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His Town by Ellie Danes (85)

Chapter Eight


I stepped outside of the somewhat cramped apartment and took a deep breath. I could feel the tension mounting between Melissa and I, and rightfully so. She felt I that everything that happened in Vegas with Sara was my fault. She believed I was to blame and I understood that. I needed to prove to her that I was worthy of a relationship with Becca. It was going to take a lot of work, but I knew it was worth it.

The sun had already sunk beneath the tall buildings of the city, casting an orange-grey glow on everything around. I smiled as I thought about the last few hours with Becca. Our relationship, both personal and working, had just crossed a line. A line I was willing to cross, but I had hoped that Becca was comfortable with it as well and would regret everything that had just happened.

My driver was parked across the street, his window partially down, and I could see him reading one of his betting magazines. It was what he did to pass the time while he was waiting for me. I hated to drive in the city, even though I had a car here, I preferred to keep it parked. As I made my way toward the car he looked up and nodded, quickly starting the car and hopping out to get the door. I waved him off. I was more than capable of opening my own car door.

I scanned the street as I approached it, ready to make a quick walk across the street as I noticed another man, sitting in his car, a few down from mine on the opposite of the road. Unlike my driver, he appeared to be focused in my direction and at me. I kept my gaze as I walked closer to the street, his eyes following me. Maybe he’s just a people watcher. I do appear a bit out of place. I hopped into the back of the car and my driver pulled away. I couldn’t take my eyes off of the man in the car. I would have expected him to stop staring at me, but he hadn’t. It was actually the opposite. As my car passed his parked on the street I stared at him through my tinted windows. His arm hanging from the open window, he appeared to be looking directly at me. My eyes met his, even though he couldn’t see me. His face had a familiar look I had seen somewhere before.

I leaned back in my seat and brushed it off. Becca raced through my mind as I remembered the feel of her body in my hands. The memories were more vivid than Vegas. I could still smell her on my skin. I could feel her touching my body. I could smell her hair. I sank deeper into the seats as I closed my eyes and smiled.

* * * *

The sun had only just risen over the city as I walked into the new hotel. I made my way to the executive floor, enjoying the quiet of the office. I knew in only a few short hours it wouldn’t be as quiet or calm. I scanned through the numbers that had been emailed to me from the Vegas properties and clubs. It was going to be difficult to out perform anything in Vegas, but I knew that this property was going to really change things here for Vaughn Properties.

At nine sharp Becca made her way into the office. A few other staff members had already arrived and started their day and had been able to distract me from thinking about Becca and our night. I tapped my foot nervously as she entered the room, shooting her a brief smile. I felt like a schoolboy with a crush, but it was more than that. Much more than that.

She smiled brightly as she walked toward me. She looked fantastic. Her hair was loose and slightly curled and she was wearing a conservative but formfitting skirt that flattered her figure perfectly.

“Good morning, Mr. Vaughn.” She giggled.

I looked around the room for my father and then back at Becca. “That would be my father you’re referring to,” I chuckled, “Chance, please…even at work.” I smiled back. “…And good morning Becca,”

Becca looked around the room and then whispered to me. “I wanted to thank you for last night,” She paused, her cheeks getting flush, “For, umm you know, taking care of my concerns.”

“I actually should be thanking you for last night. It felt great…” I purposefully hesitated, allowing the last word to hang in the air for a moment as I watched her smile. “…To be able to talk with someone.”

She bit her bottom lip and then smiled. “Any time.”

“Here, this is for you,” I said, handing her the paper from my desk.

Becca stared at it and tilted her head to the side as she pursed her lips. “I know all of these people. Why are you giving me a list of my past co-workers?”

I got up and joined her on the other side of the desk, looking over her shoulder at the list. The smell of her hair and perfume sent a shock through my body as I gently placed my hand on the small of her back. Touching her drove me crazy. “Because…” I smiled as I looked over her shoulder at the list. “This is your team for the project,”

“Seriously? How? Did you hire them?”

“Don’t worry about the how.” I chuckled. “They still work for Johnson Boone but for this project they will be under your supervision. It’s going to be a lot of work. You said you needed a team, so I felt it made sense to get a team you were familiar with.”

Becca turned and smiled as she looked up at me. “Thank you.” She stood up on her tiptoes and kissed me on the cheek. I wanted to grab her and pull her close. I wanted to take her right there in the office, but I heard the doors close on the elevator just down the hall. Moments later, we were no longer alone.

“Good morning Chance.” Becca and I turned to see Dad standing in the doorway. I hadn’t seen him since he delivered the news the other day. It felt like there was a bad secret between us and I wasn’t sure if I should address it, or let it go. I looked him up and down, expecting him to look more frail or broken, but for now, he looked just as strong and determined as he had before.

“Mr. Vaughn,” Becca replied politely as she smiled at me, acknowledging my remark about calling me by the same name earlier.

“I’ve been downstairs for the last hour looking everything over. This place looks great. I talked to a few of the employees. Great job in finding people that fit this place.” Dad stared at Becca and cleared his throat as he shifted slightly from side to side. “I want to apologize for the other day.”

“That’s ok,” She replied meekly.

“It’s not. I made a comment that I shouldn’t have, especially without knowing you or your work. I’d like for you both to have dinner with me tonight.” He looked sternly at both of us and continued. “I’ll be heading back to Vegas tomorrow and it would be nice to know what you have planned for this launch.”

“Well…” I paused as I stared at Becca, waiting for a sign from her and then eventually seeing a small nod. “That sounds great.”

“Wonderful!” He smiled.

Becca stood quietly. A look of nervousness on her face as she broke the silence. “I apologize, I need to get going. I’ve got a ton of work to do and I have a few meetings this morning.” Becca turned toward me and looked me in the eyes. We both smiled at each other, apparent we wanted to kiss goodbye, but the presence of my father destroyed the opportunity. “See you tonight.” Becca smiled again and then made her way to the elevator.

“So, you are sleeping together?” He smirked at me.

“Seriously?” I quickly barked back at him. “I don’t think that’s any your business.”

“So you are? Are you going out or…” Dad shook his head as he looked down at the floor. “…or is it just sex?”

“I’m not doing this with you.” Regardless of the situation, Dad always had a way to continue to push me until he got the answer he wanted. Today that wasn’t going to happen.

“What you had with Sara was more than that, wasn’t it? You need that Chance. You need stability. You need to be focused. ”

I clenched my jaw as I listened to him rant about Sara and my life. Everything that he wanted for me. I thought about my feelings the other night. I thought about doing as he wanted just to make him happy while I could. I wanted to understand exactly why he wanted me to end up with Sara so much. I bit me lip as I contemplated my words. “Do you care so much whether I’m with Sara or someone else? What is it? Ever since I told you we broke up, that I was done. You didn’t even care when I told you how possessive she was. You didn’t seem to flinch when I told you how it was her that was going through money like water. Why? Tell me!” I could feel myself coming unraveling as I stared at him.

Dad eased himself onto the corner of the desk and crossed his arms as he stared at me. He slowly rubbed his chin, then back of his neck as his gaze went right through me. He didn’t say a word. He only stared silently. He took a short breath, as if he were about to unload on me, but didn’t. “I’ll see you at dinner tonight.” He said and the got up and left the room.

What the fuck was that about? Clearly there was more to this than I knew.