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His Town by Ellie Danes (64)

Chapter One


We followed Noah into the building as the thumping of the bass echoed through the large front doors. The line of people wound down the sidewalk, roped off with thick red velvet ropes. “Wow, we get to cut ahead of all of those people?” Courtney laughed as she stared at the crowd.

Noah chuckled. “Those are people that are standing in line for a chance to pay a hundred dollars just to stand in the other line to get in. Ladies, Paladium is the most exclusive club in all of Vegas. Our members pay over fifty grand just to be able to come here.”

He led us through the main entranceway where several large security guards in dark black suits and earpieces lined the walls. They looked us up and down as we passed and I couldn’t help but feel a bit nervous. “Why all of the security?” I yelled to Noah, probably louder than I needed to, but the alcohol flowing through my body had taken over my senses.

“We have a big name DJ spinning tonight. All of the celebs will be here, so things are bound to get out of hand with all of the onlookers.”

Noah pushed through the scattered crowd as we all looked around. Katie elbowed me as we passed a VIP section that was filled with girls in tight dresses. They surrounded and hung all over the attractive blonde guy in the center of the group. “Becca is that…?”

“It certainly looks like Tyson Johns…no it couldn’t…”

“It is.” Noah chimed in. “Get used to it tonight, there will be plenty of people here and he’s just a b-lister. The big names won’t show up until the main event. You’ll want to be in your suite when that happens.”

“Wait… what? Suite?” Melissa spun to look at me with wide eyes and then turned her attention back toward Noah. “We have a suite?”

“Yes, Mr. Vaughn wanted to be sure you ladies had fun tonight and had great seats for the show.” Noah continued towards the large staircase that overlooked the dance floor and stage.

I felt sick to my stomach thinking of what Chance had done and was still trying to bribe me, or whatever this was, to make me feel better. Melissa seemed to have forgotten what she saw, but between the news of my job and Chance, I was ready to just go back to the hotel.

The entire club was lit up in multicolored lights. Gold curtains framed every archway and surrounding the large crowed dance floor were large luxurious gold couches for those who wanted bottle service. Our suite overlooked everything and was closed on three sides and open to the dance floor below. It was almost like a private balcony. The room was much too large for just four women, and there was a whole buffet of hors d'oeuvre set up as well as a small bar with a friendly bartender waiting to make us drinks.

The girls were so happy and giddy that I didn’t want to voice how uncomfortable I felt about it all. This was all so nice, but I couldn’t get into it. I knew I had said I wanted to have fun, but after seeing all Chance had done for us I was just more confused.

I watched as Noah whispered something to the bartender and then came toward us. “I’m going to take care of some other business, but please, just ask Diana for anything you need.” Noah motioned toward the petite bartender at the back of the suite. “DJ Sly will be on in about an hour. Enjoy the show and have fun.”

“No way!” Courtney yelled, looking down at the DJ’s booth. “Becca, he came through again, who cares what he did.”

The girls were definitely riding a good buzz. I had, by this point, actually sobered up quite a little. I sipped champagne as I watched the growing crowds below and listened to the girls pointing out celebrities in the adjacent VIP rooms.

“Becs? You doing ok?” Melissa edged closer to me. “You should at least try to have some fun. You know, he did set all of this up, whether you like him or not right now, take advantage of it.”

As much as I wanted to, I really just wanted some quiet, if only for a few minutes. “I think I’m going to get some fresh air first.” I slammed the remainder of my champagne and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. “I’ll be back in a few.”

“What!” Katie yelled, wrapping her arm around me. Her voice was barely noticeable over the thumping music. “Come dance with us!”

“I will, I just need a breather.” I said forcing a smile. Melissa looked at me, with her alcohol flushed face and I could tell she understood. Even when intoxicated she always managed to stand up for me.

“Come on Girls!” She said grabbing Courtney and Katie, “Let’s go dance!”

As they made their way down to the dance floor I smiled and waved at Melissa who blew me a kiss.

“If you want to get some fresh air, and some privacy, I would suggest going up to the roof.” The bartender said, walking over to me and handing me a small key. “It’s a great view, quiet and safe.”

“Really? That would be ok?” I asked surprised.

“Sure, just make sure to give the key back to me after you’re done. I’ll be here.”

“Thank you so much.”

“No worries,” She winked. “Just follow the corridor outside and take the elevator to the roof. It’s closed right now, but you’ll be fine.”

I nodded and made my way to the elevator, swiping the keycard and pushing the button for the top floor. The doors opened to an amazing view that overlooked the mountains and the strip. It was stunning and quite quiet. Only the faintest thumping from below could be heard. It appeared the rooftop bar was just finishing renovations, much like the Viridian. I imagined this was likely one of Chance’s little projects as well.

The cocktail tables lined the glass wall and provided an excellent view of the entire bar and cityscape. I perched myself on one of the stools, closed my eyes and massaged my temples. I wished for everything to just be fine again. I continued rubbing them to the rhythm of the music vibrating the floor below, and contemplated my next move.