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Dianthe's Darkness: (Dia Mcleareay Series Book 4) by JB Miller (9)

Chapter 8      

Bean, Kent:

The sun had just risen in the South of England, and somehow, I had managed to take a whole night in the grey paths. I blamed my wandering mind.

Robin would be horrified, as he once told me how souls became lost there, and were forced to walk its paths for eternity.

Personally, I found them calming, and I always knew where I was. Deep down, it felt like home. It was only a simple thought to take me where I wanted to go.

This morning I wanted to see my mates.  So, when the doors opened onto the Earthly plane, I found myself in the master bedroom of our home in Kent.

It was like a puppy pile, my three-big, strong Alpha males were all snuggled together in bed, sleeping like innocent children.

Well, maybe not so innocent. I chuckled. Daniel was sandwiched between Kale and Robin. Kale had his face nuzzled into Daniels neck with one leg between Daniels and his large hand cupping Daniel’s butt. Robin was on the other side of him with a leg thrown over Daniel’s waist, his chin resting on top of Daniel’s head, while Daniel’s cheek lay resting on Robin’s arm.

Love filled my heart to overflowing, and I could feel a wondrous smile spreading across my face. I walked over to the bed, and sat gently on the corner. Carefully, I reached out my hand and touched Kale’s cheek.

His eyes opened instantly.


He was still foggy with sleep and I could tell he wasn’t sure if he was still dreaming or not.

“Hey you,” I whispered.

“Dia!” He shot up in bed and reached out for me, stopping just a fraction of an inch away from me.

Robin and Daniel both jerked awake and watched us with a mixture of hope and misery. Oh, what had I done to my guys while I was drowning in my own grief?

“It’s ok, Kale. I’m home,” I leaned in and kissed him gently.

He shuddered and reached out, wrapped me in his arms and hugged me tightly.

“Oh God, baby.” He sobbed.  “I’m so sorry, I––we,” he nodded to the other two. “Have missed you so much. I am an idiot. I––hell, I don’t know why I say some of the shit I do. Please, please, Dia––baby, forgive me. I don’t think I can keep on living in this world if you’re not part of it.”

“Shhh.” I soothed him, with a glance at Robin and Daniel. They came to the side of us and wrapped their arms around us.

“It’s alright, Kale, I’m not angry with you. I just had to work out a few things on my own, and––I paused.  “It’s hard, and I still hurt, but it will get better.  I can see that now.  I won’t leave you again.”

“I love you, Dia.  I love you so much. If you left me again, I would let go of this world.”

“Oh, Kale––no,” I began.

My heart broke when he buried his head into my neck and began to sob.

“Kale,” Robin sighed.  “Do you think we would let you go so easily?”

“Yeah mate, we are a team.” Daniel said, chuckling weakly.

I was surrounded by the arms of my mates, and while it had only been a short time for them, it had been months for me.

In that moment, I did something I had never done before––I opened myself to them. I released the emotion and feelings of love bubbling inside of me, and let it encompass them.

Robin threw back his head and moaned.  Daniel groaned in agreement, and Kale––my beautiful wolf, shuddered and tried to draw me closer to him.

“I love you,” I whispered to him. Then I looked up at Daniel and Robin. “All of you. You all hold my heart. Each of you is a piece of me, making me whole. I need you all to keep me here in this crazy ass world we live in. I need you to remind me that we are alive and that we go on,” I paused trying to hold back the tears.

Not all of us are here.

Kale gazed at me with understanding. He was the one to put his hand on my belly.  He was the one who leaned down to whisper to the baby.

“We love you little one. It doesn’t matter whose seed you grow from, you are our child.”

“She,” I told him softly, while petting his hair.

“A girl? We’re having a girl?”

I wish I had a camera at that moment; the look of shocked surprise on his face was priceless. Robin’s face was caught between pure joy and horror, and Daniel was grinning like an idiot.

“Hell yeah!  I mean, heck yeah,” Daniel laughed.

“A girl! Man, I will have to start cleaning my gun now. If she looks anything like her mum she will have the boys lining up at the door.”

