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Accidentally Yours: A MC Novel (Vicious Snakes MC Book 1) by Mallory Funk (15)

Chapter Seventeen



Three weeks later (one week before due date)

These last few weeks have been so fucking difficult. I can’t help but swear at everyone all the time. I don’t remember ever feeling so miserable. I am so uncomfortable ALL THE TIME! Every time that I am able to get comfortable, I usually end up having to pee. It’s really a vicious cycle- one that is starting to piss me off.

I’m hot all the fucking time. I constantly feel a leg kicking me hard. It’s always digging into my ribs, and nothing anyone says can help. I go from snapping at everyone to crying that I’m sorry, and explaining that I can’t control it. Everyone is so fucking understanding that it’s starting to get under my skin. How can they be so understanding of me being a complete and total bitch? I can clean what they let me clean in the clubhouse. Lots of times they find me randomly organizing something. The club had a good laugh when I alphabetized the liquor bottles. Lily had told everyone that it was me nesting, and that it’s normal. I don’t know if they have any of the baby’s nursery done.

With Demon still in hiding, I will not be able to go back home. Damien set up a bassinette in his room at the club. I have a hospital bag for me and the baby ready, and enough clothes to last a while, since we don’t know how much longer we will be on lockdown. I know some of the people here are getting restless. At least the brothers are able to leave if it is important. I know that everyone understands why we are still on lockdown. Prez told everyone one night that we will be on lockdown until the threat has been handled.

Some brothers went back to their apartments across the street because of the women staying there. The ones that lived on that floor were allowed to sleep in their own beds.

They also had brothers check on the other girls who went home every now and then. It seems no harm has come to them at all, so that’s good. I hate to think of what most of those women went through. The four that were homeless did well for the first couple weeks. Last week they said that they were ready to find jobs. They were offered jobs at the diner and the salon. The club owns both. They accepted their positions, and were very thankful. This way, they can still be watched. Since these women were homeless, they have a better chance of being taken again by Demon. They are also staying close to the club so that they are under our protection.

I still haven’t told Damien that I love him. I know now that I do. I don’t know how to say it. He usually finds a way to tell me. Usually he will ease it in the conversation like, “that’s why I love you,” “God, I love you,” or, “I can’t help it, I love you.” I started feeling guilty that I never say it back, but the knowing smiles and winks he sends me tells me he already knows, and is letting me go at my own pace. That just makes me love him even more than I already do.

I just need to find a way to say it. I feel like after waiting this long, I can’t just blurt it out. I stopped feeling guilty about Jeff. I kept thinking about the talks we used to have regarding if something happened to one of us, and I also thought about what Damien said. Jeff was the type of man that would have wanted me to be happy and loved. He would have also understood that I never went looking for love. It snuck up on me. Some days, I look at his picture and think about the good memories we had. It also helps that I can tell both Damien and my dad about Jeff, and they always listen with interest. I know that they want to know about him, and I’m happy to share with them what kind of man he was, and how happy he made me. I think it makes them feel better since I wasn’t a part of the club life back then, but for ten years I had someone who loved me.

I’m also fairly certain that Stacey is having sex with Torch. She comes out of the room every morning glowing, and he started putting an arm on the back of her chair when she’s sitting. His eyes always seem to find her when she enters a room, and I also don’t miss the smiles they send each other. I plan to get it out of her today.

I corner her in the kitchen since there isn’t a time I’m alone except when I am going to the washroom, and there is always someone in the hallway waiting for me to finish. They have taken my protection very seriously.

“You better start talking right now,” I tell her in a hushed whisper, looking over my shoulder to make sure that no one else is listening to anything that I’m saying. There are ears all over the club. You can never be too careful.

“What are talking about? Why are you whispering?” she asks me in a whisper back, avoiding eye contact.

“You know what I’m talking about. You’re fucking my brother,” I say loudly. I hear a chuckle, and I turn around to see Torch at the door to the kitchen with a big grin on his face.

“Yes, she is,” he replies. I hear her growl at him. I give her a weird look because I don’t think I have ever seen her do that before.

“Okay, big mouth. Could you let me talk to my best friend?” she grumbles.

He just winks at her, and walks away.

