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A Leap of Faith by T Gephart (14)

Chapter 14 - Promises

Alex gently rapped on the bathroom door. “Lexi, it’s time”

I studied my reflection in the mirror and took a deep breath. My hair had been swept off my face but I left it loose at the back so the curls cascaded over my shoulders. I felt beautiful. I carefully put on the earrings Alex had purchased for me while we were at Tiffany’s. A stunning pair of solitaire diamonds, 2 carats each, their simplicity complimented the intricacy of the beautiful floor length gown, which clung to my every curve.

I opened the door slowly, Alex stood in the doorway in a stunning black tuxedo. The suit was perfectly cut, the angles of the fabric showcasing his breathtaking body. Alex looked amazing.

“WOW!” I breathed, the clearness of his astonishing blue eyes contrasting against the starkness of the black.

“WOW yourself!” Alex kissed my bare shoulder. “Lexi you look...” he paused as he looked at me again. “You look overwhelmingly beautiful.” Alex’s lips covered mine as his hand traced the line of my spine. Tingles emanated from his touch, almost as if electricity was passing through our bodies.

“If you don’t stop that, we won’t make it downstairs,” I moaned into his lips.

“You are impossible to resist Lexi.” Alex groaned back, his hands showing no signs of leaving my body.

“Yes we’ve already established I’m cock kryptonite,” I laughed “but I paid almost ten grand for this dress and I’m going to wear it for at least an hour before I allow you to remove it.” I grabbed Alex’s hands and removed them from my ass.

I led Alex from our room, the rings and Marriage license in hand and we stepped into the elevator. Matt had sent a text informing us that a meeting room on the second floor had been booked and I had communicated this with our helpful friend Angie at the Courthouse who had arranged our nuptials.

The band had already assembled there and I had fended off a couple of messages from Matt who was trying to keep them from getting impatient and restless.

Alex gripped my hand tightly as we descended. My heart was pounding from excitement but I felt relaxed and I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face.

The elevator reached its destination and we followed the hallway to the meeting room we had been assigned. I could hear voices chatting as we approached.

“They are probably up in their rooms fucking, I don’t see why I have to sit around and wait!” Dan huffed as he pushed himself into a chair.

Alex and I stood in the doorway, the occupants of the room were dumbfounded as they eyed us up and down.

“I didn’t realize this meeting was black tie?” questioned Troy, who was wearing a pair of board shorts and a tank top.

James stared at us bewildered, searching for an explanation. “Did I miss some memo or something?”

“No, you haven’t missed anything.” I smiled as Alex gently kissed my hand allowing me to take the lead. “In fact, the reason we’ve asked you here is because we want you to share this with us. Alex and I are getting married.”

There was silence as my words were absorbed by the room. Alex placed his arm around my waist and drew me in closer. We were met with wide eyes and confusion.

“You mean you guys are engaged?” Matt volunteered, still trying to sort through my statement.

“Yes.” Clarified Alex, “I asked Lexi to marry me and she said yes. So we are engaged. However, rather than wait we’ve decided to get straight to the ‘I do’ part.”

“Wait a minute! You are getting married today? As in now?” James gulped.

“Yes,” we said in unison.

“What’s the rush? You knock her up?” Asked Dan who was scratching his nether regions rather indiscriminately.

“Why does there have to be a reason? Can’t we just want to get married and not want to wait?” I huffed impatiently.

“Totally knocked up!” mused Dan, who held up his hand to high five Alex.

“No Dan, I didn’t knock her up.” Alex smiled amusingly as he kissed my neck, ignoring Dan’s hand.

Matt tipped his head and gestured to the corner the room. “Lexi, can I have a word?”

I kissed Alex and he released me. I knew what Matt wanted, I could see the concern on his face. He was worried. Matt knew my history, I had resisted being in a relationship for so long and now I was agreeing to get married. He wrapped his arms around me as we moved away from the group.

“Lexi, are you sure about this? I know you do things in your own way but even for you this is a little... extreme, don’t you think? You guys have only been dating a few months. Have you told him about your past?” 

