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Lost in Vengeance (Wolf Creek Shifters Book 1) by H.R. Savage (20)







Chapter Twenty-One


Leaving that morning turned out to be easier than Cat expected, though she hadn’t been able to convince herself to go down into the basement. Killian had moved her away from the doorway and marched past her to see if the person had come back and left clues. Unfortunately, they hadn’t found anything besides the necklace, which ended up tucked in Killian’s pocket until they could get home.

“For safety,” he had said.

They scarfed the food down once they woke up, all of them famished because they had forgotten to eat the night before. They cooked the food on a convenient propane stove Killian had thought to grab at the small store. There was no way they were bringing it on the plane, so he ended up stuffing it in a kitchen cabinet.

Killian and Brian jumped in the SUV, with Brian in the back so Cat could sit shotgun for the ride back to the airport. Before she could climb up, Sullivan laid his hand on her shoulder.

“You need to keep in touch this time, okay?” He stuffed a piece of paper into one of her hands. “That’s my phone number and e-mail address. Just send me a Hey, I’m alive every now and then.” He grinned, his dimples adding to his charm. Despite all her attempts to convince Killian otherwise, she knew the truth. Those dimples and brown eyes had been the winner of her heart as a teenager, and even now they could wrangle a sincere smile from her.

“Okay, will do, Sully.” She laughed, pulling him into her arms for a quick but effective embrace. She had thought she would never glimpse this man again, and here he was sending her off with her new pack. A little bit of her past catching up to her.

She climbed into the front seat and had barely shut the door when Killian started driving off.

“In a rush, are we?” she murmured, narrowing her eyes at Killian. He shot her a cocky one-sided grin.

“Just trying to make it to the airport in time, babe.” He winked mischievously and watched the road again.

Cat turned in her seat, waving at Sullivan and the cabin that held way too many memories to ever be home again.

* * * *

They stopped at Jessica’s house first to drop off Brian. He rushed out the door and up the steps with his carryall slung over his shoulder. Before he even knocked, Jessica swung open the door and jumped on him. Her long legs wrapped around his waist, and the bag fell to the floor at his feet with a dramatic thump. From the truck, Cat could see the relief and comfort in Jessica’s face and instantly felt horrible Brian had to go at all. In front of that small yellow cottage, Cat could see the connection between the two of them and realized no mates should ever be apart.

She looked up at Killian as they drove back to their—his home. He wasn’t her mate. She’d already clarified that, but what exactly did it make them? Fuck buddies? Friends with benefits? They seemed like such emotionless terms, based on nothing but a need to have sexual gratification. There was definitely more than that for Cat. Hell, she’d been a virgin before and had decided to trust him.

What was it that drew her to him? The way his cheeks crinkled when he smiled? The way he sometimes grew his facial hair to the barest hint of scruff and would rub it on her cheek whenever he kissed her? The way he sang her country songs that had somehow become her favorites, his baritone voice sending chills down her spine and simultaneously making her laugh at his silliness?

No, it was before. Even in the back of the trailer, it had been there. That overwhelming sense of calmness and the instinct to trust him. He exuded confidence and stability. He was completely comfortable with himself and where his life was, and for someone whose life seemed to be constantly teetering on the edge, he was a gentle reprieve.

Cat jumped out of the tall truck when they reached the house and dragged her suitcase toward the door. Killian followed not long after and opened it, neither of them saying a word until their feet officially crossed the threshold. The weight of the trip seemed to melt at the appearance of Killian’s home that had become so much a part of her life the past month.

“Why don’t you go put your stuff back, and I’ll see if I can get Finn here. He might be working,” Killian said. His eyes were a little glazed over, like he wasn’t really paying attention to her but was focusing on the task at hand. One hand was tucked into the pocket with the necklace and idly stroking the object inside.

“Okay. I’m just going to grab a quick shower and stuff. Let me know if he’s coming.”

She felt rumpled and exhausted, both mentally and physically. She dropped the case on the bed and unzipped it to reveal the candy-skull tote lying on top of the outfits. Taking it out delicately, she put the clothes away and dragged her feet to the shower.