I arch an eyebrow at her, and cross my arms over my chest. She ends up sagging her shoulders in defeat.

“Yes, I’m fucking your brother. I mean, what did you expect? We have been sharing a bed for weeks now. It was bound to happen,” she says in annoyed tone.

“You don’t have to sound so broken about it. Sex is usually supposed to make you happier and more relaxed,” I tell her.

“How would you know? You haven’t had sex in almost a year!” she says grumpily.

I look at her shocked. “No, I haven’t, but that has to do with losing my husband, and now it has to do with the fact that I have a giant beach ball of a belly to get in the way. I’m not exactly feeling sexy right now.”

“Shit, I’m sorry. It was just unexpected, you know. I never expected to enjoy being around him. He’s a biker. I never cared for bikers before, why start now?”

“Hun, just because he is a biker doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with him, or that he’s a bad guy. Before I met Damien, I thought that bikers were all rough, scary guys, but it turns out that they are great guys and are usually misjudged because they are in an MC,” I tell her honestly.

When I think about how these men and women have become my family, I remind myself how I thought that they were all intimidating looking people who shouldn’t be approached. That was where I was wrong. You can see the strength in their brotherhood. They all have each other’s backs no matter what. Nothing comes between these brothers, and I know a lot of club whores who try.

I try not to judge the club whores because it’s their own bodies, and they can do whatever they choose with them. It’s hard to stay non-judgemental because of the words I still hear whispered about me. It wasn’t only Nikki and Sam who had felt that way about me. I had asked Damien once why a club whore would never be an old lady, and he told me bluntly that it’s because no brother wants a woman who has fucked his brothers. Club whores have usually fucked every brother in the club unless they have had an old lady.

I understand where the brothers are coming from. I also asked Damien what becoming an old lady means. He told me that it’s like marriage to them, and is taken seriously. He said that if a brother claims an old lady then she is automatically protected by the club. Once a woman becomes an old lady, they have to get a tattoo of the club symbol, and her old man’s biker name on her body. Usually the old man picks where he wants her tattoo to be. That didn’t sound so bad since Damien didn’t have a biker name since everyone calls him VP. I would just have to get his name on me. He told me that he was claiming me as his old lady, and all the brothers knew, but they were going to wait until I had the baby for me to get a tattoo. Old ladies also have vests, with the club patch and the name of the biker who had claimed her on them, that the women are supposed to wear during any events they might have to go to where there are other MCs.

Damien explained everything to me about the club, and everyone’s roles within the club, one night while we were lying in bed. I also asked him how he could wait to have sex with me when I know that he loves sex from all the rumours I had heard. He told me not to worry, and that he will wait until I am ready. He said that he will know that I’m ready when I won’t question being with him, and that I will know, and act on it. He said that for now he was just happy that he could kiss me whenever he wanted.

I thought about maybe doing something other than sex with Damien.  I wanted more than making out like horny teenagers. I would like to feel him in my hand, or maybe in my mouth. I know that I wouldn’t be comfortable with sex until after I had the baby. I just hope that he understood.

They are still searching for the remaining members of Devil’s Souls MC. We know that they are in hiding, and since their clubhouse was on the news about being burnt down, they had to have known that their brothers were all dead. Damien told me that they were sick fucks and didn’t deserve to live, so I shouldn’t worry about anything - no one was going to miss monsters like that. I agreed, and couldn’t wait for them to find the others. Does that make me a bad person? All I had to do was remember all the women who came back with them, and the looks of all of them, starved and beaten, and I didn’t feel any guilt for wanting them all dead. Not one of the girls were there on their own free will.

Damien had explained that when Demon threatened me, and came onto Vicious Snakes territory three times without knowledge or permission, that meant he was declaring war. The shooting just made the men even more angry than they already were.

I had talked to Stacey for a couple hours, and surprisingly no one had disturbed us. Maybe they knew that we were having a much needed girl talk.

After having a good conversation with Stacey, I decided to go lie down. As expected, someone followed me, and I knew that I had to leave the door open until Damien came in. The guard usually sat right outside the door until then. There was no privacy for me most of the time, but I knew that there wasn’t anything I could do about it until the threat was taken care of.

