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Rainier: Rochon Bears by Moxie North (37)

Chapter 37

The drive took much longer than Quinn had thought it would. They’d left and immediately run into traffic. The drive to Rain’s hometown meant driving south from Seattle for a while until they reached the bottom of the Puget Sound before they could turn west.

She filled him in on the happenings of her group and the interior of his car vibrated with his growl. “I could scare the shit out of them if you want.”

“That’s a sweet offer, but I think I made my point clear. I feel bad for the few people that were new and needed to see a cohesive group. I don’t think I can be that for them.”

“You could always start a new group. No reason you have to join one. Make one that you want, one that works on things that are important to you.”

“I guess I could. I’d like to expand on the daycare. Having a trustworthy caregiver that won’t break the bank is so important for single moms. It could make or break their ability to get and keep a job.”

“Perfect, when we get back, get crackin’.”

“Aye aye, captain,” she said with a mock salute.

“Sassy. So we have a few hours. Would you like to take a nap? I can wake you when we get through the traffic.”

“No, I’m not sleepy. Why don’t you tell me about your family.”

“Babe, we only have a few hours.”

“Well, hit the highlights.”

Rain started talking and the miles rolled by as Quinn looked out the window. They passed the city in a blink and were back to green. That was one of the great things about Washington, even in the middle of a multi-lane freeway, you were surrounded by trees. The towns became farther and farther apart as they headed west. Patches of nothing but trees and a two-lane road eased the tension out of Quinn’s body.

At some point she must have dozed off and before she knew it, Rain was whispering to her as she woke up. “Babe, we’re here.”

Quinn sat up from the reclined seat. She didn’t remember putting it back. She raised an eyebrow at him after looking back at the seat.

“I’m talented,” he replied.

“Apparently. I was so warm and cozy.”

“Heated seats. And of course, the sound of my soothing voice lulled you to sleep.” He paused briefly to gesture at the house in front of them. “We’re at my brother’s. I texted him when we were in Olympia and told him that we were coming incognito. Meaning... don’t tell our parents.”

“Oh, good. Not that I don’t want to meet them. I’d just like to meet them when I’ve showered and don’t have eyeliner smeared over my face.”

“You look beautiful, as always. Come on, I’ll get our bags in a bit.”

Rain got out of the car and walked around. Quinn flipped down the visor and made sure she didn’t look like a raccoon. Rain opened her door and she took his hand and stepped out of the car. Looking around, it seemed as though they were in the middle of the woods. She took in a deep breath and let the crisp, fresh air fill her lungs. The house ahead of them was a large one-story design that didn’t look like anything fancy. There wasn’t even a front door.

“This is actually the back of the house. Cash built it facing the river, it has a great view.”

“Come on we’re family, we go through the garage,” he said, tugging at her hand.

As they got closer, the garage door started opening. As the light shone out of the garage, a shape appeared... a massive shape.

“What the…” Quinn was pretty sure that the dark figure standing back lit was either The Rock or Jon Cena, he was so huge.

“’Bout time you got here, Rain. Almost time for the kids to go to bed.” The big man was smiling as they got closer.

Damn, he was handsome. Not as handsome as Rain, but she was an honest woman that could admit that this man was some kind of calendar model worthy lumberjack.

“Cash, meet my mate Quinn. Quinn, this is my big brother Cash. Don’t worry he’s huge, but friendly.”

Quinn put her hand into Cash’s extended one, and couldn’t help but feel tiny. She expected a handshake and instead her arm got pulled and she was two feet off the ground in Cash’s arms.

“Hey there, little sis,” he said giving her a big smacking kiss on the cheek.

There was a loud growl from behind her. Rain must not be approving of this embrace..

Leaning closer to her ear, Cash said, “I just wanted to rile him up.”

He dropped her back to her feet and she was tugged backwards against Rain’s chest. She could feel him vibrating behind her.

“Oh, stop teasing your brother, you big galoot.” A tiny voice came from behind Cash that broke the tension, and Quinn had to strain to look behind him to see who was talking.