It was heaven to feel the hot water beating down on her back and the steam billowing around her. How had she gone six years without it, when now she could barely last a day without the cleansing effect of a shower? She scrubbed at the grime on her skin from travel and relished the delicious clean scent of her soap.

Even with the longing to stay in the shower for a whole hour, Cat rushed her routine. She really didn’t want to miss out on Finn coming over with any information. If he had any information at all. Killian seemed to think he was capable, but Cat couldn’t see how it was possible that Finn would know anything about a random necklace at her parents’ house.

She threw on a loose gray V-neck shirt and some yoga pants before heading toward the door, braiding her hair on the way. A flash of color caught her eye, and she realized she had left the tote lying on the bed, all her treasures still sitting within.

Her hands slowly fell from the braid, and she reached out to stroke a finger along the candy-skull pattern. All she had left of her parents was stuck in one tiny little bag. Tucking one hand into the opening, she pulled out the silver frame and then stared at the picture again.

Two people who had loved unconditionally, who had given up their lives to protect a necklace, were gone. Nothing more than pictures and jewelry to remember them by.

It was real. The empty, ragged cabin. The rug pulled over their bloodstains. The cold chill that swept through her body, sending bile up to her throat. She hadn’t mourned their loss at the cabin. She had mourned it in a shower when she came to Wolf Creek. She hadn’t stood over their graves, telling them good-bye; she held the picture of them in her fingers. It just seemed so…unfair that she couldn’t do anything but such meaningless mourning.

The click of the door didn’t surprise her. She had sensed him before he had even made it across the landing to her room—had heard the subtle brush of his feet across hardwood floors. Killian stood behind her and briefly rubbed her lower back with a finger.

“I called him. Finn will be over in an hour with Kelly. They’re treating a patient on a house call right now.”

Despite being Shifters, the pack was able to live somewhat normal lives thanks to Killian’s effective training on control. Finn was a doctor and had his own small clinic within Big Bear, and every now and then Kelly would work as a nurse for him when someone called out sick.

Cat nodded indifferently, her stare burning into the image of two people who used to be her world but no longer had a place in it.

“Hey.” Killian placed his hand fully onto her back, and she leaned into his comforting warmth. When he glanced over her shoulder to see what she was looking at, he reached a hand around in front to take it from her. “What are you thinking about?”

Cat turned to face him and was momentarily distracted by bare flesh. He had just showered, evidenced by the trail of water dripping from the ends of his hair and down his skin. He had also shaved away the sexy scruff from before, but it didn’t detract from his domineering appearance. She licked her suddenly dry lips, tempted to lap at the water making its lazy way down his neck.

“N-nothing,” she whispered and looked up to meet his golden gaze. It was understanding, the way it had been when she had broken down in the truck. As if he understood the feeling of emptiness and loss that came with someone dying. He walked to the dresser and set the frame down, rubbing an idle finger over the cool silver.

“At least you have this, Cat. Just be grateful you have anything of them at all,” he mumbled.

There it was again. That hint of something from his past yet to be revealed. But what did she really know about Killian, besides Wolf Creek? He knew her darkest times and memories, had seen her crushed and broken mentality, but Killian remained nothing more than the Wolf Creek Killian.

Before she could ask a question, he turned sharply. All previous emotions were gone, now replaced with a look she knew all too well. He moved toward her, his large body prowling and stalking her like prey.

“What are you doing, Killian?” she asked, breathless from the erotic promise on his face. She knew exactly what he was doing.

“Oh, I think you know, little wolf. I’m making up for lost time.” He pursued her, and she subconsciously moved backward until the backs of her knees hit the edge of the bed.

“Lost time?” She was lost in those eyes, promising her a momentary escape.

He made a sound deep in his throat and brought his hands up to play with the hem of her shirt. “With Sully there last night and Brian so close, we didn’t get to…reestablish our relationship after our argument.”

Her stomach muscles clenched at his hot touch. His fingers made a lazy trail along the waistband of her jeans. He teased the flesh there with his rough skin, sending ripples of pleasure to her already pulsing clit. Cat shut her eyes and lifted her hands to his head to pull him down for a kiss.

