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Rainier: Rochon Bears by Moxie North (24)

Chapter 24

He was aware the possibility that his impetuousness of driving her to a hotel room could have backfired on him. She could have kicked him in the balls and left. She probably should have considering everything that he had just laid out for her. The bear, the love, the future, it was like he had dropped a Mentos in a bottle of soda and hoped for the best.

When he showed her his eyes he had waited for a scream. With his claw he expected that there would be a fist flying in his direction. Instead, at every turn his mate absorbed what he said, who he was, and she stayed. It was like Cash had said, she was meant for him. She wouldn’t reject who and what he was.

Rain would have been fine if they had used the hotel room for a private dinner and talking. The couch was comfy, the view was spectacular and it would still have been the best night of his life.

Instead, his mate, always keeping him on his toes, leaned over and touched her lips against his after saying he was going to be trouble for her.

He’d hesitated, if only for a moment. He wanted her too badly not to respond to her kiss. It was soft, sweet, and she tasted like all of his favorite things wrapped into one person.

The kiss started soft and hesitant. Rain wasn’t going to overwhelm her any more than he already had. So as he was planning how he was going to control himself, he wasn’t prepared when the soft hesitant kiss from Quinn turned into something much hotter and intense when she brought her hands up to the collar of his shirt and pulled him between her legs.

Rain wrapped his arms around her waist and took over the kiss. His tongue swept into her mouth as he breathed her in. Letting her scent coat him and sink into his pores. Her hands were on his neck, then tangling in his hair. She was making a mewling noise that had his cock straining against his zipper.

His bear wasn’t helping either. The only thought he was providing was, “Finally.”

Or maybe that was his thought too. Such a short time had passed, yet it felt like he had been waiting forever to have her in his arms. Now that they were alone in a room together and she had come willingly to the hotel with him, he felt a twinge of nerves.

Quinn was moaning and her breathing was rapid and he wanted to slow things down. Mostly for his sake, but also because this was not some quickie in the back seat of his dad’s car. This was the first time he would see his mate naked. The first time he’d be able to touch all of the softness that was her. It was a series of moments that he wanted to replay over and over for the rest of his life.

“Sweets, we can slow down. We have the room until we check out,” he said between kisses.

“That just means we can do it more than once,” she murmured as she continued kissing him.

“This is important to me and I want to make it important for you.”

She leaned back from him a bit and looked into his eyes. “I’m sorry, I forgot. You’re such a good kisser I forget that you haven’t done this before. No pressure or anything, don’t think I’m keeping score or comparing you to anyone.”

“You know by saying no pressure, that it could make pressure? I’m actually not worried about it. I already know you are perfect for me. That means in this grand scheme of fated mates, that I’m perfect for you, whatever that might be. If I feel like I’m lacking in experience, I can make up for it by showing you how much I love you.”

He saw her eyes get bright for a moment then she took a ragged breath. “Wow, now I’m feeling the pressure. I’m not sure what I feel, Rain. I know it’s something, I’m just not sure what to call it yet.”

“You don’t have to call it anything, just feel it. Give it the time to grow into something bigger for you.”

“I can handle that,” as she said the words her face relaxed as she leaned towards him, her eyes sliding closed.

Rain took that as a big shining green light to go ahead. He wanted to take control, pick her up and take her straight to the bed and spend an inordinate amount of time taking her clothes off. Then spend maybe an hour or two just running his hands over her body, learning every line, every curve until he had committed her to memory.

There was also the other side of him that wanted to strip her bare, and fuck her until he couldn’t see straight then mark her inside and out with his cum and his bite.

That probably would ruin the progress they had already made. He was thanking the Fates that they were as far along as they were. Every move seemed to bring him closer to the bonding union of him sealing his souls to his mate’s.

“Quinn, do you trust me?” He asked after he’d kissed her so hard that he had to break away to get a breath of air.

He saw her hesitate and it didn’t hurt so much as make him determined to remove all future doubt from her heart.

“Yes, I do, Rain.”

“Good,” he said, placing a small kiss on the tip of her nose.

Rain stood up and then scooped her into his arms. Her hands came around his neck and held on. His eyes stayed on hers as he carried her over to the bed and placed her in the middle. Instead of climbing in after her, he walked over to the thermostat and adjusted the temperature up a few degrees. Then he moved over to the console that was along the wall and opened a cabinet door and pulled out a couple of bottles of water.

He handed her one. Her eyes were on him like she was trying to figure him out.

“It’s just water unless you want something else,” he said to her.

Rain watched her eyes drop to his lap and he felt his dick twitch. Quinn’s eyes came back up to his.

“That’s a loaded question, Mr. Rochon.”

“I’m at a bit of a loss here. I know what I want to do, I’ve been dreaming about it since I met you, but I also don’t want to overwhelm you.”

She laughed lightly. “You think you’re going to overwhelm me? Maybe I’m concerned about the same thing. I don’t want this to be bad for you. It seems like this is a little... monumental for you. ” Maybe she should have avoided any references to monuments. She didn’t want him to think her expectations were that high.

