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Crazy Good Love by MF Isaacs (24)




The four of us took off after double checking that Mom, Dad and Kyler didn’t want to come with us. Cal drove, which was fine by me; it gave me the opportunity to snuggle Steve in the back seat. I had missed him. It was usually only a couple hours of class or studying that kept us apart. This was the first time I had gone all day without seeing or speaking to him and honestly it just made my feelings for him even more obvious. I didn’t usually think of myself as needy, but I was certainly feeling the need to touch him, even if it was just holding his hand.

The arcade was a blast. I had never been to anything like it. As you walk in, you buy tokens and place your order. There are tall bar tables throughout the place along with every arcade game you could imagine. My favorite being skeet ball, Steve liked the basketball game, Cal liked the hunting game, and Sierra kept going back and forth between us. We won tickets just like when we were kids, only this time the prizes were way better; you could use the tickets for discounts on the bumper cars, race track, trampoline, bouncy house slide, and the flying booth. You could just pay for those things too, but it was more fun trying to earn enough tickets. We played the arcade games until they called our number, then after eating we combined our tickets and went for the super fun stuff. We had so much fun; I’m pretty sure by the end of the night we had spent close to four hundred dollars. But damn it was worth it.

By the time we made it home, the house was quiet. Mom and Dad were already in bed. There would be no sneaking Steve into my room, considering my room shared a wall with Mom and Dad’s. So instead, I tucked him into bed. I waited for him in the second guest room, which was located in the basement, while he finished getting ready for bed in the bathroom. Seeing him walk into the room with his shirt off was enough to make my sex clench in need. I would never ever get tired of seeing him shirtless; between the muscles and the tattoos, he was perfect.

I knew he wasn’t willing to do anything given that we were in my parents’ home but it didn’t stop me from wishing and hoping. He growled and told me I needed to go to my own room before he disrespected my parents. Instead of poking the bear, I lightly kissed him good night and closed the door on my way out.

It’s a good thing I did, because I ran into my dad as I was walking into my bedroom a few seconds later. He played it off like he was heading to the kitchen to get a bottle of water, but I know he was really just checking to make sure we made it home. He kissed the top of my head as I headed to my own bed, alone.

It had been a perfect day, all the people I love, minus Curtis, in one place having fun together. This was what I wanted my life to be like all the time. School was important to me; I’ve worked hard to get where I was, took AP classes all through high school. But school was nowhere near as important as my family. I could be the smartest person in the world and graduate a year early but without my family, it wouldn’t mean anything. With those thoughts I could feel the weight lifting off my shoulders, I didn’t have to be the smartest, and not one person in the house at that moment cared about how quickly I finished school or even what my GPA was. In those moments right before sleep took over, I felt a peacefulness I had never experienced before. I vowed to myself that I wouldn’t drive myself crazy trying to prove how smart I was or how perfect my grades could be or even that graduating in less than three years was possible.

All the guys were long gone by the time I got up the next morning. Mom said Dad, Steve and Cal went out to breakfast before the normal Monday morning staff meeting. It made me smile that dad wanted Steve to help; he mentioned more than once the day before how well Steve had done on Saturday. Steve said he enjoyed it, other than the fact that he needed to dress up. Thankfully he was able to borrow clothes from Cal since he had only brought one nice outfit to wear for Thanksgiving.

Mom, Sierra, and I spent the morning being lazy, drinking coffee, and talking about our black Friday shopping plans. We had already decided Target was our first stop; it was a step up from Walmart, not that there is anything wrong with Walmart, but I didn’t want to get everyone gifts from there. Plus, Target had better prices on name brand electronics.

I wasn’t sure what dad wanted me to come into the dealership for, but since the request came from me offering to work, I figured it would be best to show up in work attire rather than jeans and a t-shirt. I wore a light green silk shell under a white cropped blazer, along with my fitted black pencil skirt. I purposefully wore the skirt longer than how most women because, let’s face it, I didn’t want my dad freaking out; things have been going so well, I’ve been able to show him how much I’ve grown up while still falling in line with his hopes for me.

