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Guarded by Kayla White (12)


As he left me waiting, my whole body freaked out, I was almost sick! But as Parker pressed his lips up against mine I knew that he’d been worth the wait. This was the romantic moment our first kiss deserved, after a declaration of love.

“I love you too,” he panted into my ear. “You have no idea how much.”

My chest swelled happily, all I wanted to do was to savor that wonderful moment, but my brain was distracted. I had jets of electricity racing through my system, my heart was hammering so loudly that I feared it might burst from my chest, sensational chemistry flowed between us, weaving around us, bonding us tighter. Parker’s mouth felt absolutely amazing next to mine, and as his tongue slid further between my lips I never wanted to let him go.

It was never like this with Carson, he never made me feel so amazing. In fact, it’s never been like that with anyone before...this was the very first time in my life that I’ve ever truly been in love. I assumed I was, but I couldn’t have been more wrong.

As Parker snaked his arms around my waist, pulling me in closer, my insides flip-flopped, my heart danced excitedly. Parker’s fingers tantalizingly moved all over my body, his lips moved over my jawline, down to my neck, towards my collarbone. My breaths were coming out hard and labored, the intense hunger inside of me grew. I wanted to devour him, to consume him, I could barely control myself. As I breathed in his manly, musky scent, which was totally different to anyone I’ve ever known before, I felt like I was at home.

This had been a long time coming!

“You’re so beautiful,” Parker mumbled as his fingers needily fisted my top. “I can’t believe how lucky I am to be here with you.”

The entirety of my body reacted to his words, my nipples hardened underneath my top, a hot passion pulsated in the pit of my stomach, my panties felt like they were about to melt off...

It seemed like my romantic, loving kiss was about to turn into something more passionate, and I couldn’t wait for it. As desire crashed over me in a cascade of waves, I sucked in air, trying to fill my lungs with it as much as possible, and with that my top was whipped over my head in a heartbeat, revealing my very naked breasts.

Parker’s eyes widened with shock, which brought a smirk to my face. Maybe going braless wasn’t intentional, but I was sure as hell glad that I’ve done that now.

“Oh my goodness, you are amazing.”

I couldn’t help turning into a sexy goddess with the power of Parker’s words. If he saw me like that – and it was clear from the expression on his face that he did – then maybe it was time to see myself as worthy too. My head rolled to one side, my hair flowed down my back, I revealed all of my neck to him, which Parker pounced on instantly. He started off with sweet, gentle kisses, but eventually, his teeth nipped me which made me squeal with excitement.

“Oh God,” I groaned loudly. All I wanted to do was tell him that I felt the same way about him, but somehow the words were lost in my spiraling brain. The conflicting, wondrous sensations tearing through my system were sending me wild. “Oh, Parker.”

“Come here, you.”

Parker picked me up as if I weighed nothing, which had me squealing loudly with excitement. As he carried me across the room, over to his couch, I rested my forehead against him allowing me to look deeply into his eyes. The love was flowing from his gaze, he meant it. I couldn’t believe that I’ve almost gone the rest of my life without knowing what this felt like, all because I wasn’t brave. I nearly cowardly stayed with Carson, just because I was scared.

I would never be that girl again.

“What are you doing with me?” I murmured happily.

“I’m claiming you as my own.”

And as he tossed me down on the couch, he showed me how much he meant that by kissing me hard, completely making me his. His lips, his tongue, his teeth were all over me, and all I could do was succumb. I arched my back, pressing my body against him, and as I did I realized that I could feel every delicious inch of him. His throbbing erection pushed against my core, sending a boiling heat creeping through my veins.

I felt so turned on, I felt like an incredibly sensual human being. I knew that if I didn’t have Parker I would die. All the time that we’d spent teasing each other, then being careful together, then totally avoiding one another, it was all crushing me right now.

