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Going in Deep by Carly Phillips (9)

Chapter Nine

Over the next two weeks, Julian fell into a routine he could get used to. He woke early, worked from home as usual, then often met up with Kendall, spending his evenings at her apartment with the dogs until nearly midnight, at which point he headed home. He didn’t want to leave Alex alone overnight.

In the time she had been staying with him, she’d been a model houseguest. She went to school in the morning and worked in the afternoons. Occasionally she made dinner for them both or accompanied him to Kendall’s to eat. Or Kendall came up to his place and the three of them hung out for a while.

Julian admired how quickly and easily Kendall had taken to Alex, and vice versa. Kendall’s new easygoing personality, her calm, caring demeanor had brought Alex out of her shell. It was obvious she hadn’t had a mother figure in her life, and she looked up to Kendall.

On the nights he and Kendall were alone, they made the most of their time. There was plenty of talking and getting to know one another better, but there was also sex. Which was coming to feel like a lot more than just satisfying an itch with a woman he desired. It wasn’t something he dwelled on, not when things were going so perfectly. He just wanted to indulge and enjoy.

Tonight he wasn’t seeing Kendall, so he turned into bed early. He couldn’t sleep, and it wasn’t because Steve’s body was aligned with his, pushing him to the edge of the bed.

Needing a distraction, he reached for his phone and called the one person who always made him smile.

His sister. “Hey squirt!” Julian said, pushing himself up in bed, resigned to a sleepless night.

“Hey, pain in my ass.” Alyssa laughed.

“Is that any way to talk to your older brother?”

“It is when you haven’t introduced me to your girlfriend… and you promised.”

Julian groaned. “I know.” He’d planned on broaching the subject soon… and then Alex had intruded. “We’ll have to get you over here because I also want you to meet Alex in person.”

“The girl who’s living in your extra bedroom,” Alyssa said, as if reminding herself.

“Right. She has nowhere to go.”

“Aha, so you have two other women in your life. Should I be jealous?” Alyssa asked. Her quick chuckle told him she was anything but.

His sister was all sweetness and easygoing charm. She often spoke extra slowly, sometimes stuttered over a forgotten word or event, and needed the comfort of routine, but she was a genuinely kind, caring soul. How she’d ended up with Julian as a brother was beyond him. If she knew half the things he’d done…

“Julian, you aren’t going to answer me? Maybe I should be worried.” Alyssa’s voice cut him off from giving himself a hard time.

“Sorry. I got lost in thought,” he said honestly. “Of course you have nothing to worry about. You’re my favorite squirt.”

“So when can I meet them?” Alyssa asked.

“How about this weekend?” Julian made the offer hoping Kendall was free.

“Sunday,” Alyssa said. “I work Saturday afternoon,” she said slowly, as if she was thinking or checking her schedule.

“I’ll check with Kendall and see what I can do,” Julian said, pleased the two most important people in his life were finally going to meet.

*     *     *

Kendall met up with Julian, Alex, and Julian’s sister, Alyssa, at the dog park. The sun was shining overhead after a week of rain, and she welcomed the dose of vitamin D along with the warmth on her skin. Because it was early, the park was empty, but it would fill up soon enough because of the sunshine.

Waffles and Steve were excited to see each other and immediately began running, chasing each other in circles around the enclosed area.

Julian did the introductions, and Alyssa greeted Kendall with an excited hug. “It’s so won… wonderful to fin…ally meet you!”

Kendall hugged her back, understanding her slower speech from Julian preparing her on the phone last night about the challenges Alyssa still faced from her traumatic brain injury. “I’ve heard a lot of good things about you,” Kendall said to the pretty girl.

“Same here,” Alyssa said.

“You look like your brother. Same eyes. Same mouth.” Kendall grinned. “Good gene pool.”

“Thank you.”

Julian stood to the side, watching the interaction, a pleased smile on his face.

“Can I play with the dogs?” Alyssa asked, gesturing to where Alex was already kneeling down, petting Steve’s belly.

“Of course. It’s not comfortable on the ground. We can go back to my apartment, but it’s such a beautiful day I thought it would be nice to hang outside for a little while.”