I arrived at the dealership about fifteen minutes before dad said. I was hoping to see Steve before meeting with my dad. When I walked into the showroom, I was thrilled to see Steve chatting with my dad and brother. He saw me coming first and tried to excuse himself from the conversation but once my dad caught sight of me he stepped in front of Steve to greet me. Dad tried to lead me away before I could say hello, but I wasn’t having that. With a kiss on his cheek I told my dad to give me a few minutes and I would meet him in his office.

Turning to Steve, he stood waiting for my attention. It was a powerful feeling seeing him stand there willing to wait for me. Once my dad walked away, I realized Cal had done the same. Steve grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him, but not so close that we were touching. He had to lean in to kiss the side of my face. He spoke first, “You look amazing baby. I knew you were coming in, but I didn’t realize you would be dressed like this.” his eyes raked up and down my body. “I know your dad is waiting for you, do you know how long you will be here?”

“I don’t know how long I’ll be here. I don’t even know exactly what I am doing here. Dad just asked me to meet with him at noon. Maybe we will be done at the same time and we can go to dinner just the two of us.” my voice dropped as I said just the two of us and I’m sure he didn’t miss the meaning of those words. Being in my parents’ home, he has refused to touch me. I appreciate that he is respecting my parents, but at this point I am getting desperate for him to touch me.

“That sounds perfect. I’ll check with Cal while you are in there. I love you.” he left me with a smile and few small kisses on my lips.

With a deep breath I steadied myself before heading into my dad’s corner office. I was suddenly nervous to find out what he wanted. I heard him yell “come in” when I knocked. As I walked in, he stood up behind his desk and gestured for me to take a seat in one of the chairs facing him. It all felt very formal given the fact that he was not only my dad, but one of my best friends. But this dealership, along with the others, is something he has worked his whole life for. He has worked hard to provide for my mom, brothers, and me; which is one of the many things I admire about my father.

Once I was seated, he returned to his chair and started moving papers off his desk, clearing the space. After the space was free of clutter he finally looked up to see me watching him, I couldn’t help but smile because despite appearing nervous, he was still just my dad. He blew out a huge breath before he began speaking, “Hannah, you know how much your mom and I love you. We honestly couldn’t have asked for a better daughter. We were all nervous to let you go off to college on your own, but you have more than proved that you were ready. I was impressed with Steve before you brought him home with you, and having him here only confirmed in my mind that he is the man for you. Now, just because I said that it doesn’t mean you don’t ultimately get to decide your future, because you do. But Honey, I see the way you two look at each other and I know what that look means. I have thought long and hard about what can and probably will happen in the near future for you two and I don’t want you to think I am bribing you or him. But I want you to consider moving back here.”

I think my jaw almost hit the floor, was he really asking me to walk away from Steve and college? Seriously it was just last night that I agreed with myself to lessen the pressure I had placed on myself, but walk away completely? No fucking way.

Before I could interrupt him he continued, “I mean both of you. I have talked to Steve some about his plans after graduation and he doesn’t have any specific plans other than getting a job to provide for you. I can give him that job, he showed me within hours of being here on Saturday that he is capable of doing quite well here. He probably didn’t tell you he had four sales on Saturday and a fifth that came back Sunday looking for him. That hasn’t happened here since before 2008.”

My mind was spinning. So many questions running through my mind; did he want us to walk away from school, what about Sierra and Curtis, had he already talked to Steve, and if so what did he think? Other than blinking my eyes I couldn’t move, my racing mind was taking every bit of energy my body had.

“I am not asking you to make a decision right this minute. I just want you to know that you have options. I know school is important to you and I respect that. But you can take classes here like Calvin or even take them online; lord knows you could probably finish in two years if you took them online. Steve can work here while he is finishing what he needs to graduate. Once he is done, if this isn’t where he wants to work that’s okay, he can do his own thing. I just want to give him the opportunity to jump start your life together.”

He eased most of my initial panic, but it was quickly replaced with new thoughts and freak out moments. “Dad, I am at a loss right now. This is all way more than I ever, more than I have even thought about. Steve and I have talked about getting married, but really only in passing conversation. I can’t even think about making this kind of decision without considering what he wants too. He doesn’t only have me to think about either, he has Sierra to consider as well. Curtis has been preoccupied so we are all Sierra has at school. I could never walk away from her. Does Calvin know? I can’t imagine what he thinks of Steve and me leaving Sierra behind to come here. Did you already talk to Steve? Oh god Dad, I don’t even know where to begin.”