Matt’s concern was genuine, my beautiful friend was just looking out for me. His tenderness was so endearing as he gazed at me with his beautiful blue eyes.

“I know Matt.” I breathed as I rubbed Matt’s arm tenderly,  “I love him and I’ve waited so long to feel this way. I don’t want to wait any longer. I want this. My past doesn’t matter any more. That “stuff” can’t hurt me any more.”

“Lexi, I am glad to see you so happy, really I am. I don’t think Alex would ever do anything to hurt you and I even understand the impulsiveness, but I wish you would tell him about what happened to you.” Matt kissed me gently on the forehead.

“I will, I promise.” I nodded.

I had always intended to tell Alex about him it just seemed the longer I left it, the easier it was to let it go. I didn’t want it to define me and I didn’t want Alex’s feelings to change toward me. He had already seen facets of my fucked up-ness, part of me didn’t want to push my luck.

“Matt, I love you. I know you want the best for me. I want you to stand beside me when I marry Alex.”

“Of course I’ll stand with you Lexi. You aren’t going to make me wear a dress are you?” Matt pulled a face.

I playfully smacked his broad chest, “No! I’m not competing with you in a dress! You have a much nicer ass.”

Alex looked over at us, his beautiful blue eyes relaxed as he watch Matt and I laughing together.

There was a sharp knock at the door, Jason walked over to open it. A tall, lanky man with thinning blond hair walked in. His face was weathered with deep-set lines.

“Hi, I’m Larry. So which one of y’all am I marrying?” He looked around the room.

“That would be us,” announced Alex as he walked over to me and took my hand.

“Hey, aren’t you that rock star? My daughter has your poster on the wall!” Larry’s face lit up in recognition.

“Hi Larry. Yes, I’m Alex Stone.” His clear liquid voice spilling from his lips as he handed him our marriage license.  Alex introduced him to the rest of the band and promised his daughter a signed photo after the ceremony, which made Larry rub his hands together in excitement. There was one Father who was winning the “Dad of the Year” award.

“Ok let’s get this started then and get y’all hitched.” Larry opened up an old, faded leather-bound book as he stood before us.

Alex held my hand as he stood beside me. As I had assumed, he had asked James to be his best man who flanked his side, Matt took his position beside me.

“Two best men?” Questioned Larry as he looked between Matt and James.

“Yes,” I affirmed, a more apt name did not exist to describe these two wonderful men standing beside us.

“Ok, then,” Larry scratched his head in confusion. “I guess you can take a ring each.”

Alex carefully opened the beautiful Tiffany box and handed a ring each to James and Matt.

Larry cleared his throat as he commenced, “Friends and Family we are gathered here today to join together in Matrimony Alexandra Reed and Alexander Stone.”

“Can you call us Lexi and Alex?” I interrupted.

Larry, seemingly a little put off by the injection, looked up bewildered before nodding and continuing, “They stand before you declaring their love and commitment to each other.”

A silent chuckle coursed through Alex’s body. “Couldn’t help yourself could you? You are such a control freak. Let the poor man do his job,” he whispered into my ear.

I bit my lip playfully as I whispered back, “You know this, and yet you are still marrying me.”

Larry looked at us sternly as he cleared his throat again, “Have you both come here of your own free will and do so without reservation or hesitation?”

Alex squeezed my hand as we answered in unison, “We have.”

“Do you have some words for each other that you would like to say as you declare your commitment to each other?” Larry asked, looking directly at me.

“Yes,” I answered as I turned to face Alex. “Alex, nothing about us is conventional. Two people, from two different worlds were thrust together by fate and never in a million years did I expect to find my soul mate. Yet here I stand... There is nowhere else I want to be, other than with you. I have no doubt, no hesitation.  I know this won’t be easy but I promise you, that I will always love you.”

Alex smiled as he took my hand. “Lexi, the minute I saw you I was captivated. I was drawn to you, an irrational pull that challenged my ideas on what I thought I wanted. What we have defies explanation or reason. There can be no one else for me, you are my other half. I too have no doubt as we stand here. I love you, Lexi and a lifetime with you will never be long enough.”