I must have fallen asleep reading because when I woke up, Damien was climbing into the bed and the room was now darkened by night. I opened my eyes and, like I expected, the door was closed. Damien had already taken his clothes off down to his boxers.

“Damien?” I say on a whisper even though I knew who it was.

“Baby, sorry for waking you. Go back to bed,” he says as he puts an arm around me and places it on my growing belly.

“It’s okay. I didn’t realize I fell asleep until you came into bed. How long have I been out?” I say rubbing my eyes.

“A couple hours. Don’t worry about it, baby. Pyro stayed here the whole time until I came looking for you. He said that you fell asleep after only twenty minutes of reading, so I knew that you must have been tired. Go back to sleep now. I’m here baby,” he whispers into my ear, and inhales right at my neck.

I was quiet for a few minutes, and I could tell that Damien was still awake and trying to fall asleep. I knew already that it takes him a long time to fall asleep. Sometimes, on those busy days, we couldn’t get any sleep until the early hours of the morning.

“Damien,” I whisper softly.

“Yeah, baby?” he whispers back kissing my shoulder lightly.

“Can I touch you?” I ask trying to not be embarrassed about having to ask him that question.

I feel his hand still on my belly, and I’m pretty sure that he isn’t breathing right now. “What?” he asks after I hear him swallow hard.

“I want to touch you. Can I?” I have never asked someone if I could touch them, but my only other partner has been Jeff, so I didn’t ever need to ask him. I felt like Damien would only know I wanted to go further if I made the move. I was never one for making moves, so I decided to ask.

“Sure, baby, if that’s what you really want. No pressure. You know that, right?” he says as I can hear the deep huskiness of his voice.

“I know, Damien, but I have been thinking about it for a while, and I want to touch you. I don’t know how much I’m ready for, but I want to explore a little bit,” I tell him honestly.

“Okay, baby,” he says taking his hand off my stomach, and rolling onto his back. I can already hear his breaths becoming deeper like he’s trying to calm himself.

I roll over so that I am now facing him. With my big belly, I decide that I will have to sit up so that I can finally full inspect him. I have been waiting to take a close look at this body for a long time, and now it’s really happening. I would probably jump for joy if I wasn’t heavily pregnant.

“Nothing you don’t want to do. Remember that, okay baby?” Damien reminds me before I move my hands to touch him.

“I know. You would never make me do anything that I didn’t want to do. I trust you, Damien,” I tell him leaning over to kiss him softly on the lips.

When I pull back and look at him in the eyes, I notice that they are darker and filled with desire.

I run my hand down his chest and to his abs. I have spent a lot of time feeling those over the last few weeks. When I get to the waistband of his boxers, I run my finger along the end, and I hear him take a deep breath. I smile to myself. I would love to make this man crazy for me.

Before I take his boxers off, I run my hand down the length of him. He’s bigger than I imagined, and I really have only felt it on my thigh when we are making out. I give it a light squeeze through the fabric, and I can feel it growing in the palm of my hand. The boxers don’t take long to become tented with his erection. The head of his cock starts to stick out of the top of his boxers. I smile to myself that he is already hard.

I grab his boxers from both sides dragging them down. Damien lifts his hips to help me do it. When I have them near his feet, he wastes no time kicking them off.

Once they are off, I take time to look at how big he is. I know my eyes widen when I hear him chuckle. I stop his chuckle when I put my hand on him. I run my finger down his cock until I am at the base. I put my hand around the whole thing, and notice that he is wide and long. I don’t have much to base it on, but I’d say that he is bigger than average.

I give his cock a squeeze, and I hear him hiss out a breath. I notice already that his breathing has become accelerated. I move my hand up and down the length of him a couple times, and decide to give it a little twist. I know I have a good grip on him by his breathing. I can see out of the corner of my eye that he has his hands fisting the blanket, probably to keep himself from grabbing me. How thoughtful.

A drop of precum makes its way out, and I make the decision that I want to taste it. When I look at Damien, his eyes are closed and his head is up facing the ceiling. I keep my eyes on his face when I lick the tip of his cock. Right away his eyes open wide, and he gets up on his elbows and looks down at me. I swirl the head of his cock with my tongue and suck the tip of it in my mouth.

“Oh fuck, fuck, fuck,” he says on a gasp.