“What about Finn and Kelly?” she whispered against his lips, feeling his breath mingle between them. She’d ask questions about him later.

“We have an hour,” he whispered and licked her bottom lip. She gasped at the torturous feeling that melted her insides to nothing but a liquid mess.

“Well…then I guess we better reestablish.”

He laid her down on the bed, enveloping her with the comforting warmth of his body. She breathed in his scent—musky, spicy, with a hint of whatever body wash he used.

She thought he would ravish her, desperate to make up for the time lost in her cabin. Yet when Killian laid her down, it was gentle. He trailed his nose down the side of her face, her neck, the curve of her shoulder. His lips hardly touched her skin, but instead his hot breath sent a heated shiver down her spine.

“Killian,” she gasped. He pressed his lips to her shoulder, sucking on the skin there. He moved his hands beneath her shirt, dipping his fingers beneath her bra to hold her breasts. He raised his head and stared at her with stormy eyes.

“No talking, Catrina. Just let me love you.”

Love. A word that shot straight to her soul, but she knew he didn’t mean it the way her heart wanted him to. It was heat-of-the-moment sweet talk, meant to melt her. And it worked.

He squeezed her nipples between two fingers, and she arched into his hand. He tortured her slowly, spreading long, heated kisses lower and lower until she gasped and moaned uncontrollably. He removed her clothes leisurely, as if he wasn’t making her very insides clench and throb with desire at every touch of his fingers and tongue. She ran her hands through his wet hair and tried to push him on, but he only laughed.

“Calm down, little wolf.”

He ravished her breast with his tongue while teasing the other with his fingers. He tasted every inch of her skin. He traced his hands down the side of her thighs, pulling them up while at the same time lowering his head. She watched him, and he never took his eyes off her. When one side of his lips tilted up, she closed her eyes, anticipating the hot contact of his tongue.

“Look at me, Cat,” he said, his voice soft but commanding.

She reacted instinctively, clashing her gaze with his. Amber orbs burned into hers, and his pink tongue flicked out, running along the length of her pussy. The groan rocketed out of her, and her hips bucked into his mouth. But she kept her wide eyes on him. His stare made it all the more erotic. He traced her lips delicately, pushing at her clit to make a long, slow circle around the sensitive nerves. She dug her fingers into his hair, pushing him closer, but he grabbed her hands and took them off.

“I’m taking my time with you. I think you need to remember who you belong to.”

Her wolf growled, hating to be told what to do, and the sound echoed in the room. At the same time, her wolf understood. He was hers in the same way she was his. This pleasure they wrought on each of their bodies could only come from the other. Their mate.

She clenched the sheets when he continued, fire burning inside her. Her legs shook around his head as her orgasm built, but she felt empty. She needed something more, something to push her over the edge. The slow method was hot, but it wasn’t making her complete.

As if he read her mind, two fingers pushed inside at the same moment Killian sucked on her clit. Her pussy clenched around the two digits, and her whole body shot up at the immense pleasure. Stars burst behind her eyes as her orgasm hung there, teasing her. He crooked his fingers, rubbing within her walls. She shattered around him, his tongue flicking her clit. His stare bored into hers as she exploded and fought the urge to close her eyes in pleasure.

Before she could come down from her blinding orgasm, he shoved his hard cock within her, stretching her tightened walls. Cat whimpered and closed her eyes, grabbing for something, anything, and finding his back. He bent over her and turned her chin, forcing her eyes open.

“Watch me. Watch what you do to me.”

She couldn’t have looked away if she’d wanted to. He held her captive with his gaze as he thrust slowly. There was no rush in his pace. Again the pleasure built slowly, steadily, like the smooth beat of a rising tempo. Cat dug her fingernails into his back and raised her hips with his, urging his tempo on, gasping each time he sank deeper. Her body hummed, and his heavy breathing filled her ears. He groaned loudly, the vibration shaking his whole body against hers. Drops of sweat pricked across his forehead, and he parted his lips.

“Fuck,” he whispered, creasing his eyebrows together.

