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Crazy Good Love by MF Isaacs (21)




I couldn’t lie to Steve, it just didn’t sit well with me but I didn’t want to ruin his Christmas present so I told him a half truth. I told him that I won a shopping spree, hair and make-up session, followed by a photo shoot. When he asked if he could come, I told him Sierra was already coming because I wanted to surprise him with the photos as a Christmas present. I even let him choose between a book and calendar. He picked the book because “a calendar is only good for one year.” He gave in easier than I expected, I guess the promise of a gift was the solution. I’ll have to keep that in mind for future use.

Due to our plans on Thursday, we made a couple of changes to our salon appointments on Wednesday. Rather than a standard bikini wax, we both opted for a full Brazilian wax. We added micro blading rather than just the eyebrow tinting we had done during our last salon visit. Sierra opted to have highlights added to her hair along with a trim. I have never colored my hair given its unusual color and natural looking highlights, so I just got my standard trim. We both had manicures and pedicures done, she went with a sexy red for both her hands and feet. Again because of the color of my hair I stayed away from red and went with French tips on my fingers and toes. By the time we walked out of the salon, I felt like we were real models preparing for a runway show.

Before going to bed Wednesday night we both packed our bags with every last lingerie item we owned. My underwear drawer was now empty other than the handful of granny panties I kept for the week of my period. We had some shopping time scheduled, but just in case traffic was bad I wanted to have back up stuff available.

We were scheduled to meet Mary and possibly the lady doing our hair at Lucy’s Lingerie right at noon. Mary said she would like to be out of there by 12:45 which would allow hair and make-up about an hour to get us both done. She has a second photographer that will assist, so she hopes to shoot us both simultaneously. Mary was hopeful we would be done around five o’clock, six at the very latest.

Steve walked me to my car after class, Sierra was already there waiting. Thankfully I had given her an extra key, so she was able to put our bags in the car without her brother seeing everything we were taking along. With a very affectionate kiss good bye he reminded me, “You need to let me know when you get there, check in with me while you are there and don’t forget to let me know when you leave. I will be worrying about you, so please don’t make it worse by forgetting to check in. Please drive careful. I love you.” I agreed willingly, knowing that it was a small price to pay since he was asking because he truly cared.

Thankfully there wasn’t any traffic and we were pulling into the parking lot with enough time to hit the coffee stand again. It was becoming our tradition to get coffee, or spritzer drinks in Sierra’s case, before shopping. Lucy’s Lingerie wasn’t busy which made it easy for us to figure out the two ladies chatting with the sales girl, had to be Mary and the hair lady. Mary immediately introduced herself along with Heidi who was going to be doing our hair. We quickly got to work picking out lingerie; Mary was thrilled to hear that we had each brought everything we owned, which included two of the outfits we had picked out from Lucy’s. Sierra and I could share nighties, but there was no way we could share bras, her two tits didn’t even equal one of mine. I used the gift certificate to get a corset, matching panties, garter belt. and stockings. I also got a pair of ruffled panties that Mary said looked great in pictures. Sierra opted to get the same corset and panties in her size since we could share the garter belt and stockings.

Sierra and I followed Mary and Heidi to the studio. It took less time shopping than Mary expected, which is nice because it allowed more time for Heidi to do our hair. Rachel, the make-up girl, was already at the studio when we arrived. She started with my make-up while Heidi got to work on Sierra’s hair. They were good at what they did because by the time my make-up was done, Sierra’s hair was already done. Heidi styled my hair in big curls which she planned to pin up halfway through the photo shoot. While we were getting prettied up, Mary went through everything we brought. She picked out six outfit changes for each of us. She had me start with the corset and would end with the baby blue bra and replacement g-string I had gotten the first time I took Sierra to get sexy underwear.

By the time we were done with the photo shoots, I was exhausted. Between Mary and her assistant photographer Julie, we went non-stop until almost 5:30. Despite be exhausted, it was the most fun I’d ever had; well other than when Steve and I were being intimate. We said good bye and thank you to Mary and the girls. Mary assured us that she would have photo galleries online before Thanksgiving for Sierra and I to pick our photos from. She let us know that the first of December was the last day to order if we wanted to get our gifts in time for Christmas.

We called Steve once we got on the road to let him know that we were picking up dinner on our way back to campus. We made plans for him to meet us back at the dorm in an hour.

Once back on campus we confirmed our travel plans for the following day. After class we’d load up the car, stop for coffee and gas, then be on the road by noon. If all went according to plan we would pull into my parents’ house about the time Kyler got home from school and before my dad or Calvin got home from work.

Curtis followed my mom’s orders and is bringing Callie and Will over for Thanksgiving. They were scheduled to arrive Wednesday and stay for two nights. The three of them were going to spend the first part of break with Callie’s family. Then after leaving us, they were going to join up with friends until Curtis had to be back on campus for classes on Monday. He was spending as little time on campus as possible; I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he transferred schools so he could be closer to Callie and Will. I was just happy he would be with Steve and Sierra for Thanksgiving.