“A daughter, Dianthe.” Robin sighed. “We are so very blessed, my love.”

Kale had begun to growl and had even pushed me backwards onto the bed. He hovered over me almost ferally.

“Mine,” he snarled. “I will kill them all!” He nuzzled my bump and began to croon to her.

“You hear me, little bit, your daddy will kill every horny bastard that comes sniffing at your heels. I will rip the balls off every one of them. In fact, I will make a trophy cabinet to hold them all. No one is going to come near you, my princess. I will make sure that no one ever hurts you.” His growl deepened, and I knew his wolf was coming much closer to the surface than we really wanted.

The pain flashing across his face was heartbreaking, and I knew he was remembering his own mother’s pain. 

The overwhelming need to take his pain away overtook me, so I gently cupped his face and pulled him up to me.

“You will be a wonderful daddy, Kale, but let’s not talk about nailing balls to the wall, right yet. In fact,” I purred.  “I have need of yours right now.”

I sucked his bottom lip between my teeth and nibbled it before pulling him on top of me for a deeper kiss.

“Love me, Kale. Love me and let us make new memories to ease the hurts of the past. It is a new beginning, you furry freak, and I want you to help us make it a wonderful one.


The mood in the room changed in a second. Now I had three very excited and horny males to contend with.

“Oh, Dianthe––darling, we can most assuredly help with that,” Robin laughed.

“Oh, fuck yeah,” Daniel agreed. “Move over Kale and let’s make some memories.”

The next few moments were a blur of moving hands and mouths, and honestly, I didn’t pay enough attention to know who was moving where or what.

What I did pay attention to was the moment I found myself, suspended in mid-air, with three grinning idiots standing around me––all of us naked.

“I’m floating,” I said stupidly.

“Yeah, babe,” Kale winked at me. “We had been experimenting when you were AWOL. Amazing, what you can come up with when you have time on your hands. This,” he reached out with a finger and gently pushed my foot. I began to rotate between them and my eyes widened.

Oh shit!  The look on his face was enough for me to know that I was going to be in for a surprise.

“This,” he repeated, “Makes for very easy access. Wouldn’t you agree boys?”

“You bet,” Daniel agreed. “Dia-baby, you have not fucked until you have done it while defying gravity.”

“I think we have talked long enough,” Robin stepped between my legs and spread them wider. “It has been too long since I have had a taste of this beautifully sweet cunt.”

He then put his hands under my hips and pulled me up to his mouth. The world went white when he began to devour me.

I screamed in pleasure.

“None of that now,” Daniel chided. “Don’t want to wake everyone else up, or have them running in here to interrupt us.”

I had that monster cock of his in my mouth before I could blink. Oh God, I thought, this cannot get any better.  But hell, what did I know?  Because it got a lot better when Kale came up underneath us and began working his cock into my soaking slit.

I moaned and arched my back. Robin’s hands left my hips to grip Kale’s so he could use them to help thrust Kale into me, while he still licked and sucked at my clit.

I could feel him licking around Kale’s cock as it worked its way in and out of me.

It was sensory overload and all I could do was hold on for the ride. I wrapped my hand around Daniel’s length to control his depth. I doubted I would ever be able to take all of him, but I was willing to try.

I swallowed, taking him down the back of my throat, and shuddered at the exquisite feelings rolling though us. We were one.  At this point I didn’t think any of us knew where one began and the other ended. We were linked together. We felt what each other felt. I could feel Robin’s pleasure at the taste of Kale and myself. I could feel Daniel’s ecstasy when I swallowed the head of his cock. And I felt both Kale fucking me and being fucked by him. It was overwhelming.

I let go––that was all I could do. And when I did, waves of orgasmic radiance flowed through all of us. As one entity, our muscles seized. Kale pumped one last time, and filled me with his seed. Daniel grunted before feeding me his cum. And Robin, shuddered into my mound as he came.

Eventually, we all ended back in the bed.  My back was against Daniel, with Kale and Robin on either side of me.

“Welcome home, Dia,” Daniel whispered into my hair.

I laughed softly and snuggled into my guys for a well-deserved nap.