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Rainier: Rochon Bears by Moxie North (25)

Chapter 25

Rain wasn’t going to ask again. She’d said yes and that was all he needed bringing his face close to the sweet hot center of her. He breathed her in and took joy in knowing it was something that he would always have from this day on. The essence of her, what made her his Quinn, was now his.

Taking a cue from his bear, who was urging him on in the most distracting way, Rain did what he wanted and slowly dragged his tongue over the wet center of her, letting the flavor of her coat his tongue and seal them together in a way that made his brain understand that their future bonding was just the endpoint to the connection they were building.

He moved over her tasting, savoring, memorizing every piece of sensory input he could. He must have been doing something right, as Quinn’s hands were tangled in his hair pulling, guiding, and directing him where she wanted him to go. Rain was glad for the instruction; his enthusiasm would only get him so far.

Trusting that Quinn wasn’t faking the sounds she was making meant he was at least on the right track. He reached one finger up to her soft opening, running his finger along the bottom of her tight opening, testing to gauge how slow he would need to go. He wasn’t huge, but bears were rarely modestly endowed.

He knew he wasn’t her first and it didn’t matter. She was his now and forever, that was all he needed to know. Keeping up the movement, he moved his finger as she wiggled to get him closer, enjoying the heat that was coming off of her.

Gently sliding his finger into the warmth of her, Rain had to control not only himself, but his inner animal. He was so blissfully happy to be where he was in that exact moment. Quinn arched up against the single finger that was inside her and Rain took that as a request for more. Withdrawing he added another finger, delving deep inside her testing as he went, trying to finding that spot that made her moan louder as her hands tightened harder into his hair. He knew it was there, he just had to be patient.

There was an ending to this exercise that Rain knew he wanted to give Quinn, but as it was all new, he took it as a task; his only goal was to bring her pleasure. It might have been a bit analytical, but it was also a deep rooted masculine desire to win. A woman’s orgasm was better than a trophy.

It meant you had succeeded in unraveling the mystery that every woman held. Each one was different, each one worth the puzzle. Quinn was a puzzle that would always keep him guessing. A lifetime of sex and discovery was a challenge he was more than ready for.

There was a very good chance that he could be doing everything completely wrong and she was just being kind. On the other hand, the Fates wouldn’t have made him a bad lover for his one true mate. Trusting that, Rain continued what he was doing. Licking, sucking, tugging gently on her clit, testing what she liked. Hard, soft, slow, or fast.

At one point as Rain had twisted his fingers pointing the pads of his fingers up, a keening noise came out of Quinn. That must be the spot, he thought. Continuing exactly what he was doing, Rain applied more pressure and waited until Quinn was thrashing on the bed, her legs kicking out by his head. He could hear her calling his name over and over as her body desperately reached for something that he was happy to be the one providing.

Letting out a low deep rumbling growl, Rain paused to look up at his mate, waiting for her to make eye contact with him. When her dilated blurry eyes opened and glanced down at him, he merely said, “Show me.”

Quinn gave a small smile before her eyes closed again. Rain placing his tongue back on her clit, let the tiniest bit of his bear come forward, roughening his tongue against her sensitive bundle of nerves. As he did that, Quinn’s body locked as a low keening scream poured out of her, her body arching off the bed as she came. Her sweet essence pouring into his mouth as he lapped it up.

Rain really didn’t have time to celebrate as his focus was completely on his mate. He knew from his uncles and his cousins that the worst thing you could do after a woman had told you to keep doing exactly what you were doing, was to change anything. So Rain, never being a dumb man, kept on exactly as he was.

Quinn’s scream had died down to low deep moans her body rocking back and forth against him. Rain slowed his tongue and eased his fingers out of her giving her slow soft kisses along her thighs; her now swollen pussy dripping with her come was a temptation he had to resist. He had other plans and he didn’t want to cause her any discomfort.

Reluctantly leaving the paradise he had found between Quinn’s thighs, Rain used her distraction to divest himself of his clothes, stripping naked in record time. His cock had been pressed so hard against his zipper that he swore there was an imprint. As he moved his way back up her body, Rain kissed Quinn’s closed eyelids, the tip of her nose, her lips that were parted as she still took ragged breaths.

“Quinn, I need to see your eyes. I need to see you in this moment, it’s one we will never have again, but will be able to relive over and over.”

Rain watched her eyes searching his, her brain catching up to the words that he was saying. “Rain, I didn’t bring a condom. Did you?”