“I wasn’t teasing. She’s hot! I approve! Ouch!” He jumped to the side and revealed a tiny woman with teal hair. She was wearing a Metallica t-shirt and shorts that looked like they belonged in the children’s department. Her arms were tattooed and she had about a dozen bracelets on her wrists. Her lipstick was bright purple and made her look like an exotic fairy.

“And don’t think I don’t know you were trying to make me jealous either. You deserve more than a pinch for that,” she threatened.

“Quinn, this is Cassie, Cash’s mate,” Rain introduced the other woman with a fond tone in his voice.

“Pfft, he’s my mate but he’s also my pain in the ass. You know how people say that they’re your ‘better half?’ What if you’re the better half? Did anyone ever think of that? If you’re the good one, you’re getting screwed in the deal.”

“Cassie,” Rain sighed.

“Oh settle down, tiger. You must be Quinn. You and I have sooo much to talk about. You don’t even know. Whatever he’s told you was probably the Cliffs Notes version, and even then he probably lied about stuff.”

“Sprite, don’t sink him so soon,” Cash warned.

“Why not? You men and all your secrets. Blah blah mates, why don’t you just make a pamphlet? Ever think of that? You can just hand them out instead of trying to muddle your way through everything. Actually, I think that’s a great idea. I’m going to get working on that. Come on, you must need a drink after that ride. Rain probably talked your ear off.”

Cassie wound her arm around Quinn’s waist and pulled her towards the house. “Come inside and meet the monsters. I’ll get you a drink and tell you why motherhood is a sham. Don’t get me wrong, I love my little demons, but damn, people lie to you about babies.”

They walked into the house. Quinn threw a look behind her and saw Rain smiling in the dark. “I’ll be right there,” he promised.

Quinn wasn’t sure what this little woman was about, but she was certainly enthusiastic. Cassie led her through a doorway into a large bright kitchen. She walked her straight to the fridge. “I’ve got pop. Orange, regular, or root beer, none of the diet crap. Oh, are you from around here? I never know if people say pop, soda, or cola. It’s like sugary drink political correctness.”

“I’ll take an orange, it’s been ages since I’ve had one.”

“Ice?” Cassie was moving to a cabinet.

“Nah, from the can is cool. Your house is beautiful,” she remarked looking around.

“Thanks. Cash built it like forever ago. He wants a big family, so we are currently in negotiations. I’ve got two babies already, and it’s not like I want to think about more right now. Wanna meet them?”

“Yeah, I’d love to. I love kids.”

“Oh geezus, don’t let Rain hear that. All these men seem to think about are babies. If he lies and tells you otherwise that just means he’s really, really thinking about them. It’s not their fault, I get that. But still, their bears are just horny. I don’t know if bears in the wild are like that. I’m guessing regular bears just eat and sleep and maybe get around to finding some bear booty when it’s convenient.”

Quinn was shocked by how casually she was talking about the bear thing. “Uh, yeah? Rain’s mentioned babies.”

“Good, easier than him hiding it and trying to knock you up in secret. I’m not saying that he would, but then again, I don’t put anything past the Rochon boys. Sorry, if I’m freaking you out about him.”

“No, it’s just the bear thing is still a little…”

“I get it, it’s like crazy, lock me up type shit,” Cassie said making crazy eyes and waving her arms.

“Kind of,” Quinn admitted.

“The easiest thing to do is just tell yourself that it’s something you’ve always known about and accept it. It sounds crazy, but just tell yourself that you’ve known about shifters all your life and that it’s totally normal. It will help you fake it until you get really used to it.”

Quinn followed Cassie down a long hallway and stopped at a closed door. Cassie pressed her ear up to the wood and then made a comically cute growling noise. There was a responding noise from the other side of the door.