“I love the fresh air.” Alyssa smiled and walked a few steps and knelt beside Alex.

The two girls began to talk, their attention on the playful pups who alternated between nudging at their legs and going for each other.

“Want to sit?” Julian gestured to the bench they’d sat on the last time they were here together.

“Sure.” She settled in beside him, their legs touching.

He reached out and curled his finger around a lock of her hair, tugging gently. “She likes you.”

Kendall smiled. “We just met but I like her, too. She seems sweet.”

“She is. The best kind of sweet. Innocent sweet.”

She was sure all brothers wanted to think that of their sisters, but looking at how Alyssa interacted with Alex and the dogs, Kendall figured Julian was right. Alyssa was special.

After twenty minutes of watching the girls with the dogs, talking about everything and nothing, and the park filling with people and pets around them, an idea came to Kendall.

“Look at your sister.”

Julian did as she asked.

“Look at how relaxed she is, the puppy in her lap and she’s almost… serene.”

“She is,” he agreed. “She’s like that when she’s working with flowers. It gives her peace.”

“Did you ever think of getting her an emotional-support dog? Or letting her work with a dog to become one? It would be great for her to have a companion animal.”

He scrubbed a hand over his light growth of beard, a sexy addition, in her opinion. One that made her female parts sit up and take notice. She’d like to feel that whisker burn between her thighs, she mused, trembling at the thought. But not in a public place, and that’s where they were, so she waited for him to respond.

“I like the idea,” he said at last.

“Does she have a doctor who would write a letter recommending she have an emotional-support dog for her condition?” Kendall asked.

Julian glanced over at his sister. “She does. What would she need it for?”

“Flying or if her landlord doesn’t allow pets. But I think an animal would be a huge comfort to her,” she said, just as Alyssa picked up Waffles and buried her face in the dog’s fur.

“And I’m sold on the idea,” Julian said, laughing.

His laugh hit all the right parts of her, emotionally and physically. He was so handsome in his aviators and bright smile, her heart squeezed at the sight of him, just as desire worked its way through her body.

“Thank you. The fact that you noticed that, it’s going to make such a big difference in her life. I can just tell by looking at her.” He stared at his sister with adoration and love, enabling Kendall to see just maybe why he’d gone to the lengths he had to ensure her well-being and future.

And a man who loved so completely, a man she was developing deep feelings for, couldn’t be bad.

*     *     *

Julian walked into her apartment, Chinese food bag in hand, and she greeted him with a kiss on the mouth, one he’d been starving for all day. Her warm lips settled on his, causing his cock to do an eager jump.

A flying dog separated them when Waffles did a leap for the food, her paws landing on Julian’s stomach. Steve, meanwhile, lunged for Waffles.

Julian raised the bag, keeping it out of the dogs’ way. “Go play.” He gestured inside and both dogs took off running. Of course, this was a New York City apartment and they couldn’t go far.

“I was going to suggest we eat in the family room and relax, but I don’t think the dogs will let us do either.”

He laughed. “Kitchen table it is.”

“Is Alex coming?” she asked.

He shook his head. “She has a test tomorrow. She’s studying.”

At the small kitchen table, he unpacked the boxes and she set down the plates and utensils. They shared pork dumplings, lo mein, egg rolls, spare ribs, and other traditional American-favorite Chinese foods.

“So… I was thinking,” she said.

“About what?”

“My sister. I think you and I have been together long enough, tested the waters, so to speak. I’ve been considering telling her about us.” She looked up at him with a serious expression on her face.

He dropped his chopsticks onto the table. “I’m sorry. Did you just say you want to tell your sister you’re seeing me?”

“It’s time I stand up for myself. She wants me to make my own decisions, to build my life. I’m doing that except she has no idea.”

The muscles in his neck and shoulders tightened uncomfortably. “And how do you think she’ll take the news? How do you think Kade will take the news?”

Kendall pushed herself up from her seat and walked around to his, settling herself onto his lap. “Not well,” she said as she wrapped her arms around his neck, obviously trying to soften her words with her actions.

