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Daddy, Daddy, and Me by Sean Michael (13)

Chapter Thirteen



“CHEF, WHAT are you still doing here?” The new waiter, Ben, peered into the kitchen where Jeff was elbow deep in soapy water.

“Nick walked out in the middle of service. I’m cleaning.” Dammit.

“Seriously? Did you tell Martin? He’ll need to get someone in for tomorrow.”

“Yeah.” He was so fucking tired, so pissed off. So ready to go home.

His cell phone rang, and when he pulled it out, the house number showed on the caller ID.

“Hey.” He finished the grill, started wiping down the cabinets. “How’s it going?”

“Everything’s cool. The kids are asleep. I didn’t want to disturb you at work, but… well, to be honest you’re usually home by now, and I was worried.”

“I had staff walk out on me. I’ll be done here in fifteen minutes, give or take. How was your day?”

“Oh, that sucks. We had a good day. You should ask Robin to count for you tomorrow.” He could hear the pride in Don’s voice. How great was it that Don felt that way about his kids?

“Yeah? Would you like some cheesecake? We have extra.”

“Uh… no, not tonight. I’ll let you go—you’ll be home soon, right?”

“Yeah, Don. Won’t be long.” He wouldn’t be long if he could help it.

“Okay, cool.” Don paused for a half second and then added, “See you soon.” Then the line went dead, leaving him with his dishes.

“Everything okay at home, man?”

“Yeah, just Don checking in.”

Jeff smiled as Ben grabbed a rag, started helping. “Thanks.”

Even with Ben’s assistance, it was still nearly an hour before he was home. God, it was late. Hopefully Don was already asleep. The light in the kitchen was flickering, though, and he headed in, stopping short when he realized it wasn’t the kitchen light flickering, but candles on the table in the enclosed porch.

Candles, a set table, and Don, fast asleep in his chair.

“Oh….” He teared up, so tired, so ashamed. He reached down, picked Don up to take him to bed.

Don’s eyes blinked open, and he smiled brightly. “You’re home.”

“Hey, Don. Sorry.”

Don waved his hand. “There’s food…. Wait. Are you carrying me?”

“You were asleep.”

“I made midnight supper for you….”

“Oh….” He stopped, let Don’s feet touch the ground so he could kiss this dear, wonderful man.

Don moaned into his mouth, arms going around his neck. “Come and eat? It’s not fancy, but I got these amazing little pastries from La Patisserie Jacques.”

“Mmm. Yeah.” He didn’t stop kissing, though.

Don pushed closer, seeming eager to keep kissing too. Jeff found that fine ass with one hand, drew them together, and rocked them nice and slow. One of Don’s hands slid into his hair, rubbed his scalp.

Jeff needed this, a nice minute of quiet and touching and heat. Don rubbed against him, body hard, prick even harder against his hip. Dear hungry man. Jeff moaned low, fingers in Don’s soft hair. An answering moan pushed into his mouth and Don rubbed harder, hands opening and closing.

“Taste so good, babe.” He kissed the corner of Don’s mouth, nibbled the full bottom lip.

Don grinned at him. “You could have me for midnight supper.”

“Mmm. Or you could be dessert.” He licked his way down Don’s throat.

“Uh-huh. Okay.” Don’s head dropped back for him.

“Pretty man.” He nibbled a little.

“Me? You’re the hot one.”

“I smell like old grease and chicken stock.”

Don laughed and tugged him toward the table. “You smell like good food.”

“So, what do you have for us?”

He sat, curious and hungry all at once.

Don went to the oven and pulled out a pair of plates. “It’s meatloaf and mashed potatoes, with carrots and parsnips. I don’t think it’s too dry—it’s been warming in the oven for a while….”

“Mmm. Smells good.” He’d eat it even if it was drier than a two-by-four.

Don beamed at him. “It isn’t gourmet or anything….” He set the plates on the kitchen table, then sat close.

“It looks good.” Jeff dug in. He’d have eaten it if it were ash, but it wasn’t bad. Definitely edible. Even good.

Don dug in as well, eating heartily. “I thought you deserved a break, you know?”

“You’re too good to me.”

“Someone needs to be.”

Oh, that was dear. He leaned over, kissed Don’s cheek. “Ben, the new guy? He stayed to clean up so I could get home faster.”

“Oh, I like Ben—he can stay.” Don winked at him.

“I hope he does. His girlfriend’s expecting. There’s no telling what that means.”

Don frowned. “What do you mean?”