Cat groaned, her whole body tensing. This orgasm was completely different. It was deep, long, and her whole pussy clenched around his thickening cock. Killian’s rhythm staggered as her orgasm sent them both skyrocketing. His eyes finally closed, and he dropped his forehead to hers. They lay there, his hands gripping her hips and hers lying limp against his back, as they both attempted to steady their breathing.

They had definitely made up for lost time.


* * * *


Later that night Cat sat on the couch in the living room, leaning over her relentlessly bouncing leg. Killian sat next to her, now fully dressed in a white shirt and the same jeans, with a glass of wine in one hand while the other lay slung over the back of the couch behind her. He seemed so relaxed where she was tight and nervous. How could he remain calm when this could be it? He was composed when she was a jittery wreck.

The doorbell rang, disturbing the dense silence. Her stomach jumped to her throat, and she shot up to look at the door. Killian stood calmly and placed a hand on her shoulder.

“I’ve got it, Cat. Just sit down and stop being so nervous. They’ll either know or they won’t.”

Stop being nervous? Like it was that easy. All her plans lay in the smallest chance that Finn knew what the damn necklace was. She nodded and wrapped her arms around herself, suddenly cold. Her body shivered against the unease that seemed rampant within her.

He let them in, smiles on everyone’s faces except for hers. She did attempt a smile, although it probably turned out more as a grimace than anything. They said their hellos, hugs and pats on the back throughout the room, before Kelly and Finn finally sat on the love seat.

They really were a beautiful couple. Kelly, with her chestnut hair and warm brown eyes, and Finn, with his graying black hair carefully styled and his vibrant blue eyes. She could see their love for each other in the same way she could when her parents were alive. Killian sat too, but Cat couldn’t force her anxious body to be still. Instead she paced by the fire, arms crossed over her chest, watching Finn. Her wolf whined at the human’s anxiousness, unsure how to react to the current situation.

When Finn noticed her unease, his smile faltered, and his blue gaze clashed with Killian.

“What’s going on, Killian? What happened in Alaska?” he asked.

He thought she was crazy. She could hear it in the way his voice seemed a little higher than usual, the way he grasped Kelly’s hand, ready to pull her away if Cat attacked. It had been over a month, and they still doubted her control of her wolf when stressed. She forced herself to stop pacing, took a deep breath, and gave Kelly a real smile, hoping to relieve just the slightest bit of tension between them.

Killian shook his head. “The whole house was trashed. There wasn’t any evidence of clues that could lead to anything, and there were no scents of another Shifter. It’s been too long. Either that, or he wasn’t one at all—”

“He was.” Cat cut in sharply. They all looked at her, and she sighed in exasperation. She had cut off the Alpha again. “He was. I know his scent,” she mumbled and looked at her toes. She kicked at the edge of the rug, needing to do something if she couldn’t pace. Or speak, apparently.

Killian cleared his throat. “There were no scents.”

“Okay,” Finn said, leaning forward on his knees. “So what do you need me for?”

“Well…” Cat glanced up as Killian took the necklace from his pocket, the jade glittering in the firelight. “Brian found this underneath a floorboard of the kitchen. Her parents put it there with a letter but didn’t tell her what it was, only that she was to keep it safe.”

Finn narrowed his eyes at the necklace, grabbing at the leather strap to place it in his palm. He inspected the carving of the wolf and moon for a couple of minutes before a look of absolute amazement flashed on his face.

“Oh…oh my God,” he gasped, lifting the pendant to see it in better light.

Cat stepped forward sharply. The anxiety had reached its max. It overflowed within her, threatening to escape. She either needed answers, or she was going to shift right there and go on a very long run in the woods.

“You know what it is?” she whispered.

“Well, I think I do,” Finn said, giving the necklace back to Killian, who swiftly put it back in his pocket. “I think it’s the Faol Geal.”

Her heart stopped. It had a name. The damn necklace had a name. Triumph ran swift through her veins. She might not have all the answers she needed, but this was the right track.

“And what is that?” Killian asked. Cat finally sat down, her body numb with relief and sudden loss of energy. She felt drained, her mind void of anything but the thought that a name meant it could be researched.

Finn shot a nervous glance at Kelly. “When I was younger, I dated a Witch.”

