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Accidentally Yours: A MC Novel (Vicious Snakes MC Book 1) by Mallory Funk (16)

Chapter Eighteen



Throughout the next couple days, I had felt rumblings in my stomach, light twitches here and there, but nothing to be alarming to anyone. My due date is now only four days away.

Damien and I take turns pleasuring each other with our hands and mouths. I told him that I wasn’t ready for sex until I was healed from having the baby, and he said that he had a feeling that I had felt that way.

Today, I feel pain in my belly, but I don’t want to tell anyone in case it’s a false alarm. I know that everyone would go frantic once I said I was in labour. Not that I knew I was in labour yet. The pain was light, and I was warned about false labour, so I plan on keeping it quiet until I know for sure that’s what it is.

As the day progresses, the pain gets worse. Every time I look at the clock, I try to keep track. If I had to guess, I would say that my contractions are about eight minutes apart, and I know now that this isn’t false labour.

When the next contraction hits, I am walking in the kitchen with a glass of apple juice in my hand when the sudden pain comes over me. It goes from my belly to my back. I feel like I can feel it all over the fucking place. Holy shit, the last one wasn’t this bad. How did it get bad so fast? The glass slips from my hands, and I grip the counter so hard that my knuckles turn white. Everything around me stops, and the clubhouse goes quiet. I know that everyone is looking at me.

Damien comes from the washroom, takes one look at me and the pain on my face, and rushes over to me.

“Baby, baby? Are you okay? Is it the baby?” he says in a worried voice.

Before I can say anything, a pool of water hits between my legs and down my thighs making a puddle at my feet. When I look at him, the contraction is over. “I think that the baby is coming,” I say in a harsh breath.

His eyes go wide, and you can hear a fucking pin drop. Everyone is so still. Lily comes out laughing with Sasha beside her.

“Come on we, aren’t going to have a baby standing around like statues,” she says on a laugh. That must spring everyone into action because someone is running into our room and grabbing the bags for the hospital. Damien and my dad are helping me get to the car. I hear Lily issuing orders to everyone, but I don’t know what’s going on. I have no idea why everyone is running around like chicken with their heads cut off, but I don’t care to think about it right now.

Whomever is driving wastes no time getting us to the hospital. I would laugh at how panicked the men are if I wasn’t in so much pain.

The doctors and nurses set us up in a room immediately. It might have something to do with the fact that there are a bunch of Vicious Snakes MC members hanging around the waiting room looking all sorts of crazy.

I spend the next five hours screaming in pain at Damien and my father. They both have refused to leave my side. I am majorly regretting not getting an epidural. I might have actually drawn blood on both of their arms, but they don’t complain one bit. They are being so encouraging that what I really want to do is beat them with anything that I can get my hands on.

“You’re doing so good, baby. Do you need anything else? Just tell me what I can do for you,” Damien says to me trying to hide the panic in his voice. I don’t miss it for a second, and I know it’s there because he can’t stand to see me in pain.

“How about some more ice chips? Would that help?” my dad adds trying to help, but I’m beyond tired and irritated at everyone which is probably why I throw my cup of ice chips at them.

“I DON’T WANT ANY FUCKING ICE CHIPS. JUST LET ME LAY HERE AND SCREAM IN PAIN!” I may regret screaming at them later, but right now I don’t really care. I see shock on both of their faces and their eyes widen before I close my eyes from the pain.

When the next contraction is over, the doctor comes in. He checks me over, and tells me that it’s time.



Watching my son being brought into this world was something else. Ella had done so fucking good. It killed me to see her in so much pain, and I know that Prez had felt the same way as I did. When she threw her cup at us right before the doctor came in, all we could do was stand there in shock. I don’t think that she has ever raised her voice that loud before.

Ella and I both agreed that her dad should be in the room with us. She said that since he had miss her birth that he should get to see his own grandson being born. Prez was fucking honoured when Ella asked him. A lot of brothers were nodding their head in approval at me and Ella when she asked him.

Then Ella had my son. All eight pounds of my son is in my arms. I have Ella by my side smiling at me sweetly, and our child in my arms. It’s unreal how I feel in this moment. I knew this day was coming, but you never know how it’s going to hit you until it’s here.

I was a nervous wreck the whole time that Ella was in labour. I kept looking at Prez and he was looking back at me like he didn’t know what the fuck to do. You wouldn’t think that the asshole had kids already by the way that he was pacing around that birthing room.

I hand the baby to Prez, and kiss Ella on the head.

“You did a good job, baby. I’m so proud of you,” I tell her kissing her lightly on the lips.

“We need to give him a name,” she says with a small smile looking at her dad.

I think we already know what we want to name him. We never told anyone else since we wanted it to be a secret. Finding a name for our son was all we really thought about besides rival club threats, Ella’s cravings, or our feelings for each other.

There were a lot of failed attempts like Bart, Truman, and Fred. I will not even divulge some of the crazy ones that she thought of.

Then the idea came to us. This baby had brought us together. Why not name this child something that has meaning. I nod my head at Ella when she looks at me with pleading eyes.

“Hey, dad!” she says loudly. He looks up her, and smiles widely- I don’t think that I have ever seen that smile on his face before.

“Yeah, baby girl?” he says as he puts his eyes back on our son and coos to him. You heard me right- the President of our MC just fucking cooed. I don’t even know what to do with that.

“I’d like you to meet Derek Jeff Evans, your grandson,” she says with a smile, and unshed tears form in her eyes.

It was an easy decision to name the child after our Prez. I think that they both deserve this. So much time had been stolen from them that I knew that I could give them this moment. I had no problem with it since I had always looked up to Prez. He was my sponsor when I came in as a prospect, and I have a ton of respect for him.

Then there was the name, Jeff. Some people might think it weird naming my son after my woman’s dead husband, but I don’t see it that way. They had gone to the fertility clinic, and wanted to start a family together. He was also a good man to her, and he deserved to be recognized in some way. I know without a doubt if he were here that he would be a part of my kid’s life. From all the stories Ella has told me about him and how he treated her, I have a ton of respect for him too. He gave her the sense of family she was missing, and loved her in a way that I now understand. Back when I had first entered her room and had seen that picture of them, I remember thinking that he was looking at her like she hung the moon, and I know that’s exactly how I fucking look at her now. I have no problem putting his name on my child.

I look at Prez as she tells him the baby’s name. He snaps his head up and his eyes well up with tears.

“Thank you, baby girl. I love it. Jeff would have loved it too,” he says to her coming over to us to give Ella a kiss on the cheek. He kisses the baby softly, and places him into Ella’s arms.

“I’m going to tell everyone that the baby is here, and what you guys named him. Enjoy your time alone.” He puts his hand out for me to shake in congratulations. I nod my head back at him in return.

“We did it,” Ella whispers in awe.

“We sure did, baby,” I tell her, and kiss her on the lips.