“Well, he works nights at a restaurant. What if she wants him home? What if she wants him to have something with insurance?” Their lives were not conducive to normalcy.

“Ah.” Don ate some more of their supper. “You don’t have insurance?” he finally asked.

“I do for the kids, as long as I keep paying for Beth’s.”

“Huh? But she’s….”

“Apparently she had insurance for the kids, and I can keep paying for it.” He just had to pray he never got sick.

“Oh. Well, that’s good, yeah?”

“I think so?” They looked at each other, grinning. “This whole thing is so hard.”

Don nodded. “And your asshole ex isn’t helping any. You’ve got to focus on the good stuff, though, you know? You love being a chef, right? And you’ve got two amazing kids.”

“And a lover.” Right?

Grinning, Don leaned against him. “Yeah. I like that word.”

“Me too, babe. Me too.” Their fingers twined. “Did the kids have a good day?”

“Yeah. Robin drew a whole bunch of pictures for you. I put them together for you on your bedside table.” Don grabbed a fork and speared a piece of one of the pastries, offering it up to him.

He opened up, moaning over the sweet, the flaky crust, the cream.

“Oh….” Don leaned in and licked the corner of his mouth.

“Babe. ’nother bite.” He wanted more—more cheesecake, more kisses.

Don squeezed his hand and then scooped another bite of the pastry, offering it over with a warm smile. He ate it, then took Don’s lips in a hungry, deep kiss. Wonderful sounds filled his mouth, and Don pressed hard against him.

He wanted. God, he wanted a piece of that. He wrapped his arms around Don, drew him into his chair.

Groaning, Don dropped a hand to his lap, stroking him through his chef’s whites. “I want you inside me.”

“Yes. Fuck, yes. I want to make love to you, babe. I want to feel you around me.”

“God yes. Upstairs?” Don was rocking, rolling like he was being fucked.

“Uh-huh. Should we do dishes?” He didn’t want to do dishes.

Don shook his head. “No, we’re going upstairs, and you’re making love to me before one of those beautiful babies of yours wakes up.”

“Oh thank God.” He nodded, pushed Don off. “Yes. Now. I’ll lock up. Now, babe.”

Don got up and started getting undressed, pulling his T-shirt off as he blew out the candles and then headed for the stairs.

Jeff locked the house up, made sure the security system was on, turned off all the lights, then followed Don up. Please don’t let anything weird happen tonight.

When he got to his room, he found Don already in bed, under the covers. There were lube and condoms on his bedside table. Someone had gone shopping.

“Did you have to explain what those were?” He stripped off his work clothes. “Let me jump in the shower. I stink.”

“I told him it was stuff for grown-ups. He was happy with that.” Don watched him like he was still hungry. “You want some company?”

“Absolutely.” He held one hand out to Don.

Don climbed out of bed, naked, cock half-hard. Don had a nice body. Very nice. Jeff licked his lips, moaned softly, eyes on the fine body.

Don blushed a little, pressed against him as they moved down the hall. “You like what you see?” Don asked him softly.

“Yeah. You make me hungry.”

Don swallowed and pressed even closer, body warm and solid against him.

They managed to make it into the bathroom before Jeff knelt down, cheek rubbing Don’s prick. “Smell so good, babe.”

“Fuck. Damn, I mean, God.” Don rocked, prick moving against Jeff’s cheek.

“Uh-huh. Fuck my lips, Don. Then we’ll shower, and you can take my cock.”

“Yes. Please.” Don pushed along his cheek again.

He opened up, let Don slide that hard cock into his lips, paint his tongue.

“Oh God. Jeff….” Don’s hands slid into his hair.

He hummed, wrapped his lips around Don’s shaft, tongue flicking the tip. One whimper after another came from Don, and the hands in his hair tightened. It was easy to relax, to let Don in and focus on loving the man, adoring the lovely cock.

Don was soon moving harder, hips pushing forward and sliding the hot prick across Jeff’s tongue. Heavy balls nudged his chin, and he swallowed each time Don pushed in.

“Oh please. Jeff. God.” Don’s rhythm stuttered, and then he moved faster.

Nudging, Jeff pushed those sensitive balls in their sac.

“Jeff!” Don cried out, cock pushing deep as he came.

Jeff swallowed Don’s salty spunk, groaning around the long cock.

Don gasped and panted, hands sliding shakily through Jeff’s hair. “That was… wow.”

“Mmmhmm.” He cleaned Don’s cock off, tongue sliding on the shaft.

