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The Other Brother: A Billionaire Hangover Romance by Natalie Knight, Daphne Dawn (138)


“Hurry,” Brad calls from the living room. “You’ll miss it.”

I roll my eyes and stifle a yawn.

“You want coffee don’t you?” I call back and press the button on our new shiny beast, the latest and greatest coffee machine money can buy.

“Food?” Scott comes into the kitchen and turns on the oven.

I shrug. It’s a bit early to be thinking about eating and I will need at least one strong caffeine hit before I can make decisions of importance.

“Voila,” Scott produces croissants from somewhere.

“Yum.” My stomach now growls even though only a few minutes ago I could have sworn I’m not hungry.

“What are you two doing?” calls Brad from the living. “You better not be doing something I should be part of.”

We giggle.

“Don’t worry Brad,” I reply. “We’re just getting food.”

Just at that moment Brad’s head appears in the kitchen.

“Just checking,” he grins.

Several minutes later we are all huddled around our new oversized extra large television screen.

“Turn it up.” Scott complains. “I can’t hear anything.”

“You don’t need to,” Brad gives him a friendly punch in the upper arm. “It’s not like you’re going to win anything.”

“Shh,” I say to both of them as the announcer of the Emmy Awards welcomes everyone to what she says will be a night of surprises, or early morning for us since for some reason it is being held outside the USA, somewhere exotic, somewhere where the time zones don’t match ours.

We smile at each other.

Our show - it has become known as our show in the last few weeks since…well, ever since I took over, really - has several nominations.

Scott is nominated for outstanding supporting actor and Brad for outstanding lead actor. None of us are sure who determined Brad as lead and Scott as supporting actor, but it doesn’t matter. What matters is, they both are nominated.

The show itself is nominated for outstanding daytime television drama. I, together with my writers am nominated as outstanding drama series writing team. And best of all I’m personally nominated as outstanding producer of daytime television drama.

The last few months have been amazing. Life has been kind to all of us.

With my talented team of writers and supporting lead actors, the show has gone stronger. I have even been approached by a couple of other network heads to write for them.

I have been headhunted.

A month ago Scott, Brad and I decided to move in together and since we each owned small apartments it was time to upgrade.

House hunting was fun. Some of the agent’s eyes grew to the size of dinner plates when they saw me walk up with two blokes. The women seemed to take it better than the men.

The lawyer who had to draw up the paper work was priceless. It took him quite a long time to work out we were a threesome.

Our house is in the hills alongside some of Hollywood’s other super stars. On our first night Scott stood on the balcony and raised a toast to everyone.

“This is where we belong.” He announced to no one in particular.

“More coffee?” I ask and look at Brad and Scott.

“I know what I want more of,” Scott’s hand reaches under my flimsy nightdress.

My pussy instantly responds, like it always does when either one of them touch me.

“Not now,” it takes all my strength to resist. “We don’t want to miss the announcements.”

Scott pouts. “What about a quickie.”

I leave him without another word.

Once I’m in the kitchen I hear yelling. I poke my head back into the living room.

“Quick,” Brad shouts. “Supporting actor is about to be announced.”

I hear just the tail end of nominations and Scott’s name.

With three quick steps I’m next to him and hold his hand. Brad is holding his fists tightly shut.

Drum roll. The announcer smiles and pulls the name out of the envelope in snail’s pace.

“Hurry up,” I urge him, bouncing up and down on my seat.

“Scott from The Kings.”

We hug and cry with each other, almost missing the announcement of lead actor.

“Shush,” I hold my hand over Scott’s mouth. We listen to the nominations and again my heart is beating so fast I feel as if I’d just run a marathon. With Scott having won an award it would not feel right if Brad didn’t.

The camera zooms in on the announcers face. She holds the paper in front of her eyes as if she needs glasses. I can see she’s reading silently. Come on, just say it, I mouth.

“Looks like our new show is going to be cleaning up tonight,” she says and I’m already squeezing Brad’s hand.

“The winner of outstanding lead actor is Brad from The Kings.”

I can’t believe it. We hug, we kiss, and we hug again. I’m crying and laughing at the same time.

When they announce our writing team as winners of outstanding writing I feel as though I can’t take much more.

“And now ladies and gentlemen, viewers,” a handsome face says from the television “we come to outstanding daytime television producer.”

Brad and Scott crowd around me. Both of them hold me as tight as possible. If they squeeze any more I won’t be able to breathe.

“It’s a tough field this year,” says the blonde assistant to the announcer smiling broadly into the camera.

“Like every other year,” agrees the announcer. The names are read out. Goosebumps crawl up my arms and back when I hear my own name. It feels surreal.

I close my eyes and put my hands over my ears. I don’t think I can listen.

“You’ve won!” shouts Brad.

“You’ve won!” shouts Scott and both of them kiss me.

I fall back on the couch. They pounce. Their hands are all over me as are their mouths.

Oh my gosh. This is amazing.

Almost at the same time both of them pull back.

I sit up.

“What?” Suddenly all feelings of happiness disappear. They look so serious. Do they have bad news? Are they leaving me?

“Kayla,” Scott takes my hand.

“Kayla,” Brad takes my other hand.

Has someone died?

“We want you to know,” Scott starts.

“That you mean the world to us.” Finishes Brad.

They are leaving me. I can tell from their faces. I brace for what comes next.

“Kayla we love you and we want to spend the rest of our lives with you. Will you marry us?’

I blink. What? Did I hear correctly?

“Will you?” they repeat and now I start to cry.

No words pass my lips and so I simply nod.

We melt into each other’s arms and Scott kisses me. Brad’s mouth is traveling downward where my wet pussy waits for him. And both my hands are busy with needy dicks.

I can’t believe it, but this is my life now.

I’ve been blessed.