking good. They were standing together by the bar when it happened, and didn’t get to the ground in time,” he tells me with emotion in his voice. I know he’s trying to hide it from me, but they were under fucking club protection and were a part of the club for as long as they had wanted to be.

“What about Sasha?” I ask trying to keep my emotions in check. I needed to save my anger for tonight when we ambush the Devil’s Souls MC clubhouse.

“She’s fine. The bullet just grazed her like I suspected. We just stitched her up. Didn’t stop Bear from raising hell about it though. Fuck, I know that I would lose my shit if that were my old lady. It may be just a graze, but it’s your old lady, you know?” he says looking at me in the eyes.

“Yeah, I know brother. Thank fuck nothing happened to Ella. I would be losing my shit right now if she were shot too,” I tell him honestly.

“Fuck, I hear you. Everyone would go raising hell if she were shot. Fuck, everyone is getting ready to raise hell tonight especially since the fuckers tried to take her. Good job on the prospect though.” I nod my head in agreement when Prez comes up to us. He gets the same updates from Doc that I just did.

“We need to have a meet, and vote on patching in the prospect that was shot, and the one that protected Ella. Mad fucking respect for those brothers. They proved themselves worthy last night with how loyal they are to the club. After breakfast, we are going to vote. Spread the word to meet in an hour,” Prez tells us, and then takes off into the kitchen to see Ella.

I spend a few more minutes with Doc, and then head back to see Ella. When I find her, I can’t help but smile. She’s eating an omelette with toast, and has a huge smile on her face as she takes a bite. This woman and food- I can never believe what I’m seeing when I look at her when she’s eating. I don’t know if that’s how she is all the time, or if it’s because of the baby. I know half of it is hormones, or she wouldn’t cry half of the time when we don’t have what she wants, or when she can’t figure out what she wants to eat.

I spend the day making sure that Ella is taken care of. I don’t want to put her under any more stress because of the baby. I hate for her to go into premature labor because of it. She grumbles at me when I tell her she should go lay down. She goes willingly when I drag her hand back with me to my room. I am not letting her out of my sight until we go tonight, and then we will have a couple of brothers watching over her while we are gone. We can’t leave the club completely defenseless.

At the vote, we all ended up saying ‘yes’ to the two prospects becoming brothers. We will end up choosing their names, and getting them cuts with their new club name and a Vicious Snakes patch on them.

Usually, when we patch a brother in, we get their cuts made with new names that we usually decide best fits them, and then we celebrate with a party. This one will have to be more G-rated than it usually is since there are so many old ladies and kids here.

That night when we are about to head out for club business, I tell Ella that I’m going out so that she doesn’t wake up worried and wonder where I am.  I send Kid in the room to watch her from the chair. I tell him not to take his eyes off her, and if he has to take a piss, to tell the brother on the other side of the door to watch her. She is to have eyes on her at all times. We also decide to get the prospect that had protected her the day before to watch her again since he showed that he would protect her with his life once already.

We leave six brothers around the clubhouse. There is one brother each at the front and back exits of the clubhouse, one in the common area, one in the kitchen, one in the hallway watching over the rooms where the brothers sleep, and one between all the doors that lead to the kitchen, common area, office, and meeting room. Since there is already one in the hallway where all the high-ranking brothers are watching over my room, he is also to watch over Lily in Prez’s room, and Sasha in Bear’s room.

It’s two in the morning, and we are all very alert heading out on our bikes. There are about forty brothers behind me and Prez to make sure that we have the best chance of succeeding. We didn’t want to take any chances. Anything we can do to take that fucker out, the better.

Their clubhouse is just on the outskirts of the other town beside ours. We both have our own territory, but they fucking crossed that line three times now. It’s time that they fucking pay for what they have done. I can feel the adrenaline already pumping through me. We can’t fuck this shit up.