Don smiled down at him, touched his cheek, his eyelids, so gentle. He flicked the tip of Don’s cock with his tongue. Don gasped, his whole body jerking.

Jeff chuckled, winked. “Good?”

“Yes. God yes, Jeff.” Don chuckled, the sound more than a little breathless. “Shower? I kind of need to lean against a wall.”

“You know it.” He let Don help him up, drag him into those warm arms.

Don kissed him thoroughly, tongue sliding through his mouth. Some people didn’t like kissing after you’d sucked them off; he was glad Don wasn’t like that. He was pleasantly hard, needing but not desperate, and ready to play, ready for them to explore each other.

Don ended the kiss and smiled at him, eyes warm, happy. “Come on. Shower.”

“God yes. I stink.”

They stumbled in, got the water warmed up, the spray started.

“I’ll wash you.” Don grabbed the soap and worked up a lather.

Jeff stood under the water, got his short hair wet, and Don began to touch him, soapy hands sliding on his skin, rubbing, exploring him.

“Mmm….” His head fell forward, the touches so right. Comfortable.

“I love these.” Don rubbed soapy fingers across his nipples. “They’re tiny and perfect.”

Jeff’s eyes crossed a little bit, the ache in his balls perfect. Don brought their lips together and licked the corner of his mouth.

“Mmm.” God, this man made him smile.

Don nodded, rubbed their noses together, and then gave him a real kiss, hands focused on his chest, mostly on his nipples. The heat started building between them again, steady and bright. Moaning, Don pushed gently, pressing him against the tile and leaning against him. He opened up, tongue sliding against Don’s as their cocks moved together.

“You taste so good.” The words were mumbled, but Jeff could hear them.

“More, hmm?” The little touches and tugs to his nipples made him shake.

“Yeah. More is good.” One of Don’s hands slipped down, wrapped around his hip.

The steam and the water made everything a bit otherworldly. Don kept touching, exploring him like he was the most interesting thing ever. He found himself shivering, pushing into the touches, gasping for more.

“I want you, Jeff. I want to feel you inside me.”

“God yes. I want you to ride.” He wanted to watch. “Do I smell better now?”

“You smell like you.” Don licked his neck.

“That’s better than eggplant and grease.” Don found a hot spot, and Jeff jerked, head smacking against the tile.

“Oh, ow! Sorry.” Don’s hand slid behind his head, massaging where he’d hit the wall.

“It’s okay. That’s a… wow.”

“Huh?” Don tilted his head, looked confused.

“Hot spot. You know, like this?” He brushed the inside of Don’s elbow.

Don gasped, eyes going wide. “How did you know?”

“I pay attention.” He touched again, fingers featherlight.

Don’s knees buckled, his lover half-collapsing against him. “That’s so good.”

“Mmmhmm.” He turned the water off. “Bed.”

“You do that to me and then expect me to walk?” Don laughed and did manage to step out of the tub on his own and grab a couple of towels.

Jeff chuckled, got a double handful of Don’s butt, and squeezed.

Don groaned for him. “We gotta get back into the bedroom like now.”


Please, God. Don’t let the kids wake up.

Don dried off fast as anything, leaving lots of drops of water on his skin, then grabbed Jeff’s hand and dragged him across the hall to the master bedroom. Blessed quiet came from the kids’ rooms, and Jeff climbed onto the bed, ass in the air.

Don grabbed hold of his ass, one cheek in each hand, and squeezed. “So sexy.”

“Mmm. Glad you think so.” He wiggled it a little bit.

“Who wouldn’t?” The squeeze turned into caresses, one of Don’s hands cupping his balls, then moving to stroke his cock.

His head fell forward, his body rocking. “Oh, babe….”

Don’s lips were soft as they planted a kiss on his right asscheek.

“Oh.” Fuck, he hadn’t felt so sensual, so hot, ever.

“Can’t wait to feel this inside me,” Don whispered.

“Want you.” Jeff rocked, slid back and forth, hummed.

“Yes. Yes, please.” Don’s hands slid away as he moved onto the bed next to Jeff.

Jeff leaned down, took a long, hard kiss. Don’s hand glided behind his neck and held him there as one kiss became two. He let his hand travel down Don’s belly, bypassing the filling cock to cup the heavy balls. Don pushed into his touch, moaning into their kiss.

“Get the slick?”

“Yeah.” Don nodded too, then stretched, body spread out for him as Don reached for the new tube on the bedside table.

Jeff leaned over, let his tongue drag over Don’s abs. Yum. Don moaned for him, arching. He rubbed his chin along the tip of Don’s cock, nuzzling it.