“Calm down Sweetheart. I haven’t told anyone anything about this conversation. Everyone knows that I wish you were closer, I have never hidden the fact that I hate that you are so far away. I don’t want to ruin any surprises, that being said I don’t want you to worry about Sierra. You don’t have to make a decision right this minute or even next week. I just want you to know there are options that will allow you to be closer and options for Steve as well.” At those words I realize he is just trying to make my life better.

“Thank you Dad, I thought I was going to have a major panic attack. You did a good job of talking me down to only a mini panic attack. You know I love you right?” Thankfully at that point, I could at least smile.

“I know baby girl, I know. One more thing then I’ll let you go. Have you told Steve about when your mom and I got together?” Major panic attack returns instantly.

“No dad, I haven’t. I know it is important to tell him, but it’s not something I can just say, ‘oh by the way’ I don’t know how to start that conversation.”

With an arch in one brow he told me, “I know it’s not something any of us like to think or talk about, but if you are serious about him like I think you are, then you need to tell him. If he wants to spend the rest of his life with you, you want him to make that choice knowing everything. How would you feel if you committed yourself to him, only to find out down the road something like that about his family?” I knew my dad was right, I had to tell him.

“I know Dad, I will tell him. Any chance he can be done for the day? I mentioned the two of us going to dinner when he was done for the day and it would be a great opportunity for me to tell him.” I gave him my pleading eyes, hoping he wouldn’t tell me no.

With little hesitation he gave Steve the go ahead to be done for the day. He wrapped me in one of his monster hugs before walking me back out in search of Steve. We found him shaking hands with an elderly couple who had just finished the sales paperwork on Prius. He caught sight of me before the couple walked away; the wife didn’t miss the smile on his face and asked if I was his wife. He didn’t pull his eyes off me while answering, “Not yet.” She wished him good luck as she walked away with her husband.

Dad dismissed Steve from work quickly, telling us to enjoy the afternoon and not to worry about making it home for dinner. He would let mom know not to expect us. We didn’t waste any time getting out of there. Neither of us had eaten lunch, so despite it being only three o’clock our first stop was for food. Since I had known Steve, he had proven that he wasn’t a big drinker; but knowing the conversation we were about to have, I figured it would be wise for him to have alcohol as an option. So we headed back to Jacks. I knew he could feel the tension rolling off me as we drove across town, but there was nothing I could do to ease his worry and there was nothing he could do to ease my tension.

As we sat down I recommended that he order a drink because I had some things to tell him that weren’t going to be easy to hear. I could see the concern in his face and I smiled as best as I could. I know that hearing what I had to say may be more than he is willing to deal with. There was no sense talking about the offer my dad had made if what I had to tell him would cause him to walk away.

Once we got our drinks and ordered our food, I bit the bullet so to speak and began telling him the darkness behind my family history. “What I have to tell you is not something I have ever shared with anyone. It is quite possible I will cry while telling you, please don’t think you need to do anything because I shed some tears. I love you in a way that I have never loved anyone and I don’t doubt that you love me; that being said I need you to know where I come from before we consider moving forward.” He tried to reach out for my hands but I quickly busied them with my drink, probably a self-preservation move but I wasn’t willing to acknowledge it just yet.

I knew instantly when he understood the gravity of what I was going to tell him. He dropped his hands from trying to reach out to mine, cleared the look of concern he had on his face and took in a deep breath before his eyes met mine. As he slowly let out the breath he was holding I shared the family secret that he would have to accept if he wanted to have a future with me.