“I did. I don’t want to use it. I’ll be honest, I want to feel you, I don’t want there to be anything between us. But if it’ll make you feel better, I’ll be happy to use one.”

“I understand where you’re coming from, Rain. But I also have to be smart. I’m not saying I don’t believe you, about who you are, or what you are. But my choice to be with you right now, in this moment isn’t so much about the future as it is the willingness to share this with you. I trust you, but I can’t talk the talk, if I don’t walk the walk.”

Rain understood. He might not like it, but he understood. Reaching for his jeans he pulled out a condom that his brother had stashed in a drawer in their room. He brought the foil packet to his mouth and tore off the corner. He slid the condom over his rock hard cock, despairing at the thin latex that would be between them, but knew it would only be temporary.

As his mate accepted him, things would change. His bear wanted to mark what was his, leave a piece of them inside her that potentially could become their first cub together. Rain understood that that was all animal drive. He had to be the human that thought like a man.

His animal’s needs were basic: food, sleep, sex. The drive for offspring was just like any other animal. Rain understood that Quinn had goals, and that their future full of cubs and full of love, had to wait for the time to be right, for their lives to be settled.

One of the drawbacks, to finding a mate so early, was that you didn’t get to start the life you had been waiting for, for so long. His uncles had waited decades, their mates almost as long. They were ready for the families, building a home, and starting their lives. Rain and Quinn had life still to live before the settling down could happen.

There was life to experience, travel to be had, and lessons to learn. If they skipped those, there may come a time in the future that they regretted not being alone together, not learning about each other, not experiencing the world.

Rain was determined to give her everything she wanted. If that meant a career, living in a sad dingy apartment, finding ways to entertain themselves on Saturday nights that didn’t cost money, that’s what he would give her. On the other hand, what he really wanted was to give her everything that he knew she deserved.

A nice home, a car to drive, safety and security. He didn’t want her struggling to pay bills, he didn’t want her worried about her budget, or how she was going to get to work. Those were now his responsibilities, his honor to take care of her to see to all of her needs.

So for now, until she was ready, there would be one thing between them even if it was just a thin barrier of latex. Rain took a moment to savor the sight of his cock bare millimeters away from Quinn’s beautiful pussy. It was a burned memory he would keep forever filed away, accessing it whenever he was feeling alone or too far away from his mate. Rain planned on keeping thousands of these images locked away just for him.

When he glanced up, he saw Quinn was watching him the sweetest smile resting on her lips. She knew, there was no judgment, no amusement in her eyes. Just a shared moment that would forever change both of them. Rain knew it had already changed him irrevocably. Quinn might not yet know it, but allowing Rain to come inside her, would mark the moment their lives changed.

Keeping her eyes, Rain inched forward, sliding into the slick heat of her. He struggled to keep his eyes open, the desire to close them was so strong. The bliss rolling over him was heavy and undeniable. But he didn’t want to miss a moment as they became one.

Quinn kept her eyes on him as if she knew that he needed that connection even more than what was happening between them below the waist. He had fully sunk into her stopping when he was seated fully inside her. He waited as her pussy clenched tightly around his cock, holding it deep within her. He watched her eyes close her neck arch as her body accepted him.

“Fuck me, you are so goddamn beautiful. Without a doubt, you have the most magnificent pussy I’ve ever felt.”

Quinn gave a laugh. “I’m pretty sure if you are telling the truth you’ve never felt a pussy before.”

“True, I haven’t. Still doesn’t change the fact that there is no better pussy in the entire world.”

“If you say so. I’m going to go ahead and let you believe that, no reason for me to burst your bubble.”

“I’ll be happy to remain blissfully ignorant if I could stay exactly where I am for the rest of my life.”

Quinn giggled again, but this time the giggle faded off into a gasp as Rain flexed his hips pushing his cock deeper inside her.

“Damn, you’re big. But oh so good, you feel so good, I knew it would be like this. Something inside me told me we’d fit together, like we were meant to be.” She wasn’t sure where that came from. She never said things like that. It wasn’t like to her to wax poetic about a guy’s cock, but Rain’s was worth talking about. And there had been no thought that she was going to be disappointed in bed with him. It was a weird sense that it would all work out like it should.

“Oh baby, that’s because we are. We aren’t just two halves of the whole because there’s more to us than that. You’ve worked too hard to be one hundred percent your own person. I’d never say you were less because you hadn’t met me yet. But we’re still meant to be together, our lives are connected just like our bodies are.”

Although Rain loved talking to Quinn there was a more urgent need. Having meaningful conversations when he was balls deep inside her, his cock pressing against her womb, seemed wrong even to him.