“Quinn, it’s not monumental because it’s my first time ever. It’s important because it’s the first time with you. Nothing could be more important than that.”

“Then kiss me so we can stop debating it.”

She said it playfully, but it was definitely more of an order. Rain didn’t mind, he figured your average male would be over-thinking this moment. He was, but then again, so was his bear. Two opinions on what they should do were hard to drown out.

Kissing Quinn that was an easy thing to do. Kissing her made him feel like he actually had a grasp on the world swirling around him. Nothing mattered when he had her taste, her breath in his mouth, making him feel like he’d just conquered an army. School, graduating, even his clan came so far down the list compared to her.

Rain loved that the moment he kissed her, she started to moan. It was like she couldn’t help it. His bear he realized was keeping up a low rumble in his chest. As he leaned over her on the bed, he crawled over, careful not to put all his weight on her.

His hands started moving over her, feeling the firmness and curves under her clothes. He let his hand slip under the edge of her shirt, his thumb brushing the soft delicate skin.

“Rain, are you going to drag this out? For real?”

Rain leaned down and placed a kiss on the two inches of skin he’d revealed at her waist before looking up at her. “Yes.”

He heard her moan in frustration, then in annoyance when he went back to place open mouthed kisses along her waistband.

Pushing her shirt up, he revealed more skin for his mouth to explore. The sweet sounds coming out of her drove Rain on instinctually. The stroke of a finger, the touch of his lips, and the slide of his tongue was all led by her. Rain had pulled her shirt off with Quinn removing her bra before he could even think of figuring out the catches.

He was face to face with beautiful breasts that were topped with soft pink nipples. Without planning he swooped down pulling one taut peak into his mouth. Quinn arched under him and her hands wound into his hair.

“Your breasts are beautiful, and delicious,” he said before treating the other side to a long wet pull of his mouth.

“I don’t think delicious is an option for skin,” she gasped.

Rain let out a low growl. “You have no idea how good you taste. I know what your mouth tastes like. I know what your nipples taste like. I’ll have to think up some better descriptions for when I get my mouth on your pussy, because I don’t think delicious is going to cut it.”

“Now I know you’re a virgin,” she said with a laugh that wasn’t cruel, just amused.

“I know what you will taste like, as much as I know that I love you. It’s simple, you were made for me.”

With that, he unbuttoned her pants and deftly removed them leaving her in nothing but a pair of green cotton panties.

“Green, my favorite color,” he murmured as he ran his nose along her cleft. Breathing in her musky floral scent, he felt his mouth start to water. It was just as he thought, delicious. Every kiss, every touch built his confidence. Her moans came in direct response to his touch and he used it as a guide to what she liked, what she wanted, and what she needed.

“Rain, that’s so good,” she mewled.

Pressing ahead, he slipped a finger under the band of the soft cotton and tugged it slowly. He wanted to unwrap her like a package, a long awaited gift that he had dreamed about for years and years. He didn’t want to rush it. He wanted every moment of anticipation and excitement. The static charge of adrenaline that was addictive and teasing at the same time.

Shifting to bring his other hand up to the waistband, he eased the fabric over her hips and down her legs, keeping his face close to the honey that was beckoning to him. His hands may have moved, but his eyes stayed on hers until the panties were tossed off the bed. Then he looked down to find a thin line of soft brown, short hair that led in a line to what he wanted.

What he really wanted was something he had dreamed about, something he’d imagined time after time. There wasn’t anything to compare to what the reality was in front of him. Rain wanted to take his time. He wanted to savor every moment, but there was an air of urgency. His desire for his mate was strong, but his desire to please himself was also there. Sure it was selfish, but it didn’t make it untrue.

“Quinn, tell me it’s okay. Tell me that I can have all of you.”

“Rain, you don’t have to keep asking. I’m here, I’m ready, and I’m willing. This is what I want. If I didn’t want this I wouldn’t be here. If you want me to do something just ask, otherwise I’ll let you know if I change my mind.”

He gave her a concerned look. “Is there a chance you might change your mind? Let me know now so I can keep my ears open.”

Rain was only half joking. He would never do anything that Quinn didn’t want him to do, yet there was also the chance that he may keep going and not hear her. It was already very noisy in his head, with his bear trying to direct the show. Missing anything she said would kill him if he did something that she didn’t want him to do.

Rain was startled as Quinn sat up on the bed, coming face-to-face to him. “Rain, just fuck me.”

Quinn pressed her lips against his and Rain used his hands to cup her face as he kissed her back. He really needed to stop overthinking it. They were together; the Fates wanted them to be together, there shouldn’t be any hesitation. Pushing her back down onto the bed, Rain slid his hands into hers and raised her arms up over her head. He used one of his knees to push her thighs wide, opening her to him.

Rain kissed his way down her body, kissing the small places that he hadn’t gotten to before. The small dent at the bottom of her throat, the line between her breasts, the rib that stuck out as she arched her back, and down the side of her torso. He kept his mouth open as he continued placing soft kisses over her hip and down onto her thigh as he got close to what he really wanted.