“The story I need to tell you is about my parents. Growing up was rough for both of them, different issues but neither less tragic than the other. Unfortunately when they found each other it quickly got worse before it got better. My dad was raised by his father, who owned a small used car lot and was the epitome of the stereotypical used car salesmen. He worked long hours; when he was home he was drinking in excess and often was accompanied by his flame of the week. My dad says he was thankful he didn’t have any siblings because he wouldn’t have been able to protect them. You see, his dad was a mean drunk. His anger was directed to whichever female he had by his side; only when there wasn’t a female it was directed at my dad. Because of the abuse, my dad didn’t go to school like normal kids did, by age 15 he had dropped out completely. The day before school was supposed to start, my grandpa beat him so bad he couldn’t stand up straight and his left eye was so swollen he couldn’t see. It took more than a week for him to recover enough to even consider going to school, only by that time he was starving and couldn’t imagine sitting through classes when all he could think about was finding something to eat. Ultimately he went to work with his dad. At first, he just washed cars and gassed them up when one sold. He watched his dad day in and day out; he was a crappy father but he was a decent salesman and my dad learned the ropes. For two and a half years he worked for his dad, earned enough money to feed himself and as an employee, not a son, he got a small loan for his first used car a 1978 Datsun B210. For the most part his dad left him alone; every once in a while after a major drinking binge he would beat on him but nothing as serious as the time he couldn’t stand up.” Surprisingly my tears stayed away as I told him of how my dad was raised.

Our food was delivered as I started explaining the life my mom had. “My mom was also raised by her alcoholic father. She was also an only child. Her mom died of breast cancer when she was only four years old. Her mom’s parents moved to their town to help her dad care for her; they died in a terrible car accident exactly a year after her mom died. Her father had no clue what to do with her so he signed her up for every activity available; on one hand that was a good thing because it gave her a chance to get away from him, on the other hand he expected perfection from her in everything she did. She played soccer, softball, basketball, volleyball, a short stint running track, and even shorter stints at tennis and gymnastics. She excelled the most in soccer, softball and volleyball. From the ages of ten to fourteen she played on a select softball team, which she stopped only because it conflicted with the premier soccer team she started playing when she turned 13. His expectations were unrealistically high for her, she was expected to hold 4.0 and be the best athlete in whichever sport she was participating in. She was not allowed to socialize outside of practice and games; she never participated in team picnics or anything along those lines. She was offered a full ride soccer scholarship which she viewed as her ticket out of his house. He was mean and had unrealistic expectations, but he wasn’t physically abusing her.”

I took a few bites before I continued telling him my mom’s story, “My mom was settling in at State University, but convinced her dad that she needed a car to get her to and from the soccer field which was a couple miles off campus. He agreed to get her a used car when he came to town for her first home game. She wasn’t aware that there was a trust fund in her name that was left by her mother’s parents. Her dad let her believe it was his money that they were using to buy her the car. That was where my parent’s lives crossed and changed forever. My dad was the salesman that helped my mom and her dad find a car that was reliable enough for a young college kid. The physical attraction between them was immediate and undeniable. His dad cheered him on; her dad didn’t take kindly to that. According to my dad, while he was busy talking to my mom about her going to school and playing soccer for State University his dad continued making crude comments about my mom. At first my dad just tried to steer her and her dad out of the sales office. Unfortunately that wasn’t enough to deter his dad who was hell bent on taunting him about the obvious attraction he had to my mom. The images I have about how things played out that day are so disturbing I wish I could forget them forever. The fight that started between the two dads involved a knife and a tire iron; it resulted in several broken windows and mass quantity of blood lost by both of them. Ultimately, the fight drew enough attention from the neighboring businesses that the cops were called. It was a shit show, both should have been arrested but both needed medical attention which is how neither of them ended up behind bars that night. The fight broke out before my mom had actually bought a car so my dad volunteered to take her to her soccer game that night.”

Steve didn’t give any of his thoughts away; he just continued to slowly eat the food we ordered. “Between my parents, it was my mom who was the most concerned about her dad. But she had a soccer game that she couldn’t skip out on. My dad wasn’t too worried, he had seen his dad fighting more than once and he wasn’t going to give up the opportunity to spend time with my mom for him. It was later reported that the police told both parties the charges were pending, which only pissed both of them off more than they already were. My mom’s dad had more injuries so he took longer to be released from the hospital. My dad’s dad took a cab back to the dealership; he knew my mom’s dad would be by because his car was still there. Instead of heading home he went to the tavern next door where he proceeded to get drunk. We don’t know if it was a coincidence that he stumbled out of the tavern at the same time as her dad arrived to get his car or if he was watching and waiting for him. The encounter ended with my mom’s dad dead behind the dealership, the injuries from the earlier fight left him unable to defend himself. He was beaten to death; his injuries included multiple broken bones including his skull which had been smashed into the ground repeatedly. My dad discovered his body the following morning when he arrived at work. After spending the previous night watching my mom play soccer he only knew her first name, soccer number and what dorm she lived in. After calling the police and giving them his report, he had little doubt that it was anyone other than his dad that caused the man’s death.”