Gently sliding out, he watched as her mouth dropped open as her body reluctantly started letting him go as he moved. This time as he slid back into her, he let his eyes close as her swollen flesh dragged over his thick cock. He was so hard. He didn’t think it would be much different from masturbating, but her pussy felt so hot and soft.

He wouldn’t have believed before that it would still feel so good even with the condom. He realized it was a minor inconvenience because there was still no better feeling in the world than what he was experiencing. The slick heat as he fitted them together was addictive. If he were ever to become a junkie it would be for the feel of her like this.

Rain couldn’t keep his hands and his mouth off of his mate as he set up a slow and steady pace thrusting in and out of her, prolonging their enjoyment for as long as he could. It was a damn miracle that he hadn’t come already. Maybe it was supernatural, or maybe he just was able to control his body. Not having any experience to compare it to, he was going to go with the supernatural explanation.

Quinn’s hands moved over his body, her nails dragging over his skin as she clung to him, her legs wrapped around his waist, her hips pitching up with each thrust of his cock. She had started placing kisses along his neck sucking hard, biting at the tendons that ran the length of his corded throat, as he focused on bringing her to another climax.

He knew that there was no way he was going to come before her. There was too much riding on this and also there was a sense of pride in being able to make his mate happy and content before he took care of his own needs.

“Rain, I need more, harder, please,” she begged.

Rain reached over nipping at her earlobe and whispering, “My mate never has to beg.”

He said the words as an explanation, even though they were more of an order. Quinn would never beg him for anything if he had anything to do with it. His animal loved to hear her asking for more of him, but that was superficial. Giving his mate her heart’s desire, or in this case her pussy’s desire, was his life’s goal.

Rain reached out hooking one of her knees with his hand and dragged it up higher close to his ribs as he changed his angle, driving deeper inside of her. He moved faster sliding his other hand between them until he found the swollen bud hiding between them. His thumb flicked gently over the end of her clit, careful not to cause her any pain. Every breath, every gasp, directed him on exactly how hard, or how soft to continue his torment.

“Tell me,” he demanded.

Quinn didn’t have to ask what he was talking about, she immediately responded, “Just like that.”

He couldn’t deny that he was proud that he guessed what she needed and gave it to her. He worked his cock into her as his thumb picked up speed, hearing her whimper as he moved his thumb in circles brushing her clit as he teased her folds, giving her the needed connection that would bring her to her climax.

Quinn had wrapped her hands around his neck as she held on to him, their slick bodies rubbing against each other. Now her nails dragged over his shoulder blades as she panted, a sound of desperation as she reached the peak. Rain felt her pussy start to flutter and squeeze his cock. It took everything for him to hold back as the sweet glove of satin that was caressing him was like a siren calling to his most selfish side. Still he resisted, no matter how selfish he was, his mate came first. Always.


As his name left her lips, her pussy that had been caressing him so sweetly now felt like a vise. If he hadn’t been wearing the condom, she would be squeezing his seed out, filling her pussy with his cum. Taking part of him into her, marking her in a way that every shifter would know. He wasn’t going to tell her about that, at least not yet. But his animal rumbled happily knowing that in the future, she’d smell like she was bonded.

Tucking his face into the crook of her neck, kept pounding into her as her body tried to milk him dry. When he felt the first flutter of her pussy releasing his cock he allowed his animal to enter his mind as they both claimed their mate. Continuing to thrust into her as her arms relaxed still holding onto him but no longer digging into his skin.

Rain felt a tidal wave of pleasure cascade over him as his body locked and his cock jetted out hot spurts of come. He knew he called her name, he knew that he roared, but he had held himself back for so long that his restraint was finally lost. Thank goodness this hotel room had thick walls. His hips continued thrusting into her as he held out for every drop of pleasure.

He hadn’t opened his eyes, as he knew it would have been a blur of colored sparks. He was afraid that if he had seen his mate as he was coming he wouldn’t have been able to control his inner animal. His bear had been so close to the surface for so long, that by denying himself the vision of her was like a temporary Band-Aid to his fragile control.

Rain did his best not to collapse on her as he fell to the side of the bed regrettably sliding out of her. He wanted to lie there, luxuriating in the fact that his mate was in his arms. That he’d been able to taste her sweet pussy, and touch her soft skin. Instead, in one quick move, he rolled away from her disposing of the condom before rolling back, pulling her into his arms and kissing her hard on her mouth.

“Mine. You’re all mine now, Quinn.”

She gave a soft sigh. “Shit, I think I might be.”




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