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Mountain Man's Valentine by Lauren Milson (17)



I have her number. Got it in my computer. But I won’t call her. Won’t even think about it.

That’s a lie. I’ll think about calling her. She’d answer on the first ring, throw the phone to her ear and beg me to come over to her place a fuck her senseless. She already knows what I’m working with.

Maybe she’d even ask what the hell I’d do to her to keep her on edge until I get over to her apartment.

Nah. She’s a good girl. Even though I called her the boss, she’s too good. She isn’t going to tell me what she wants. I’ll have to know what she wants, and deliver on it. Shouldn’t be too hard, because I already know what that is.

She wants to be taken care of. She loved the way I took control in here. And she wanted it so bad, but she couldn’t give it to me.

So I can control myself. That makes it that much more sweet when I finally get inside that tight little pussy of hers. Destroy it. Tear it apart.

Gently, of course. At first.

I push her out of my head and out of my pants and put my head down until lunch time. I have to work on the 2017 financials. They’re already past due, and my bosses are (gently) reminding me that they have to get them into their bosses in about two weeks. I don’t want to be a dickhead, so I focus up with a cup of coffee and get all my administrative shit done.

It’s one in the afternoon when I hear a knock at my door.

“Hey, Dan?” Charlie stick her head into my office and asks.

“What’s going on, Char?”

“There’s some guy here to see you. Says he’s an old coworker of yours?” she smiles as she steps aside to let someone from the hallway into the office.

I almost don’t recognize him at first, but then I know who it is. It’s Joshua, my old cube-mate from the firm. I get up to greet him. Haven’t seen this guy in a long, long time.

“I see they let you have your own office here,” he says, coming in and embracing me in a bro back-slap hug. “I guess this really was a step up.”

“Mentally, it certainly is.” Joshua’s changed. Lost weight, upgraded his look, and shaved his head. Got some stylish glasses. He was always a good looking guy, but now he’s what some girls I know would call fine.

Plus, now he’s got a wedding band on his finger. That must be why he’s made all the changes.

“Man,” I say, sitting on the edge of my desk. “I haven’t seen you in the longest time. How long has it been?”

“Since before you thought you were too good for finance and came to work here,” he says, scratching his chin.

“That’s right,” I say. “I am too good for that crap.”

“And the money? You too good for the money?” he asks, giving me a little laugh.

“No. But I have plenty. Don’t need any more.”

It’s true. I want to live simply, have my girl with me in the suburbs, white picket fence, and three kids. That’s what I call living richly.

Softball games and ice cream trucks. I’d be the ice cream king. Anything the kids wants. Hell, if Julie wanted, I’d learn how to make ice cream myself, and feed it to her in bed.

“Everyone can always use more money, pal,” Joshua says. “If I recall correctly, you said that to me during one of our particularly grueling caffeine-fueled all-nighters. Remember?”

“Yeah. You’re right. But people change. You have. When’d you finally shave your head?”

“Too recently,” he says. “I should have listened to you years ago when you told me I’d look good with the smooth dome.”

“You do look good, man. But why’d you come here? I know you didn’t haul yourself into this random bank just to shoot the shit.”

“You’re right. But it’s been nice chatting with you, and we should catch up over beers later,” he says.

“Can’t. I have a hot date with this angel who waltzed into my bank this morning.”

“Oh? I’ve never seen you turn down a few cold ones for a date. Why don’t you just reschedule?” Joshua asks me, getting up and pouring himself a cup of coffee.

“Can’t, my man. I’m waiting for this one to come to me. Which means I can’t reschedule. Because I don’t even know when the date is. Can’t reschedule if it isn’t scheduled yet.”

“Okay, so you’re telling me you have tonight blocked off for someone you don’t even have a confirmed date with?” He cocks his head to the side and gives me a hearty laugh. “Her pussy must be made out of pure platinum.”

“No. Not like that. I told you. Just met her today.”

“You’re whipped by a pussy you haven’t even had yet. That’s something else right there.”

“It’s not like that. She’s my woman. In fact, she’s kind of my boss,” I say, putting my feet up on my desk.

“You dirty dog,” he says, sitting down in his chair again. “With the boss?”

“Not my actual boss. I said she’s kind of my boss. As in, she’s a customer. I work for her. Give her what she wants. And I’d do anything to keep this customer happy.”

“I see. Well, you’ve certainly lost your mind. Because the reason I came by was to discuss a little business opportunity with you.”

“Oh? What’s that?” I ask, leaning forward, putting my elbows on my desk.

“A few guys from the firm and I are starting a fund. And we thought you’d be perfect for it.”

“A fund? Man, I don’t know. I don’t know if it’s the right time for that. I like it here at the bank. That’s why I left finance. Too much time. Too many assholes.”

“Do I have to remind you that back in the day you were one of those assholes?”

“No,” I respond. “You don’t. But that’s why I got out.”

“Just listen to what I have to say,” he offers.

“Fine. The old bar where we used to go. We’ll talk there.”