As I spoke the words that have haunted my family for so long, I could feel the burden lifting slowly. The story wasn’t over, there was still tragedy left to tell but so far Steve hadn’t moved other than to eat his food which gave me the courage to continue. “My dad left the dealership with the intention of finding my mom before the cops tracked her down. He started by heading to the soccer field, he figured if people were around they would have a better idea of who my mom was. The odds were better than standing outside her dorm asking people if they knew the pretty soccer player named Amy who wore number 8. When he pulled into the parking lot at the soccer field he saw a few cars, including his dad’s car that was parked in the corner at the far end of the lot. Panic set in, as he realized the only reason for his dad to be there was her, the daughter of the man he was sure his dad had killed. He hardly had the car in park when he jumped out, they weren’t in his car but he could hear her crying. He found them about 30 yards away in the trees that ran along the far side of the field. His dad had her pinned to the ground one hand held over her mouth; the clothes remaining on her body were torn and covered in blood. She was missing one shoe and her pants were completely removed from her body. As my dad ran up on them he could see that his dad was trying to free himself from his own pants.” I couldn’t look at him as I told the rest of the story, my heart hurt so badly for my parents. I couldn’t stop the tears from falling at this point. I was almost to the end.

“My dad said he screamed for his dad to stop, but he didn’t even pause in the attack. At that point his only mission was to save my mom. He had been on the receiving end of fighting his dad too many times to count but he said this was completely different than any of those fights. He pulled him off my mom and yelled for her to run…only she couldn’t. She was not only in shock, she was missing most of her clothes and she was injured to the point that she couldn’t stand on her own. My dad swears he didn’t intend to kill him, while in the same breath says he would do it again if it meant protecting my mom. While holding his dad in a headlock, hoping he would pass out long enough for him to pick up my mom and get away, he watched my mom as she lay there trembling. His dad fought against him with all his energy, which caused the knife wound in his chest to re-open. The actual cause of death was determined to be internal bleeding and asphyxiation.” The tears continued to roll down my cheek, more from the relief of having it all out there than anything else.

Steve doesn’t say a word as he pulls out his wallet tossing a few bills on the table. He stands as he reaches for my hand, pulling me up into his protection leading me from the restaurant. He opens the passenger door of my car and waits as I get settled inside. I am unsure of what to expect from him since he hasn’t said a word, but that same uneasy feeling is telling me it is all going to be okay.

Steve started my car but didn’t actually pull out of the parking spot. After turning on the heat he turned in his seat until he was facing me; feeling his eyes on me, I turned to see his loving gaze watching me. He ran his finger down the side of my face, the tender touch causing goose bumps to spread across my skin. His hand continued down until he had my hand in his. Words were stuck in my throat, I wanted to let him know I would let him walk away if my family history was too much for him to accept but the reality is, I didn’t want to let him walk away. I needed him and wanted him just as much as I needed and wanted my family.

Steve melted my fear with his heart stopping smile and shining blue eyes, his words didn’t hurt either. “Baby there is nothing you could tell me about your family that would stop me from loving you. I know your dad did what he had to do to protect your mom, if I were in his shoes and you were in your moms shoes I would have done the exact same thing. Baby, it is called protecting what is your own. I have told you before, you are mine and knowing your family story doesn’t change that in the slightest.” Leaning across the center console he pressed his lips to mine in the most tender kiss we had ever shared.

Pulling away from the kiss I rested my forehead against his, soaking in his love and acceptance. “I know where we can go, the rocks. I’ve been there before a couple of times with Calvin and his friends, this time of year there shouldn’t be anyone there.” Cal used to spend a lot of time there in the summer, I had only gone along twice when the weather wasn’t great and they weren’t swimming. I knew better than to ask to go when I would have been expected to get in a swim suite with his friends around.

I gave Steve directions to the rocks, pulling in I saw that I was right it was too cold for people to be hanging out there. Still dressed in my pencil skirt, I wasn’t really dressed for hanging out in that weather, so we stayed in the car overlooking the lake. It might have been the heaviness of the earlier conversation or it might just be my comfort level with Steve, either way I was ready to lay everything out on the line.