I take my mouth off of him, and lick his cock from the tip to the base making sure that I get my mouth on every inch of him. When I get to his balls, I know that they are sensitive and decide to suck one into my mouth.

“Ahh fuck,” he says loudly, and fists the sheets harder, but I look at him and he still hasn’t taken his eyes off of me.

I give the same treatment to the other ball, and then make my way back up his cock with my tongue. Damien’s breathing has started going faster, and I smile to myself before I take him in the mouth. I put my lips around his cock, and take as much of him in my mouth as I can. I keep my hand on the base of his cock holding the part I can’t fit into my mouth, and I suck hard.

“Fuck, baby. I’m not going to last long if you keep doing that,” he says in a deep voice. I like his voice like that; deep, husky, and full of lust.

I don’t take my mouth off of him, and start bobbing my head up and down sucking hard and licking whenever I can so that he can feel my tongue along his cock. His breathing gets faster, and soon he puts a hand in my hair trying to pull me off of him.

“Baby, I’m going to cum,” he lets out in a harsh breath. I pick up my pace, and make eye contact with him taking as much of him in my mouth again and sucking hard.

“Ahhh fuck, fuck baby, I’m… FUCK,” he lets out in a groan, and shouts into the air. I knew that I wanted to taste him and make him crazy. Not once does he take his eyes off of me when he’s coming down my throat. The muscles in his neck and abs get tight as he shoots his load into my mouth. I suck him down to the last drop, and he lies back on the bed like I just drained all the energy from him. I make sure that he got every last drop out, and then make my way to put my head on his chest. I hear his rapid heartbeat. I know that he’s waiting for his breathing to slow down. He has a hand over his eyes.

“Fuck, baby, that was fantastic,” he says after a couple moments of silence.

I smile at him when he moves his hand from his eyes. “I did good then?” I ask while blushing.

“Fuck me, babe. You did fucking awesome. I love that you can be so fucking shy after you just swallowed my cum. So fucking sweet,” he says as I bury my face in his chest.

“Can I touch you now?” he asks after a couple minutes of us not talking.

“If you want to,” I tell him shyly.

“Do you want me to?” he asks. I pull my head back to look at him. I know he needs to hear that I want him to because he won’t push me to do anything that I’m not comfortable with.

“Yeah, I want you to touch me,” I tell him, licking my suddenly dry lips.

He pushes me until I am on my back. “Just lay back, and let me explore you the same way as you explored me.”

He grabs the hem of my shirt, and then looks at me. When I nod, he pulls it over my head. He kisses me softly on the mouth like I did to him. Then he runs his hand along my breast lightly squeezing each one since I had told him how sensitive they are now that I’m almost ready to have the baby.

When he makes his way down to my belly, he kisses it and looks up at me. I can’t help but smile back at him.

It’s been a long time since someone has been that close to me, and I am already nervous.

“Relax, you’re beautiful,” he whispers against my skin, and I instantly relax. I don’t bother trying to look down since my belly is in the way. I instead concentrate on the feeling he is giving me.

I know that I’m already wet. I haven’t had an orgasm in a long time. There isn’t much privacy in the club, and when I’m alone in the shower or bath, I know that someone is standing outside the door, so I haven’t bothered to try. To say that I’m horny is an understatement.

Damien takes his time kiss down both of my thighs until he reaches my center. Then he takes his fingers and parts my lips. For a second, he doesn’t say anything. He just lays there and stares at it. I’m about to freak out when he speaks.

“Your so fucking wet, swollen, and pink just like I knew you would be.” I feel him run a finger from my clit down to my entrance.  I can’t help the moan that escapes my mouth.

I feel his tongue against my clit. He gives me a slow lick like he’s sampling me. I am already digging my feet into the bed, and he has barely touched me.

I feel his tongue going down to my center, and I’m more than ready to have him stick his tongue in there. I’m full of so much lust and desire that I can’t be embarrassed about anything right here in this moment.

Finally, he slides his tongue inside me, and it feels better than I would have imagined. He switches off between my center and my clit always keeping me on the edge. My legs are shaking, and I’m breathing heavily. I need something. I need more. Before I can say anything, he puts his tongue on my clit and thrusts a finger inside me. I moan loudly, not caring in the moment who heard me. This all just feels so fucking good.