Pushing the door open, Quinn saw a little girl’s room, at least it looked like one. There were black and pink decorations everywhere. It was like a gothic nursery that an evil queen would set up. One wall had what looked like a climbing wall with hand holds and a pile of bean bags underneath. Halfway up the wall was a small blonde bear wearing a diaper and a tank top. It was scratching to get to the next hand hold and turned its head around to see the visitors.

“Shit! It’s a bear,” Quinn whispered then blushed red and looked at Cassie. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to swear.”

“Oh please, these kids hear it all the time. At least from me. Cash tells them I have a potty mouth. Jett, come down and meet your new auntie.”

Quinn gave Cassie a shocked look and she just winked back. Aunt? She wasn’t anyone’s aunt. Then again, if Rain had his way, that is exactly what she’d end up being. What on earth did aunts do? Sugar and R-rated movies?

The little bear let go and fell backwards into the bean bags. Quinn gasped and dashed forward while Cassie laughed. “Don’t worry, they do it all the time. It still freaks me out, but I figured out that they liked making me scream.”

Quinn stopped when the little bear bounced in the pile of bean bags and rolled onto a thick rubber mat on the floor. The little bear waddled to her and she held still knowing that running away would forever brand her as a chicken shit.

The little bear wrapped its front and back legs around her leg and looked up into her face.

“Jett, where is your brother?”

There was a giggle and then a little boy popped his head out of the pile of cushions. He was wearing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt with a rocket ship on the front. He had brown hair and a drooly grin. He crawled over and wrapped himself around her other leg.

“They love doing that to Cash. He stomps around the house with them like that. Come here and meet your auntie properly.” Cassie leaned down and disengaged the little bear first. She gave the cub a nuzzle and then the little bear started to shimmer. The light around it sparked in soft colors as the cub shifted in front of her eyes, and then an adorable little girl was in Cassie’s arms, clapping enthusiastically.

“Grab him will you?” Cassie nodded to the little boy.

Leaning down and picking him up, Quinn was face to face with a little man that was a tiny version of his very big daddy. He kind of looked like Rain too, and that freaked her out a little.

“These little brats are Jett and Axel. When they aren’t being naughty little toddlers, they are naughty little cubs. Aren’t you?” she smiled and tickled Jett under the chin.

Axel was reaching for Quinn’s hair and tugging at it.

“Sorry, he loves my hair and I’m guessing we look a little twinsy right now. I love your tips by the way. I just did this and was trying to scrub the dye out of the tub. I don’t know why Cash gets all uptight. I suggested he install me my own tub. I’m not going to stop dying my hair so he might as well make it easier on himself.”

“I like your hair. I was thinking about doing something else. Maybe purple with the pink tips?”

“Ohh, yes! I can totally help you out. Are you here for the weekend?”

“I guess. I needed to get away from school. Rain said we could just hang with you and not do the whole family thing. I’m still a little freaked out and most the time I feel like I’m having a stroke.”

“Yep, the Rochon Whirl. They all do it to their mates, the human ones at least. They can’t get it in their heads that their world isn’t so easily accepted by those of us that didn’t grow up in it. It’s frustrating when they don’t understand women freaking on them when they announce that they are bears. Like, what if we just up and said, cool, we’re aliens. Let me probe you. Do you think they’d be cool with it? Nuh-uh, they’d be running to the hills covering their assholes.”

Quinn burst out laughing which made Axel start to laugh and clap.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be raising these little shifters to be better communicators,” Cassie promised.

“I still can’t believe it,” Quinn said in wonder.

“Like I said, just start pretending that you’ve always known and it gets so much easier. Have you met Rain’s bear?”

“Uh, no. Downtown Seattle isn’t the easiest place to do that... stuff.”

“Bullshit, he’s just scared. They can shift anywhere. Granted, my man is fuh-reaking huge so he tends to knock shit over, but it’s not like their animals are stupid. They know not to sit on the furniture. He probably didn’t want to scare you. They’re animal though, it’s pretty surreal. Like a big bear that you know you should be afraid of, but somehow is looking at you like he’s in love with you.