Kelly narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips. “Evelyn Faye. That seductive bitch.”

Cat’s head jerked so fast she could have gotten whiplash. Kelly had just cursed! The gentle, dignified Kelly had actually said a bad word. In the time Cat had been living in Wolf Creek, she had never heard the woman say anything besides “oh fudge” or “holy smokes.”

“Yes.” He cleared his throat and glanced back at Killian. “She was very…interesting. She had a thing for wanting to try out all the different paranormals. I just happened to be her Shifter.” He moved his legs, clearly uncomfortable with Kelly’s evil glare. “Anyway, while we were, umm…dating, she would go on and on about how we wouldn’t be around if it weren’t for a Warlock.”

Cat gasped. “A Warlock? But I heard it was the goddess Artio who created the Shifters.”

Finn nodded. “She did. I don’t know all the story, but apparently a Warlock named Torcuil Mckinney created an amulet, the Faol Geal, that would help the Shifters with their control. Without it, Shifters probably would have lost it and been killed off centuries ago. We’re not well-known for being the best dinner guests.” He shot a sideways smile at Kelly and kissed her on the cheek.

“And how do you know this is that amulet?” Killian asked, pulling Cat into his side. She almost resisted the move but realized he needed it more than her. He was nervous. This was a very powerful object in his pocket if what Finn said was true.

Finn shrugged. “She used to sketch it. She had a fascination for powerful objects like that and would draw them all in a journal. I mean, it could be an imitation, but I doubt it. Especially since Cat’s parents were killed for it.”

Killian leaned back against the couch with Cat still tucked into him as they both tried to take in all the information. An amulet, created by a Warlock, to control all Shifters. That was…very powerful. And dangerous. In the wrong hands, it could be devastating. The possessor of such power could rule the Shifters, causing them to rampage against everybody, and many would die. Finn and Kelly watched them in amazement.

“We need to find more information on it,” Killian finally said, and Finn nodded. “Can you get ahold of this Witch still?”

“I could try,” Finn said. Kelly shot him a narrowed look before she looked at Killian.

“Really, Killian? Don’t you think it’s a bit dangerous to be digging into something like this? If people find out we have it…” She trailed off.

“I know, Kelly. It’s a risk, but finding out more about it could help us figure out who killed Cat’s parents. And that is our goal right now.”

“I thought our goal was to keep the pack safe. This doesn’t seem safe to me,” she whispered, completely out of character. Kelly never argued with Killian. Ever.

Killian sighed, closing his eyes and rubbing his face with one hand. “Kelly. Just trust me.”

She relented, her lips set in a firm line as she looked at her hands in her lap.

Killian stood, pulling Cat with him by the hand. “Thank you for tonight. I know you’re both tired, and so are we. The flight from Alaska was pretty draining. For now, let’s just see if Finn can get ahold of Evelyn. Don’t mention anything to anyone else in the pack. Not yet,” he said firmly, glancing back and forth between the two. Finn and Kelly nodded and stood, walking out of the house and into the night.

Killian’s shoulders drooped once they left. He looked like a heavy burden lay on top of him, pushing him down under its tremendous weight. Cat touched his back and put her cheek to his shoulder.

This was becoming more and more dangerous. If someone found out the pack was interested in the Faol Geal, they could get suspicious. That could lead to many people coming to their doorstep. For an Alpha who prided himself on the safety of the pack, this was a risk, and Cat was amazed this man would take it to help her. The same man who had threatened to kill her if she caused any danger to his family.

“So are you going to take me down now, Killian?” she asked, kissing the skin beneath his sleeve.

He lifted his head and paused, probably trying to figure out what she meant. He chuckled, his shoulder moving beneath her head, before he turned and picked her up.

“Sure, but it’s probably not the same takedown as what you’re thinking.” His golden eyes gleamed as he carried her up the stairs to his bedroom. His mouth crashed to hers, and their tongues tangled together. She gasped into his mouth, tasting him, ravishing his lips just as he did hers.

Killian kicked open the door, and Cat giggled as he fumbled to close it behind them again. He threw her on top of the still-rumpled sheets and pointed one stern finger at her.