“Will you be honest with me if I ask you a question that puts you on the spot? I don’t want you to give me an answer simply because you think it is what I want to hear.” I had turned to watch him as he responded.

“Of course I’ll be honest with you. I will always be honest with you, it is the only way we will be able to be successful in this relationship. I hope you do the same, when I ask hard questions.” He reassured me by pulling the back of my hand to his mouth for a soft kiss.

“I have always been honest with you.” My mind wandered away from where I was initially going with my question, to thinking about Mary and the possibility of modeling, no I would save that conversation for another time. He gave me a questioning look as he realized my mind jumped tracks. Shaking my head I continued, “There are a couple things I still want to talk to you about. Some involve more thought than others. I know we have both spoken of the future and referenced us being married. Like earlier when that lady asked if I was your wife and you said, “Not yet.” But we have never had the concrete conversation. I don’t want you to think I am saying this only so you will propose. I’m not, but—”

Before I could continue he interrupted my words with a forceful kiss, his tongue invading my mouth while his hands tangled in my hair pulling me to an angle that allowed him the deepest access to my mouth. The kiss carried on longer than I thought my air supply could last. He nibbled on my lower lip, sucking and biting it followed by the gentle soothing sweep of his tongue. He ended the kiss with his forehead resting against mine. “Baby, I am telling you right now we are getting married. No I haven’t proposed, and that isn’t what I am doing now either, but not because I haven’t thought about it every day since the day I met you. There are things that need to be done before I could officially ask you.” Our eyes are locked and our breathing is heavy, his words hanging in the air. I know I need to continue telling him about my dad’s offer.

Steadying myself with a deep breath, I began to tell him about the offer my dad made me earlier. “My meeting with my dad earlier was a proposition slash job offer. He asked me to consider moving home after this semester is over. I freaked out the second he asked me to consider it, I told him I wouldn’t leave you and he couldn’t ask that of me. He quickly corrected my assumption; the job offer was actually for you. He was beyond impressed with what you did on Saturday. He knows you are close to graduating but that you are simply going to school for the sake of getting a degree, not because you had a specific career in mind. Apparently, he has done some research and found out that everything we have done to this point is fully transferable so we could attend State University here or we could take classes online and stay Western State students. I told him neither of us could leave Sierra there, but he reassured me not to worry about her; he wouldn’t spoil any surprises but he told me Cal was looking out for her. I didn’t mention Curtis, but I wouldn’t want to leave him behind either. I told him I would consider it, only if it was something you agreed to. When I picked Western State, I couldn’t wait to break free of the hold my family had on me, but the reality is I miss them every day. The hold they had on me was just preparation for the hold you have on me.”

Once again he attacks me with a kiss, only this time I am the one biting his bottom lip, sucking on his tongue. Pulling away from the kiss, we are both smiling so big if anyone could see us they would think we were a bunch of dorks. Seeing his smile, I started to giggle which made him laugh; within seconds we were both cracking up. I wasn’t sure either of us knew what we were laughing about, but in that moment I didn’t care. Finally he pulled me into his lap, it was a tight, awkward fit but neither of us cared. He brushed the hair out of my face and over my shoulder before he finally spoke. “Baby I would follow you to the ends of the Earth. I don’t care where we live; I don’t care whether you go to school to be a doctor or stay home while I work. I loved working at the dealership and the fact that your dad thinks I did a good job makes me happy. Not to ruin your brother’s surprise, but he has already asked Curtis and me for permission to ask Sierra to marry him. I imagine she will be transferring to State University or taking classes online so she can be closer to your brother. As far as Curtis is concerned, we had a long conversation after Calvin asked us for permission; he isn’t happy at Western State and wants to move closer to Callie and Will. I don’t know the full dynamic of their relationship and quite frankly I don’t really care so long as he is happy.” He paused giving me his panty melting smile and wink before he finished telling me his thoughts, “I am willing to do whatever you want Babe. You are the most important person in my life; up until you, my circle of important people has been small, Sierra and Curtis. Your circle of people is bigger and they have gone out of their way to make me feel like I belong in their circle.”