Alex didn’t break our gaze as he stared into my eyes. The gravity of his words pierced my very heart and soul. I loved him, I knew this but to hear him tell me that he felt as strongly as I did, it seared me.

Larry turned to Alex. “Do you Alex, take Lexi as you wife and cherish this union. In sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer. Forsaking all others, as long as you both shall live?”

Alex didn’t hesitate as he answered, “I do.” His beautiful smile, flirted on his lips as he gazed into my eyes.

“Do you Lexi, take Alex as your husband and cherish this union. In sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer. Forsaking all others, as long as you both shall live?”

My heart skipped a beat as I looked into his astonishingly clear blue eyes, “I do.”

“The rings please” Larry held out his worn, leather-bound book as Matt and James and placed them gently on the pages.

“These rings serve as a symbol of your love and commitment. The promise you make to each other.” Larry handed Alex my ring. “Alex, please place the ring on Lexi’s finger and repeat after me.”

Alex’s eyes glistened as he slid the delicate ring over my finger, repeating the words Larry asked him to. “Take this ring as symbol of my promise. I will honour, respect and cherish you and as this ring has no beginning nor end, neither will my love for you.”

My head swirled as the words spilled from Alex’s lips. Was this some crazy, weird dream? My heart raced as Larry handed me Alex’s ring and I slipped it over Alex’s finger.

I repeated, as Alex had, Larry’s words. “Take this ring as a symbol of my promise. I will honour, respect and cherish you and as this ring has no beginning nor end, neither will my love for you.” I breathed out the words as my eyes misted. I meant every word. There would be no end. I couldn’t imagine a moment without loving Alex.

Larry’s voice broke me from my thoughts. “Well then by the power vested in me by the state of Florida, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

Alex sealed his lips on mine and it was like everyone in that room ceased to exist. There was no one else there, it was just us. All sights and sounds faded as Alex took me into his arms, his mouth devouring mine.

“I love you,” Alex moaned in my mouth.

“I love you too,” I breathed as my lips parted.

Larry coughed. “Well then... I guess we’re done here.”

Alex reluctantly released me as we turned back to our friends.  James beamed as he hugged Alex offering his congratulations.

Matt’s beautiful smile lit his eyes as he whispered in my ear. “I’m so happy for you Lexi.”

We thanked Larry, Alex shaking his hand and promising to send him a personal “Thank you note” that I’m sure would be commandeered by Larry’s daughter. Larry took his exit, his signed photograph clutched in his hand and left us to our celebrations.

Troy and Jason took turns in congratulating us. Dan instead shrugged as he pulled a bottle of Wild Turkey from under the table. “Another one bites the dust!” he smirked as he raised the bottle into the air and took a swig.

“You talking about Alex or Lexi?” joked Jason, who took the bottle from Dan and gulped the amber liquid.

“Everyone’s getting married and popping out kids.” Dan gestured wildly to James and Alex. “I swear if either of you bastards buys a mini van, I’m walking!”

“If either of them buys a mini van, I’m walking.” I laughed as Alex swept me into his arms, tenderly kissing my neck.

“Oh, I don’t know...” winked Troy as he grabbed the bottle from Jason. He paused, taking a sip before continuing, “We can put those “people” decals on the back windscreen. I think Lexi, you would make a kick-ass Soccer Mom.” The room erupted into laughter.

“Not even in my worst nightmare!” I hissed indignantly, shoving my hands on my hips.

“Those bitches are crazy!” Dan shivered as he retrieved his bottle. “And not in a good way.”

“How is any kind of crazy, good?” mused Troy, watching Dan take another drink.

“You know... when they are freaky in the sack. This one chick grabbed my cock so hard...”

“You mean she found it?” laughed Jason, his eyes dancing with mischief.

Dan flipped him off, “Fuck you man, I ain’t never had any complaints.”

“How has my wedding day disintegrated to where we are now talking about Dan’s cock?” I questioned as I looked around the room.