As I felt Parker clumsily unbuckle my trousers, my pulse rate thundered even more powerfully. He was growing nearer to where he was absolutely desperate for me, which I needed, but there was something else I wanted more. As the material slid down, I forced myself into a sitting position and I winked cheekily at him.

“This isn’t fair now, is it? You can see almost all of me, and you are still fully dressed.”

“I know it!” he declared happily. “I knew you didn’t get enough of me on that day.”

The memory of his chest filled my mind, the awkwardness I felt that day. I knew even then that I wanted him, but it felt so wrong. Maybe it was because I sensed that Parker would be the one to turn everything in my life upside down, and I wasn’t totally ready for it.

But I was ready now, I wanted Parker to shift everything.

Parker’s lips curled upwards as he yanked his t-shirt up over his head. Even though I knew what to expect, his body still took my breath away. He was something else... I’ve spent my entire life looking at lean, sinewy guys who thought a night a week in the gym was enough to look good. This, this was a man who really worked out, and damn if he didn’t make me feel small and petite in comparison. “Well, here you are... again.”

“And the rest!”

He stepped closer to me, unbuckling his trousers as he went, revealing a thick, very sexy and powerful set of thighs. As I brushed my fingers over his rock hard muscles, an involuntary moan fell out of my mouth.

Parker fell back on top of me, kissing me passionately as his hands trailed down to my underwear. His touch lightly brushed the outline of my panties, teasing me, tantalizingly me, and it took all that I had not to scream. An intense shiver ran up and down my spine, which caused my fingers to grip even harder onto his shoulders. The sensations were sending me flying high, Parker was the only thing keeping me fixed to the Earth right now.

I needed him. It wouldn’t be long until I fell off the edge I was balanced so delicately on. I rocked my hips hard into him, trying to send Parker that message. Luckily he got it, and he whipped my panties away before his fingers drove hard into me.

“Oh fuck!” I cried out as Parker explored my heat. His powerful touch was incredibly feeling, he already seemed to know my body better than I knew it myself. Maybe it was the long building chemistry building, or maybe he was just that good. Either way I was about to explode. “Oh my God, Parker.”

Just as I felt like the pressure was about to swallow me up whole, Parker moved his hand away leaving me cold and exposed. I wanted to yell out in frustration, I almost did, but this his tongue claimed me where his fingers had vanished. He flickered it everywhere, alternating between tracing over my slit, and running it over my clit in the most phenomenal feeling pattern in the world.

I gripped tightly to the sheets beneath me, my body buckled and shuddered, my head was dizzy and spinning.

“Hang on,” Parker moved slightly backward, allowing me to still feel his breath on my entrance. “I just need to get something.”

“Don’t go anywhere,” I pleaded needily. “I miss you already.”

“I guess I wasn’t exactly prepared for this moment,” he smirked, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively at me. “I didn’t know you were going to turn up and seduce me, and I want to be careful.”

As he waved a condom at me I nodded breathlessly. Of course, we did need to be smart about this. It was the spur of the moment, a hot, exciting moment, but being wise was advisable.

Parker kicked his underwear away, and my eyes automatically flickered down to where he was rolling the condom over his thick length. I couldn’t stop my eyes from opening wide with shock, he was huge, absolutely massive, and I had no idea what he was going to do with me. Yet I couldn’t wait to find out.

I grabbed hold of Parker’s butt as he moved back towards my legs, gasping happily as I could feel him teasing my entrance. Any minute now, all my very secret fantasies would finally be coming true and I couldn’t wait. I started tugging at him, trying to drive him in, but for a second he remained paused where he was, just staring at me.

“Are you okay?” I felt compelled to check. Much as I needed this, if Parker was having second thoughts I needed to respect that. I could calm down my deep desire, I could shut off my racing heartbeat, I could find some self-control in there somewhere.

“I love you,” he muttered once more. “I know that I’ve already said that, but I guess it’s just one of those things I need to reiterate. I do love you, and I know that we can make it work if we both want it enough.”

“Me too,” I agreed happily. “I love you too.”