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Macon by Marie James (37)

Chapter 37


“You didn’t have to go to this extreme,” I tell Axton, my gaze roaming over the two-bedroom suite.

“I didn’t think I’d be able to convince you to stay in my bed.” I try to hide my frown. I was hoping for exactly that. “I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”

Uncomfortable would be lying awake all night while feeling like you’re a million miles away when only a handful of feet separate us.

I walk deeper into the room, trying to figure out a way to end up in there. Staying alone isn’t an option, but throwing myself at him isn’t going to happen either. I can’t explain the back and forth feelings I’ve had since meeting Axton. It’s not really back and forth so much as a constant struggle between my heart and my head. I’ve never stopped caring for him, never go a day without thinking about him and wondering how he’s doing. My heart is now telling my brain to shut up and let me be happy because living without him is a miserable existence I can’t wait to end.

After seeing Renee and Elijah so blissfully happy planning their future and family, I can’t help but want that in my own life. Not just with anybody, but him.

“You pick which one you want, and I’ll take the other,” he says as he rolls my suitcase into the small living room situated between the two bedrooms.

“I’m not picky,” I tell him.

Using the handle on the suitcase, he picks it up and takes it to the room on the right. “This one has the full tub in case you want to soak. The other only has a shower.”

“Perfect.” I sit down on the bed, but stand and follow him out when he leaves. “What are the plans for this evening? Do you have practice or any meetings?”

“Nope. I’m all yours.”

I wish.

“You promised sushi,” I remind him, pulling out my phone. “After you told me where we were staying, I searched the area on my phone. There’s a place a few miles away with fantastic reviews. Moo Goo Gai Pan with more mushrooms than you can count.”

“Sounds fantastic. Let me get changed and we can head out.”

Shamelessly, my eyes follow him as he leaves the room and begins to pull his shirt off, not bothering to close the door. The muscles on his back twitch and flex as he digs in the duffle bag on the bed. With economic efficiency, he changes his shirt, and much to my delight, jeans before coming out of the room. I don’t bother pulling my eyes from him or trying to hide the fact that I was watching him.

Surprise lights his eyes as he closes the distance between us.

“I would’ve taken longer if I knew you were watching.”

He hugs me, wrapping his arms around me for the first time since he picked me up from my parents’. Thankfully, they were at the church when he pulled up outside their house, so we were able to avoid the awkwardness of leaving with them knowing I was planning to spend an entire weekend out of town and in a hotel room with a country star. My mother expressed her displeasure while my dad gave me a look that said I better not end up pregnant like my sister.

Kissing my temple, his lips linger against my skin.

“Maybe next time,” I suggest.

“Anytime you want,” he offers. Clearing his throat, he takes a step back, and I miss his warmth immediately. “Let’s go grab something to eat.”

I want to suggest delivery or drive-thru rather than the sit down restaurant I mentioned, but he grabs my hand and pulls me from the room. I watch the grip of his jeans on his backside as he presses the elevator button, then snuggle into his side when we step in for the fifteen floor descent.

“I’ve missed you more than you could ever imagine,” he confesses, his chin resting on top of my head.

“Does it make me awful that I’m glad you missed me?” I tilt my head in his direction, eyes enraptured by the curve of his lips and the light layer of stubble on his jaw. “Because I’m pretty sure I missed you more.”

“Not possible,” he argues. His thumb rubs along my lower lip, and I pant. “Missed you so much.”

His head lowers and my calves flex to rise up and meet him halfway, but the elevator chimes. The door opens as we separate a few inches. The couple who climbs on gives us a knowing smile, the woman going so far as to wink before turning to face the closing doors.

He holds me tighter to him, his hand falling to that perfect spot at the small of my back as he guides me to his subterranean parking spot.


“Something’s different about you,” he says twenty minutes later as the waitress walks away to put our orders in.

“So you’ve said more times than I can count.”

He shakes his head. “That’s not what I mean. You’re different from the last time we hung out.”

It’s because I’m finally giving into the idea of telling you how I feel, offering my heart on a silver platter, and praying you don’t destroy me.

“How so? Not in a bad way, I hope,” I say instead.

“Not even close,” he answers. “It’s like a super calm, flirty change.”

The waitress brings our food, but neither of us look away from the other as we begin to eat.


He smiles and nods. “I like it, but I have to tell you, it’s giving me all sorts of thoughts.”


“Yeah. The kind that make me grateful we have separate bedrooms.”

“Why’s that?” I bite my bottom lip to keep my cheeks from splitting from my smile.

“I don’t know if I could keep my hands to myself in a bed with you.”

“Who says I want you to keep your hands to yourself?”

“Addi,” he growls, fidgeting in his seat.

“Axton,” I tease.

“You’re playing with fire,” he warns.

“Maybe I want to get burned.”

“Never,” he promises. “But I can guarantee you’ll feel my heat.”

“Sounds fun,” I say, wiggling in my own seat.

We spend the next half hour eating and tossing so many innuendos at each other, we’re both near combustible by the time we leave. His hand on my back on the way to the truck feels electrical, his touch sending zings of need from my head to my flip flop covered feet.

“Which room?” I ask the second we walk through the door of our suite.

He distances himself from me, taking a seat on the small sofa rather than entering one of the bedrooms available.

“Addi, I didn’t bring you here for that.” His hands run through his hair. “I don’t want you to think the only reason I asked you here was to get in your pants.”

“You’re thinking too much,” I say as I push his hands out of his hair and straddle his lap. “No one could convince me to do anything unless I already had it in my mind in the first place.”

“So I’m the one here under false pretenses?” His words are playful, but for some reason, Renee’s situation pops into my head. “I’m not trying to manipulate you.”

I pull away, trying to crawl off his lap, but his hands are still on my hips.

“You don’t have a manipulative bone in your body,” he insists. “But I can’t live with your regret. I have enough of my own.”

“No regrets,” I promise against his mouth as I sweep my lips across his. “Promise.”

He still pulls away, hands on my cheeks. His eyes stay on my mouth long enough to make my skin feel like it’s on fire.

“This step, if we take it where I think we both want it to go, you’re mine. No more running. No more telling me to spread my wings and fly.”

I want to agree immediately, but my overanalyzing brain puts my fired up libido on the back burner.

“What are you saying?” He grins.

“You know what I mean.”

I shake my head. “You need to put it in words.”

His hazel eyes find mine, softening to a cool olive green. “I want you in my life. Friends don’t kiss.” He pecks my lips, pulling away when I try to take it further. “Friends don’t make each other come so hard it hurts.” Another brief kiss. “Friends don’t want to spend the rest of their lives making each other happy.”

“You want to make me happy for the rest of my life?”

“I do.”

Those two words send a chill up my spine until the goosebumps stop at the backs of my hands. I blame Renee and Elijah and their wedded bliss for my reaction to this man, to giving me the push I need to see what is right in front of me and has been for months.

“That’s a long time,” I whisper. “Forever is a long time.”

“Not nearly long enough for us.” My heart fills and overflows.

“Okay,” I agree. “Forever.”