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Mister Cowboy by Rebecca Jenshak (24)


Years of living by himself and existing primarily in isolation had made it easy to retreat and mull over things without someone prodding him to explain his every thought. But the way she looked at him from across the town car with her big eyes and crease between her eyebrows told him that she was holding back a million questions. Questions he wasn’t sure how much longer she could refrain from asking. Questions he had no intention of answering.

Brecken cleared his throat. “Would you like to go to a gallery opening tonight?”

“A gallery opening?”

“It’s a small gallery in the River North district. Nothing too fancy or stuffy.”

“I’m not sure.”

“You can invite Michael and your other friends if you like.”

“Michael is working tonight.”

He breathed a sigh of relief. Not that he didn’t like the guy, it was that he didn’t want to share her tonight. He hadn’t even planned on going to the opening, but he knew that if they didn’t get out into the buzz of the city then the inevitable questions would suffocate them. Maybe this was why he’d avoided getting involved to this point before. He didn’t want to let someone into that part of his life. It was done and over. His life re-started when he’d turned eighteen, and he considered digging into the years before that totally unnecessary—at least until he met January.

Edward pulled into the parking garage of his apartment building, and Brecken helped her out of the town car. “Am I dressed okay for a gallery?” She looked down at her jeans and shoes with a questioning glance.

“You look perfect.”

She smiled for the first time since they’d left the ranch and tugged on his tie. “Then you can’t wear this. It’ll look like you’re slumming it with me.”

“It always looks like that,” he teased and loosened his tie.

She slapped him playfully, but he caught her wrist and hauled her against his chest. “How about we spend a little time slumming it right now,” he whispered against her ear.

* * *

Once they were back in his car, her stiff and cool exterior slipped back into place as Brecken drove through downtown to A La Mode Gallery. He hadn’t expected his cock to magically wipe away her questions about his past, but he’d hoped it would keep them at bay for a little longer. The adorable crease between her eyes was back as she stared straight ahead out the window in silence.

There was a line of people streaming into the small gallery as they approached. With a hand on her lower back, he used his large frame to push his way through the crowd and into the building.

“Wow.” Her eyes darted around the colorful and eccentric space, and he grinned at her reaction.

“Pretty amazing, huh?”

“It’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen. It’s so intense and busy.”

He looked around to the artwork, which covered nearly every available free inch of the orange walls.

“The owner has another gallery in the Art District. I’ll take you there sometime. It isn’t quite as colorful, but it’s incredible in its own right.”

Trailing behind her as she walked slowly around the room and studied each piece with awe, he only briefly glanced at each one. Her responses were far more interesting than anything that hung on the wall. When they finished circling the room and returned to the front where it was less crowded, she stopped and turned toward him.

“How did you get into the art scene. No offense, but I didn’t have you pegged for someone who frequented art galleries. I mean, I’ve seen your apartment—the walls are practically bare.”

“Victor, my suit designer, invited me to a party at a gallery a few years ago. I loved it. I have a hard time picking anything out for myself, which is why the walls in my apartment are so boring. I bought a piece once, and when I got it home, it didn’t feel right. I don’t know. I guess I haven’t figured out what style suits my apartment, but here…” He raised his arms and glanced around the room, returning his stare to the best piece there—her. “Here it doesn’t have to make sense. It’s just art, and I can appreciate it without trying to make it work.”

She slid her hands over his stomach and rested them there while she picked apart his words. After a moment, she let out a small breath and said, “I’m sorry about earlier. I have so many questions, and I’m trying not to push you. Whatever happened, I want to understand so I can know you better.”

Brecken opened his mouth to speak. To say… what? He wasn’t sure, but he felt like she deserved something. She put a finger to his lips to stop him. “Not tonight. Don’t say anything tonight just…I’m sorry.”

“Brecken, there you are.” Nadia’s voice sent an unwelcome chill up his spine. The tone in her voice a warning.

“Nadia.” He tilted his head in acknowledgement.

January looked from him to Nadia and dropped her hands to her side before taking a step back.

“Who is this?” Nadia’s voice was too sweet, and January’s body stiffened as if she was on edge. Rightfully so.

“January, this is my assistant, Nadia.”

“Oh right, the organizer.” She stepped forward and grabbed January’s hands, holding them up while she openly assessed her. “And look at you. You’re adorable.”

January pulled her hands back, but she didn’t give any other outward indication that she was affected by Nadia’s thinly veiled insult. He’d heard enough women be catty at events to see it for what it was, and it made him want to put distance between the two women.

Before January had a chance to say anything, Victor, tonight’s host, appeared behind Nadia. “Ah, here you are.” He shook Brecken’s hand. “I was just asking Nadia why the two of you didn’t make an appearance at Mostero’s soft opening last weekend.” Victor’s eyes found January, and he paused.

Taking the opportunity to change the direction of the conversation, Brecken cleared his throat. “Victor, I’d like you to meet January.” With a palm placed protectively on her lower back, he walked them closer to Victor and cut off Nadia in the process. “This is my friend, Victor.”

January extended a hand, a practiced, gracious smile pulling at her lips. “The suit designer, I presume.”

Victor took her hand and raised it to his lips. “I think I understand why you’ve been MIA, Brecken.” He kissed her hand and winked back at Brecken.