He keeps bringing me to the edge where I am about to have an orgasm, and then stops. It’s getting frustrating.

“Oh god, Damien, please,” I tell him through a moan.

“Please what, baby?” he asks, and I swear I can feel him smile against my body.

“Please make me cum, Damien. Please,” I tell him.

“Anything for you, baby,” he says adding a second finger inside of me, and flicking my clit with his tongue. The pace is fast and he’s not letting up. It doesn’t take much for me to go off.

I can feel my walls clenching around his fingers. Slowly, he slows down his pace bringing me down from my orgasm. Once the orgasm subsides, I lay flat on the bed. I don’t think that I could move if I wanted to. That felt so fucking good. He kisses my belly before making his way back up to my face. I can hear him chuckle, but I’m barely noticing anything. Fuck, I forgot how good it was to have someone give you an orgasm. If it’s done properly, it’s the best fucking feeling.

Damien kisses me lightly on the lips.

“Good night, baby,” he whispers.

“Mmmm good night, Damien,” I whisper back, and then fall into the deepest sleep I have had in a long time.




I wake up in the morning feeling like the king of the fucking world. I was not expecting that when I went to bed last night. I just expected to put my arm around Ella and fall asleep, well, eventually. The closer it gets to her due date, the more sleep I lose. Last night, after Ella gave me an intense fucking orgasm and then let me reciprocate the favour, I slept like a fucking rock.

Having her mouth and hands on me felt better than fucking my hand every morning in the shower. I could only hope that she will want to do it again and again. I have a feeling that she won’t want to have sex until she is healed from having the baby. I completely understand, although no matter what, she will always be beautiful to me. I feel for her in a way that I have never felt for a woman before.

She could have the baby any day, and I have never been more fucking nervous in my life. I’m going to be a fucking dad. D.A.D. I don’t know why I’m only starting to freak out now, but it feels like it’s just hitting me that I’m going to have a little person to take care of who will rely on me and Ella for everything. Eating, pooping, changing, bathing. Fuck, that’s a lot of shit to think about.

When I had first met Ella, I didn’t think that we would have been together, so it never crossed my mind that I would be there every minute of every day. I actually never worked out what we would have done, but I’m glad that I don’t have to think about that now.

I decide to wake up Ella the same way I had put her to sleep last night. Fuck, I already can’t get enough of her pussy. It’s been a long fucking time since I had pleasured a woman with my mouth. There is no way I would touch a club whore down there with my mouth. She would be fucking everything in sight, so I wouldn’t want taste another man’s cum while I’m going down on a woman.

We spend the morning with each other. We make each other cum a couple times, and then decide to head out for some food.

The days are all starting to blend together from being here for so long. I wish the fucking coward, Demon, would show his face already. I show Ella the basement of the clubhouse. It’s something that only members know about, but we are making an exception. The day that Ella goes into labour, and while she is in the hospital, we will have everyone down there. That includes the four women we brought back from the Devil’s Souls MC.

We have enough food and supplies to last everyone for a while. We don’t want to take any chances. Since we had set the Devil’s Souls MC clubhouse on fire, I wouldn’t put it past Demon to do the same to us once Ella is in labour. We are taking every extra precaution we can. The basement in the clubhouse has a complete door attached, so everyone would be able to escape if the clubhouse was attacked. We had the idea of building the escape door long before we moved to the clubhouse. If we moved everyone from the clubhouse now, there are great chances that someone could follow us.

There will be a lot of brothers around the hospital when we bring Ella in. Hopefully we can catch the asshole if he makes a move on her.

Everyone is watching Ella like a hawk. I can tell that it bothers her, but she won’t say anything. I had explained to her what she means to the club, and how precious a club princess was. I let her know that we took her role very seriously even though we had only just found her. I told her that she was born a snake, and her mom trying to take that away from her didn’t mean anything. She didn’t get a choice if she wanted this club life.

No one will let her do much but light lifting, or anything that doesn’t cause her to break a sweat. Call us overprotective or crazy, but none of us want to take any chances of something happening to her.

Now that her due date is only days away, I am going to keep my eyes on her at all times.