“Well you did want memorable,” smiled Alex as he placed his arms around my waist.

Troy took the bottle from Dan and offered it to me.  “No escaping the madness now sister, should have thought about that before saying I do. You’re one of us now, all bets are off!”





“So Mrs Stone... any requests?” Alex teased as he closed our hotel room door, his hands lingering around my waist.

“You. Naked. In. Me.” I purred as I sauntered into the room, pulling him from the doorway.

“That I can do.” Alex smirked as he removed his jacket and slowly unbuttoned his white shirt.

I watched as the shirt fell to the floor, his amazingly toned chest rippled as he kicked off his socks and shoes. He lifted me onto the bed, laying me flat. His voice was a low rumble as his body covered mine.

“While I think you look delicious in this dress, I would rather see what’s underneath and you know how impatient I get with your clothes.”

“You are NOT ruining this dress.” I traced the line of his jaw with my finger.

“Then it’s best you remove it, because I need to make love to my wife.” Alex’s lips hovered over mine.

I fumbled with the side zip as I struggled with his weight pushing against me. I could feel evidence of his arousal through his tuxedo pants.

The zip slid down, exposing my bare skin. Alex shifted and helped me lift the beautiful silk and chiffon gown over my head.

“Mmmmmmm,” he groaned as he surveyed my scant lace panties and strapless bra.

“I hope you aren’t too attached to these.” Alex’s fingers slipped over the delicate fabric. My skin burned under his touch.

“I can buy more...” I murmured as my hands explored the expanse of his amazing chest.

Alex’s clear blue eyes burned as he pulled against the back strap of my bra, the metal eyes protested, giving a little resistance before yielding to his strength. I gasped as the fabric ricocheted off my skin before hitting the floor. The snap of the lace caused a tingling sensation across my bare breasts.

“God you are beautiful,” Alex whispered as he pulled me closer, my skin igniting as it made contact with his bare chest. 

“I need you,” I moaned, tugging against the waistband of his pants.

“And you have me. Always.” Alex breathed, his mouth covering mine.

My thoughts were jumbled by my heightened arousal, the ache in my groin almost unbearable. He was taking it slow and the anticipation was driving me insane. I didn’t want it slow, I needed him. It was almost irrational, almost as if I couldn’t take another breath until I felt him inside of me.

My hands clawed at his zipper, the metal teeth nipped my finger as I forced it down. The sting as it pierced my skin sent my lust into overdrive.

A twisted, half grin played on Alex’s lips as he watched me with hooded eyes, my hands pushing his pants to the floor in a single, violent movement. “I said - I need you.”  I hissed, bringing my hands to hug his taut ass encased only in the thin fabric of his Calvin Klein trunks.

“So bossy!” He teased as he cupped my ass and lifted me off the floor, pushing my body into the firmness of his erection. “Is this what you want?” He hissed as he rubbed his length against my moist panties. The pleasure of the sensation made me almost come on the spot.

“YES!” I moaned as my fingers dug into his back.

He carried me across the room and lay me on the bed, his body not breaking contact with mine. He lifted momentarily to slide off his trunks before laying on top of me, pressing his length into me hard, hitting me square on my swollen clit.

“Ahhhhhhhhhh.” I moaned, my eyes slamming shut as pleasure washed over my body.

A small, chuckle escaped from his throat as he watched me writhe against him, the delicate lace barrier between us soaked in my wetness. Alex slowed, before lifting off me.

“NO!” I protested, “Don’t stop” My arms reached up to try and force his body back down on me. My muscles straining as I tried in vein to fight against his strength.

“I’ll give you want you want Lexi, but I need to taste you first.”

He tore off my panties, the lace shreds tossed aside as his tongue trailed down my abdomen, before unleashing across my sensitive, soaked folds.

“Ahhhhhhhh.” I arched my back, lifting my hips and pushing myself into his mouth. “That feels so good!”