Still, it hurt to know he wouldn’t make headway with an apology or change of behavior with Kade. Julian had thrown away a friendship that meant the world to him, but he’d been in so much pain over his sister at the time, he couldn’t see anything clearly. And later, he’d been a complete and utter bastard, jealousy and irrationality ruling his emotions. No excuses could be made.

“Hey.” She clasped her hands on either side of his face. “What matters now is what we have. And I’ll make them see that you’ve changed. Even if Kade won’t come around, I just need to make sure my sister at least understands.”

“The last thing I want to do is create a rift between you and your twin.”

If that were true, you would have left her alone to begin with, his conscience mocked him. But he’d been incapable of keeping his distance, especially once he’d seen her again.

“Is understanding enough for you?” he couldn’t help but ask. There was a big difference between her sister saying, Okay, date the douchebag who hurt you, and Let’s have Thanksgiving dinner together.

All things he should have thought through before bringing her back into his life, for her sake. But as usual he’d been selfish, thinking of only his needs at the time.

She shrugged, which was as honest a response as he was likely to get, and his stomach cramped at her having to make a choice between them. He hoped it wouldn’t come to that.

“Let’s not worry about it until it happens,” she suggested. “I just wanted to give you a heads-up that I’m considering it.” She threaded her fingers through his hair, in a blatant attempt to distract him, he was sure.

It was working. His thoughts shifted from their potential problems with her family to them, and she kept him too busy to think or worry until it was time for him to leave.

*     *     *

After a long day of work, Julian took Steve out for a walk. With the sun overhead, white clouds dotting the sky, he enjoyed the time stretching his legs and being alone with his thoughts. He and Steve returned home after an hour. Because Kendall had a therapy appointment and he wasn’t going to see her tonight, he planned on crashing early.

Except when he reached his floor, he found his door partially open and heard voices inside, which was unusual because Alex had never had company before. She said she had friends at school but always declined to bring them around. Given her foster care situation and the fact that she’d moved around, he wouldn’t find it all that odd if she was lying and didn’t have many friends at all. Hopefully time would change that.

Thanks to work and now Julian and Kendall, she kept plenty busy and out of trouble. As far as he could tell, she wasn’t the kind of kid who caused problems anyway. From the time he’d met her as a young girl, she’d been easygoing and eager to please. She’d gotten along well with his sister, and because Alyssa was the type of person to embrace others, she called Alex to say hi on her own. Alex treated Alyssa well, not being put off by her speech or occasional forgetfulness.

So he didn’t think there was anything really going on in his apartment, but he pushed the door open, wanting to see who was there without giving warning. Just in case.

Julian stepped inside, shocked to see Alex with her brother, Billy.

“Dude!” From his seat in the family room, Billy saw Julian first. His hair was cropped short, and he wore a pair of ripped jeans along with an old tee shirt.

A wariness prickled up Julian’s spine as he bent to release Steve from his leash. Mixed emotions rushed through him, a combination of gratitude the man was no longer in prison and a guarded feeling of distrust. He couldn’t put his finger on why, except Billy had always been one to make a side deal, to look out for number one. It made Julian uncomfortable that he was here now.

Had he just come to see his sister? Or did he want something more? Because for as long as Julian had known Billy, he’d had an angle.

“Hey!” Julian slapped his old friend on the back.

“Good to see you.” Billy gestured to the table where an open beer can was beside an empty one. “Have a beer and we can catch up.”

Julian’s stomach cramped. Hell, he could be around alcohol no problem, but Julian didn’t keep alcohol in the house, which meant Billy had brought the cans with him. He was drinking around his eighteen-year-old sister for no good reason. When the man was just out of jail. It didn’t sit right with Julian.

He picked up the beer cans and headed for the kitchen, tossing one in the recycling container and pouring the other into the sink.

“Come on,” Billy muttered. “That’s good money down the drain,” he complained. “Are you that much of a straight arrow now? I mean, Alex said you’re clean now, but not even alcohol?”

“Not even that,” Julian said, proud of himself and not about to let Billy make him feel bad about himself or the choices he’d learned to make.

“Umm, I’m going to get some homework done while you two talk.” Alex ducked her head and escaped into the room she’d been staying in.