“Oh damn. Jeff.” A shiver moved through Don.

“Mmmhmm. Slick, please.”

Don handed it over, pushing the tube into his hand.

“Thank you.” He kissed his way back up Don’s belly as he squirted lube on his fingers.

Don twisted and arched beneath him, eager for each touch. Jeff trailed his fingers behind the heavy balls, searching for that tiny hole. Don spread for him like butter, legs sliding apart to give him access, the trust right there. His lips found one nipple as his fingers plunged in deep.

“Jeff!” Don called out and then shoved his hand against his mouth. Jeff chuckled, pleased that he’d done that, made Don need. Don smiled up at him, then reached, touched his cheek. “Don’t stop.”

“Not until we’re both satisfied.”

“Mmm. Sounds good.”

“Feels good.” He pushed deeper, stroking Don’s gland.

Don’s fist went back to his mouth, whimpers pushing out from around it.

He stroked, steady and slow, driving Don out of his mind. The sounds Don made got louder, even with his hand shoved in his mouth, and he shifted and squirmed, riding Jeff’s finger. It was so easy to slip another finger in, stretch Don nice and easy, playing that sweet gland all the while. Don grabbed hold of his arms, fingers digging in, all efforts to be quiet abandoned.

“So hot, babe. Need it. Need to feel you all around me.”

“Yes. Yes, please.” Don arched again, body begging for it.

Jeff backed away and gloved up, slicked up his cock, moaning at the pleasure of his own touch. Don whimpered for him again, and clutched his knees, drew them back to expose the shiny little hole. Jeff had wanted Don to ride, but he was too hard, too close. He needed inside, and that offer was too good, too fucking incredible to deny, so he muscled in, rubbed his cock against the tiny hole.

Crying out, Don bucked and arched, trying to get him in.

“Easy. Easy, babe. I’m so fucking close.”

Don closed his eyes and bit his bottom lip, clearly making an effort to still his body. Jeff leaned down, took a kiss, and pushed in, nice and steady, eyes rolling at the heat and pressure.

“Jeff. Oh fuck.” Don moaned, body rippling around his cock.

“Uh-huh. Feels so good.” His eyes crossed as he pulled back, Don’s body tugging his cock.

“Good? Feels amazing from this side.”

“Mmmhmm. Like Heaven.” He found a rhythm, nice and steady, in and out.

Don moved with him, body undulating beneath him, ass so tight around him.

“Touch yourself, huh? Want you to feel good too.”

“Not sure I need to.” Don gave him a smile that came from deep in his eyes. But he let go of Jeff’s arm with one hand and wrapped it around his own straining cock.

Jeff ducked his chin, watching, matching his thrusts to the motion of that hand.

“Fuck. Jeff!” Don swallowed and sped his hand, breath panting out of him.

“Uh-huh. Look at you.” Don’s cock was hard, red, weeping. For him.

“No.” Don gasped. “You. Look at you.”

Jeff groaned, but he couldn’t tease, couldn’t focus. All he could do was fuck. Don’s legs slid around his waist, pulling him in every time he thrust.

“Yeah. Yeah, Don.” He pushed in deep, rolling his hips, searching for that sweet spot.

“Jeff!” Don cried out, whole body going taut and hard.

Oh, right there. He stayed there, moving, hitting the spot over and over.

“Please! Oh fuck, Jeff!” Don’s hand moved faster still, and then everything went impossibly tight around Jeff’s prick as come shot up over Don’s hand.

“Shh. Shh. Don’t you wake them up ’til….” So close. So fucking close.

Don grasped Jeff’s shoulders, legs squeezing tight, ass even tighter. “Come on, man.”

“Uh-huh. Soon. Soon. Please.” His hips kept moving, slamming faster.

Don leaned up and captured Jeff’s right nipple with his mouth. That was all Jeff needed. He grunted, cock jerking as he came, hard. Don’s arms enveloped him and pulled him down to rest on hot, sweaty skin. Jeff moaned softly, dropping random kisses on his lover’s jaw, throat.

“That was so good, Jeff.” On one pass, Don moved his face and brought their mouths together.

Jeff hummed into the kiss, groaning as his cock slipped from Don. He dealt with the rubber before grabbing a hand towel to clean them both. Don curled up with him, boneless and smiling.

“Stay here tonight?” Jeff wanted to hold, be held.

“Yes, please.” Don kissed him.

He pulled the blankets around them, settled them together.