“Stay there,” he ordered but smiled around the words.

Cat nodded. “Yes, Your Highness,” she said and bit her bottom lip.

Killian made quick work of his jeans, sliding them down his long tan legs and making sure his boxers went with them. He tugged his shirt over his head, and Cat licked her lips at the image of the godlike man in front of her.

“Miss Macintyre,” he started, making his way to the bed. He leaned on the bed, his hands pushing down the edge and tilting the mattress toward him. “You have done something very, very bad.”

Cat giggled and crawled back on her elbows as he moved closer, trying to move away from his playful game.

“Have I really?” she breathed through her laughter.

“Oh yes. And I think you need to be punished.” He lifted an eyebrow at her attempt to get away. “Right now.”

He snapped his hands forward, grabbing her ankles, and pulled her toward him. She gasped, grasping for the sheets, which failed to give her any anchor away from the Alpha. She slid across the silk fabric until her legs were on either side of him.

Killian slid his hands up, gripping under her knees, and leaned over her. His face was inches from her, his nose touching the tip of hers. “This is going to be hard, Cat. It’s going to be fast. But you’re going to love every single second of it. I’m going to make you scream so hard the pack is going to hear you down the street. And that will be your punishment.”

Her core quivered at his words, and her heart thrummed. She gazed into his eyes, fierce but playful, and nodded. “Okay,” she whispered, but before the final syllable was out, he flipped her over onto her stomach.

His hands weren’t gentle as before, but quick and efficient. They tugged at her yoga pants, throwing them on the floor behind them. He pushed her shirt up just enough to expose her bra and undid the clasp. It hung there, useless, her breasts swinging in the loose material.

“I don’t want you to move. Keep your hands right here.” He placed them above her head. His breath was hot against the side of her face, and he licked the shell of her ear. Her body shook beneath his.

He pulled her hips upward, exposing her to him, positioning her for his pleasure alone. Killian’s fingers plunged into her already wet pussy. She was ready for him, his words and the excitement effective in turning her on. She groaned, burrowing her face into the sheets.

“Oh God, Killian,” she gasped, her voice muffled by the fabric.

“Shh.” He shushed, this time touching his mouth to her back. He kissed her there, then traced his tongue down the ridges of her spine. His fingers continued to thrust, rough, hard, building her up at the same time as his tongue made her shiver.

She pushed back against his hand when the pressure threatened to overtake her, needing to reach the edge. Killian nipped her, his teeth sinking into the tender flesh of her lower back.

“Nuh-uh,” he murmured. “None of that now, little wolf. Remember who’s doing the punishing.”

Cat growled in frustration and grasped at the sheets. Her stomach clenched at the ferocity of his fingers pounding within her, but his mouth was so gentle. He traced up her belly with his other hand and slipped it into the loose material of her shirt and bra. She expected gentle playfulness, for him to tease her nipple the way she was used to. What she got was a firm twist and yank, which sent her skyrocketing into oblivion. She yelped into the sheet, but the sound turned into a long, drawn-out groan as her pussy pulsed with her orgasm. Killian kissed up her spine, withdrawing his fingers.

“Good job, little wolf. Now it’s my turn.”

Killian entered her with one long, smooth stroke. His cock hit the deepest spot of her core and had her tugging on the sheets in both pleasure and pain. He gripped her hips, pulling her to him with each stroke, using her as leverage. His balls slammed into her with each thrust, slapping against her clit.

The second orgasm crashed into her. And Killian was right—she did scream. She bit into the sheets, screaming behind her teeth as the overwhelming climax shook her very soul. Killian roared above her, the sound so loud it could probably be heard throughout the house. He continued to pound relentlessly even as his cock grew and pulsed within her. He leaned over, sinking his teeth into her shoulder, prolonging her own orgasm.

Cat faintly felt him pull away and lay her on the bed more comfortably. She heard the condom hit the trash can with a dull thud. Then his arms encircled hers, and she fell into a blissful sleep, not sure how he always knew just what to do for her. He was the best kind of distraction and had known this was exactly what she’d needed.

She just didn’t know what to do with that yet.