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Rainier: Rochon Bears by Moxie North (17)

Chapter 17

“Rain, it’s okay, really. I’m not that hungry.”

Rain looked at her as they walked. That was the second time she’d said that. He wasn’t trying to ignore her. He just needed more time with her. After climbing with Fin and then his jog, he still wasn’t coping well. He had sat up all night resisting the urge to drag his claws down the walls. He texted Cash and got some brotherly advice, which amounted to ‘suck it up.’

Cash was probably elbow deep in poopy diapers and not up for the extra support that Rain needed. He understood that it wasn’t Cash’s fault, but it wasn’t helping. Fin didn’t have any advice to give; he was just as confused by the whole process as Rain was.

It had been the longest night of his life and he honestly didn’t know how he was going to be able to cope with another one like it. He knew they couldn’t be together all the time. If he was older, had a job, a home, it could work. But they were living apart. Telling her he was a bear that needed her near him all the time still wasn’t an option.

He was walking her towards his car without really thinking. Stopping he turned towards her. “I’m sorry. I hear you. I do. I’m just… I had a bad night.”

“What happened? Did something go wrong?”

“I wasn’t with you. I didn’t know where you were or if you were safe.”

“Rain, I was working, and checking in on the rally. Then I went to my room and studied. That’s about as exciting as my life gets. I manage to work and go to class all safely on my own. I’ve been on my own for a long time. You don’t have to worry about me.”

“Yes, I do have to worry about you. I didn’t know you before. If I did I would have been arrested for stalking, because there is no way I can let you out of my sight now.”

“Rain, seriously. Do you hear yourself? I like you, obviously. But it doesn’t mean that I need anything from you. I’m an adult; I can and will take care of myself.”

She pulled her hand from his and he realized that he’d pushed her too hard.

“I’m sorry. Shit, I’m sorry. I don’t want to make you do anything you don’t want to.” He ran his hands through his hair.

He turned around, he couldn’t look at her. How could he possibly be failing at this relationship already? He’d given himself a long pep talk walking to the rally. Play it cool, don’t be too aggressive, don’t fucking scare her. So far he was failing miserably. His animal side was in way more control than he was happy with right now.

“Rain, I think we need to take a few days. Maybe we can get together on Monday after classes?”

Rain didn’t want to spend the next two days away from her. Honestly, he didn’t know if he could physically handle it. There was also a very good chance that if he didn’t give her the time he could lose her. Was a few days apart enough to show her he wasn’t scary or crazy?

“Yeah, let me walk you to your dorm. Can you at least text me? I know you don’t owe me anything. I just want to know that you’re okay. I’m not saying you can’t take care of yourself. Of course you can. I just feel very, protective of you.”

“That’s sweet, I think.”

Her tone was hesitant and it tore him up to hear it.

“Let’s get you home.”

He held out his hand and she took it after a moment’s pause. The delay made his bear wince.

Clasping her hand, he turned towards her dorm. They walked inside when they reached the building and he didn’t stop, he just asked her what room was hers. Reaching her door he let go of her hand.

“Goodnight, then.”

Rain turned to leave and felt her hand grab his.

“Rain, don’t.”

“Don’t what?” he asked not turning back to her.

“Don’t walk away like that. I’m not trying to be a bitch here.”

He spun towards her, “I would never say that about you. Never,” he ground out.

“I know you wouldn’t. I’m not saying anything that you should consider permanent. I’ll text you tomorrow, I’ll call you before I go to bed to tell you I’m okay.”

“Yeah, sure.”

He turned to leave again and her grip tightened. She pulled him back towards her, put her hands on his chest and pushed him against the wall. Rain thought about leaning away as her lips came towards his. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to kiss her, he did. But he wanted to do a lot more than that.

Her soft lips pressed against his and his bear sucked in her scent. She smelled so fucking good, just like sweet berries. The tip of her tongue tickled against his lips urging his mouth open.

He tried. He really tried not to kiss her back. His soul, no his souls, were tearing apart at what he perceived as her rejection.

But he was still a man. One who had a little brain in his pants that had a one-track mind.

“Rain, it’s okay. Can’t you stay?”

“Stay? I thought you didn’t want….”

“I don’t need you to worry about me. That’s what I’m saying. I wasn’t saying that I don’t want to spend time with you. I like you. I want you to stay the night with me.”

“Christ, Quinn. I want that more than anything. But… I can’t until we are in a different place.”

“Different how? I’m asking you to stay over because I want you to.”

Rain wrapped his hands around her face. “I can’t, baby. I need you too much to make this a one-night stand.”

“I’m not offering that. I’m saying stay with me tonight then I’ll see you on Monday. It’s not a crazy idea.”

“It is for me. It has to be all or nothing between us.”

She pushed back from him angrily. “That’s bullshit, Rain!”

“Why is that bullshit? That I want something more?”

“Because we’re in college. I’m sure you’ve had your way through the last three years with your looks.”

Rain stared at her, willing her to believe him. “There has been no one before and there will be no one after you, Quinn. No one.”

He waited for her to register what he was saying.

Her forehead creased, her eyes searching his. Then a light came on behind her eyes. “No, shit?”

Not exactly the response he expected. He almost laughed.

“No shit. I’m not who you think I am. That’s why I want to show you. I want you to like me for who I am, for what I intend to be in the future. I have a plan now that includes you. So I can’t stay with you tonight because you think I’m a little crazy now. After we’ve been together, I won’t be able to be apart from you. So this is your chance. You need some time this weekend. Take it. I’m going out of town. I need to see my family. I need some time to figure out how I’m supposed to get you to love me.”

With that, he kissed her on the forehead and walked away.