Julian had a hunch she felt bad he’d found her brother here, drinking, but he wasn’t about to give her a hard time. He understood, at least from her perspective, the desire to see family and not to turn her brother away. Alex was just a kid. Billy was supposedly the adult. And the man was still a question mark as far as what he wanted.

“It’s cool of you to take Alex in,” Billy said, shoving his hands into his pants pockets.

Julian leaned against the kitchen cabinets, his arm on the Formica countertop. “She had nowhere to go. I wouldn’t turn her out on the street.”

“You’re loyal. Always have been.”

“Where are you staying?” Julian asked.

“At a halfway house for the next six months.”

Julian did his best not to wince. It was Billy’s life and he’d earned his way there. On the positive side, the man had somewhere to go and wouldn’t be hitting Julian up for a place to stay. And there would be rules, restrictions, and people to watch him and keep him in line.

“I got a problem though,” Billy said.

And now Julian knew why his sixth sense had been tingling. “What do you need?”

Billy ran a hand over his short hair. “Don’t say it like that, man. I just owe some people some money. I was involved in some… deals on the inside and—”

“And you stiffed some people?” It wasn’t a difficult guess that Billy had been out for Billy. Even inside prison walls.

“Something like that.” He shrugged like it meant nothing. But if Billy owed people from prison, it wasn’t nothing. “But if I don’t pay back what I owe, they’re going to come after me. And that’s no way to start my life on the outside.”

Julian rolled his eyes. “You don’t think this is something you should have thought about before you worked an angle?”

Billy laughed. “Yeah, well, what fun is that if you aren’t always pushing for more? But here’s what I’m thinking.” He kicked his sneakered foot against the floor.

“You’re rich now. Everyone knows you hit those Blink guys up for big money. It was in the news. You can afford to help a brother out.”

Julian pinched the bridge of his nose. “There is no money. I used it all to pay off debt from my sister’s accident.” And what was left he’d put into a trust for Alyssa, but that was none of Billy’s business.

“You owe me,” Billy said, his tone no longer light. “I took the fall—”

“That’s bullshit and you know it. You were dealing. I agree I bought shit from you and they could have arrested me for possession if they’d caught me, but they didn’t. No owing involved.” Julian drew a calming breath. “As for money, you can’t get blood from a stone. I don’t have what I don’t have.”

But he wanted this man gone, so Julian pulled his wallet out of his pocket. “Here’s a couple hundred bucks. I’ll get you another grand but that’s all I’ve got. And considering I’m taking care of your sister, I’d call us even.” Julian did his best to hide his disgust.

He was looking after Alex because he wanted to help her, not because he owed Billy a damn thing. But the other man was too selfish to understand that. Clearly he didn’t give a shit about his sister at all. And Julian wanted him out of his hair for good.

“Fine.” Billy snatched the cash out of Julian’s hand and had it pocketed before Julian could blink.

It was time to define terms. “Fine means fine for good. Don’t come back asking for a handout, because after this, we’re done.” Julian spread his hands, indicating no more.

“Whatever,” Billy muttered. “Just get the cash soon. I like my bones where they belong in my body.”

What a fucking idiot, Julian thought. But what had he expected? That he’d changed? “You plan on hanging around your sister much?”

Billy clamped a hand around the back of his neck, rubbing it like he was stressed. “I’m not the fatherly type, but you never know.”

Julian frowned. “So you came here for money, not to see her. Nice brother you turned out to be.”

“Give me a fucking break.” Billy scowled and stood up straighter. “I gotta go.”

“Don’t let me keep you,” Julian muttered, knowing he would have to pick up the pieces for Alex when she realized her brother wasn’t just a criminal but a selfish asshole, too.

But Julian preferred that to Billy being a permanent fixture around here, bringing around a bad crowd and exposing Alex to his bad influence. He’d just have to see if Billy became an issue or not.

“Don’t forget my cash.”

Julian headed for the door and held it open for his former friend. “Give me a day. I’ll get you the money. How do I reach you?”

“I’ll get in touch with you tomorrow.”

“Fine.” And then he never wanted to see Billy again.