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Mountain Man's Valentine by Lauren Milson (22)


“You promised you’d tell me how you got this apartment.”

I pull my legs up underneath me as Dan hands me a mug of hot cocoa, filled to the brim with an oversized toasted marshmallow.

“Can’t a guy have some air of mystery about him? I don’t ask you what you do to be so beautiful. Of course,” he adds, putting a sweet kiss on my forehead and sitting down next to me on the couch, “I don’t need you to tell me. I know you just wake up and roll out of bed and look like that.”

I’m blushing, but I like it. I like how he does this to me. Teases me. Plays with me.

And it was all so fast.

A week has gone by since the first time I saw this apartment and the first time I started wondering what the heck this guy was hiding. Is he some mafia person? Hitman? Gangster?

His place is unreal. It’s too big.

And him? He’s absolutely larger than life.

“Just give me a little bit more information,” I plead, blowing on my piping-hot marshmallow.

“Let me ask you a question, instead,” he says, crossing his legs and turning to me. “If you had all the money you ever wanted, what would you do?”

“Wow,” I say, getting up to look out the window at the sun setting over the edge of New Jersey. “I don’t know. I guess the first thing I would do is buy whatever tool you used to toast this marshmallow.”

The sky is painted in orange and yellow, and I’m literally on top of the world.

“Oh, honey,” he says, stretching his legs out on the couch. “That’s just a ramequin in the broiler. We’ll have to make sure that our first house together has a good broiler. That’s the best way to make lots of things.”

House? Did someone say house? Did someone say together?

“I know you’re a very funny lady, but all kidding aside,” he says, scooping me into his lap, “what would you do if you had all the money you needed?”

“Me?” I say, sipping my hot chocolate. “I don’t know. I guess I’d take care of my mom and dad first, and my brother. Make sure they’re all set up. My parents actually lost a lot of money a few years ago. My dad’s pension just kind of disappeared.”

“That’s a damn shame,” Dan says, wrapping his arms around me tight. “It’s not right, what happened back there.”

He’s certainly right about that.

“They’ve started recovering, though. I guess they had some extra savings, which is fortunate. But it’s not what it was before. My dad was planning on retiring, but he’s going to have to work for at least a few more years because of what happened.”

“I can see that you care about your family very much,” he says. “That’s the most important thing.”

He kisses my neck and takes my mug from me, putting it down on one of the glass coasters on the coffee table.

“You know, I have to tell you something,” he says, holding me tight. “I’ve had a first too, this week.”

“Oh?” I ask, the smile on my face so big it’s starting to hurt. “You weren’t a virgin too, were you?”

“Of sorts,” he says, brushing my hair aside and kissing me behind the ear. “I’ve never had a girl know what I really do.”

“What?” I say, turning to face him. “What do you mean?”

“When a girl asks me what I do, I just tell her I’m in finance. I don’t want to have to explain why I have this apartment when I have a upper-middle-class job.”

“Hm,” I say, mildly confused. “What’s the big deal with explaining that?”

“It’s not really that big of a deal,” he responds, “but I find it easier to just talk less.”

“Oh, I get you,” I say, nestling into his chest. “You’re not much of a talker. I understand.”

“Wasn’t much of a talker,” he says. “Until I met you. Now, I want to know everything. Every little thing that comes into your mind. All of your thoughts. Your desires.”

“I thought you said you already know what I want.”

“I do,” he responds, “but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to hear it from you.”

I can feel his dick getting hard against me, and his fingers work their way around to my front and down my stomach. I’m already in my pajamas, which isn’t very unusual for me on a Friday night, but I’ve never been in a rich dude’s apartment on a Friday night in what are technically his pajamas.

He scoots my butt forward a little on his lap, and I feel his dick come out of his pants and press against me again. It sends a warm sensation through me, and as I start to reach behind me to touch him, he pushes my hand away from him and holds my wrists together.

“You’re the boss, remember? I work for you.”

“But,” I start, “don’t you want me to touch you?”

“You will,” I say. “But not with your hands. Something better.”

He pulls my pants down to my knees and slides into me easily from behind, rocking against me in a slow, even tempo. I can’t help but close my eyes and give myself over to him, and the pressure against my wrists as he holds my hands behind my back, giving me no room to move them on my own, feels deliciously naughty.

“That’s what I want to feel,” he says, grinding against me. “This is my pussy, and it’s perfect.”

I giggle and squirm against him, desperate for him to speed up and fuck me hard and fast, but he loves doing this to me, instead. It’s unreal what he can do for me, and try as I might to ride him like some sex maniac, he keeps it under control and brings me in a slow build toward an orgasm.

“Take it all, and keep it there,” he says, pushing himself all the way into me. He’s hit unknown depths, taken me to the heights of pleasure and back again, and every time I think I want to curl up in a satisfied ball of goo on his bed, he picks me up and gives me more.

“I’ll keep it,” I moan between fast breaths. “Because I’m yours.”

“Shit, you’re so fucking tight, my love,” he moans, pulling my hands down behind my back, clasping them hard together as he rides me from behind.

An orgasm crashes over me, the cold white light of it flashing inside my eyelids. He pumps into me hard, and over and over I spasm onto him, straining to move against him, but he keeps me right there on his lap with my hands bound behind me, and I come against his huge cock harder than I ever have before.

“I’m not wearing a condom,” he says. “I don’t want to come unless you want me to.”

“Don’t,” I say. “Don’t do it. But please just give me a little bit more before you have to come.”

“Fuck, baby. You’re about to make me come, the way you’re talking like that.”

“Then let me go,” I say, freeing my hands from his grasp and kneeling down in front of him, his throbbing dick making my eyes go wide. “I can’t believe this big thing fit inside me,” I say, stroking it with my hands.

“Put your lips around it, babe,” he says, his fingers weaving through my messy hair.

“What if I dislocate my jaw on this thing?” I say, gawking at its strength as I continue to stroke its full length.

“We can’t have that,” he says. “Even if we get married and you’re on my health insurance, you won’t ever need to go to any doctors. You’re safe with me.”

He pulls out a condom from his pocket and lets me put it on him. It’s my first time putting a condom on, but it’s simple enough. I pinch the tip just like they taught us in health class, and unroll it along his thick shaft.

As soon as it’s on, he picks me up and tosses me onto the couch.

“I’m going to destroy that tight little thing. No more gentle. I’ve been gentle with you long enough.”

He pushes right through me, collapsing onto me as our hips meet. I sink down into the plush, soft leather cushions, and he reaches down to put his fingers against my clit.

“Come with me right now,” he growls. “Right fucking now.”

A burst of light threatens to blind me as his hips buck against me and he takes me down a hole of pleasure. He doesn’t stop looking at me, his eyes taking in my entire body. My eyes, my lips, he looks at me with the closeness of someone who’s known me for years, but the excitement of someone he’s just met. I don’t know which I like more, and I’m so freaking lucky that I get to have both.

He collapses onto me, and I can still feel his dick twitching inside me. I feel full, and his warmth spreads through me as the last of the sun sets behind the curve of the earth.

“Let’s just leave the city,” he says. “This place isn’t for you. It isn’t for us. I want a windowsill you can set an apple pie on to cool. The windows in this place don’t even open.”

“But it’s what you’ve worked for,” I respond. “You don’t want to give all this up.”

“Baby, I wouldn’t be giving up anything. Now that I have you.”