His tongue twisted and turned over my core, pleasure rippling through my body. My need for him to be inside of me was overwhelmed by my desperation for this feeling never to end. My body shook as his tongue continued its dance, each hot stroke, sending me further into a frenzied state. All ability to speak was lost other than pleasurable groans that spilled uncontrolled from my lips as my legs locked solidly around his head, his talented mouth working every inch of my flesh. His tongue flicked across my clit before thrusting deep into me, the sensation tipping me over the edge as I pulsed and quivered around his mouth.

“Mmmmmmm, I love watching you come.” Alex licked my inner thigh as the last vibrations of my orgasm hummed through my body.

I raised my still trembling body and gently rolled Alex over onto his back.

“I wasn’t done yet.” Alex nipped my neck I straddled him.

“Who said you’re done?” I smiled as my body slithered down his.

“FUCK!” Alex moaned as I took his rock hard cock deep into my mouth in one single thrust.

My hands cupped his girth as my lips curled around him, my tongue traveling the length as I moved my mouth up and down him.

“God Lexi... Fuck...” Alex gasped as I pumped him further into my mouth, my hands and lips expertly working his rock hard cock.

I dragged my teeth against his sensitive flesh causing him to draw a jagged breath, I felt him swell further as his hardness pulsed in my mouth. I could tell how close he was to losing it, yet he refused to let it take over.

His eyes blazed as he struggled to keep his breathing level. I knew it was taking every inch of control he had as I sucked and licked his hard length.

My own body responded, as I felt the familiar tug in my groin and the pull in my lower stomach. I twisted my body to the side so that I lay over his leg, pushing him further into my mouth.

“Ahhhhhh Oh My God!” Alex gasped as I grinded against his knee, stimulating myself while I sucked him.

“Ahhhhh,” I moaned, my voice muffled by his fullness in my mouth.

“FUCK!” Alex exploded as he pulled himself from my lips. “You are going to make me come!”

“That was the plan.” I smirked as I pushed him down onto the bed.

“As sweet as your mouth is, I want to be inside another part of you,” Alex hissed as grabbed my waist and pulled me onto him. “And while I’m glad my knee was giving you pleasure, I have something here that can be more fulfilling.” Alex smiled as he gently and slowly pushed himself inside of me. The sudden shock of his cock filling me made my body shiver.

“Yes,” my breath rushed out from my lips.

He grabbed my hips as he rocked me back and forth, each thrust sending shivers though my core. I leaned down in an attempt to control the tempo, he responded by taking my breast into his mouth and teasing my nipple.

I squeezed my knees hard against his thighs, his strong, long muscles rippling with swift movements as I rode him, controlling our rhythm. He angled his hips so that as he entered me, just the right amount of pressure would press against my clit, pushing me closer to climax.

“Ahhhhhh,” I moaned as I rocked on top of him, my hands tangling around his sexed up blonde hair.

“That’s it Baby, I want you to come with me this time,” Alex groaned as he met each one of my thrust with one of his own.

Our skin glistened with sweat as we pushed closer to our release, his astonishing eyes locked on mine as he felt me tip over the edge. My body was reduced to a shaking mess as I tightened and pulsed around him and with one last final heave he too found his finish.

I watched him as he shook, his body moving slowly in and out of me, the pulse of his hardness, still pressing against me.

“So much for slow and romantic,” Alex laughed as he gently bit at my shoulder.

“You said it yourself, we aren’t conventional,” I joked as I flung my leg around his, locking him in with my ankle.

“True.” Alex smiled as he brushed my messed up hair from my eyes, “but I wanted it to be memorable and as beautiful as you are.”

“I’m not going to forget THAT in a hurry, Alex.” I giggled as I bit his lower lip.    

His eyes darkened slightly as his playful mood turned serious. “I know that it isn’t always going to be like this Lexi, but I want you to always remember this... this moment. Remember that while we may not always be perfect....” he motioned his hands between us “…This is.  And I love you.”

Alex tenderly kissed my lips as I absorbed his words. He was mine and I was his. No matter what insanity lay before us, together we were perfect. Meant to be. He had given me something I had never had. Together... we were a family.




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