Which he is, he’s been looking for your soul as much as the man has. They aren’t complete without you. And when he told you there wouldn’t be anyone else? That’s no lie. These boys don’t stray; in fact, they start to find other women kind of repulsive the longer you’re together. Not that they’d ever be mean, but all you have to do is ask and watch them shudder. I do it sometimes just to tease Cash.”

“I have a hard time believing in monogamy, I’ll be honest.”

“Monogamy is too simple a word for what they feel. They aren’t stuck like glue to you out of obligation; it’s more like they can’t breathe when you aren’t around. You literally keep them alive. And don’t tell them I told you, but you could be a total bitch and a horrible partner and they’d still stick around. Not that you would, or that I think you would, of course.”

“No, I could never be mean to Rain. He’s—I’m not sure—but he’s the one for me. I think he is, anyway. I’m so confused. I’ve never told anyone that I’ve loved them, except my mom and even that wasn’t that often. But I keep feeling the words bubbling up in my throat.”

“Hah, that might be vomit from all the lovey-dovey shit they pour on you. That also isn’t fake. The moment they meet their mate they are head over heels, one hundred percent, locked for life, in love with you.” Cassie was bouncing Jett on her hip now, the baby was listening intently, as though she understood the conversation.

“So what, I just say sure, sign me up for a lifetime of whatever this is?” She asked actually looking for an answer.

“The easy answer is yes. You say yes to that man and your life can start from that moment,” Cassie said softly.

“But, Cassie, I had a life planned. I have a job that I think I would be good at. One that I think I need to make a difference.”

“And what does Rain say about it?”

“He says he’ll support me in whatever I want to do. We both are still in school next year. I’m working on my masters and he’s got law school.”

“There’s your answer. Your future can be whatever you want it to be. You just get a yummy Rochon treat at the end of the day. And don’t think I don’t know what goes on with you two. Those men have killer instincts in the sack. Just don’t let them know that you’re addicted to it or they will be more insatiable than they already are,” Cassie advised.

“I guess I could be a social worker anywhere,” Quinn said, tickling the baby behind the ear.

“We may be a small county out here, but I know they need good people to work here too. There is need everywhere. Plus, you and I can be friends. By the way, when you join the clan, you’ll suddenly have dozens of new friends.

Not like family, you have to tolerate, but friends—real ones. My bestie lives east of the mountains so I don’t see her as often as I’d like. The Rochon women pulled me into the shifter circle and you are in for life. Wait until you meet Rain’s mom, she’s a hoot. His dad is ahh-dorable, and well, you’ve met Fin, the little jackass.”

“Just a few times. He seemed okay.” Quinn didn’t want to say anything bad because she barely knew the guy. “Thanks for having us over, by the way.”

“No trouble. With the little ones randomly shifting, we don’t always get out much. I own a tattoo shop, so Cash and I trade off so we both can get our work done.”

“I love your ink by the way,” Quinn offered.

“Thanks, I keep adding to it. Cash hasn’t said he doesn’t like them, so when I get a hankering I usually go for it. These are my new ones,” she said, twisting her arm around the so Quinn could see the back of her upper arm.

Jett and Axel were written in scrolling script inside a heart.

“Cash was going to get one too, but he chickened out,” Cassie said with a snigger.

“Well, tattoos are for warriors. At least in my book.”

“Ohh, I like that. I’m totally telling him that. It will make him all growly. There’s another fun game. See how many times you can get your mate to growl. It’s totally subconscious, or their animal, or whatever. They can’t resist, it’s sooo fun.”

Quinn knew that she and Cassie were going to get along just fine. Cassie was funny and brutally honest, which was what she had needed. Cash and Cassie’s big warm house full of love, life, and family was so foreign to her. It was like a sitcom she had watched on TV when she was a kid.

People didn’t really live like that; it seemed surreal, with mom and dad working, kids doing homework, and then a family dinner all together. But she had a feeling that out here in the woods, the Rochons were basically a cover of the Saturday Evening Post.




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