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Mister Cowboy by Rebecca Jenshak (21)


One minute and thirty-three seconds.”

She’d barely shut the passenger door before Brecken was pulling out onto the road, eyes steeled straight ahead. He was in some alpha caveman trance, and it was seriously hot. Not that she had any plans to let him boss her around outside the bedroom, but inside it… her core clenched just imagining it.

“You seriously timed me?” Her laugh echoed in the car, but it sounded all wrong for the moment.

They rode the rest of the way to her apartment in silence. Every second her anticipation climbed for what was about to go down. Sex with Brecken was always intense, but something had shifted and she had a feeling she’d never recover. He was about to destroy every other sexual encounter of her life. She wasn’t one who liked to build things up in her mind. That was the sort of thinking that could only lead to disappointment. But not tonight. She felt the weight of what was to come with such certainty she’d bet her life on it.

They practically raced to the elevator, but much to her disappointment, he didn’t so much as look her way as they ascended to the eighth floor. He was tapping his thumb against his thigh, and his mouth was moving slightly. She narrowed her gaze on his lips and bit back a smile.

Fumbling with her keys, she tried to unlock the door quickly. Brecken hung back, giving her space, but she was so keyed up it didn’t matter. Cursing under her breath, she finally opened the door and held it open as he stalked inside. With her back to him, she set her keys and purse down on the counter and turned to face him.

“Were you counting just now in the elevator?”

The grin on her face slipped as she practically ran into Brecken. He was standing so close she could feel his shallow breathing. He dipped his head and ran his hands up over her arms as he spoke. “Either it was that or rip your clothes off in an elevator.”

So many questions ran through her mind, but the words died on her lips. She didn’t care why he was counting or even why he felt the need to pull out a relaxation technique. His feather light touch wasn’t enough. She wanted more. She wanted rough. She wanted everything he could give, which judging by the dark look in his eyes might be more than she could take.

Instead of the frenzied pace she expected, he moved in slowly. Each touch made her ache for more, but she didn’t rush him. She took whatever he gave and let the sensations consume her.

“I missed you.” His hands slipped under her shirt and the contact of his rough hands against her warm skin moved up her sides, pushing her shirt with it until he slipped it over her head.

“Your skin,” he crooned as he slid each index finger under her bra straps and pulled them down off her shoulders. “It’s so soft.”

His mouth dropped to her cleavage as he tugged the front of her bra until her nipples popped free. “Your taste.” He licked a trail from one peak to the other. “So fucking sweet.”

He stepped forward, forcing her to walk backward as he unbuttoned her jeans and wrenched the zipper down. Stopping in the doorway of the bedroom and crouching in front of her, he pressed his mouth to the apex of her thigh and kissed her through the denim. She moaned loudly and grasped the frame on each side to keep herself upright.

Without warning, he stood and swooped her up. January wasn’t accustomed to being carried, much less swooped up. Being a tall girl, it was hard to imagine feeling small or fragile, but Brecken made her feel both as he easily lifted her and walked to the bed.

Her feet had barely settled on the ground when his thumbs hooked into the loops of her jeans. She stepped out of the material as he slid each pant leg to the ground.

She stood in front of him with only her panties and bra, which wasn’t doing anything to cover her breasts, and he stepped back, saying, “Lie on the bed.” His voice was quiet, but there was no denying the authoritative tone.

January did as he asked. She would have set herself on fire if he requested it, which wouldn’t have been too difficult considering she was already burning with desire.

He undressed, never taking his eyes off her. Noticing the foil wrapper in his hand, she shook her head rapidly. “I’m on the pill. Please, I want to feel you.”

Her words seemed to make him happy, and he tossed the condom over his head before he descended on top of her. Thick and hard, he pressed against her as he feathered kisses all over her bare skin. She willed herself to relax and enjoy the slow assault, but she was impatient to feel him inside her. She moved her hands down to tempt him, but he stopped her, pinning her wrists above her head. “I’ve been going crazy without you the last two days. It’s my turn to show you how that feels.”

She held back a plea, certain she had already fully moved into crazy town as his mouth found a nipple and his fingers pushed aside her panties and found her slick core.

“You’re so wet. Fuck.” His hair fell forward into his face and tickled her skin as his words had her muscles clenching.

Broad shoulders pushed her thighs apart, and he dipped his head, inhaling deeply. The calm demeanor he had been holding on to shattered, and in one smooth motion, her panties were off and his tongue caressed the spot they vacated.

Crying out, she lifted her hips, giving him full access to the very center of her need.

When she was certain she could take no more and cried out in anticipation of the ecstasy she knew was coming, he moved up and centered his cock against her opening.

“Frustrated, baby?” he asked, but his voice was gruff and tight.

She answered by wrapping a hand around him, pumping his cock. His jaw flexed. Brushing her hand away, he worked himself in slowly. The look on his face was a mixture of agony and pleasure as he filled her completely.

“Perfect. We fit together perfectly,” he whispered against her lips and swept his tongue inside. He kissed her hard and moved his hips slow, the contradiction making her wild.

She whimpered against him, craving release and yet not wanting it to end, either. His body collided with hers in the most magnificent way. They did fit together perfectly. Body and soul. It was destiny, it was the stars aligning, it was the inspiration for every love song ever written.

He picked up speed, pushing harder, deeper, until sweat slicked over them both and her orgasm was a tight knot of heat twisting inside her. It rushed to the surface, arching her back off the bed and stealing the breath from her lungs as she screamed his name. She was still high, reeling from the force of it, when his movements turned jerky and he found his own release, muttering, “Fucking perfect.”

Seconds or maybe minutes passed while she floated in ecstasy and reeled from the best orgasm of her life. When she opened her eyes, he was leaning over her, studying her face with such intensity and emotion that it was impossible to read his thoughts.

“Fucking perfect.”

Yes, it was. Yes, he was. She couldn’t find her voice to give him the praise he deserved, but it didn’t matter because he wasn’t done with her. Brecken’s mouth was on hers, taking and demanding, and then his arm snaked under her, and in one swift motion, he rolled, pulling her on top of him.

With his hands guiding her hips, he moved her down over his long shaft. Her body jolted to attention as he filled her fully and every nerve in her body responded in kind.

She was helpless as he lifted her until she was almost completely empty, and then pulled her down slowly so she could feel every inch sliding deep inside her.

“Look at me, baby,” he commanded as he urged her hips faster. “I want to watch you come.”

Licking her lips and nodding slightly, she fixed her stare directly into his. It was intimate that way, and she realized this was him ruining all other sex for her like she predicted, but in a completely different way than she had expected. It wasn’t the domineering and forceful fuck she’d pictured. It was more. It was two people getting off while gazing into the other’s souls. She’d never had this, but she knew she’d never want it any other way again.