I didn’t realize my dad’s offer was causing me so much anxiety until after Steve knew and admitted he was willing to do whatever I wanted. The only causes for concern left were wondering when Cal was proposing to Sierra and if Curtis was ready to move, because I didn’t want to leave either of them behind even if it was for just one semester. Steve reassured me, “Do not worry about them. Without ruining any surprises,” he winked, “we can wait until Friday to tell your dad we made a decision.” Ah ha, Sierra would be engaged by Friday. Good to know, good to know.

With that settled I snuggled into him, slowly running my nose up his neck smelling his distinct scent. As I reached his ear, I couldn’t help but flick his barbell piercing with my tongue. I could feel the shiver running through his body in response to my tongue making contact. He couldn’t disguise the growing stiffness in his pants. At the feel of his erection poking me, I couldn’t help but rotate my hips acknowledging his arousal and showing him in return that the feeling was most definitely mutual. He ran his hand slowly up my skirt between my legs, dragging the skirt higher in sync with his hand. I wiggled my hips allowing him to drag my skirt all the way up, exposing to him the garter and stockings, upon seeing them Steve lost some control. He quickly pushed the seat back as far as it could go, reclined the seat two notches, and lifted me so I was straddling him as best I could in the car. He wasn’t gentle when pulling my panties to the side, exposing my bare pussy to him. At the site he lost a little more control, “Oh fuck me, your pussy is bare. I can’t wait, I need to taste your wet pussy baby. Oh fuck, I could cum just looking at you. Please tell me you will be bare the first time I fuck you, oh god I want to see my cock sliding in and out of your pussy.” As he said the last words he pushing a finger in and out, just like I imagine he wants to do with his cock. Hearing his words turns up my arousal, in less than a dozen pumps of his hand I am calling out his name releasing my orgasm all over his hand. Before I could slow the movements of my hips, he has the driver’s side door open and he lifts me out before climbing out behind me. Turning my body he tells me to bend over while he kneels behind me, the first swipe of his tongue almost knocks me off my feet. Running his tongue from my clit all the way to my puckered ass over and over has my second orgasm approaching long before I am ready. His fingers join in, giving me pleasure where his tongue isn’t. He circles his finger back and forth; it proves too much and my body convulses as orgasm number two runs its course. Before I could come to my senses he is standing up pulling me into his arms. He tries to distract me from opening his pants, but I refused to ignore his massive cock straining to break free. At the touch of my tongue his hips jumped forward and his head fell back. He let me set the pace of taking him in my mouth; bolder than I was the first time, I didn’t slow down until I was able to brush my nose into his neatly trimmed pubic hair. Releasing him from my mouth, my saliva covering him allows me to stroke him with ease as I lick and suck each of his balls increasing his pleasure. He pleads and curses, begging me not to stop. Returning his cock to my mouth I increase my efforts; with little hope of holding his orgasm off, he releases into my mouth. Enjoying the taste that is uniquely him, I circled my tongue to clean up anything that I missed. When he becomes too sensitive to my touch he takes a step back leaning his hips away from my reach, dipping his head below the roof of the car. Looking up into his bright blue eyes, I have never been happier in my life.

After taking a minute to recover and to put his junk away, he kneels between my legs and kisses me with more love than I have ever felt. His kiss gives me the reassurance I didn’t know I needed after the heaviness of all I shared with him. Pulling away from the kiss he reassured me with his words as well, “I love you with all that I am and I will show you every day just how much. I honestly couldn’t ask for a partner who was more perfect than you. Look at me Baby, I will love you forever; good times and bad; I will work my ass off so we have only richer times; I will take care of you in sickness and in health; what we have is once in a lifetime, its crazy good love Baby.” With one more kiss he pulls me out of the car and guides me over to the passenger side.

Pulling out of the parking lot he tells me we should probably hit a drive thru on the way home since I didn’t eat much as Jacks. Instead I suggested we call and ask Cal and Sierra to meet us for Mexican food; anymore alone time in the car with Steve and we would cross the line in the back seat of my car, never-minding who was around or where we were.




I knew there was something major that caused Luke, Calvin and Kyler to protect Hannah the way they do. Knowing the full story is reassuring not only for Hannah, but in knowing that Calvin will be treating Sierra the same way.

Everything is coming together perfectly and I am so ready for the next step. I just need a chance to figure out how I’m going to propose.